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Critic on Islam


Active Member
Fundamentalism, the hadiths, sharia law and declaring Mohammed the final prophet are all a huge turn off. I am a bleeding heart liberal so find myself unable to reconcile with Islams civil and human rights.

The mystical parts of Islam however I find infinitely interesting. I have learned much from Sufi Masters about the nature of God and reality and if I had to throw myself into a religion that would probably be it.

I think it is important to note that what is practiced by followers of Islam and even supposed Islamic governments (in the name of Islam often, unfortunately) is separate from the actual ideas set fourth in Islam. What a religion teachers, and what the followers decide to do, is often very different. I am a Muslim and I believe in full human rights. The problem is the Islamic world is going through their own Dark Ages, just as Christian Europe did.


Active Member
Rubbish. Anyone who has animals quickly understands that animals have some kind of reasoning capacity. Yes, it is very different from our own, but it is laughable to say that they have "no mind". Have you, for example, ever befriended a "wild" animal? If you have you would quickly understand that they have a great deal of control over their actions. Simple observation over a few months would show this to even the thickest dullard human. Humans are so incredibly arrogant.

It's true that animal have no full control over their reaction. They have brain like us but they have no abilities to fully control their reaction. When we was a child, we always make mistake and repeat it because we are cannot think wisely. I had taken care of two male cats and one of it have live at my home for almost 3 years now. When I left food uncovered on the table, It will still steal it no matter what I told it. Animal have feeling but they have no mentality like human.

Did you ever heard of a zookeeper being attack by the lion he had taken care of for years. An expert explained the reason for the lion to attack the zookeeper. The expert said that we should never turn our back to lion. Wild animal have instinct and that what keep them alive. Just for reminder, I never suggest that animal is stupid and have no feelings. In Islam, animal will not be judged for it's deed.


Active Member
I think it is important to note that what is practiced by followers of Islam and even supposed Islamic governments (in the name of Islam often, unfortunately) is separate from the actual ideas set fourth in Islam. What a religion teachers, and what the followers decide to do, is often very different. I am a Muslim and I believe in full human rights. The problem is the Islamic world is going through their own Dark Ages, just as Christian Europe did.

Not really. Many muslim practice the same thing and idea. But don't include Shia since it's very different from Sunni. You can say Dark Age because many corrupted government ruled Islamic country nowaday. Some country have make their way to glorify Islam once again. Egypt is a good example.


Active Member
My primary problem with Islam is that it's one of a group of religions that inhibit rational thought and the honest pursuit of truth. However, this isn't as big of a problem as it seems on the surface, as most people have little to no interest in those things anyway.

Depend on our way of thinking. You can apply that to almost all religion in the world. You said that its inhibit rational thought and you have your own reason. Why don't you ask religious people what's their view on the subject that you considered inhibiting rational thought. Try to give an example so we can discuss on it more.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It's true that animal have no full control over their reaction. They have brain like us but they have no abilities to fully control their reaction. When we was a child, we always make mistake and repeat it because we are cannot think wisely. I had taken care of two male cats and one of it have live at my home for almost 3 years now. When I left food uncovered on the table, It will still steal it no matter what I told it. Animal have feeling but they have no mentality like human.

Did you ever heard of a zookeeper being attack by the lion he had taken care of for years. An expert explained the reason for the lion to attack the zookeeper. The expert said that we should never turn our back to lion. Wild animal have instinct and that what keep them alive. Just for reminder, I never suggest that animal is stupid and have no feelings. In Islam, animal will not be judged for it's deed.
:cover: Your understanding of this is truly appalling.


Active Member
The Qur'an and ahadith are quite interesting,the hadith are more interesting for a non believer such as i though but i see them as a problem and cannot see the benefit of combining them with the Qur'an,after all,the message in the Qur'an is supposedly clear,except of course the allegorical verses.

Islam at its height could be described as magnificient but Islam today which has a reported following of around 1.6 billion people ,it seems many do not seem to be reading from the same page and do not appear to understand Islam in the same way,i think the problem lies in the differences of Immams and so called experts and alleged contradictions in the Qur'an itself.

I would be interested in seeing a Salafi follower of early Islam and a Khalaf or latter day Muslim and a Shi'ite Muslim in a discussion or debate about Islam and what their interpretation of what the message of Islam is.

Thank you for your comment. I wonder why many people think that Quran cannot be combined with hadith. Al-Quran tell something in general and hadith
is an explanation for the verse in Al-Quran. You can't never find how to perform Solah(muslim prayer) in Quran because Quran only tell us to perform Solah but how to perform it was described in hadith.

There is no different of teaching in Islam. The basic is still the same. But there's a different of opinion on some minor topic that make it different. All my view is as a Sunni Muslim.


Oldest Heretic
An OP that seeks opinion, will incite many criticisms in reply.

The social concepts in the Qur'an and as practised by Islam, contradict what we consider Fair , equitable and especially as to the different treatment or equality of men and women, and people who follow different religions.

You have said in your replies that men should not even touch women... That does not seem to be the case with your young men that go out with, or go to school or college with English Girls.

God is God of the entire universe and all of its beings. God loves his creation equally. He has no preference for one religion over another, or one sex over another. He does have regard for us as individuals and how we treat one another.

So far this is best expressed in the teachings of Jesus.


Active Member
An OP that seeks opinion, will incite many criticisms in reply.

The social concepts in the Qur'an and as practised by Islam, contradict what we consider Fair , equitable and especially as to the different treatment or equality of men and women, and people who follow different religions.

You have said in your replies that men should not even touch women... That does not seem to be the case with your young men that go out with, or go to school or college with English Girls.

God is God of the entire universe and all of its beings. God loves his creation equally. He has no preference for one religion over another, or one sex over another. He does have regard for us as individuals and how we treat one another.

So far this is best expressed in the teachings of Jesus.

Thank you for your comment. I will refer Allah as God. Don't get offended everyone because it's just my view.

I think mixing of different gender have now give a bad result in community. Well, if you don't agree it's okay to me but I really mean that many social problem have arise nowaday.

Religion is not just practice of faith but it's the way of your life. If Allah don't love us equally, many people will be dead by now. Why different religion have different teachings?? And some religion denying each other??


Well-Known Member
Their is no separation in religion. You can't choose to believe some and drop the other.

If you mean organized religion, then you're right hence why I am not a Muslim. But people like Hazrat Inayat Khan with Universal Sufism prove that you can take the best aspects of each religion and combine them for your own personal spiritual growth.

I think it is important to note that what is practiced by followers of Islam and even supposed Islamic governments (in the name of Islam often, unfortunately) is separate from the actual ideas set fourth in Islam. What a religion teachers, and what the followers decide to do, is often very different. I am a Muslim and I believe in full human rights. The problem is the Islamic world is going through their own Dark Ages, just as Christian Europe did.

This is true, it is just easier to speak in generalities than always adding an addendum (except for the more open minded Muslims, etc)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
There is no different of teaching in Islam. The basic is still the same. But there's a different of opinion on some minor topic that make it different. All my view is as a Sunni Muslim.

I completely disagree. Aside from believing in one God, there are several different teachings of Islam. The mere fact you had to classify yourself as a "Sunni Muslim" only verifies that.


Active Member
A true Muslim is a good and noble person because Islam is the one true religion and the Quran is inerrant. Up to now, no one has been able to find one single letter in the Quran that is incorrect, everything written is true as it was written, no ambiguities, no conflicts, total agreement with science, this is why to truly get to heaven, Islam is the right way.
Allah Subhanallah Wa Tala

Well, this not Islam forum and you'll be rained by critics from other religion members.


Active Member
I completely disagree. Aside from believing in one God, there are several different teachings of Islam. The mere fact you had to classify yourself as a "Sunni Muslim" only verifies that.

Teaching that against Al-Quran is not Islam. If they believe there's more than one God that make them Kafir and their faith void. Shia existance is not to be denied. But I personally denying Shia.


Active Member
Not really. Many muslim practice the same thing and idea. But don't include Shia since it's very different from Sunni. You can say Dark Age because many corrupted government ruled Islamic country nowaday. Some country have make their way to glorify Islam once again. Egypt is a good example.

I'm talking about people doing things that have no actual basis in Islam (i.e. honor killings, forced conversions, abusing your wife, etc.)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Teaching that against Al-Quran is not Islam. If they believe there's more than one God that make them Kafir and their faith void. Shia existance is not to be denied. But I personally denying Shia.

You didn't read my post very carefully. Please reread the part where I said "aside from believing in one God" then we'll talk.


Active Member
If it is not to be denied, why are you denying it? :confused: Or have I misunderstood you?

It's exist and quite popular so it existance is not be denied. I don't approve its teaching. What I don't really understand is why it still exist untill this day. It's teaching is really against the mainstream of Islam. For now, I don't really understand Shia entirely but if you ever need to ask about Islam, you should ask from Sunni not Shia.


Active Member
If you mean organized religion, then you're right hence why I am not a Muslim. But people like Hazrat Inayat Khan with Universal Sufism prove that you can take the best aspects of each religion and combine them for your own personal spiritual growth.

This is true, it is just easier to speak in generalities than always adding an addendum (except for the more open minded Muslims, etc)

If you ever believe in certain religion but you don't approve some of its teaching,
you better ask for an explanation on that particular thing. Combining aspect from
many religion is not brilliant at all. Combining mean that you do not even believe in a single religion.


Oldest Heretic
God is the God of all religions, what ever name they call him by.
As God recognises all religions, even though every one contains errors and omissions. so should we.
We may feel some religions are nearer the truth than others, but that is from the perspective of our religion not theirs.

All religions seek the truth, none can find it completely.