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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Maybe self satisfaction, maybe not, who knows. I haven't thought that much about it one way or the other.

We Never Know

No Slack
Maybe self satisfaction, maybe not, who knows. I haven't thought that much about it one way or the other.
Well then if it isn't going to satisfy you, evidently you need to think about it some more.
Hate to see you not vote for either grumpy old man and then be unsatisfied with your choice of doing that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
By what I know, it is common in U.S. to let most of criminals go free.
How do you know this?
And are you talking about people arrested,
but either not charged, or not found guilty?
Or criminals who are let go after conviction?
Or criminals who are released from prison
early....or after having served a full sentence?
For some reason there is totally different set of rules for Trump.
Aye, he's gotten away with wrongful acts that
I've never seen tolerated in court before.
For example in New York it is ok to try to murder people....
That is wrong.
Obviously, you know better, but are making some
histrionic point. What is it?
, but if you name is Trump, you may have to go to jail for some unknown petty reason.
Many people in NY go to prison for "petty" reasons.
BTW, the "Petty Offense Doctrine" created by SCOTUS
views a crime punishable by less than 1 year in prison
as petty, & with no right to a jury trial
Your article cites one example, & makes it writ large.
Anything can be proved by that rationale.
You should flesh out your claims by fully answering
my questions above.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Well then if it isn't going to satisfy you, evidently you need to think about it some more.
Hate to see you not vote for either grumpy old man and then be unsatisfied with your choice of doing that.
Nope., like I said, unless every vote makes a difference in an area, there's no point in it in my opinion. Meanwhile, I do have to sleep at night.


Veteran Member
By the standard Trump is judged, I am sure anyone can be judged.
That’s right. No one is above the law including Trump.
But, I have been asking, what were the laws Trump broke, and what is the evidence for that.
It’s been widely reported in reputable news. It’s been posted in these discussions. If you are interested it is easy to find.

Do you know is there some place where those are told exactly?

This took me 20 seconds. You have no excuses.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Well since this is religious forums...
We have heard what strong dems and strong repubs think...
So regardless of party what do the Christians here think of Trumps convictions.
Seems OK to me. He even got privileges that many of us couldn't afford like breaking gag orders routinely. I think it was a fair trial with the correct verdicts. Seems like the justice system worked in my opinion.

I can't imagine how a Christian can back that thing. No morals that I can discern. Nothing Christ-like about him except for two arms, two legs, a head and a body. From those similarities, there is great divergence.

I recall from Matthew 4:3, Christ did not take the devil up on his tempting challenge to turn stones to bread. And rebuked him saying, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

It seems like many Christians today have decided to take him up on his offers.


Well-Known Member
That’s right. No one is above the law including Trump.
Yeah, when the law is anything "democrats" say.

It is interesting, if we would for example still keep the Nuremberg code, Joe Biden and his regime could be judged the same way as Nazis. Luckily for them, they are above that law.

Also, Joe Biden has broken the presidential oath by going against freedom of speech, which in normal case would be a very good reason for impeachment. But, luckily for Biden, he is above normal rules.

Also, in modern times word of a woman can be enough to judge person for a rape, like in the case of Trump. If Biden would not be above the rule, he would be judged the same way as Trump, because raped Tara Reade.
It’s been widely reported in reputable news. It’s been posted in these discussions. If you are interested it is easy to find.

I don't think that is exactly what I asked. But, thank you anyway. I think that will be useful.

If I understand correctly, the crime was:
"conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election".

Interesting thing that the problem seems to be the concealing, not the "criminal activity". However, if the reason is the concealing, Hunter Biden laptop story was also concealed. Should the people who did that be judged the same way?

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
I don't know or care, to be honest. I am just glad that neither of those men will be on my conscience.
But one will be president and impacting all of our lives. Maybe you couldn't do anything to stop the damage but maybe you could have done something to minimize the damage.


Veteran Member
Yeah, when the law is anything "democrats" say.
Spoken as if democrats aren't legitimate in the USA and only republicans can rule. That is where your attitudes are anti-American, and republicans corrupt. Women in red states have to follow the anti-abortion laws of republicans, so it goes both ways.

And if it's so bad that democrats make fraud illegal and you don;t like it, you must be saying republcians are OK with fraud, and cheating, and obstruction, and election interferance. No wonder New York prefers democrats. Good judgment.

Trump, a guy with a history of fraud, namely his charity was caught doing fraud, Trump University was caught doing fraud, Trump Organization was caught doing tax fraud, Trump himself was found liable for sexual assault and defamation. The guy is a loser, corrupt, and just can't help be a criminal.
It is interesting, if we would for example still keep the Nuremberg code, Joe Biden and his regime could be judged the same way as Nazis. Luckily for them, they are above that law.
Keep imagning nonsense if that helps you cope with your criminal candidate's ongoing criminal problems.
Also, Joe Biden has broken the presidential oath by going against freedom of speech, which in normal case would be a very good reason for impeachment. But, luckily for Biden, he is above normal rules.
Another bogus claim with no evidence and no argument, so we throw it out. You must have heard this on right wing disinformation media.
Also, in modern times word of a woman can be enough to judge person for a rape, like in the case of Trump.
Isn't it horrible that women dare believe they are equal to men? What's the world coming to when women can be sexually assauted by a man and demand he be held accountable? Does that make you feel impotent?

If Biden would not be above the rule, he would be judged the same way as Trump, because raped Tara Reade.
She had serious credibility issues if you actually followed reputable news. Nothing in her claims is consistent with facts and Biden's character. Trump has a history of sexual assualt allegations, and is even on tape bragging how he can assault women and get away with it. There are 26 allegations of sexual assualt by your guy. You know, the guy found guilty of sexual assault, defamation, numerous fraud cases, and 34 criminal acts, with three more trials in the works.

Have you ever considered the possibility that conservatives have been duped by a conman? What is so attractive about Trump? He's disgusting. He is everything Christians are sipposed to oppose.
I don't think that is exactly what I asked. But, thank you anyway. I think that will be useful.
If you actually read the charges and understand the legal theory, it will be useful for you to understand that Trump is rightly convicted. It's your choice to support a criminal candidate.
If I understand correctly, the crime was:
"conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election".
That was Trump's intent as part of a conspiracy with others using tax fraud, and campaign finance crimes. Do you understand the 34 counts? Every time Trump signed a check that went to pay back Cohen it was a criminal act furthering a prior crime. And Trump was even president for some of these crimes. The prosecution made their case, Trump's defense made thier case, and the jurors found Trump guilty on all counts.
Interesting thing that the problem seems to be the concealing, not the "criminal activity".
The criminal act WAS interfering with reporting that Trump cheated on his wife, who had just had a child. What does your Christians attitudes think about that act? Stick your head in the sand? Just pretend Trump isn't a cheater? With a porn star? Are you OK with that? You claim to be Christian, yes? Does it mean anything?
However, if the reason is the concealing, Hunter Biden laptop story was also concealed. Should the people who did that be judged the same way?
Irrelevant, Hunter was never a candidate. He has been nothing but a citizen with the right to privacy. The only reason corrupt republicans are going after him is because he's the president's son, and they are using him as a proxy. And the laptop has been in so many different hands that it's worthless as evidence. Let's not forget that Republican Comer has been trying to make a case against the "Biden Crime Family" and has totally failed to present any evidence. Comer is a hack, and a complete idiot. He's done nothing but make Biden look clean. He should have just lied on FOX News instead of opening a congressional investigation that found no criminal activity.

And with the dubious gun charges against Hunter in Deleware how is it going to make republicans look if he is acquitted? Just dumber.


Veteran Member
If you are rich, you will find out that many women allow things that they would not allow from a poor guy.
I don't like rich guys grabbing my genitals without my consent. I don't like poor guys grabbing my genitals without my consent. I don't like anyone grabbing my genitals without my consent. Do you?
Yes, and it is interesting how different that case is, in comparison to Trump case. I appreciate that Lewinsky didn't wait 30 years before making the claims.
Some people have a hard time reporting sexual abuse when it occurs because it's humiliating, degrading and they fear they won't be believed.
Gee, I wonder why ....
Would be nice to know, what exactly was the crime and what is the evidence for the crime.
Google is your friend. Inform yourself.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Nope. It's a routine practice used against mob boss types when they try to intimidate the jury, like Trump did.
Do you think this was like, the first time a gag order has ever been issued?
Nope. It's only purpose though was to stop trump from talking. He didn't intimidate anyone. Oh wait in forgot about "micro-aggresssions". Wheres the nearest safe space!!!!!!!