I think as with anything subject while reading the scriptures, they must be read in context, rather than coming to a conclusion based on one verse. The context is that God gave one command to A&E and stated the consequences if they disobeyed. The serpent lied and twisted the words of God. I don’t see how you can deny the Fall or say it was invented later when it is clearly shown to have occurred in the garden of Eden.No. At the time each of Adam and Eve at the fruit, as the story makes clear, God had denied them knowledge of good and evil. Therefore each at that time was unable to form an intention to do wrong, hence incapable of sin.
No [he] wouldn't ─ the text says nothing of the kind. As I said, Genesis 3:22-23 is where God unambiguously states [his] only reasons for expelling them.
I wish Christians would stop inventing additions to the story to make it comply with Paul's take on it. Nothing in the Tanakh supports Paul, nothing else in the NT supports Paul, and according to my reading, the notion of the Fall was invented in Alexandria around 120 CE by Jewish practitioners of midrash.
And the Garden of Eden is only a folktale anyway.
If you think it’s a myth, then why bother discussing it the way you are doing?