Darkdale said:
blah blah blah, "if you don't agree with me, you are a hateful bigot", blah blah blah.
Heaven forbid that we say that Allah is not God or that maybe, just maybe, there is another entity behind Islam's "so called" God that makes terrorist or Islamic fundamental extremists behead three innocent young Christian school girls on their way to school in Indonesia. Heaven forbid that we say that Allah might be an entity called the Devil or Satan or Lucifer or one of his followers in the spirit. After all the terrorists said themselves that they do what they do in the name of Allah. Do peaceful members of Islam worship this same God ????? or is it a different one ???? It is a legitimate question to a hateful or bigoted one. In the name of Allah the terrorists drove two planes into the twin towers and into the pentagon.
I guess you could say that there are Christians that do evil things in the name of God too. Maybe that is the answer to the question right there. It is the evil people that do things in the name of God that make God seem evil and not good. We can do good things in the name of God or do evil things in the name of God and blame God and say God made me do it. Instead of saying the Devil made me do it. lets all say that God made me do it. God made me murder in the name of God. Sounds like the devil to me not God. Dont use God's name to do your dirty work use the correct name for evil deeds and that is the Devil, Lucifer, Satan. Dont use God's name to do evil.
Those girls sure were a threat to world peace while walking to school and gigiling, as they were brutally attacked and in the name of Allah. The article said that the terrorists did this in order to break up a peace between Muslims and Christians that had formed in that area. Read the article at
www.michaelsavage.com if you havent already seen it. The terrorists did this to break up the peace that had been established between the Muslims and the Christians in that area or was it a "false peace". The major Muslim leader in that area debounced the beheadings.
We still want answers to Islam before it is too late for the rest of us. We are only concerned about our lives and cannot sit back while Islam seems to be increasing at a faster rate than Christianity. If the peaceful Islamic people are increasing then the Islam extremists are increasing as well.
Do I want a Muslim as my neighber, not knowing if he is an Islam extremist, or terrorist, or a peaceful one. I guess the same could be said of any neighbor. As in the case of Tim McVeigh, whom the FBI discovered had ties to Saddam Hussein. Imagine one of our own tied to Saddam. Mind bogling... We do not know who is an Islam extremist, or terrorist, and who is a peaceful one. We do not know who is a peaceful Christian and who is an Christian extremist or terrorists as in the ones who bombed the abortion clinics. There could be many in the United States ready to strike or attack at any time from within. People that have jobs working for gas companies, water companies, electric companies, nuclear facilities, etc.
Even the military is having trouble discerning who is a terrorist and who is not. They raid houses not knowing if it is a peaceful Muslim family or a family of terrorists. The terrorists are so quiet until they strike. Suicide bombers look the same as any peaceful Muslim until it is too late. I think we should be suspicious of all Muslims and all people for that matter.
Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Put your trust in no one but God. This is not hate it is being smart and aware of evils in this world.
""Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves". Mathew 10: 16
Darkdale said:
Terrorism and Islamic Fascism are both legitimate concerns. As they say, if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.