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Caitlyn Jenner Calls Transwoman Artemis Langford 'Perverted, Sexually Deviant Male' Who Doesn't 'Belong in Women's Spaces'


Hellenismos, BTW
I’ve always been a little curious as to how Frats and Sororities are seen by the average American College student. Are they just elitists?

Over here we don’t really have Frats or sororities. We have social clubs and groups like that.
People go out clubbing to let off steam, I guess.
But that’s about it.

Agree with you about Jenner lol
No, they're not just elitists though there can be an "old blood"/tradition aspect to them, e.g. just like some people go to the same university as their parents, grandparents, great grands went to, sometimes that includes joining the same fraternity or sorority too. But these organizations take in new people all the time, which this case exemplifies. It's just that they violated their own bylaws and made very wrong choices within that exception for a new pledge (allegedly).

For those who are into Greek life (as being in frats & sororities is called), the upside is a supportive environment that can lead to lifelong camaraderie. The dark side of that can be (and what I assume was alluded to regarding the dark side of them) is that includes acquiring business and political connections as they go into adulthood and the nepotism and grifting that can happen.


Hellenismos, BTW
Yeah we have on and off campus “dorms”
More like a cheap rental that the uni helps students with.
A lot of students here actually live off campus, usually with roommates to help with the cost. So I don’t think we really have a lot of “girls only” and “boys only” spaces happening here. Maybe on campus dorms that’s enforced a bit more. I doubt it though
Either way it’s not that unusual to have boys and girls living together as roommates when they’re uni aged over here.
We call them “share houses” typically.

In the US, a university may have requirements that first-year students from out of state must live in campus housing but after that, they can choose to reside where they want, remaining on campus is optional. Dorms are often a choice of all-female, all-male, or co-ed dorms. Lots of kids choose to live off-campus though often the living conditions aren't necessarily better, especially since rents in urban areas are through the roof so you have far more people crammed into an apartment than should be. If parents have the money and credit for it, they sometimes buy a condo for their kid who shares it with friends (who pay rent), The kid lives there throughout their college career and then either keeps it after they graduate (likely a wiser & cheaper choice these days) or mom & dad sell it at a profit given the increased property value over what can be a 4-8 year period.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
What I mean is that those women feel bothered by that presence.
After all...they are all ciswomen who should share the bathroom with a transwoman.
They should all agree on that, first.
No. If you choose to use a communal space like that you have to accept that there will be other people there.


Hellenismos, BTW
If Jenner were a right-wing anti-trans **** I suspect he would have remained Bruce Jenner. But instead, he came out trans-gender and in doing so did more for the trans community than anybody else world wide. Consider the possibility that Jenner doesn’t care what anybody else thinks, he doesn’t tow anybody’s line but his own, and in doing so he will occasionally step on right-wing toes, occasionally left wing toes, and even a few trans toes every now and then. Maybe he doesn't do or say any of this for money (even though I suspect he made far more money promoting trans issues than anything else) maybe he does and say things because that is what he believes. Consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
Part of this too is I think people sometimes forget that being part of a demographic or a particular community doesn't mean everyone in that group has the same political or religious views. We live in an era when people are demanding diversity then proceed to throw a tantrum when they hear an opinion different from their own. The reality is many BIPOC, non-Judeo-Christians, and, yes, LGBTQ are conservatives and Republicans. The trans community is overrun by fringe activists who are keen to label anyone who doesn't parrot their narrative as "transphobic", even when those other persons are transgender themselves. But that's a fringe group making a lot of noise, the reality is not everyone within a community shares the same views, and that includes thinking how a community should collectively behave.

Rachel Rugelach

Shalom, y'all.
Staff member
If she's on estrogens and especially if she's on testosterone blockers, she won't be able to get it up, anyway. See, people don't even know how this works.

That's what I would have thought. It's been reported, though, that Artemis Langford has not started even the most basic steps toward transitioning from male to female, such as beginning hormone therapy.

Because I personally know two male-to-female transgendered people, I sympathize with transgendered people and the challenges they face in our society. The two transgendered women that I know have taken their transitioning very seriously. I don't know whether either has reached the surgical stage for gender reassignment (I wouldn't ask), but I know that both have been on hormone therapy because they have volunteered that information in casual conversation. I can't imagine either one positioning themselves in a room for the purpose of watching partially undressed cis women walk past them, much less continuing to remain there while getting an erection.

As you have said, we don't know whether everything the sorority sisters have said is true. Artemis Langford may be entirely innocent of any evil intentions in joining the sorority. We will have to wait and see how the story develops.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
(LOL) You gotta admit; it was only a matter of time before some "Peeping Tom" took things a step further by pretending to be trans just so he can get a really good peep! I'm surprised it hasn't happened more often.
Do you really believe that someone would upend their lives, undergo serious medical procedures, and deal with the social stigma... just to sneak a peek at some boobies?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Part of this too is I think people sometimes forget that being part of a demographic or a particular community doesn't mean everyone in that group has the same political or religious views. We live in an era when people are demanding diversity then proceed to throw a tantrum when they hear an opinion different from their own. The reality is many BIPOC, non-Judeo-Christians, and, yes, LGBTQ are conservatives and Republicans. The trans community is overrun by fringe activists who are keen to label anyone who doesn't parrot their narrative as "transphobic", even when those other persons are transgender themselves. But that's a fringe group making a lot of noise, the reality is not everyone within a community shares the same views, and that includes thinking how a community should collectively behave.
Yes, and a lot of conservative non-white people and LGBT people are afraid to declare their views because they get bullied and ostracized by their peers and also by "allies". It's happened to me and it's happened to friends of mine. A lot of black men, Latinos, gays and trans people love Trump but I know not all of them will admit it in public. Funny how white, straight people are allowed to hold any view they want and aren't branded as "traitors" but "minorities" aren't allowed this same freedom of mind. I've had rich white liberals downtalk and gaslight me - a working class poor biracial trans man - for being conservative. On this board, even.

Similarly, there seems to be a pervasive notion that LGBT people just can't be Christians, which is also hogwash. Many of us are. I'm Catholic.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Funny how white, straight people are allowed to hold any view they want and aren't branded as "traitors"....
They usually just use a different brand on us,
eg, "racist", "misogynist", "elite". There's a
whole lotta intolerance out there, eh. Express
your views as you're compelled anyway.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I’ve always been a little curious as to how Frats and Sororities are seen by the average American College student. Are they just elitists?

Over here we don’t really have Frats or sororities. We have social clubs and groups like that.
People go out clubbing to let off steam, I guess.
But that’s about it.

Agree with you about Jenner lol
Frat boys or sor girls are often among the least pleasant to deal with, and could power the planet for centuries if we could harness their sense of entitlement as an energy source. Frats especially are known for dangerous and stupid behaviors (theres a video of some chanting "no means yes, yes means anal), and sor girls are among the loudest, most obnoxious and most entitled people you can encounter (and I hated picking them up because I'd fear for my hearing amd they were also bad about leaving trash behind).
They're the type of wankers to refuse to pick up their trash amd say "they hire someone for that."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Frat boys or sor girls are often among the least pleasant to deal with, and could power the planet for centuries if we could harness their sense of entitlement as an energy source. Frats especially are known for dangerous and stupid behaviors (theres a video of some chanting "no means yes, yes means anal), and sor girls are among the loudest, most obnoxious and most entitled people you can encounter (and I hated picking them up because I'd fear for my hearing amd they were also bad about leaving trash behind).
They're the type of wankers to refuse to pick up their trash amd say "they hire someone for that."
I'm no fan of frats & sororities, but dang, woman...
you got some serious demonization going on there.
At what school did you experience all this?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm no fan of frats & sororities, but dang, woman...
you got some serious demonization going on there.
At what school did you experience all this?
Some of it's been picking them up around here. They're worse than the nursing students where I went (and they don't even know how to use crutches but demanded the chancellor open the library to weekday hours on Sunday and then never show up for it).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I never refered to his gender, when I said "he" I was referring to his biology.
Which is misgendering. We know she's a trans woman, okay. She knows that, too. It's just rude. If someone made it a point to deadname me and call me female pronouns, I'd never speak to them again at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Part of this too is I think people sometimes forget that being part of a demographic or a particular community doesn't mean everyone in that group has the same political or religious views. We live in an era when people are demanding diversity then proceed to throw a tantrum when they hear an opinion different from their own. The reality is many BIPOC, non-Judeo-Christians, and, yes, LGBTQ are conservatives and Republicans. The trans community is overrun by fringe activists who are keen to label anyone who doesn't parrot their narrative as "transphobic", even when those other persons are transgender themselves. But that's a fringe group making a lot of noise, the reality is not everyone within a community shares the same views, and that includes thinking how a community should collectively behave.
Excellent points. Unfortunately the person I was discussing with doesn't seem to see it that way.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
No it is not.

I never addressed gender

I find your terms acceptable.
It is misgendering, as that's literally the definition of the word. But I don't care to bicker over that. I just don't see what your point is. Because it's not going to get you anywhere with a trans person. Especially when it's so totally incongruent to the person's presentation. That especkally can be dangerous or cause other problems in social situations, at times. Like I said, "they" is a decent substitute, imo. I often default to that, myself, when I'm not sure or I have doubts but want to be polite.

Even conservative Christian evangelists, priests, pastors, laypeople, etc. are realizing that you're not going to get anywhere with transgender people if you refuse to show us any respect and at least honor who we are on a basic level. These are people who believe that you can't change your sex and the body and soul are united, mind you. But still they try to show compassion towards people and reach them where they are. Those are the ones who engage in true dialogue. Just my thoughts.
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