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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This is quite true. Many times it is Christians themselves that leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. I also know that there are wolves in sheep clothing masquerading as Christians which most people don’t realize

It is no small miracle, IMV, that the Gospel continues to have an impact in spite of what Christians do.

That being said, I also find a ton of Christians that live the lifestyle, show the love by word and deed.
Also referring to lifestyle, meaning I appreciate that the Bible has been preserved for centuries. Even at great sacrifices such as William Tyndale, killed for his role in translating the Bible to English.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That kinda reminds me of what I said when I gave my life to Christ.

I remember thinking, “Either the Bible is false or true. I’m gong to believe it is true and test the sucker! I’ll find out soon enough whether it is true or false”.

So I would say it is all testable for those who have faith. I haven’t been able to prove it false.

Of course, if one approaches it as not true, they will never find the capacity of what is written. Like a person in a race that says, “I’ll NEVER be able to get the gold medal”. He never will.

Or like the quote, “If you believe you can do a thing or can’t, you are right”.
I had a similar experience. I had to make a choice at a certain point. Either I believe the Bible or that which contradicts it. Or I try to blend the two. (Can't really be done...)
Romans 3:4 - By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.”


Veteran Member
That kinda reminds me of what I said when I gave my life to Christ.
And what did this decision change that you couldn't do for yourself without religion?

And who told you that "giving your life to Christ" is a thing? What did they tell you it means?
I remember thinking, “Either the Bible is false or true.
This is a trap you set for yourself. Works of fiction aren't examined this way. Many works of fiction include factual elements, like For Whom the Bell Tolls is set during the Spanish Civil War. A Tale of Two Cities takes place during the French Revolution. The Cauldron takes place during the battle of Arnhem, Holland, 1944. But no one approaches these books as true/false.

The Bible is most certainly not factual, thus not completelt true. So the trap of you deciding true/false is a huge fail. Someone told you to approach the Bible this way.
I’m gong to believe it is true and test the sucker! I’ll find out soon enough whether it is true or false”.
Why not approach the stories in the Bible with an educated framework, and be able to distill the embellishments from the factual parts? Jesus may have actually existed, but it's certain the supernatural elements are not factual and true. To assume the supernatural bits are true only distorts a rational interpretation. And the human misses the truth. Believers assume they have the "Truth", but it is merely irrational dogma that has been inherited from other non-rational believers.
So I would say it is all testable for those who have faith. I haven’t been able to prove it false.
Faith is unreliable and a very poor tool for discerning truth and reality. But Christians are sold the false belief that faith is reliable. Notice how many Christians disagree on what facts are in the 21st century. Faith is a catastrophe.
Of course, if one approaches it as not true, they will never find the capacity of what is written. Like a person in a race that says, “I’ll NEVER be able to get the gold medal”. He never will.
False. A thinker won't believe what is commonly proliferated when it isn't fact-based, plausible, and especially when contrary to fact. You assume the dogma you were taught, and you accepted, is true despite the inconsistency with reality the claims include. Yet not only is there no evidence for what you believe, much of it is contrary to fact and knowledge. Critical thinkers dismiss these claims. And we live rich lives free of the mental trap of religion.
Or like the quote, “If you believe you can do a thing or can’t, you are right”.
If you believe you can fly, then jump off the cliff. You will fly for a few seconds, thus correct.
And what I see is a snake oil salesman.

People are deluded by false doctors every day. Same with false religions. Some people are convinced they are healed that had nothing wrong to begin with, where the disease went away on its own, or where they are actually still sick.

That is why testable evidence is so important.

Again, if you have to believe first, before convincing evidence, you are only dealing with confirmation bias.
As a Christian I found this to be true:
”“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.“
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬-‭3‬, ‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

What I believe and experienced is that God has told me how to approach Him to receive His promises and blessings, He has delivered on them.

I found that His ways are not my ways nor my thoughts like His, that His ways and thoughts are way higher than mine and I trust Him.

For a lot of my life I used my own reasoning and took advice from the philosophy that you’re promoting and it left me empty and alone, my life is full now and I have a future.
And what I see is a snake oil salesman.
By the way, I’m not selling anything or charging anyone any money. I do charge for HVAC services.
God has enabled me to be a Master HVAC tech, to
help people out and that’s the tool and profession that’s provided the finances to provide for my family and others in need.
None of this was possible as a drunk, addict, and everything that goes with that.
I see the worldly philosophy as a fraud, it left me empty and in rehab, demonized.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
That kinda reminds me of what I said when I gave my life to Christ.

I remember thinking, “Either the Bible is false or true. I’m gong to believe it is true and test the sucker! I’ll find out soon enough whether it is true or false”.
Accepting something provisionally in order to test it is not a problem.
So I would say it is all testable for those who have faith. I haven’t been able to prove it false.
Have you tried?
Of course, if one approaches it as not true, they will never find the capacity of what is written. Like a person in a race that says, “I’ll NEVER be able to get the gold medal”. He never will.
That doesn't work with truths. In spite of attempting to not believe in them, they still agree with the evidence.. Falsehoods show themselves by not agreeing with the evidence.
Or like the quote, “If you believe you can do a thing or can’t, you are right”.
That is a question of motivation, not of truth. Do you see the difference? No matter how much I try to disbelieve in the chair in my room, it simply doesn't go away. Truths have that characteristic: they don't go away simply because you doubt them.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
By the way, I’m not selling anything or charging anyone any money. I do charge for HVAC services.
God has enabled me to be a Master HVAC tech, to
help people out and that’s the tool and profession that’s provided the finances to provide for my family and others in need.
None of this was possible as a drunk, addict, and everything that goes with that.
I see the worldly philosophy as a fraud, it left me empty and in rehab, demonized.
Yes, being a drunk, an addict, and being irresponsible will lead to many difficulties. That doesn't show that there is a deity. Not all truths are pleasant. Not all pathways are painless.

I also have the skills I have needed to do well. I find math relatively easy and so have been a math professor for 37 years (recently retired). Dedication and hard work are more likely to lead to benefits whether or not you believe in a deity. having a bit of luck is also a good thing. But luck usually goes to the person who is prepared.

My guess is that your understanding of 'worldly philosophy' was weak and shallow. But then, I would say the same about your understanding of religious philosophy.
Yes, being a drunk, an addict, and being irresponsible will lead to many difficulties. That doesn't show that there is a deity. Not all truths are pleasant. Not all pathways are painless.

I also have the skills I have needed to do well. I find math relatively easy and so have been a math professor for 37 years (recently retired). Dedication and hard work are more likely to lead to benefits whether or not you believe in a deity. having a bit of luck is also a good thing. But luck usually goes to the person who is prepared.

My guess is that your understanding of 'worldly philosophy' was weak and shallow. But then, I would say the same about your understanding of religious philosophy.
I find the Book of Ecclesiastes describes this life.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
That kinda reminds me of what I said when I gave my life to Christ.

My decision to give my life to Jesus and become a Christian led to years of emotional turmoil for me. It was such a miserable experience, but much to my relief, it's over now. I've already shared my experiences as a Christian in this thread, so instead of rewriting it, I'll just provide a link to my other post.

I remember thinking, “Either the Bible is false or true. I’m gong to believe it is true and test the sucker! I’ll find out soon enough whether it is true or false”.

So I would say it is all testable for those who have faith. I haven’t been able to prove it false.

Of course, if one approaches it as not true, they will never find the capacity of what is written. Like a person in a race that says, “I’ll NEVER be able to get the gold medal”. He never will.

Or like the quote, “If you believe you can do a thing or can’t, you are right”.

I went through a similar spiritual journey as you did but came to a very different conclusion, as I further explained in the following post.


Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Also referring to lifestyle, meaning I appreciate that the Bible has been preserved for centuries. Even at great sacrifices such as William Tyndale, killed for his role in translating the Bible to English.

Which Bible? Were you referring to the Catholic Bible (with a 73-book canon), the Greek Orthodox Bible (with a 79-book canon), or the Protestant Bible (with a 66-book canon)? If you were referring to a specific Protestant Bible, then which one do you believe is the most accurate? Do you think it's the King James version or one of the other multiple translations (see the search results for the translations here) that are now in print? Or perhaps the Bible should be read in its original languages of Greek (referred to as Koine), Hebrew, and Aramaic in order to ensure authenticity. Which Bible were you referring to?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I also know that there are wolves in sheep clothing masquerading as Christians which most people don’t realize
You're probably talking about people that believe what you believe but don't live upright lives and who embarrass the church. Many Christians disavow them, but I call them Christians, since I have no behavioral test for that, just a doctrinal one. You mentioned Westboro Baptist, but they're just as Christian as you are by my definition of a Christian. That's why they do what they do (or is it did now?). They're promoting Christianity as they understand it.

What you describe is rare in my experience. Trump is an exception. He is masquerading as a Christian when he holds up Bibles, engages in public prayer sessions with clergy, and quotes "two Corinthians 3:17." But as I said, he's rare. In my experience, virtually everybody else calling themselves Christians meet the doctrinal requirements to be called that. They also believe that Jesus died for their sins and that there is a god and an afterlife just like you do.
It is unfortunate that those who are working and helping the drug addicts, prostitutes, the homeless, the needy, the lost and so much more don’t get the attention they deserve.
What attention do they deserve that they aren't getting? If the people they help and those they volunteer with thank them, that's sufficient. What you're describing is the kind of thing many if not most people do - certainly most humanists. Do you think people deserve media attention for being decent? If so, why even mention that they're Christian? Why say that Bob the Christian volunteered but not note that Bill volunteering beside him is a humanist?
It’s today’s “bad news sells” that gets the front page.
So what's the good news that offsets all of that bad religion we hear about in the news? Is there more than volunteering in soup kitchens? What do you do for mankind that your atheist neighbor wouldn't do? Promoting religion doesn't count as a contribution to society. That's a contribution to the church only, a self-licking ice cream cone that exists to perpetuate itself to serve the clergy, which is a cushy gig and has been since the priesthood first formed among the ancient Hebrews following the settling of the nomadic tribes and the growth of large towns and cities. The holy man wandering with the nomads also had to work for a living hunting and skinning along with the capable males in the tribe, but once cities formed and large central temples were formed, that became a full-time specialty, and a plum career of no manual labor in the hot sun bringing instant privilege and social status.
I remember thinking, “Either the Bible is false or true. I’m gong to believe it is true and test the sucker! I’ll find out soon enough whether it is true or false”. So I would say it is all testable for those who have faith. I haven’t been able to prove it false.
I did that as well as I explained to you here and another poster here (bottom of post). I ended up walking away from it after about a decade based in that test.
God has enabled me to be a Master HVAC tech, to help people out and that’s the tool and profession that’s provided the finances to provide for my family and others in need. None of this was possible as a drunk, addict, and everything that goes with that. I see the worldly philosophy as a fraud, it left me empty and in rehab, demonized.
I'm happy for you that you were able to regain control of your life, and there are several of you on RF with that same story, and I begrudge none of them or you whatever it takes to cope, but you seem to feel that walking in your footsteps is a good idea for everybody and that all other worldviews are fraudulent and leave people in a condition like the one you describe for yourself.
For a lot of my life I used my own reasoning and took advice from the philosophy that you’re promoting and it left me empty and alone, my life is full now and I have a future.
Yes, but look at how you lived that life when left to your own devices. That's why you ended up in such an unenviable place. His philosophy is the same as mine - atheistic humanism. I'm sure that whatever worldview you held before zealous Christianity was largely unexamined and morally challenged. Now you have structure and emphatic rules of conduct that you embrace tightly.

Others have followed different paths and have found the world to be a much nicer place that you did and live their lives more fully and more satisfyingly without religion than within it.
As a Christian I found this to be true:
”“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.“
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬-‭3‬, ‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
You mentioned that you are not here to convince skeptics. I agree. You're here to preach. You aren't interested in the replies you receive. You don't address the points made to you. You just go find another piece of scripture and post it or explain again how good this religion has been for you.

That's fine. RF might, but I don't mind you proselytizing even if you aren't paying attention to the replies. Like you, I'm not here to convince believers of anything. I write to like-minded people, and their words speak to me.
You mentioned that you are not here to convince skeptics. I agree. You're here to preach. You aren't interested in the replies you receive. You don't address the points made to you. You just go find another piece of scripture and post it or explain again how good this religion has been for you.
This thread is about : If you consider yourself a Christian which parts do you consider true?
I would say that the skeptics on here and the comments are not in keeping with the thread at all, I’m wondering why a person who doesn’t consider themselves a Christian would be asking and commenting in the manner that they are?
I'm happy for you that you were able to regain control of your life, and there are several of you on RF with that same story, and I begrudge none of them or you whatever it takes to cope, but you seem to feel that walking in your footsteps is a good idea for everybody and that all other worldviews are fraudulent and leave people in a condition like the one you describe for yourself.
Mentioning my profession was for the “snake oil salesman” reference… I charge people for my hvac services and makes no sense saying that about my faith and testimony since I don’t ask money or anything for that. Believe it or don’t believe it.
It’s my life and testimony of what God has done and continues to do, I think it’s rather arrogant for someone to suggest they know better about my life than I do. Some on here try to act like therapists IMO. Be a skeptic, don’t believe, it’s your life.
Last edited:

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
You're probably talking about people that believe what you believe but don't live upright lives and who embarrass the church. Many Christians disavow them, but I call them Christians, since I have no behavioral test for that, just a doctrinal one. You mentioned Westboro Baptist, but they're just as Christian as you are by my definition of a Christian. That's why they do what they do (or is it did now?). They're promoting Christianity as they understand it.

What you describe is rare in my experience. Trump is an exception. He is masquerading as a Christian when he holds up Bibles, engages in public prayer sessions with clergy, and quotes "two Corinthians 3:17." But as I said, he's rare. In my experience, virtually everybody else calling themselves Christians meet the doctrinal requirements to be called that. They also believe that Jesus died for their sins and that there is a god and an afterlife just like you do.

What attention do they deserve that they aren't getting? If the people they help and those they volunteer with thank them, that's sufficient. What you're describing is the kind of thing many if not most people do - certainly most humanists. Do you think people deserve media attention for being decent? If so, why even mention that they're Christian? Why say that Bob the Christian volunteered but not note that Bill volunteering beside him is a humanist?

So what's the good news that offsets all of that bad religion we hear about in the news? Is there more than volunteering in soup kitchens? What do you do for mankind that your atheist neighbor wouldn't do? Promoting religion doesn't count as a contribution to society. That's a contribution to the church only, a self-licking ice cream cone that exists to perpetuate itself to serve the clergy, which is a cushy gig and has been since the priesthood first formed among the ancient Hebrews following the settling of the nomadic tribes and the growth of large towns and cities. The holy man wandering with the nomads also had to work for a living hunting and skinning along with the capable males in the tribe, but once cities formed and large central temples were formed, that became a full-time specialty, and a plum career of no manual labor in the hot sun bringing instant privilege and social status.

I did that as well as I explained to you here and another poster here (bottom of post). I ended up walking away from it after about a decade based in that test.

I'm happy for you that you were able to regain control of your life, and there are several of you on RF with that same story, and I begrudge none of them or you whatever it takes to cope, but you seem to feel that walking in your footsteps is a good idea for everybody and that all other worldviews are fraudulent and leave people in a condition like the one you describe for yourself.

Yes, but look at how you lived that life when left to your own devices. That's why you ended up in such an unenviable place. His philosophy is the same as mine - atheistic humanism. I'm sure that whatever worldview you held before zealous Christianity was largely unexamined and morally challenged. Now you have structure and emphatic rules of conduct that you embrace tightly.

Others have followed different paths and have found the world to be a much nicer place that you did and live their lives more fully and more satisfyingly without religion than within it.

You mentioned that you are not here to convince skeptics. I agree. You're here to preach. You aren't interested in the replies you receive. You don't address the points made to you. You just go find another piece of scripture and post it or explain again how good this religion has been for you.

That's fine. RF might, but I don't mind you proselytizing even if you aren't paying attention to the replies. Like you, I'm not here to convince believers of anything. I write to like-minded people, and their words speak to me.

I wish I could give your post more than one winner rating, my friend. I think you provided an excellent response to the posts you quoted. So well done. In my opinion, truer words have never been spoken: "You're here to preach. You aren't interested in the replies you receive. You don't address the points made to you." I think you're spot on and if you read my other post here, you will understand why. I enjoy reading your posts, by the way. Keep up the good work.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Mentioning my profession was for the “snake oil salesman” reference… I charge people for my hvac services and makes no sense saying that about my faith and testimony since I don’t ask money or anything for that. Believe it or don’t believe it.
Money isn’t the only form of payment. A feeling of superiority can be equally rewarding for some.
It’s my life and testimony of what God has done and continues to do, I think it’s rather arrogant for someone to suggest they know better about my life than I do. Some on here try to act like therapists IMO. Be a skeptic, don’t believe, it’s your life.
And have you ever suggested you know more about someone else’s life and beliefs than they do?