If your answer is yes, then by what means do fictional stories connect to reality?
If your answer is no, then my next question is:
Can a fictional story contain wisdom?
If you ever read classical literature, the names and places used by the authors of classic fiction, may or may not be real, but the trials and tribulations of human nature, appear timeless. One can relate to these old stories based on common human propensities that still exist today.
The reason for this is the operating system of the brain is quite old and this is engrained on our human DNA. These genes do not change as quickly as the outward styles and fads of culture. If an author can appeal to this internal nature of human, that work can become timeless.
In historical fiction, we can identify and isolate the time in history via the authors bringing up of relevant and proven historical details; War and Peace. Once the story is less about the unique time in history and becomes more human, the timeless nature of the human brain's operating system makes that part relevant to all times. The nature of greed and generosity do not change.
Books like the Bible, and the story of Jesus, although not easily proven by science based, on every historical detail, nevertheless also speaks to the deepest parts of the brain; our timeless human nature. This appeal allows these stories too linger in time and still be relevant to our modern times.
The technology, clothes even languages change with time to reflect specific times and places in history, but human nature, such as falling in love, takes one out of time and space, to an eternal inner place, common to even today.
I have often asked myself, if the Bible stories are fictional, as is claimed by atheists, how did they linger so long in time and also become the motivation force that altered the course of history?
The answer appear to be less about the outward fads of a given time and place, and more about the timeless nature of the human soul. This makes it fresh for each generation, so it became relevant to that time as the outward fads of history come and go. Science can quantify the outward stuff; names and places, but it is still lacking when t comes to the inner things of our brain's operating system, that allow us to exist out of time and space.
Science demands we approach reality from the outside with our senses. This is not the correct method needed to define those inner things, that cannot be seen with the eyes, but which can be felt within the heart; timeless human nature.