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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


Veteran Member
Are you saying abort is not the same as killing a baby?
Of course. The right wing extremists have distorted the words and the issue as a whole to a degree that the anti-abortion crowd in totally unrealistic, dogmatic, and unable to see anything beyond their idealism. The movement is nothing more than a protest against women's reproductive rights and healthcare access.
Babies have been born. Zygotes aren't babies. Fetuses aren't babies. When a women takes the Morning After pill she is preventing the impalantion of a fertilized egg. It's not killing a baby. You guy have to use wrong words to make your case seem more moral than it really is.
I think this is quite good article about the matter. Obviously doesn't mean you have to believe it exists.
Notice it says it's not what you think. Hahahaha. Thanks for proving your right wing paranoia wrong.

Right wingers are so stuck on labels and lies that you don't care about truth and meaning.
I care first of all the children, because I think it is not their fault that the woman got pregnant.
No you don't. Nothing you write suggests you care at all for children. Have you criticized Trump from separating children from their migrant parents? Have you advocated for migrant familes seeking a better life in the USA? If not, you're full of it. Have you advocated for universal healthcare so families have access to healthcare? Have you advocated for funding of education so children have better access to knowledge? Have you advocated for more food inspection and better reguations of corporations so that food is safer, and more nutritious? I haven't seen it. Could it be you're one of those conservatives who only care that a child is born, and then to hell with it's life?

Recently Trump said that he would eliminate the federal eductaion department and let states run their own education. That means poor states will struggle to pay teachers and buy resources. It means states can teach bogus topics like creationism and forever ruin the future for those children. Teachers will quit meaning not enough qualified teachers. Do you support that? We need national standards, and we need federal funding to even out the budgets for poor schools.
Same could be said about the women who accuse Trump.
No, they are credible. There are 26 including E. Jean Carroll who was successful in suing Trump. Trump has a history of fraud and criminal acts. Biden doesn't.

The woman who accused Biden has been discredited.
I think Trump should sue the woman for defaming him with false accusations, because it is not proven he raped the woman.
What chance does Trump have in suing anyone with his history of fraud, lying, cheating, corruption, criminal acts, more criminal trials coming, and history of threats of suing peiple without any victory? Laughable. Trump is trash. You guys need to find someone with honor, dignity, and has ethics. Good luck, there's not many options among the republicans. Even Susan Collins got duped by right wing disinformation about Trump's conviction and embarrassed herself.
It would be nice to hear Trump's response to these accusations. Unfortunately it seems the accusers have only voice, not the accused.
He has. He denies all of it like he does anything that he gets caught doing. He denied known E. Jean Carroll, and then he defamed her. He lost in court. Trump is a conman, liar, and your basic sleazebag who thinks he's above the law. He isn't.
Why are the accusations dubious? You could as well call E.J. Carroll's accusations dubious.
Many do call her a liar, only because they follow a corrupt conman. But she has witnesses that backed up her accusations, and the jury found tem credible. That combined with Trump being a chronic liar, conman, caught commiting fraud in his charity, and businesses, and overall having disdain for the law. That's the penalty for ruining your reputation in public. Trump has gotten away with so many crimes that he doesn't care. He only cares that law and order is catching up to his history of crimes.
Based on what he did in Covid "war" (for example mandating vaccines).
That was explained to you by other members. Your comments are totally inappropriate and an illustration of how insane the right wing has become.

Have you learned nothing? Citizens were free to refuse the vaccine, and take their risks. As we know those who refused the vaccine were more likely to end up in a hospital and die. Biden did mandate federal workers to vaccinate since running the government was crucial.
Election interference by lying the laptop was not Hunter's.
Who cares? It's completely unrelated to Biden running for president. And frankly I don't trust anything coming out of right wing disinformation. If you are going to make claims you need to cite reputable sources.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
How "good" does one have to be to no longer be considered the 'lesser of two evils'? Are you waiting for the perfect candidate? If not, aren't you always going to be voting for the lesser of two evil candidates?

The imperfection of man is not your fault. Neither is the fact that our electoral system has been corrupted and both parties are engaging in that corruption.

Will your write-in vote send a message? Will not voting send a message? That's very doubtful. So what can we do? We can vote for the less corrupt candidate, and we can run for office ourselves, or become engaged in politics to support those who will run that we believe to be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Or we can start a revolution. That's about it.

This corruption should have been nipped in the bud long ago, but we ignored it. And now it's become nearly impossible to stop it short of a violent revolution. We were all too busy being lazy, selfish, and stupid, and now we have a real mess on our hands. It's a sad state of affairs. But we all allowed it to happen and now we either have to suffer the consequences or take on the arduous task or trying to fix it.
You do you. And no, I'm not waiting for the perfect candidate, just one that is pretty good. Neither of these two candidates fits that to me.


Not of this world
Some more truth for you to flat out ignore:
Trump's case was tried in New York, where the statute of limitations is five years for all but the most serious felonies and two years for misdemeanors. The charge against Trump, falsifying business records in the first degree, is a Class E felony. That means the statute of limitations is five years.​
Trump's lawyers moved to dismiss the case in its early stages based on the statute of limitations, but Merchan rejected the argument. In a pretrial decision, the judge said the pandemic extension stretched out the deadline for the prosecution by one year and 47 days.​
"In other words, this felony prosecution had to be commenced within six years and 47 days from when the crimes were allegedly committed," Merchan wrote.​
Trump was charged within days of the potential deadline. The extension "brought the conduct described in the indictment within the prescribed five-year time limit," Merchan wrote.​

Funny! You talk about truth, and then post still another Leftist source.
The irony is off da charts!


My own religion
Funny! You talk about truth, and then post still another Leftist source.
The irony is off da charts!

I got a middle and not left as bias on the one I found.
Now what?


Not of this world
Read your own post as it says "have asked...". That is not censorship, especially since your own link says only some were actually removed.
The city I live in asked me to pay a certain amount of money in property tax. Was that a polite request, or does it come with consequences if I refuse?


Not of this world
Trump clearly has and is basically using the same tactics as we find in other cases of fascism. Note his praising of Putin, Kim Jung Un, Orban, etc. Note his talk of "retribution" and going after certain institutions and people. Note his telling of Hannity that he would make himself a "dictator on day1" and change the Constitution. And these are just for starters.

So, if one hates our democratic system and the rule of law and the Constitution, I can understand why they would endorse Trump.
Come on, at least be truthful. Trump actually said, ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”
So your claim that he said he was going to change the constitution is a lie.


Not of this world
But you then you didn't refute anything. You just stated your opinion and so did I. So there is not refutation as such. So we both loose and the poster wins as the post is not refuted by you or me.
It wasn't my opinion. It was one of a research group based on their findings.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
By what I know, it was more than just hugs and kisses on the head.

Thank you for the link. I was unaware her allegations were for sexual assault. I'm not saying you are wrong, but there is always the possibility that her accusation was politically motivated. You don't see a long string of women accusing Biden of sexual assault like you have with Trump. Anyhow, thanks for informing me. :)


Veteran Member
Thank you for the link. I was unaware her allegations were for sexual assault. I'm not saying you are wrong, but there is always the possibility that her accusation was politically motivated. You don't see a long string of women accusing Biden of sexual assault like you have with Trump. Anyhow, thanks for informing me. :)
There's more to Reade than the allegations:

This woman has a messy history, and many questionable actions. You would think republicans would be all over this, but she's too tainted even for them.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
There's more to Reade than the allegations:

This woman has a messy history, and many questionable actions. You would think republicans would be all over this, but she's too tainted even for them.
Wow, that first video was especially amazing. So... she has a long history of being a manipulative, lying user who had only good things to say about Biden. Interesting. Of course, it's not proof positive that she's lying now, but her reputation is so bad, that I doubt any jury will ever believe her. And I agree with you, Republicans look at her history, and just don't want to have anything to do with her.


Admiral Obvious
There's more to Reade than the allegations:

This woman has a messy history, and many questionable actions. You would think republicans would be all over this, but she's too tainted even for them.
too tainted for Republicans to use to go after Biden?
Is "tainted" a strong enough word for it?
I mean if even the Republicans wont touch it....