This is a tough question, esp as a Christian who has lost 2 children to miscarriages. While God works the supernatural into our nature world sometimes, living in the natural world also comes with consequences of the Fall. And part of that is the death of those who die before their time
Free will is not just the freedom to do right things, it is also the freedom to do wrong things, which can sometimes end in the result of the death of an innocent child. We all suffer these consequences in the natural world due to the Fall, times when we should have free will over something but we don't due to the effects of the Fall or choices of someone else. God's desire was a sin-free world, perfect where we did not have to suffer this way but we brought sin into the world and created this problem. Free will was intended as a good thing but now b/c of sin it can sometimes be a bad thing, due to our own weakness and giving in to temptation and sin. God allows them into heaven b/c were never given a chance to accept or reject him and God is fair and just, good and loving. It is not that free will is some grand thing, it's simply how things are, but God will also bring good from everything.
Again, I remove their choice though. What if they want that finite stupidity and don't care what the eternal cost is?
As I asked above, what of those who don't want God's love and don't want to go to heaven? Does God just make them? I've heard people say they wanted to go to hell b/c they think it's going to be a party. Or do they just not exist really? I agree God loves everyone he has created. But I disagree that everyone is automatically going to heaven. What of these people who don't want to go to heaven, where is their free will? You seem to think that only people who are going to heaven have a purpose in this life. I disagree with that. I believe everyone has a purpose, no matter what their belief about God and heaven. I believe everyone is made in the image of God. There are many brilliant non-Christians who have helped advance our world through those characteristics and abilities from God, yet they still reject him and Scripture says "they are without excuse" (Romans 1:20)
There is a logical problem with not creating people who go to hell. It would mean that no one would go to heaven. You see, without the crucifixion no one could be saved. But, in order for Jesus to be crucified, evil people had to lie about Him and murder Him. His crucifixion is the means by which we are saved. So, if God doesn't create people He knows will go to hell, then there would have been no crucifixion by which people could be saved. In that case, all people would go to hell. Therefore, if God was to not make anyone who would go to hell, then He would not make anyone at all and you and I would not be having this conversation
He could, but that's not reality. Reality is, there are evil, sinful people. We are ALL sinners. God knows we are ALL going to sin. God will try to reach every person before their death (assuming they are of an age of accountability and can understand - which only He knows that age for each individual). If everyone is automatically on their way to heaven, what was the purpose of Christ's death and resurrection? Why have people died throughout history for preaching this message of love, sacrifice and salvation. People DO make stupid choices, we see it every day. So I'm sorry I just don't see how anyone can think God only creates good, smart people who will all chose to accept Him. We have plenty of people here who have not. To me that's evidence enough that this view is incorrect.
People are better off accepting God's gift of salvation
They don't have to go to hell, nobody does. Each individual makes that choice though, of their own free will.