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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Well since this is religious forums...
We have heard what strong dems and strong repubs think...
So regardless of party what do the Christians here think of Trumps convictions.
I hear different things from different Christians. Courts are perceived as opaque institutions. They are removed from reality in a sense, because they are full of archaic language and ridiculous rules that favor the wealthy.

Trump should have waved the jury though. It looks bad to have a jury conviction.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
I hear different things from different Christians. Courts are perceived as opaque institutions. They are removed from reality in a sense, because they are full of archaic language and ridiculous rules that favor the wealthy.

Trump should have waved the jury though. It looks bad to have a jury conviction.
That judge would have found him guilty. They only had a trial so they could call trump a "felon". It was a done deal from the start.


Veteran Member
Nope. It's only purpose though was to stop trump from talking.
LOL No. It was to stop him from trying to intimidate and threaten jurors, which he did.

Gag orders are pretty routine. This is not the first time a gag order has been issued to a defendant, despite the ignorant lies Trump tells you.
He didn't intimidate anyone.
He did. Ten times.

Oh wait in forgot about "micro-aggresssions". Wheres the nearest safe space!!!!!!!
No idea what you're going on about. See above.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
LOL No. It was to stop him from trying to intimidate and threaten jurors, which he did.

Gag orders are pretty routine. This is not the first time a gag order has been issued to a defendant, despite the ignorant lies Trump tells you.

He did. Ten times.

No idea what you're going on about. See above.
Thin skinned man children

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
So you're saying he definitely committed the crime. I agree. So does the jury.
And yes, he is now a convicted felon. According to the laws of the state of New York.
Where didn't say that? I said the crime of falsifying business records is a misdemeanor not that trump committed the crime. This is why talking to you people is tenuous at best.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
That judge would have found him guilty. They only had a trial so they could call trump a "felon". It was a done deal from the start.
A jury trial means that both attorneys dickererd over who to accept. Trump's attorneys could turn away anyone that they detected a bias in. That's why this means Trump really did break laws.

There is no question that he is convicted but only whether the same charges would have been brought against someone else. That's the political question. There is no question that he is guilty of something. Should he have been charged 34 times? I don't know, because the court system is complicated and stupid.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The problem with that is, how can we know do they lie? What could you do, if suddenly 25 women would claim you have raped them, and the judge would believe them without any evidence?

I'm not saying we can always trust hearsay, but what I am saying was this is not the first time Trump was accused of sexual assault, and women stand a chance of being shamed and hurt for saying they were. Trump has long been well known as a hedonist, materialist, a playboy, and a conman, so maybe do some research on this if you truly are interested.

I would like to see the evidence.

Google can be your friend.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yeah, when the law is anything "democrats" say.

It is interesting, if we would for example still keep the Nuremberg code, Joe Biden and his regime could be judged the same way as Nazis. Luckily for them, they are above that law.

Also, Joe Biden has broken the presidential oath by going against freedom of speech, which in normal case would be a very good reason for impeachment. But, luckily for Biden, he is above normal rules.

Also, in modern times word of a woman can be enough to judge person for a rape, like in the case of Trump. If Biden would not be above the rule, he would be judged the same way as Trump, because raped Tara Reade.

You should be ashamed for posting such trash. If you can prove your points above, I will humbly apologize. So, why not do it?


Veteran Member
Where didn't say that? I said the crime of falsifying business records is a misdemeanor not that trump committed the crime. This is why talking to you people is tenuous at best.

Regardless though, a misdemeanor is still a crime.

"You people" should learn how the law works. You're extremely confused. Probably because Fox News you've been watching Fox News.

Trump is a convicted felon. That's reality.

You've clearly acknowledged a crime has been committed. You just think it's a lesser crime that it actually was.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
No, I am telling you, it really does not matter around here. One or two votes, nope. And like I said, I can sleep at night knowing I didn't vote for either old rich guy.
but one old rich guy will do us a whole lot of harm. Thanks for your help


Not of this world

Regardless though, a misdemeanor is still a crime.

"You people" should learn how the law works. You're extremely confused. Probably because Fox News you've been watching Fox News.

Trump is a convicted felon. That's reality.

You've clearly acknowledged a crime has been committed. You just think it's a lesser crime that it actually was.

On top of it being misdemeanor instead of felony, it was also beyond the statute of limitations.
Too bad the judge elected not to inform the jury about that. But then again, the law wasn't what was being upheld.


Admiral Obvious
On top of it being misdemeanor instead of felony, it was also beyond the statute of limitations.
Too bad the judge elected not to inform the jury about that. But then again, the law wasn't what was being upheld.
  • Myth: No one knows what Trump was charged with.
  • Myth: Prosecutors stretched the law to convert a misdemeanor into a felony.
  • Myth: The prosecution didn’t tell Trump what he was charged with until closing argument, a violation of due process.
  • Myth: It was improper for a state prosecutor to charge a federal offense.
  • Myth: Trump would not have been charged for a mere bookkeeping error if his name were anything other than Donald J. Trump.
  • Myth: There is nothing illegal about paying hush money, and famous people do it all the time.
  • Myth: The charges were filed after lengthy delay to interfere with Trump’s campaign for president.
  • Myth: Justice Juan Merchan was biased because of his $35 financial contribution to Joe Biden and because of his daughter’s work as a democratic political consultant.
  • Myth: Juan Merchan is a judge on the New York County Supreme Court.
  • Myth: Justice Juan Merchan violated Trump’s rights to defend himself by refusing to permit him to call an expert witness.
  • Myth: Justice Merchan violated Trump’s First Amendment rights to free speech and to testify in his own defense by imposing a gag order in the case.
  • Myth: The U.S. Supreme Court may intervene and overturn Trump’s conviction before the his sentencing on July 11, which is four days before the GOP convention.
