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Cartones,burn Quran day,film, what next ?

is this film is increase the terrorism (and the hate) against west

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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
But we have done that. Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, condemned the film, didn't she?
sound good that she condemned the film .

So you want us to pass a law which allows the US government to control internet content?
for my opinion that's required ,if that's help to stop the voilence ,to stable the peace and respect between the west and muslims world .

Nope. Thank God there is no such law. This forum could not exist if we had laws like that.
don't thank God , because you are exagerate , so this forum is a place for freedom of speech without laws?
i assume that if you or any body here , insult or mock with any religion here , will be restricted or ban .
this forum is place for debate with respect , not for mock or insult ...etc .

i thank God that this forum is place to debate religions with laws .
Think about it. I have my own personal religion. I consider myself the Prophet of my own religion. Therefore, if you insult me, you are insulting my religion. If I am the president's nephew, I could have you arrested for disrespecting my religion.
that's right .
Maybe that works in the Mideast, but to Westerners... that's a nightmare.
the respect the others is become nightmare in the west ?!!!!

Thank God we have no such laws here.
this forum had laws , i guess youtube had different laws .

OK. But we don't believe in gagging people over here. One reason we are so powerful is that we allow freedom of speech. In my opinion, it's why many Muslim countries are still so poor and desperate. A country can't grow if its people aren't allowed to sit around exchanging strange new ideas without fear of arrest.
not only the muslims are poor .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This, my friend, is the most important part of it all. If they do, indeed, love the Prophet more than they love themselves, it would only be logical that they emulate his behavior. If HE wouldn't and didn't act violently when insulted, why should anyone else?

Also, asking google to delete some idiotic film is absurd. The problem isn't the film, the problem is giving it any credence at all.
good point sister, the voilence that done by some muslims is kind of disobey Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) teachs .
as i told you , Islam name root , is came from arabic word "Salam" (peace)
in the result any kind of voilence against innocent , is definitly sin .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
what if my belief is freedom of speech and expression?
i am with freedom of speech , but with respect , and without mock or lieing , that film is give a different story about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (lie/fake)

that isn't true. they stopped it in the region where freedom of speech and expression are under the oppression of religious beliefs. not in the countries that protect the freedom of speech
is freedom of speech allow to lie and mock and insult ?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
i am with freedom of speech , but with respect , and without mock or lieing , that film is give a different story about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (lie/fake)
is freedom of speech allow to lie and mock and insult ?
If we all agree & don't offend, then freedom of speech isn't necessary.
We live in a country where a woman was jailed because she told Bill Clinton that he sucked.
Government lusts for the power to deny us the right to bear words. I value the right to mock & offend.
Muslims will accept this peacefully or violently oppose it. Either way, we will persevere.
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I suspect they will blame the people who attacked the consulate. Those who used the film.

What we know it that the attack probably was already planned and they just used the film as an excuse.

They were going to attack the consulate with or without the film.

that's your opinion
yes there is many hypothes , the investigation is still not end yet .

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
as i told you , Islam name root , is came from arabic word "Salam" (peace)

That is actually a rather common misconception, even among some native Arabic speakers.

The root of the word 'Islam' is 'aslama' (the singular masculine simple past tense of the verb meaning 'to submit'), so Islam actually means 'submission' (to God and His orders as detailed in the Qur'an and also taken from authentic Hadiths, according to most Islamic scholars) and not "peace."


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Godobeyer, based on the premise you proposed here, do you think that all religions without exception — for example: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and even Pagan religions — are also entitled to be protected from mockery the same way that you propose Islam should be? What about, say, Satanism? Do you think that it should be protected from mockery as well?
i don't know your point here , by these quesiton .

as i understand and for my opinion, Islam respect all the religions as the same way ,especially the people of the book ( christians and jews ) had special case ,which mean it's not allowed to mock or insult or voilence any others religions .

for your question about the Satanism,honesly i don't know .
i am curios about your opinion about Satanism religion , is should be protected Satanism ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
If we all agree & don't offend, then freedom of speech isn't necessary.
We live in a country where a woman was jailed because she told Bill Clinton that he sucked.

Government lusts for the power to deny us the right to bear words. I value the right to mock & offend.

Muslims will accept this peacefully or violently oppose it. Either way, we will persevere.
not only Bil clinton also some muslims leaders are sucks too .
the freedom of speech is not intentionaly to insutl or mock or lie about other's beliefs .it's becomes offened speechs , drive to extremism not to peace or respect .

the muslims should not voilence , when they protesting , it's against Islam laws
-honesly it's contradiction happened , some muslims used the voilence by the name of Islam which ask them to don't use the voilence !!!


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
That is actually a rather common misconception, even among some native Arabic speakers.

The root of the word 'Islam' is 'aslama' (the singular masculine simple past tense of the verb meaning 'to submit'), so Islam actually means 'submission' (to God and His orders as detailed in the Qur'an and also taken from authentic Hadiths, according to most Islamic scholars) and not "peace."
i guess you posted a thread , remember it's name "is islam religion of peace " or something like that .

any way i watch , a video of Yusuf estes , he explain Islam had many meaning .
one of them is peace , and submission ...etc
you find it here :
Yusuf Estes,Give your heart and fit all the things


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
not only Bil clinton also some muslims leaders are sucks too .
the freedom of speech is not intentionaly to insutl or mock or lie about other's beliefs .it's becomes offened speechs , drive to extremism not to peace or respect .

the muslims should not voilence , when they protesting , it's against Islam laws
-honesly it's contradiction happened , some muslims used the voilence by the name of Islam which ask them to don't use the voilence !!!
Let's hope they come to embrace the peaceful aspects of the faith.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech means allowing those who disagree with you to speak freely, even when it is disrespectful. Islam is not used to an environment where the citizenry is not closely controlled and many Muslims feel a government can and should regulate personal speech and expression. If Muslims in Islamic countries wish to protest western free speech I have no problem with that. But when Muslims choose to live in western countries they have no right to demand these people's silence. If they wish to live in western culture then have to allow for some assimilation, otherwise they are attempting to alter the hosts countries culture to be more in line with their own and the host country has the right to fight against it.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I always worry about "I'm against it but...". In effect; you are in agreement with the grievance but not the reaction and as such - are you saying that the video or cartoons must, by law, not be made?

i did not said "i am against it but " as justification , don't try to change my words meaning .you can back to her and my reply to understans my point .

she asked why they used voilence ?
i said i am against it's , but maybe it's because of some factures .....etc

Who cares? And, more importantly, why should anybody?
Who cares "if we love our Prophet ?" , this ood question , maybe you cares ?

Why are Muslims more important than anyone else
why not ?
Who is stopping them from loving their prophet?
maybe you will stopping us :D

How weak. How desperately weak. Our media is talking about a princess being photographed with her tits out.
who Weak !!!! if you care about sexy scandels news !!!that's up to you .:facepalm:

Oh come on. "The west" ignores geography and religion when it comes to "crimes". It focuses on self interest only. Also, is Islam not supposed to be universal? Must I become "Eastern" to embrace it? Are you saying that Islam can only be cultural? BTW, how does Islam deal with crimes against Muslims when the perpetrators are of the same religion but more powerful than the victims? A political argument is not a religious argument unless someone makes it so (ah, the ways of the world).
this is politics , i had a thread about this


Veteran Member
i am with freedom of speech , but with respect , and without mock or lieing , that film is give a different story about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (lie/fake)
respect is not a prerequisite of free speech...:no:

is freedom of speech allow to lie and mock and insult ?

it is also allowed for one to speak freely...as in you misrepresenting...you are free to do so
however, they stopped it in the region where freedom of speech and expression are under the oppression of religious beliefs. not in the countries that protect the freedom of speech


the white house sent a request to google to stop this **** , but google reject .
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Freedom of speech means allowing those who disagree with you to speak freely, even when it is disrespectful. Islam is not used to an environment where the citizenry is not closely controlled and many Muslims feel a government can and should regulate personal speech and expression. If Muslims in Islamic countries wish to protest western free speech I have no problem with that. But when Muslims choose to live in western countries they have no right to demand these people's silence. If they wish to live in western culture then have to allow for some assimilation, otherwise they are attempting to alter the hosts countries culture to be more in line with their own and the host country has the right to fight against it.

The arabic league want to pass new law in UN , about this issue , they want to establish new law about deny any provokation or mock or insult against any religion (not only Islam )


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The arabic league want to pass new law in UN , about this issue , they want to establish new law about deny any provokation or mock or insult against any religion (not only Islam )
Good! I'm offended & provoked if anyone says that a god exists.


Veteran Member
The arabic league want to pass new law in UN , about this issue , they want to establish new law about deny any provokation or mock or insult against any religion (not only Islam )

religion is just an opinion...
then all opinions need to be protected..


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
respect is not a prerequisite of free speech...:no:
that's your opinion , if my freedom speech becomes lieing and mock about your religion , it's becomes offensive speech to you not freedom of speech .

it is also allowed for one to speak freely...as in you misrepresenting...you are free to do so
however, they stopped it in the region where freedom of speech and expression are under the oppression of religious beliefs. not in the countries that protect the freedom of speech

they made fake story in a film , about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) not , misrpresentiong .

then why the White house send a request to Google ?

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
The arabic league want to pass new law in UN , about this issue , they want to establish new law about deny any provokation or mock or insult against any religion (not only Islam )

They can do this in the UN if they want but it will never work in the United States. Freedom of speech is the single most protected freedom we have.

This is a culture clash that doesn't really have a resolution. In the West we have learned to not only live with mockery but revel in it. In the East there is still a lot of emphasis placed on personal honor and no tolerance for mockery at all. You look at my culture and see it as too loose and disrespectful. I see yours as too restrictive and oppressive. The law you mentioned is an attempt to impose your culture onto mine and I would resist it.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Good! I'm offended & provoked if anyone says that a god exists.
its not like that brother .
that not the point , we are offened and provoked because the filmmaker lieing about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the film .

by the way the actors were christians , lived in US .