I just skimmed through the last couple pages, so I don't know what all's been said, but here is my thoughts. Clearly, all kinds of sexual activity is condemned in the Bible. As a kid growing up Catholic, I got the feeling that my feelings for girls was evil and I should stop that. I was five!
Society in the late 50's and early 60's pushed little boys to pretend to hate girls and all that mushy stuff. Then puberty hit. I was long gone from the Catholic influence so the natural thing to do was try my best to do it. Doing it with girls was a problem, however, because I was taught it was wrong and dirty. So I was still filled with guilt. I liked looking at pretty girls, the less clothes the better. In those days Playboy magazine showed only boobs. That was enough to do what I needed it to do.
Then the crazy late 60's, everything was okay to do, and to do it a lot. But, I was so guilt ridden from what religion and society taught me, that I still had problems really enjoying sex, plus I was clueless on what to do. Then boys started liking me, yuck, unthinkable! And that was exactly right. I didn't realize it, but I was a trained, engrained homophobic.
What's funny is that we all need love. We all crave the human touch. Religion has to condemn it or we'd all be doing it like monkeys. But, it condemns all of it. Some say don't even do with yourself, because it involves fantasy. Religion says don't do it unless you're married because it's a sacred gift with only one special person out of the billions of people on the Earth. I don't know but every beautiful girl in the world looks like a sacred gift to me. So, naturally, religion has to make "desire" and "lust" a bad thing. I understand. We can't have a big, strong dominate male taking all the good looking girls for himself and spreading his seed everywhere. That would be so animalistic, and so unfair to the rest of us.
When I was a Christian in the mid 70's everybody I knew was a closet sex addict or a guilt ridden wannabe sex addict. It didn't matter what your sexual preference was, we were all horny ********!
So let's do an experiment. If you had your eyes closed and some kind of sexual contact with a million different people, it would probably feel great. What if afterwards we showed you the video we just post on You Tube and some were Black, some were Asian, and some were Latin. You'd probably say, "awesome!" What if number 100,001 was a dude dressed up to look like a lady? All of a sudden you'd be repulsed. You'd feel violated. Why? It still felt good when it happened didn't it? It would be because we are taught what is right and wrong and what is an "abomination" to the Lord.
I believe religion is a construct of people to control the behavior of people. If you want to believe in Jesus and the Bible then, not only homosexuality is bad, but any lust of any person other than your spouse is "evil" and "corrupt." Like Jesus said, "He that is without sin cast the first stone." For the Christian gay person it's only the self-righteous ******** that are ballsy enough to cast that first stone. And, they're sicker than all of us! The sweet goody goody Christians will tell you they love you and that Jesus loves you. They'll say, "Do you want me to pray for you?"
But all of us are sexual beings and if we don't have lust for someone, we're sicker than the lusters. So I don't blame homosexuals for being true to themselves. What are the"normal" Christians going to do? The ones that only lust after the opposite sex. Are they going to be hypocritical and want to burn the gay Christian at the stake or love them? I think it's time for love and to admit we all lust and crave sex. If you want to pretend you don't, and fill yourself with guilt, that's your problem. However, at the same time, I thank God for the rules of society and religion to keep that big guy from getting all the girls and from taking the one I got. We need rules, but gays are challenging where we draw the line. Society says move it. What will Christians say?