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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Well-Known Member
How many languages are you fluent in?
Hebrew? Aramaic? Greek? Arabic? English?

It's like saying His name is not Dieu, it is God.

Do you think G-d cares what language our mother-tongue is? I don't.
..but He does care if we are narrow-minded and refuse to learn. :neutral:
According to Yeshua, who the Koran defines as a messenger of God, the "Way" to "life" is "narrow" (Mt 7:14), and that if one doesn't heed his message, their "house", their church, will "fall" (Mt 7:24-26). The prophet Joel, in Joel 2:31 states that one must call on the name of the LORD (YHWH) to "escape"/"survive" the day of the LORD. YHWH
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.
Exodus 3:14 And God said to Moses, “I am what I am.” And He said, “Thus shall you say to the Israelites, ‘Ehyeh (I-Am) sent me to you.’”
Exodus 3:15 And God said further to Moses, “Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: ‘YHWH, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This shall be My name forever, this My appellation for all eternity.”


Veteran Member
God has many names..
The whole point, is that people of old had many gods .. they were polytheists.

God Almighty is saying not to call on any other gods, but you interpret it as
a Hebrew word that is important ..

We shall all find out on the Day of Judgement, shall we not?
..but better to know now..

It is our intentions and deeds that G-d is concerned with..


Well-Known Member
God has many names..
The whole point, is that people of old had many gods .. they were polytheists.

God Almighty is saying not to call on any other gods, but you interpret it as
a Hebrew word that is important ..

We shall all find out on the Day of Judgement, shall we not?
..but better to know now..

It is our intentions and deeds that G-d is concerned with..
What is important are deeds, not "intentions", best expressed by James 2:14-17 & Matthew 25:41-42. "Faith, if it has no works is dead", whereas those who did not feed the hungry will be "accursed" and sanctioned to the "eternal fire". The God of Israel, Abraham, and Isaac crushed Israel when they sinned and worshipped other gods. God promised Israel a redemption because of their name (Ez 36:21-23), for which they would be "gathered out of the nations" and placed back on the land given to Jacob/Israel (Ez 36:28). That land when the state of Israel was established in 1948 was a wilderness, and now it is a land of milk and honey, to glorify the name of the LORD. There are two days of judgment. One is the "day of the LORD" (Joel 2:31) which is at the door (Mt 24:29-33), called Har-Magedon (Great tribulation) (Rev 16:16), which starts at Jerusalem, whereas the neighboring nations of Jerusalem are destroyed, and the "panic of the LORD will fall upon them", whereas the "hand of one will be lifted against the hand of another" (Zech 14:12-14), as with the Sunni versus the Shia, and Judah will also fight at Jerusalem, whereas the wealth of gold and silver will be gathered from the surrounding nations, and a plague will fall on all the nations. The other judgement, after a 1000 years (Rev 20), is the white thrown judgment, whereas everyone is raised from the dead, and judged by their deeds (Rev 20:11-12). False beliefs or kissing the black stone will not save anyone, and the results of the Muslim black stone gaining eyes a mouth, and arguing your case will not help. Your deeds are already recording in the book of remembrance. The Kaaba was the receptacle of all the idols, with the black stone being one of those idols. The black stone does not suck up your sins when you kiss it, even if you do the 7 round abouts, which is a ritual in image of the march around Jericho by Joshua/Yeshua. Jericho is now the central city of the Palestinian Authority, which now acts with respect to the whims of the Israeli army, and whose time is on the clock.


Veteran Member
What is important are deeds, not "intentions"..
..but what is behind our deeds, if not intention?

eg. a person gives to the poor, and has an intention of 'showing-off', and another person
gives to the poor, and says nothing and keeps it hidden

Your deeds are already recording in the book of remembrance..
..and what does that mean to you .. a literal book??
To me, it simply means that G-d is aware of the future.
If not, then how do you know about "Har-Magedon"?


Well-Known Member
..but what is behind our deeds, if not intention?

eg. a person gives to the poor, and has an intention of 'showing-off', and another person
gives to the poor, and says nothing and keeps it hidden

..and what does that mean to you .. a literal book??
To me, it simply means that G-d is aware of the future.
If not, then how do you know about "Har-Magedon"?
Har-Magedon, a Revelation of Yeshua in Revelation 16:16, is the same event of the "great tribulation" given by Yeshua in Matthew 24:29-33. Scripture is a revelation of the present, past, and future. According to Yeshua, those who tell of their good deeds in the congregation, they have already received their reward. For those who keep quiet, their reward is multiplied.


Jesus in me
Evidently you do not understand how you have done so.

One simple question, have you ever claimed that the Noah's Ark worldwide flood story actually happened?
I believe I do not claim the flood was world wide and rivers flood often. By definition in a flood the waters cover the earth and there aren't many high points in Mesopotamia.


Jesus in me
Ironically, I've heard other Christians claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit, but their doctrine and interpretation of the Bible differ from yours. I'm sure that all of these other Christians believe that they are saved, guided by the Holy Spirit, and are genuine followers of Jesus, just as you believe you are. But if I were to guess a wager, I'd say that you believe you are correct about your preferred beliefs as a Christian, and other Christians who disagree with you are mistaken about theirs. And this is in spite of the fact that you all claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit. It appears to me that you or other Christians aren't following anything other than your own or someone else's preferences for scriptural interpretation and church doctrines. In fact, there are a smorgasbord of Christians who all claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit, but they adamantly disagree and argue about what the Bible actually teaches. Oddly enough, there are Christians who claim that their interpretation of the Bible and church doctrines are solely correct while adamantly insisting that other Christians who uphold different church doctrines and scriptural interpretation are clearly wrong in their beliefs. In my opinion, it stands to reason that the Bible isn't clear enough for Christians to interpret it correctly, which is why I believe that Christianity is so vastly divided into a plethora of diverse sects made up of Anglicans, Catholics, Messianic Jews, Orthodox Christians (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox), and a vast variety of Protestants: Baptists, Methodists, Nazarenes, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Mennonites, Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, and many other Protestants attending churches with distinctive doctrines and biblical interpretations. In fact, the division among Christians is as old as Christianity itself (1 Corinthians 1:10–17).
I believe it varies. My pastor is guided by the Holy Spirit but not all the time. We disagree about things and he will say the Bible says so but it is just his interpretation and not the leading of the Holy Spirit. Then there are those who think they have the Holy Spirit and do not. I know I do because I have fulfilled prophecy.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I believe it varies. My pastor is guided by the Holy Spirit but not all the time. We disagree about things and he will say the Bible says so but it is just his interpretation and not the leading of the Holy Spirit. Then there are those who think they have the Holy Spirit and do not.

I anticipated a response like this because it's typical for Christians to claim that they are led by the Holy Spirit while insisting that other Christians are not, despite their own claims to be so. Frankly, I see no reason to believe them or you, because I think you're just stating what you believe and want to be true.

I know I do because I have fulfilled prophecy.

What an interesting belief. I've met other Christians who believed the same about themselves, but upon further investigation, it was proven to be false.


Jesus in me
I anticipated a response like this because it's typical for Christians to claim that they are led by the Holy Spirit while insisting that other Christians are not, despite their own claims to be so. Frankly, I see no reason to believe them or you, because I think you're just stating what you believe and want to be true.

What an interesting belief. I've met other Christians who believed the same about themselves, but upon further investigation, it was proven to be false.
I believe that may be true for others but is not true for me. I can't be judged by what happens to someone else.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I believe God decides what is worth it and what isn't.
I do not think that you understand. You declared that all of the supposed events of the flood did not happen. That was the implication of your local flood claim. In other words you are saying that the purpose of the Flood was not the one given in the Bible. Your version of the flood would allow people to avoid it by taking to the high grounds
I do not think that you understand. You declared that all of the supposed events of the flood did not happen. That was the implication of your local flood claim. In other words you are saying that the purpose of the Flood was not the one given in the Bible. Your version of the flood would allow people to avoid it by taking to the high grounds
I believe the Biblical account of the Bible, that it happened just like Genesis 7 says and have no reason to believe otherwise.
Let’s see…believe science that changes, done by man who is in rebellion to God and his goal is to justify himself or believe the Creator and author of the Scriptures?
I believe what God says and will be proven correct in the end. That’s my view on things and looking forward to the Day when I see Him. I doubt if these things will even be brought up at that time.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I believe the Biblical account of the Bible, that it happened just like Genesis 7 says and have no reason to believe otherwise.
Let’s see…believe science that changes, done by man who is in rebellion to God and his goal is to justify himself or believe the Creator and author of the Scriptures?
I believe what God says and will be proven correct in the end. That’s my view on things and looking forward to the Day when I see Him. I doubt if these things will even be brought up at that time.
You would have very good reason to believe otherwise if you studied the world that God supposedly made. The evidence in the world is quite clearly against the flood of Noah. How could the biblical myths possibly shown to be right in the end? The only answer that I know of is that God would have had to have planted endless false evidence. But that would mean that God is a liar. What alternative do you have?
You would have very good reason to believe otherwise if you studied the world that God supposedly made. The evidence in the world is quite clearly against the flood of Noah. How could the biblical myths possibly shown to be right in the end? The only answer that I know of is that God would have had to have planted endless false evidence. But that would mean that God is a liar. What alternative do you have?
What you say is a myth is what I call supernatural events by a supernatural, all powerful God who has the ability to create things by speaking them into existence. The Flood was a supernatural event, the Resurrection was a supernatural event.
I know this God because whether you believe it or not He supernaturally delivered and changed me, continues to supernaturally provide for me.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I believe that may be true for others but is not true for me. I can't be judged by what happens to someone else.

Of course, you can believe whatever you want, Muffled, but I disagree with your personal religious beliefs and don't consider them to be objective facts.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What you say is a myth is what I call supernatural events by a supernatural, all powerful God who has the ability to create things by speaking them into existence. The Flood was a supernatural event, the Resurrection was a supernatural event.
I know this God because whether you believe it or not He supernaturally delivered and changed me, continues to supernaturally provide for me.
You do not seem to understand. The let's say that the myth occurred. Why don't we see the endless evidence for it that we should see. You want to claim that it was God magic. When did the God magic stop?

And you may believe that you know God, but once again, that is just a mere belief. People change quite often. Sometimes they attribute those changes to a false reason. That is why I ask people that believe this if hey have ever properly tested their belief and they never have. Also when it comes to matters of doctrine, or even the God that they believe in it will vary with person to person and sometimes by quite a lot. Their will be Muslims with the same claims. I am betting that there are Hindus with the same claims. There could even be Buddhists with the same claims.
You do not seem to understand. The let's say that the myth occurred. Why don't we see the endless evidence for it that we should see. You want to claim that it was God magic. When did the God magic stop?

And you may believe that you know God, but once again, that is just a mere belief. People change quite often. Sometimes they attribute those changes to a false reason. That is why I ask people that believe this if hey have ever properly tested their belief and they never have. Also when it comes to matters of doctrine, or even the God that they believe in it will vary with person to person and sometimes by quite a lot. Their will be Muslims with the same claims. I am betting that there are Hindus with the same claims. There could even be Buddhists with the same claims.
There is evidence but you dismiss it because you don’t like the source and only accept yours because it fits for you at the moment.