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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


Admiral Obvious
Let me know when you're ready for an adult conversation.


Well-Known Member
Of course. The right wing extremists have distorted the words and the issue as a whole to a degree that the anti-abortion crowd in totally unrealistic, dogmatic, and unable to see anything beyond their idealism. The movement is nothing more than a protest against women's reproductive rights and healthcare access.
Babies have been born. Zygotes aren't babies. Fetuses aren't babies.
What is the main difference between you and a fetus, the difference why you can't be aborted but a baby can be?
Have you criticized Trump from separating children from their migrant parents?
When has he done that, and where?
Have you advocated for migrant familes seeking a better life in the USA?
Better life in a war crazy country that can't even take care of its own borders and has things so badly that great number of people can't stand it without poisoning themselves with fentanyl?
Have you advocated for universal healthcare so families have access to healthcare?
I think it is wrong to force people to pay "healthcare" for others. But, obviously, if you don't care about the people who are forced to pay it, then I see why it is so easy for you to spent other peoples money.
Have you advocated for funding of education so children have better access to knowledge? Have you advocated for more food inspection and better reguations of corporations so that food is safer, and more nutritious? I haven't seen it. Could it be you're one of those conservatives who only care that a child is born, and then to hell with it's life?
So, there is either option 1, kill the baby, or option 2, pay everything?

I think public schools and healthcare are not very good, so I can't really advocate them. And I think people should take care of themselves and not eat food that is not good for them. I think it is disturbing that many people like to treat others like they are mindless idiots, even when they are over 18.
Recently Trump said that he would eliminate the federal eductaion department and let states run their own education.
I believe it would be better so, then people have better chance to control that their kids don't get bad education. It is not good, if power is concentrated to small elite. As you may know, power corrupts, and the more power government has, the more corrupt it will be.

You could think this also like this: if education comes from government, what if government would be filled with people who have ideas you don't approve? Some day it could be that there would be fundamentalists who would not even know what a woman is, and then they would force some ridiculous pseudoscience to all, make people believe all kind of ridiculous claims like, buying more electric cars makes the weather gooder....:D
That means poor states will struggle to pay teachers and buy resources.
Poor states struggle, because they have done things badly. They should elect leaders who can make good decisions. And it can be that many resources are not really necessary for good education.
It means states can teach bogus topics like creationism and forever ruin the future for those children.
The woman who accused Biden has been discredited.
Yes, and if there would be fairness, he would get at least 91 million from Biden for defaming her. And actually also the other people who have defamed her should pay the same. But, obviously we know that the people are above the law and don't have to pay for the same "crime" Trump did.
What chance does Trump have in suing anyone
In such a corrupt system he has no chance.
...But she has witnesses that backed up her accusations, and the jury found tem credible...
Witnesses? People who saw what happened? Really? That she doesn't remember when it happens makes her not very credible. But, my point is not to say she is not credible, only that the woman who accuses Biden is at least as credible.

"Carroll has said that she believes the alleged attack at Bergdorf Goodman occurred in the evening on a day between the fall of 1995 and the spring of 1996, and under questioning from her own lawyer on Wednesday, she added that she believes it took place on a Thursday... ...
But Carroll has repeatedly said she can’t recall exactly what date it happened."

That was explained to you by other members. Your comments are totally inappropriate and an illustration of how insane the right wing has become.
I am not right, nor left, I am above that because left and right are only the opposite sides of communism/socialism. There is really no difference in practice.


Well-Known Member
Cool, so you support full healthcare coverage for pregnant women, free school lunches for kids, maternity leave, welfare programs for single mothers, daycare coverage, gun reform, access to contraception, etc.?
I support things that are good for the people. I don't think any government funded thing is good for the people.
It was proven in a court of law that he sexually abused
Please give source for that information.
Also, Trump could have taken the stand in any of his trials. He never has yet.
That is weird, Trump has not defended himself? Why is that?


Well-Known Member
... push ingesting bleach as a cure like Trump did.
By what I know, that is a false accusation.
So, you're OK with Trump saying he would be a dictator on day 1? He's threatened to shut down MSNBC, which would be a clear-cut violation of free speech.
Please give link to speech where he says those?
Even Trump's sister, who he says he's the closest to than any other person, and his niece said he is self-centered and cares not for anyone but himself.
That is interesting accusation. So, then Trump would have to be a socialist, they are the most self-centered and don't care about others. Would be nice to know why they say so, because by Trump's actions I don't think that is true, at least not more than in any other person.


Well-Known Member
Read your own post as it says "have asked...". That is not censorship, especially since your own link says only some were actually removed.

OTOH, Trump has threated some companies and some people with censorship, and yet that's OK?
If both are against freedom of speech, maybe best choice it to vote for Kennedy. :D


Veteran Member
What is the main difference between you and a fetus, the difference why you can't be aborted but a baby can be?
You must have ignored 7th grade science class. Not my problem. And you don't rebut what I stated about the right wing distorting words and meanings.
When has he done that, and where?
OMG, really? I guess right wing disinformation media didn't cover it.

Educate yourself of this criminal ex-president. No wonder he was impeached twice. No wonder he has been found guilty of fraud, No wonder he has been indicted four times. No wonder he was found guilty of election interferance in New York.

Trump promises to do more of this kind of immoral and illegal actions against migrants.
Better life in a war crazy country that can't even take care of its own borders and has things so badly that great number of people can't stand it without poisoning themselves with fentanyl?
So are you accusing all migrants of being involved with drugs? Any evidence, or just heartlessly casting false claims against people you don't know? I take it you reject your Christianity when you say such things.
I think it is wrong to force people to pay "healthcare" for others. But, obviously, if you don't care about the people who are forced to pay it, then I see why it is so easy for you to spent other peoples money.
So you reject Jesus' teching to love one another. So someone taught you to be greedy, selfish, and live by "screw thy neightbor". This is why there are many atheists who are more Christian than right wing believers. Why bother being a Christian if you completely reject Jesus. This is why right wing Christians are anti-Christs.
So, there is either option 1, kill the baby, or option 2, pay everything?
Nice way to completely distort the issues. You think you are moral, but you are just dogmatic, conforming to a morally bankrupt ideal. You think bringing a baby into the world is a moral duty, but once it's born, you don't give a sh*t. Nice. Jesus would not recognize right wingers as his followers. Right wingers have more in common with the Taliban than Jesus.
I think public schools and healthcare are not very good, so I can't really advocate them. And I think people should take care of themselves and not eat food that is not good for them. I think it is disturbing that many people like to treat others like they are mindless idiots, even when they are over 18.
Sure, you reject everything that makes a modern civilization. Why not more to Afghanistan and live as if it's year 200 with other primitive folks. Yes you can still have your assault rifles.
I believe it would be better so, then people have better chance to control that their kids don't get bad education. It is not good, if power is concentrated to small elite. As you may know, power corrupts, and the more power government has, the more corrupt it will be.
Such cynicism. Who taught you that elitist attitude?
You could think this also like this: if education comes from government, what if government would be filled with people who have ideas you don't approve? Some day it could be that there would be fundamentalists who would not even know what a woman is, and then they would force some ridiculous pseudoscience to all, make people believe all kind of ridiculous claims like, buying more electric cars makes the weather gooder....:D
You seem to vilify government as an institution. Who taught you that? Can you think anywhere tat doesn't have government and functions?
Poor states struggle, because they have done things badly. They should elect leaders who can make good decisions. And it can be that many resources are not really necessary for good education.
The poorest states are republican run.

Yes, and if there would be fairness, he would get at least 91 million from Biden for defaming her. And actually also the other people who have defamed her should pay the same. But, obviously we know that the people are above the law and don't have to pay for the same "crime" Trump did.
Based on what? Biden denying her accusations? Good luck with that. She has ruined her own reputation.
In such a corrupt system he has no chance.
Sorry, the system is largely reliable and has transparency. There are many levels of courts that have oversight. It's not perfect, as we see with corrupt judges like Alito and Thomas, to Cannon, and any other judge who is biased. That is the fault of politicians appointing them, remember, the part of government you think is corrupt. But Trump is corrupt himself, and him trying to use a largely honorable system to do his corruption won't work.
Witnesses? People who saw what happened? Really? That she doesn't remember when it happens makes her not very credible. But, my point is not to say she is not credible, only that the woman who accuses Biden is at least as credible.

"Carroll has said that she believes the alleged attack at Bergdorf Goodman occurred in the evening on a day between the fall of 1995 and the spring of 1996, and under questioning from her own lawyer on Wednesday, she added that she believes it took place on a Thursday... ...
But Carroll has repeatedly said she can’t recall exactly what date it happened."

Feel free to chime in on a case you have no knowledge about. Trump lost, numerous times in numerous courts.
I am not right, nor left, I am above that because left and right are only the opposite sides of communism/socialism. There is really no difference in practice.
LOL. You're far right. I find the far right interesting in how little they actually know, but think they know it all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
DJT was unanimously convicted by a jury of all 34 felonies. His attorneys had the opportunity to reject those jurors whom they felt wouldn't be impartial. If it was someone else, for example a Mafia don, nobody would question the verdict. But because he is a cult leader, his followers blame the legal system. It's tragic!


Not of this world
DJT was unanimously convicted by a jury of all 34 felonies. His attorneys had the opportunity to reject those jurors whom they felt wouldn't be impartial. If it was someone else, for example a Mafia don, nobody would question the verdict. But because he is a cult leader, his followers blame the legal system. It's tragic!
OJ Simpson was also found NOT guilty by a jury. Does that mean he didn't murder anyone?
The Central Park 5, convicted of killing a jogger in Central Park. Oh, but then it's INjustice when a jury convicts.
Democrat double-standards.


Admiral Obvious


Not of this world


I am sure there is supposed to be a point in there somewhere....
I was responding to the assertions that if a jury decides someone is guilty or not, then it's somehow established as settled fact.
But I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that. Too simple.


Admiral Obvious
I was responding to the assertions that if a jury decides someone is guilty or not, then it's somehow established as settled fact.
But I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that. Too simple.
I suspect you are merely trying to muddy the water with irrelevancies because you know your position does not hold any water outside you choir pool.


Not of this world
I suspect you are merely trying to muddy the water with irrelevancies because you know your position does not hold any water outside you choir pool.
Sounds more like you couldn't come up with an intelligent answer, so you started doing what you always do by posting irrelevant junk to draw attention away from the topic being discussed.