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Building Bridges to the Unity of Humanity

Building bridges to the Unity of Humamity will require a plan?

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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I added a quote where Abdul'baha talks about the process.

It appears the Unites Nations is close to the process of the structure anticipated, but without the given power of enforcement.

Stands to reason, as Abdul'baha said that in the 20th century it would be firmly established, we have the body, we have not given it the power to enforce international law. If we did, the boarders would not have been crossed by the aggressors.

Regards Tony
Hey thanks Tony for trying to give answers.
How long is this piece of string? Well Abdul'baha and Shoghi Effendi gave us more information. Abdul'baha foretold of the 2nd world war and the establishment of the United Nations after the first world war. Shoghi Effendi has given us signs of the 3rd world conflict, and does say America faces great Perils. We are told no Nation will be exempt from facing what will cause the limbs of mankind to quake, but what is that?
Now about this... That is the same message that Christians have... People will keep doing what they always do, and then the end will come.

But the difference is that Jesus comes after the Tribulations and wars... Not a couple of hundred years before. He, they say, will establish God's kingdom on Earth... Not just leave a plan.

So, there are some problems as to how other religions say things will go down during the end times.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Have the Baha'i as an organization, ever in their history taken part in any social movement on the behalf of some non-bahai group? Active and real action. Not just hopes and prayers.
In the 80's, there were lots of Peace groups. Some of my Baha'i friends did go to their meetings or had them speak at a Baha'i meeting.

But some Baha'is thought their time was better spent doing Baha'is things and promoting their religions. In other words, it was a waste of their time. What they've got going is potentially the new world governing body.

But that was kind of the problem I saw. Liberal Baha'is did get involved with other people. Conservative Baha'is were just into Baha'i stuff.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
It may not be the intent, but I'm talking about the likely effect.

What features of your plan would prevent conflicts like the Korean War?
Firstly can we please not call it my plan, I am offering a summary of the essential components required in the "Proposed Plan" given by Baha'u'llah, thus not mine but the "Proposed Plan" I am not the architect or draftsperson, this is an awareness session where aspects of the plan are being introduced.

The unity of the Nations in support and enforcement of International law. With the Korean War a UN Resolution would have been voted upon and the decision acted upon, it would not have been 5 years of tensions and fears of who would enter the war would not have been raised. The Soviet Union and China would have voted on the resolution about the North Invading the South.

Everyone would know where the Nations stood, the vote would have become enforceable by all Nations, North Korea would not have been able to invade as China and Russia would have to support the effort in ridding North Korea of the aggressors.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
As Plato would say, if he spoke English, The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.
Yeah, like right now... What is the Baha'i proposal for peace in the Middle-East? What do they suggest to solve the problems between the Palestinians and Israel?

If they have a solution that was given to them by God, then why not put it into action? But they can't.

They can only talk about it. And say, "Well, our prophet said all people are one and to abolish all prejudices." Yes, that's all we need. Get the two sides to stop hating and killing each other. I don't understand why they don't listen?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Now about this... That is the same message that Christians have... People will keep doing what they always do, and then the end will come.

But the difference is that Jesus comes after the Tribulations and wars... Not a couple of hundred years before. He, they say, will establish God's kingdom on Earth... Not just leave a plan.

So, there are some problems as to how other religions say things will go down during the end times.
That comes back to what I have offered CG, that Biblical prophecy is timeless and spands many centuries. Shoghi Effendi has quoted the Bible verses that predict 2/3 of the population being destroyed, saying that those passages are still very applicable.

Where are the past great civilisations? Baha'u'llah says humanity’s history is very ancient, that much has been lost to time and events that have erased the records.

Do you think SiFi is all absolute fiction, I do not, some is, but I think we draw on what the future can hold. How many disaster movies of toppled cities are there!

Anyway, I see we could have many hours of great chats over a good culpa coffee. Stay safe CG. It does appear that many ancient promisses and warnings are reaching the 12th hour. Fair warning was given.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
In the 80's, there were lots of Peace groups. Some of my Baha'i friends did go to their meetings or had them speak at a Baha'i meeting.

But some Baha'is thought their time was better spent doing Baha'is things and promoting their religions. In other words, it was a waste of their time. What they've got going is potentially the new world governing body.

But that was kind of the problem I saw. Liberal Baha'is did get involved with other people. Conservative Baha'is were just into Baha'i stuff.
Yep. Same. I had Baha'i friend who also got involved the the issues of the world in real, caring and pragmatic ways. Which is why I specified, " the Baha'i as an organization." The first Baha'i I met was when I was 19 and we were all on paint crews at a local university. They were amazing, caring and involved people. It was because of them that I became interested in the Baha'i. That interest inevitably led to disappointment.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
In the 80's, there were lots of Peace groups. Some of my Baha'i friends did go to their meetings or had them speak at a Baha'i meeting.

But some Baha'is thought their time was better spent doing Baha'is things and promoting their religions. In other words, it was a waste of their time. What they've got going is potentially the new world governing body.

But that was kind of the problem I saw. Liberal Baha'is did get involved with other people. Conservative Baha'is were just into Baha'i stuff.
That shows little knowledge of what many Baha'i do CG and how lives are focused on serving in any way they can.

In my neck of the woods, back in the 80's we were in a small Baha'i Community on the Atherton Tablelands in far North Queensland Australia. One of the Baha'i Children, a female, participated in our activities and became very active. As an Adult she moved to America to represent the Baha'i on the United Nations and now serves on the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of America, she still participates in the UN consultative processes.

Her UN profile

This is one of hundreds of thousands of efforts to promote peace amongst the Nations, each person in their own way with their given capacity.

Regards Tony


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Firstly can we please not call it my plan, I am offering a summary of the essential components required in the "Proposed Plan" given by Baha'u'llah, thus not mine but the "Proposed Plan" I am not the architect or draftsperson, this is an awareness session where aspects of the plan are being introduced.

You've been talking about the United Nations and weapons of mass destruction. This is not the plan of someone who died in 1896.

The unity of the Nations in support and enforcement of International law. With the Korean War a UN Resolution would have been voted upon and the decision acted upon, it would not have been 5 years of tensions and fears of who would enter the war would not have been raised.

You mean a resolution like this one?

The Soviet Union and China would have voted on the resolution about the North Invading the South.

The Soviet Union had the opportunity to vote on - or even veto - the resolution but chose to abstain.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Yep. Same. I had Baha'i friend who also got involved the the issues of the world in real, caring and pragmatic ways. Which is why I specified, " the Baha'i as an organization." The first Baha'i I met was when I was 19 and we were all on paint crews at a local university. They were amazing, caring and involved people. It was because of them that I became interested in the Baha'i. That interest inevitably led to disappointment.
That is because the Baha'i Organisation is for Administration of the Baha'i Faith, it is not a political entity.

This Administration provides people in a consultative capacity to any progressive group that appreciates the input available to the Baha'i.

It is individual Baha'i that participate in group activities at the Local level that builds the capacity of unity.

We have conversations such as this, and little by little the principles requited to build world unity and peace permeates the mind of man.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
You've been talking about the United Nations and weapons of mass destruction. This is not the plan of someone who died in 1896.
It was indeed ;) As such you may be ble to consider the vision available to Baha'u'llah was God given.

No one knew that plan better than Abdul'baha who was educated by Baha'u'llah and then Shoghi Effendi, educated by Abdul'baha, who gave further details.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
That is because the Baha'i Organisation is for Administration of the Baha'i Faith, it is not a political entity.
As my evaluation of the organization was not on the basis of whether or not it was a political entity your "because" is twaddle. You are grasping for any bromide, no matter how colorless .


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
As my evaluation of the organization was not on the basis of whether or not it was a political entity your "because" is twaddle. You are grasping for any bromide, no matter how colorless .
I personally grasp onto the unity and oneness of all humanity and live my life in that light. You get to give credit, or discredit anything you wish too.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
What about the "badness" of some people? The peace plan laid out in the Book of Revelation has Jesus come back on a white horse and slay all the evil kings and rulers. What is the Baha'i plan for greedy, evil, just plain old bad people? Because I know Baha'u'llah made laws allowing for the killing or murderers and arsons. If things were going to be all lovey dovey then there would be no need for those laws.
The idea that peace will not have people that choose the wrong path would naive. Thus the laws given by Baha'u'llah also allow for the Universal House of Justice to enact and repeal laws that are not already written. Baha'u'llah has given mandatory laws with maximum and allowable penalties with the allowance with maximum penalties to be life imprisonment. That is for the Most Great Peace

The lesser peace and the Federation of Nations will set and enact its own laws. Logically any weapon designed to take out multiple people will not be owned by the Nations, they will have weapons for internal policing, no other people will be abke to own a weapon.

Thus America general population will be finally be free of guns, the governments will not be naive, there will be a criminal element that will not abide by laws, thus the National law keepers will be adequately armed to counter such criminal elements.

Regards Tony
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The idea that peace will not have people that choose the wrong path would naive. Thus the laws given by Baha'u'llah also allow for the Universal House of Justice to enact and repeal laws that are not already written. Baha'u'llah has given mandatory laws with maximum and allowable penalties with the allowance with maximum penalties to be life imprisonment. That is for the Most Great Peace

The lesser peace and the Federation of Nations will set and enact its own laws. Logically any weapon designed to take out multiple people will not be owned by the Nations, they will have weapons for internal policing, no other people will be abke to own a weapon.

Thus America general population will be finally be free of guns, the governments will not be naive, there will be a criminal element that will not abide by laws, thus the National law keepers will be adequately armed to counter such criminal elements.

Regards Tony
Where do we draw the line between a supposed law abiding citizen and a criminal? Especially with white collar criminals.

Probably a lot of criminals are just trying to make a buck. The Baha'i plan does have a lot to say about economics. Is there a way to "build" a bridge to those people that chose a life of crime, because, for them, there is no other way. Work at a low paying dead end job or sell drugs or steal?

But then again, how many seemingly "honest" people lie, cheat and steal in small ways? Who's completely innocent? Because I'm wondering about that young man that gets caught stealing three times and, under Baha'i law, gets a tattoo on his forehead and run out of town.

Unless everybody is Holy and perfect, things aren't going to work. Those that can, will find ways to use the system for wealth and power. Those that can't will lurk in the underbelly of society and do the things they need to do to survive.

What you going to do? Give them money? Send them to school? Or, write them off as useless and throw in jail.

Anyway, back to the Baha'i plan... maybe you could talk about some of those economic ideas... like getting rid of the extremes of wealth and poverty.