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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
No one vote by itself will change the outcome one way or the other, in the state or in the country so why bother voting at all? It's the cumulative affect if each vote that matters.

And if I thought that every single vote mattered, I'd vote for one or the other, but I don't really think it matters in this area.


Veteran Member
The mere presence of a gag order ina defendant doesn't give you pause does it?
It illustrates how unhinged and undisciplined Trump is. He can't control himself, and feels motivated to lie about everything. There are rules in court and Trump disrespected them. That some defendants can be emotionally unstable is why judges can impose gag orders.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
And if I thought that every single vote mattered, I'd vote for one or the other, but I don't really think it matters in this area.
But thats just it, every single vote does matter when there are only two possibilities like we are currently facing. I have voted against Donald Trump in every primary because there have been actual alternatives. In the general election the ONLY other viable option is Biden. No thanks. Whether I like it or not either trump will be the next president or Biden will remain as president.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
It illustrates how unhinged and undisciplined Trump is. He can't control himself, and feels motivated to lie about everything. There are rules in court and Trump disrespected them. That some defendants can be emotionally unstable is why judges can impose gag orders.
Who determined he was "emotionally unstable"? The leftist judge?


Veteran Member
Who determined he was "emotionally unstable"?
No, any rational mind that observes Trump's erratic behavior. He is obviously a disturbed man who has diminishing ability to manage and control his emotions. He is unfit to be president.

Trump was told the rules, and he refused to honor the orders. He was capable of understanding the order since he eventually stopped violating it. He's not a smart man. He has no respect for ethics or law. He's not fit to be president. He never was. This is why he was fired in 2020.
The leftist judge?
There are none of these in the USA. Look in Russia.


Well-Known Member
Because we don't commit crimes.
By the standard Trump is judged, I am sure anyone can be judged.

But, I have been asking, what were the laws Trump broke, and what is the evidence for that. Do you know is there some place where those are told exactly?


Well-Known Member
Are you actually familiar with trials in (ostensibly) communist countries?
In China, only 0.1% prosecuted are ever found not guilty.
In USA, the "not guilty" rate is over 100 times that.
By what I know, it is common in U.S. to let most of criminals go free. For some reason there is totally different set of rules for Trump.

For example in New York it is ok to try to murder people, but if you name is Trump, you may have to go to jail for some unknown petty reason.


Well-Known Member
You actually can't do whatever you want to a woman.
If you are rich, you will find out that many women allow things that they would not allow from a poor guy.
Ever hear of Clinton amd Lewenski?
Yes, and it is interesting how different that case is, in comparison to Trump case. I appreciate that Lewinsky didn't wait 30 years before making the claims.
That's not how a jury trial works. It was the jury who unanimously decided he's guilty.
Would be nice to know, what exactly was the crime and what is the evidence for the crime.


Well-Known Member
...roughly 25 women who claimed he sexually assaulted them, including groping them.
The problem with that is, how can we know do they lie? What could you do, if suddenly 25 women would claim you have raped them, and the judge would believe them without any evidence?
Juror #2 said (s)he watched Fox and Truth Social for news and said the evidence was overwhelming against Trump.
I would like to see the evidence.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
No, any rational mind that observes Trump's erratic behavior. He is obviously a disturbed man who has diminishing ability to manage and control his emotions. He is unfit to be president.

Trump was told the rules, and he refused to honor the orders. He was capable of understanding the order since he eventually stopped violating it. He's not a smart man. He has no respect for ethics or law. He's not fit to be president. He never was. This is why he was fired in 2020.

There are none of these in the USA. Look in Russia.
Says you. Ok

I must say it seems you're a little bit unstable there yourself.