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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


Veteran Member
I'm not voting for the lesser of two evils.
In politics, that usually means that your unwillingness to vote for the lesser of two evils, ups the chances for the biggest of two evils to win.

So you're not doing yourself any favors by acting like that - eventhough I understand it.
I'm in the same boat atm. Elections this sunday and I genuinely feel like no candidates are ok.
But I do recognize that some are far worse then others. So the best I can do, for myself as well as for the country, is try and help the "lesser of evils" to be in a better position.

I however don't look at it as voting "for" those people. I see it more like voting "against" the others.


Veteran Member
So some people tell me but I rather doubt it.
In politics, that is the case.

The worst ones are usually the most extreme. In this case, Trump.
And the most extreme also tend to attract the most extreme voters which also tend to be the most militant.
They'll be voting in droves. So any "moderate" who "protest votes" or doesn't vote, is actually giving more power to the extremes by NOT acting as a counter weight to them.

So my advice is to do as I do. Go and vote for the "lesser of evils" and don't look at it as a vote FOR the lesser one, but rather as a vote AGAINST the bigger evil.
It's your country, after all. It's your future and the future of your kids that is at stake.


Veteran Member
I don't know or care, to be honest. I am just glad that neither of those men will be on my conscience.
Which won't make any difference since they'll still be in your wallet and everything else that actually affects your life and the country you live in.

I don't understand this mentality of "protest voters" or even "non-voters".

It's such a privilege to live in a democracy. So many blood, sweat and tears went into establishing the country as such.
The least you could do is handle it with the responsibility and respect it deserves.


Well-Known Member
You should be ashamed for posting such trash. If you can prove your points above, I will humbly apologize. So, why not do it?
Isn't it obvious for everyone following the news?

1) Nuremberg code

The code says:
"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

Biden broke that code by mandating the vaccine.

"Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers"

Thus he could be judged the same way as Nazis, if he would not be above the code. Do you know why he is above it?

2) Joe Biden has broken the presidential oath by going against freedom of speech

Presidential oath:
"be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution."

Constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Biden broke that by pressuring companies to censor posts that he or his regime didn't like.

"Among the revelations in the so-called Twitter files was that government officials pressured social-media companies to censor posts unfavorable to the Biden administration...."

Imagine if Trump would have done the same and forced companies to censor speech he doesn't like? I think he would have been successfully impeached, and I would have approved it.

3) Tara Reade

In the case of Trump, words of E.J. Caroll were enough to prove Trump raped her. And when Trump said it did not happen, it apparently defamed her, which cost 91,6 million for Trump.

"..."I'm here because Donald Trump raped me and when I wrote about it, he lied and said it didn't happen," she said...."

Tara Reade accused Biden for rape, Biden has denied it and so defamed Reade the same way as Trump defamed Caroll. If Biden would not be above the law, he would be judged the same way as Trump. But, as we all know, not all are equal in front of the law.

"Tara Reade — alleged that apparent Democratic nominee Joe Biden assaulted her 27 years ago when she worked for Biden in his Senate office, a charge that Biden vehemently denies."

Can you explain why the difference?


Well-Known Member
I don't like rich guys grabbing my genitals without my consent. I don't like poor guys grabbing my genitals without my consent. I don't like anyone grabbing my genitals without my consent.
Good, no one should.
Some people have a hard time reporting sexual abuse when it occurs because it's humiliating, degrading and they fear they won't be believed.
Gee, I wonder why ....
Yes, I understand it may be difficult. But, no one should be ashamed of telling about it instantly. And I think people should tell about it right then, because then it is more believable than after 30 years.


Well-Known Member
Spoken as if democrats aren't legitimate in the USA and only republicans can rule. That is where your attitudes are anti-American, and republicans corrupt. Women in red states have to follow the anti-abortion laws of republicans, so it goes both ways.
It is weird why killing babies is so important for many. But, apparently some get good money for selling the body parts.

But, I actually think republican and "democratic" party are as bad. There are some decent politicians in both sides. And maybe generally republicans seems to be more constitutional at the moment, but both of them seem to be against the people and for the "deep state".
What's the world coming to when women can be sexually assauted by a man and demand he be held accountable? Does that make you feel impotent?
I think women should demand accountability right when the wrong things happens, not after several decades.
She had serious credibility issues if you actually followed reputable news.
:D Now you have just defamed her and you should be judged the same way as Trump. I think it is wrong to judge accused person for saying he is not guilty, even if denying the crime defames the accuser.
Have you ever considered the possibility that conservatives have been duped by a conman? What is so attractive about Trump? He's disgusting. He is everything Christians are sipposed to oppose.
I don't know Trump, maybe he is not a good guy. I think everyone deserves fair trial. It has nothing to do with do I like the person.
Do you understand the 34 counts?
Yes, now I think I understand it. It is claimed that Trump did election interference by concealing things in 34 ways. Similar to Biden who denied the laptop was Hunter's.
The criminal act WAS interfering with reporting that Trump cheated on his wife, who had just had a child.
I don't think that has been proven.
What does your Christians attitudes think about that act?
If it is true, it is obviously wrong. Similarly as Biden raping Tara Reade. However, I am not claiming Trump is perfect. And even if he cheated, I think he is better than Biden who broke the Nuremberg code and so is in Nazi level evil.
Irrelevant, Hunter was never a candidate. He has been nothing but a citizen with the right to privacy. The only reason corrupt republicans are going after him is because he's the president's son, and they are using him as a proxy. And the laptop has been in so many different hands that it's worthless as evidence....
Biden is guilty to election interference the same way as Trump, by denying that it was Hunter's laptop. If Biden would not be above the law, he would also be found guilty the same way.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Biden broke that code by mandating the vaccine.

Only for certain federal agencies, which was his right and obligation because the virus killed people.

Biden broke that by pressuring companies to censor posts that he or his regime didn't like.

"Pressuring" is not the same as "disallowing" legally.

Imagine if Trump would have done the same and forced companies to censor speech he doesn't like? I think he would have been successfully impeached, and I would have approved it.

Maybe you don't actually get or watch the news, but Trump has said he would be a dictator on day 1 and would seek "retribution". That's what fascists do. This also is in opposition to even the most basic Judeo/Christian teachings.

Can you explain why the difference?

I can't explain court's decisions as that's simply out of my jurisdiction. What makes you believe that it is in yours?


Veteran Member
Isn't it obvious for everyone following the news?

1) Nuremberg code

The code says:
"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

Biden broke that code by mandating the vaccine.

"Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers"

Thus he could be judged the same way as Nazis, if he would not be above the code. Do you know why he is above it?

You can't be serious with this.

Who did Biden hold down and force the vaccine onto? How was this accomplished? Were there camps where this happened?

Of course not.

Give your head a shake.

2) Joe Biden has broken the presidential oath by going against freedom of speech

Presidential oath:
"be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution."

Constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Biden broke that by pressuring companies to censor posts that he or his regime didn't like.

"Among the revelations in the so-called Twitter files was that government officials pressured social-media companies to censor posts unfavorable to the Biden administration...."

Imagine if Trump would have done the same and forced companies to censor speech he doesn't like? I think he would have been successfully impeached, and I would have approved it.

3) Tara Reade

In the case of Trump, words of E.J. Caroll were enough to prove Trump raped her. And when Trump said it did not happen, it apparently defamed her, which cost 91,6 million for Trump.

"..."I'm here because Donald Trump raped me and when I wrote about it, he lied and said it didn't happen," she said...."

Tara Reade accused Biden for rape, Biden has denied it and so defamed Reade the same way as Trump defamed Caroll. If Biden would not be above the law, he would be judged the same way as Trump. But, as we all know, not all are equal in front of the law.

"Tara Reade — alleged that apparent Democratic nominee Joe Biden assaulted her 27 years ago when she worked for Biden in his Senate office, a charge that Biden vehemently denies."

Can you explain why the difference?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Similarly as Biden raping Tara Reade.

Biden is guilty to election interference the same way as Trump, by denying that it was Hunter's laptop. If Biden would not be above the law, he would also be found guilty the same way.

Those are two very bizarre statements. When was Biden convicted of rape? Where has Biden created election interference?

You have seriously undermined your own credibility with such statements.


Veteran Member
It is weird why killing babies is so important for many. But, apparently some get good money for selling the body parts.
Killing babies? What's weird is that if you really had a solid moral case you wouldn't have to misrepresent what abortion services ctually do for many women. As it is the republican extremists who have eliminated access to abortion care in certain states have seem many women unable to access the care they need. Some women have died because medical personel didn't offer care in time due to the ambiguty of the laws. Other women are no longer able to have children because their pregnancies developed problems, but thy could get the care they needed in time. There are women who have filed a lawsuit against Texas for their laws that have resulted in personal hard due to lack of access to medical care. Where is your love and compassion for these living citizens? Nothing, because your extremists is ideological and idealistic, not actually loving.

But, I actually think republican and "democratic" party are as bad.
That's what conservatves are saying because they refuse to acknowldge that what the republican party has become is truly bad and destructive for liberty, the planet, democracy, economic stability, law and order, etc. You guys never say what is so damn bad about what democrats are doing. You phrase it as "killing babies" and just sound idiotic.
There are some decent politicians in both sides. And maybe generally republicans seems to be more constitutional at the moment, but both of them seem to be against the people and for the "deep state".
There is no deep state. And how are republicans constitutional when we have two SCOTUS members acting unethically, with republicans nearlu inified is decrying the legal system holding Trump accountable, and many efforts to overturn the election in 2020? Your type of claims without evidence are too ccommon, and rational minds just reject them as easily.
I think women should demand accountability right when the wrong things happens, not after several decades.
That's why women are suing Texas for their laws that prevent them from getting the reproductive care they need. You don't care about women where it comes to right wing ideological issues. No compromise, no morality, no reason.
:D Now you have just defamed her and you should be judged the same way as Trump. I think it is wrong to judge accused person for saying he is not guilty, even if denying the crime defames the accuser.
You don't understand what defamation is. It is a fact that Reid, Biden's accuser, has serious credibility problems. And I'm glad that you acknowledge that Trump did indeed defame E. Jean Carroll, twice. Her lawyer is considering filing another claim against Trump for yet another defmation statement he made. The guy just doesn't learn.
I don't know Trump, maybe he is not a good guy. I think everyone deserves fair trial. It has nothing to do with do I like the person.
There is adequate evidence about Trump to assess whether he is a good person. The amount of fraud he has committed against others is enough to suggest he's corrupt and unethical, and that alone is poor character.
Yes, now I think I understand it. It is claimed that Trump did election interference by concealing things in 34 ways. Similar to Biden who denied the laptop was Hunter's.
Well, Trump lied about the reimbursement to Cohen (which totalled $30,00 to cover taxes, meaning tax fraud) who had paid Daniels $130,000 for her silence about an affair Trump had with her a month before the 2016 election. Trump signed most of the checks to Cohen knowing the entire aim of the scheme. Trump was willing to pay out almost half a million just to keep Daniels quiet. And he did win the Electoral College (not the popular vote) so was successful in the public not hearing about the affair, until much later. That was the election interferance that made this conspiracy a felony. And remember, conspiracies to commit a crime are typically felonies.
I don't think that has been proven.
David pecker testified to the fact in court. He was the guy in charge of the National Enquirer who sat on the story, which was in essence a campaign donation to Trump since it was a benefit to the campaign.
If it is true, it is obviously wrong. Similarly as Biden raping Tara Reade. However, I am not claiming Trump is perfect. And even if he cheated, I think he is better than Biden who broke the Nuremberg code and so is in Nazi level evil.
If it is true? There was testimony in court that Trump had an affair. That's not in dispute. And what evidence do you have that Biden raped Reade? You sound heavily biased here, questioning Trump's affair, but buying into the dubious accusation by Reade. And yet another claim that Biden is in Nazi level evil? Based on what, exactly? Right wing disinformation that no rational mind will watch?

Your bias is showing. You are trying to pretend that you are neutral, but you clearly aren't.
Biden is guilty to election interference the same way as Trump, by denying that it was Hunter's laptop.
Another unverified claim that is irrelevant.
If Biden would not be above the law, he would also be found guilty the same way.
Guilty of what? The bogus accusations by right wingers who are biased, and clueless about everything?


Veteran Member
Those are two very bizarre statements. When was Biden convicted of rape? Where has Biden created election interference?

You have seriously undermined your own credibility with such statements.
Yeah, it's interesting to see how extremists try to begin posts by pretending to be neutral, but as they write and become more emotional they begin to reveal their actual, highly biased thoughts. These deceptive methods suggests they know their views and beliefs are false and incorrect, but eventually get more emotional and don't realize they are exposing their true bias and false beliefs. I think some right wingers know that their right wing disinformation media are not credible, they those media sources are so good at exploiting the emotions of their audience that they get a committed numebr tuning it. It's in essence brainwashing. And I think some of these folks know it's garbage, but it feels so good to hear disinformation that vilifies democrats, the other tribe.

The irony for these Christians is that Jesus taught them not to act this way, but they just can't seem to understand the message in regards to their politics and social atitudes.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Which won't make any difference since they'll still be in your wallet and everything else that actually affects your life and the country you live in.

I don't understand this mentality of "protest voters" or even "non-voters".

It's such a privilege to live in a democracy. So many blood, sweat and tears went into establishing the country as such.
The least you could do is handle it with the responsibility and respect it deserves.
I get what you're saying but my single vote won't make any difference where I live as it stands right now. That may change, and if it does change, I will change my vote. But so far, it doesn't make any difference one way or the other. So I am going to write a name in.

And please don't talk to me about blood, sweat, and tears and a democracy. I come from a long line of military people. My dad, my ex husband, three of my four kids, my brother, etc. - all of them served in the military and several have either retired or are working on retiring. So I've been a military brat, wife, mother, you name it. I haven't directly served but I have supported everyone who has. Oh by the way, my kids run the gamut of political beliefs and I support them in their lawful representation of those beliefs. I have never supported lawlessness but I have always supported any lawful acts they've done. I have one who is a Trump supporter, two who are liberal and Democrats, and another who is also going to write in a name (don't worry, he's not from my state and doesn't claim it for that matter). One of the Democrats served in the US military and one didn't. The Trump supporter and the other one who is going to write a name in are or were both military. So yeah, all over the place and I am very proud of all of them.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
But isn't it best to exert some influence on what you'll have to live with anyway?
Not around here. It's overwhelmingly in one candidate's favor. This is how our system works. The Electoral College and all that good stuff.