I told you that I find the man loathsome, contemptible, "about the worst human being on earth," and that I wish the worse for him, but you still chose to call me a liar because all I could say about hating him was maybe. Hate is too simplistic a word to describe how I feel about anybody including Trump. It's the word my sister and I used about each other in our pre-school years: "I hate you!"
You certainly like to "slander" me. First, I'm a liar and now delusional. Who taught you that that was ethical or appropriate behavior?
Behold and learn. Note my demeanor. Leave the emotional outbursts and personal attacks to the other guy.
Also, you ignored the following question, so I'll answer for you: "How do you explain the success of the system "getting Trump"? Trump has been ruined, and the system's not done with him yet. Why have people been able to do that to him in your opinion if it's not justified or required by law that they try and he's not guilty as charged? Is the right that weak or stupid?"
We explain that by concluding that Trump is a criminal on several fronts and has been caught red-handed. Unless they can regain the government and subvert the DOJ's reason for existence, the right will remain impotent to prevent his upcoming trials and convictions.