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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Veteran Member
I'm a Christian but I believe Jesus' Second Coming Messages (i.e. The Padgett Messages, 1914 to present) are more perfect that the New Testament. The New Testament was reworked and expanded by the priests under Constantine and it is now a mashup of theological theories much of which appealed to the Roman pagans of that day. Jesus was 100% human and came to teach the way to the Kingdom of God through the re-birth. He taught moral precepts, too, because he knew few would understand the re-birth. The rebirth in a nutshell is this: God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for everyday, and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him.
I agree with one's words em-"bold"-ened by me .

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm a Christian but I believe Jesus' Second Coming Messages (i.e. The Padgett Messages, 1914 to present) are more perfect that the New Testament. The New Testament was reworked and expanded by the priests under Constantine and it is now a mashup of theological theories much of which appealed to the Roman pagans of that day. Jesus was 100% human and came to teach the way to the Kingdom of God through the re-birth. He taught moral precepts, too, because he knew few would understand the re-birth. The rebirth in a nutshell is this: God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for everyday, and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him.
What is the basis for saying that the New Testament "is now a mashup of theological theories much of which appealed to the Roman pagans of that day". Modern Bibles are based on the oldest and best texts available, using excellent translation techniques. If you are referring to the canon of the New Testament, that is something altogether different.

If the New Testament "is now a mashup of theological theories", how do you know that "Jesus was 100% human and came to teach the way to the Kingdom of God through the re-birth" and that He taught moral precepts? Aren't you basing those concepts on the New Testament?

While it is true that "God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for everyday, and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him", that is not the definition of rebirth. Ephesians 2:8-10 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Notice that the New Testament says that God's saving grace (not rebirth) is a gift, not something earned by prayer.

Are you actually claiming that The Padgett Messages that were received by one man in the early 20th Century are more authoritative than the New Testament???

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
What is the basis for saying that the New Testament "is now a mashup of theological theories much of which appealed to the Roman pagans of that day".
Jesus’ Good News of the re-bestowal of God's Gift of his Divine Love (Essence/Nature–withdrawn after the default of the first parents), agapē in the Greek New Testament, which he taught and demonstrated in his person as the re-birth (“born again,” “born from above,” “born of God”) into the Kingdom of God, was essentially lost to future generations (though some found it) in the extensive editing, rewriting and expanding of the various records and letters of his early disciples when the New Testament as we know it was being created by priests under the direction of Constantine of Rome who wanted a single mandatory state religion to consolidate his power and didn't care whether it was paganism or Christianity but knew that Christians would choose death over paganism, and so, went with Christianity. Constantine, 9/5/1916
Are you actually claiming that The Padgett Messages that were received by one man in the early 20th Century are more authoritative than the New Testament???
Thank you. I will stop calling them the Padgett Messages. They are a lot more extensive than that sounds and, in fact, are still coming today. They are not the work of one man.

Yes, they are more authoritative.

"Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father." Jesus, 29 AD (John 16:25)

Jesus' Second Coming Message Series began in 1914, just before the beginning of the 1st World War. Jesus selected one James E. Padgett, an attorney, actually the Assistant District Attorney of Washington D.C., as his instrument for receiving these messages through automatic writing. It was necessary for Jesus to "coach" Mr. Padgett for many months on continuing to earnestly pray for the receipt of God's Love before the necessary rapport could be established to accurately receive the full content of the messages that Jesus intended to deliver to the world.

It was also difficult for Mr. Padgett, a Methodist Sunday School Teacher to overcome His doubts that this was really Jesus of the Bible communicating with him. It was quite a serious problem which was only resolved by the flowing, more and more, of God's Love into his soul as he prayed for it.

Since Mr. Padgett's passing in 1923, various other persons of sensitive nature have been tagged to deliver the continuing series of messages by various methods, all of whom had to be developed in their possession of the Divine Love to the extent necessary to achieve rapport with the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God who had messages to deliver. This guaranteed (to the extent possible) that only Truth would be delivered to us.

To date, in this Series, there are thousands (over 6,000?) of messages from hundreds of spirit beings through dozens of inspired/developed mediums. They can be found at soultruth.ca and newbirth.net

Following is the true "Lord's Prayer" that Jesus taught his disciples to pray before extended periods of silent communion with God. "...Could you not watch with me one hour?" (Matthew 26:40)

The Prayer to the Father to Receive His Divine Love

"Our Father in heaven, we recognize:
That You Are–are all holy and loving and merciful, and that we are the children of Your care and not the subservient, sinful and depraved creatures that our false teachers would have us believe.

"That we are the greatest of Your creations and the most wonderful of all Your handiworks, and that we are the objects of Your great soul-love and tenderest care.

"That Your will is that we become at-one with You and partake of the great love which You have given to us through Your mercy and desire that we become, in truth, Your children; and not through the sacrifice and death of any one of Your creatures.

"That You will open up our souls to the inflowing of Your love, and that then will come Your Holy Spirit to bring into our souls, this, Your love in great abundance until our souls may be transformed into the very essence of Yourself; and that there may come to us faith–such faith as will cause us to realize that we are truly Your children and that we are one with You in very substance and not in image only.

"Give us such faith as will cause us to know that You are our Father and the giver of every good and perfect gift, and that only we, ourselves, can prevent Your love changing us from the mortal to the immortal.

"May we never cease to realize that Your love is waiting for each and all of us, and that when we come to You in faith and earnest aspiration, Your love will never be withheld from us.

"Keep us in the shadow of Your love every hour and moment of our lives, and help us to overcome all temptations of the flesh and the influences of the power of the evil ones, who so constantly surround us and endeavor to turn our thoughts away from You to the pleasures and allurements of this world.

"We thank You for Your love and for the possibility of receiving it, and believe that You are our Father–the loving Father who smiles upon us in our weakness, and is always ready to help us and take us to His arms of love.

"We pray this with all the earnestness and longing of our souls, and trusting in Your love give You all the glory and honor and love that our finite souls can give.”
Jesus, 12/2/1916 AD

Thanks for your questions! I apologize for the delay and if I didn't answer all of them.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
More happiness in giving? Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38 Do you have a good experience to share? :sparklingheart:

My younger brother was very upset with me, he said one of my sons stole his bicycle, I did not know if that was true, but I decided to buy my brother a brand new 10 speed bicycle.. My brother was very happy and started to treat me with more kindness, and by this new kindness my brother was giving me it made me feel better to give him more kindness.
It did not last forever, but giving did pay off big time for both of us!

I Am Hugh

Which parts of what? Do you mean the Bible?

Every bit of it. Some of it requires a symbolic explanation though, while other parts require a literal interpretation.

Being aware of the Bible’s main theme (the vindication of God’s Sovereignty & his name YHWH / Yahweh / Jehovah) and accepting its 66-book-canon in its entirety ( its canon from Genesis to Revelation) helps in seeing its harmony in deciphering which parts are literal and which parts are figurative, i.e., symbolic.

In all honesty though, I didn’t learn this on my own. Rather, I was taught this by Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was then, in my late teens, that I found the Bible to be authentic.

I’ve been a student of it ever since!

Then you know parts of the Bible are spurious and so you don't believe all of it. Plus, you know that when the Bible says a snake talked the snake didn't talk, that Eve was deceived. You know that it wasn't the Nephilim the scouts saw when scouting out the land, they were only cowards, all the Nephilim had perished in the flood. You know it isn't entirely accurate to say that you believe every bit of the Bible.


Veteran Member

By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...​

I am not a Pauline-Christians, the same way (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah was never a Christian, right, please?
Yeshua- the Israelite truthful Messiah, I understand, was through and through a human being who had direct Converse with One G-d, in his first coming the same way in his Second Coming 1835-1908 he is through and through a human being with whom One G-d has Conversed directly, one to one, please, right?



"What religion was Jesus?
Of course, Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues."
Jesus Many Faces - He Was Born, Lived And Died As A Jew | From Jesus To Christ | FRONTLINE | PBS


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Try re-reading what I wrote.
Just reading what Jesus said at Matthew 24:36 - "“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Only the Father knows. Not the Son (him) or the angels in heaven. Only the Father.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Try re-reading what I wrote.
I did. Here's what you said: "The Bible clearly states that Jesus was a human being when He died. He gave up His status as 1/3 of the Godhead and, as a human, was sacrificed to pay the required penalty for all sin, then was resurrected three days later and His status as 1/3 of the Godhead was restored." So then would you conclude in your belief that 2/3 of the godhead remained when Jesus came to the earth?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I did. Here's what you said: "The Bible clearly states that Jesus was a human being when He died. He gave up His status as 1/3 of the Godhead and, as a human, was sacrificed to pay the required penalty for all sin, then was resurrected three days later and His status as 1/3 of the Godhead was restored." So then would you conclude in your belief that 2/3 of the godhead remained when Jesus came to the earth?
Hi, @jimb -- I hope you're doing ok. Just wondering how you figure about what Jesus said in reference to him not knowing something, that only the Father (he left out about the holy spirit third) knew. Matthew 24:36 - "“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." So can you explain more about that trinity of equal thirds as you seem to put it when Jesus said "only the Father knows." Looking forward to your answer. Thanks.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
his Second Coming 1835-1908
That was an interesting lead to follow. I wondered to whom you were referring, so I Googled it. Who was born and died in those years? I guess it's not too difficult to guess which of these people you mean or what your religious orientation is (recall that you declined to answer when I asked why you answer with "right, please?" and suggested that it might be like reading PBUH and G-d from some posters):
  • Empress Dowager Cixi (29 November 1835 – 15 November 1908) was a Manchu noblewoman of the Yehe Nara clan who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty as empress dowager and regent for almost 50 years
  • Joseph Stanislaw August Friedrich Joseph Telêmaco Luci Poniatowski (9 November 1835 – 6 January 1908) was a Polish nobleman, member of the House of Poniatowski.
  • Tomás Estrada Palma (July 9, 1835 – November 8, 1908) was a Cuban politician. He was a professor and politician from Bayamo, the first President of the Republic of Cuba.
  • Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdī—which is the metaphorical second-coming of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfillment of the Islamic prophecies regarding the end times, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That was an interesting lead to follow. I wondered to whom you were referring, so I Googled it. Who was born and died in those years? I guess it's not too difficult to guess which of these people you mean or what your religious orientation is (recall that you declined to answer when I asked why you answer with "right, please?" and suggested that it might be like reading PBUH and G-d from some posters):
  • Empress Dowager Cixi (29 November 1835 – 15 November 1908) was a Manchu noblewoman of the Yehe Nara clan who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty as empress dowager and regent for almost 50 years
  • Joseph Stanislaw August Friedrich Joseph Telêmaco Luci Poniatowski (9 November 1835 – 6 January 1908) was a Polish nobleman, member of the House of Poniatowski.
  • Tomás Estrada Palma (July 9, 1835 – November 8, 1908) was a Cuban politician. He was a professor and politician from Bayamo, the first President of the Republic of Cuba.
  • Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdī—which is the metaphorical second-coming of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfillment of the Islamic prophecies regarding the end times, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.
Sorry to say I've noticed @paarsurrey does not like to answer too many questions, does like to post his opinion though. :) Right, please, @paarsurrey?


Veteran Member
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdī—which is the metaphorical second-coming of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfillment of the Islamic prophecies regarding the end times, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.
Yes, he was, I understand, Second Coming and the End-Time Reformer of all Religions, right you are, I agree.



Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Then you know parts of the Bible are spurious and so you don't believe all of it. Plus, you know that when the Bible says a snake talked the snake didn't talk, that Eve was deceived. You know that it wasn't the Nephilim the scouts saw when scouting out the land, they were only cowards, all the Nephilim had perished in the flood. You know it isn't entirely accurate to say that you believe every bit of the Bible.
Hey “I Am Hugh”.

Spurious? No i don’t believe that. Utilizing figurative speech at times, yes. Do we need help with interpretation? (Luke 10:21) Definitely!

Lets take your examples…..

you know that when the Bible says a snake talked the snake didn't talk, that Eve was deceived.
No, the snake wasn’t talking. Being manipulated, yes. Like being a ventriloquist’s puppet. (The Devil is called the “original serpent” / “that old serpent “. Revelation 12:9
You know that it wasn't the Nephilim the scouts saw when scouting out the land….
No, there were no more Nephilim per se, as in hybrid sons of the “angels who sinned” (2 Peter 2:4), but nephilim means fellers, and that could apply to many people (like Goliath.)
…all the Nephilim had perished in the flood.
Yes, that’s right.
You know it isn't entirely accurate to say that you believe every bit of the Bible.

Yes I do. (Surety the One who loves us & created the universe, is capable of controlling & protecting His Book against His enemies / Enemy! Don’t you think ?)

It’s understanding it, that can be the tricky part! But then again, as Jesus implied, we need his Father’s help to do so.- Matthew 11:25
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Veteran Member

By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...

I am not a Pauline-Christians, the same way (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah was never a Christian, right, please?
Yeshua- the Israelite truthful Messiah, I understand, was through and through a human being who had direct Converse with One G-d, in his first coming the same way in his Second Coming 1835-1908 he is through and through a human being with whom One G-d has Conversed directly, one to one, please, right?

"What religion was Jesus?
Of course, Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues."
Jesus Many Faces - He Was Born, Lived And Died As A Jew | From Jesus To Christ | FRONTLINE | PBS

Yes, he was, I understand, Second Coming and the End-Time Reformer of all Religions, right you are, I agree.

his Second Coming 1835-1908
It Aint Necessarily So said:
That was an interesting lead to follow. I wondered to whom you were referring, so I Googled it. Who was born and died in those years? I guess it's not too difficult to guess which of these people you mean or what your religious orientation is (recall that you declined to answer when I asked why you answer with "right, please?" and suggested that it might be like reading PBUH and G-d from some posters):
  • Empress Dowager Cixi (29 November 1835 – 15 November 1908) was a Manchu noblewoman of the Yehe Nara clan who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty as empress dowager and regent for almost 50 years
  • Joseph Stanislaw August Friedrich Joseph Telêmaco Luci Poniatowski (9 November 1835 – 6 January 1908) was a Polish nobleman, member of the House of Poniatowski.
  • Tomás Estrada Palma (July 9, 1835 – November 8, 1908) was a Cuban politician. He was a professor and politician from Bayamo, the first President of the Republic of Cuba.
  • Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdī—which is the metaphorical second-coming of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfillment of the Islamic prophecies regarding the end times, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.
What is one's query, I would like to answer, now?
YoursTrue said:
OK -- try to answer this, if you will, please: why are you so against Paul?
I have no personal grievance against Saul aka Paul.
I like Christians, they are good people, right?


I Am Hugh

Hey “I Am Hugh”.

Hey, Hockeycowboy, how are you?

Spurious? No i don’t believe that. Utilizing figurative speech at times, yes. Needing help with interpretation? (Luke 10:21) Definitely!

Lets take your examples…..

Okay, we can do that, but the examples I gave weren't specifically spurious. By spurious I mean these. The examples I gave are when the Bible says something that isn't true, but are given from the perspective of someone who either thought they were true or were misled.

No, the snake wasn’t talking. Being manipulated, yes. Like being a ventriloquist’s puppet. (The Devil is called the “original serpent” / “that old serpent “. Revelation 12:9

Agreed. But it says in Genesis 3:4 You will certainly not die. That was not true. The Bible says it, but it isn't true as the context will bear. It was Satan's deception.

No, there were no more Nephilim per se, as in hybrid sons of the “angels who sinned” (2 Peter 2:4), but nephilim means fellers, and that could apply to many people (like Goliath.)

Yes, I agree, but that wasn't the intent of the report, to say that people like Goliath were there, because that was certainly true. It's why the cowardly reporters reported what they did.

A Report Intended to Terrorize. The ten spies who brought back to the Israelites in the wilderness a false report on the land of Canaan declared: “All the people whom we saw in the midst of it are men of extraordinary size. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes.” No doubt there were some large men in Canaan, as other scriptures show, but never except in this “bad report,” which was carefully couched in language designed to strike terror and cause panic among the Israelites, are they called Nephilim.—Nu 13:31-33; 14:36, 37. (Source)

Yes, that’s right.

I think we actually agree on all of this.

Yes I do. (Surety the One who loves us & created the universe, is capable of controlling & protecting His Book against His enemies / Enemy! Don’t you think ?)

Well, I have no doubt, but the better question is, would he see fit to do so? Stumbling blocks are unfortunate, but they aren't necessarily the responsibility of Jehovah God to protect us from them. That is more likely our own responsibility.

It’s understanding it, that can be the tricky part!

Boy, you're telling me! :confused:

But then again, as Jesus implied, we need his Father’s help to do so.- Matthew 11:25

And we've been given it.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Agreed. But it says in Genesis 3:4 You will certainly not die. That was not true. The Bible says it, but it isn't true as the context will bear.
The Bible was quoting Satan. It was his words to Eve. The Bible (well, Moses was given the information) was just recording / documenting the conversation.

That in no way makes the Bible wrong …. anymore than it makes me wrong if someone told me they saw George Washington walking down the street and then I told you what this liar said.

If the Bible didn’t record the lie (in Genesis 3), then we wouldn’t understand why Jesus called Satan the “father of the lie” @ John 8:44.

— Am I missing your point? —
It was Satan's deception.
Yes… and it was recorded as such.
I think we actually agree on all of this.
That’s great!
Those who let themselves be “taught by Jehovah” (Isaiah 54:13), always agree! And have “peace”. See Isaiah 2:2-4.
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