Thank you very much for your replies, I enjoyed reading them, and they were useful
Hmm...I wasn't offerig my background to support my point. Moreso to illustrate why I think about critical thinking in the manner I do. It's a learnable skill, basically.
I've got a Bachelor of Teaching
It did cross my mind for a split milli second, but then I thought "No he probably meant that it's a byproduct of studying", and you using the word "education" made me think you might be a teacher.
I've got a Bachelor of Teaching (with honours...which makes you wonder about the other muppets in the course...), a Bachelor of Education, have lectured, etc. All these things were of interest to me precisely BECAUSE I see critical thinking as a skill that can be taught and learnt.
Aha, I got that right
(and reading your nice reply, proves it, you're good at it probably)
Never crossed my mind through all that time to think about learners as 'theists' or 'atheists'. Just individuals at different points on a learning journey.
That is how I feel about it too. I am neither Atheist nor Theist. If I need to describe "who I am" then I would say "I am the Witness" witnessing whatever my mind thinks, my mouth speaks, my hands write etc. But I am neither my mind (why would I say "my mind" if my mind is who I am), nor my mouth nor my hands, nor their thoughts, words and actions. I am just the witness of it all
I don't see it that way. You're drawing a hard line between thinking and non-thinking, and making it a binary choice. There are all sorts of biases people hold which means their thinking is impacted. If you see 'concentration' or 'contemplation' as non-thinking, we're probably going to talk past each other.
I did not intend to make it binary, I just tried to show that there are 2 ways to use the mind. Thinking is 1 way, and when, through training, you manage to reduce the thought-train, Wisdom and knowledge arise in this "emptiness". In the thereby created "space" is room, opportunity for creation. This I experience myself, and anyone can experience this after some practice (not for nothing they advice sometimes to count to 5 or 10, before answering)
Instead, if we HAVE to draw binary lines for descriptive purposes, I would suggest that science is procedural thinking, with identified start and end points, and understood objectives.
Yes, that makes sense to me
Contemplation is much more free-form thinking, and doesn't have the same requirements or aims...indeed, it doesn't even have consistent requirements and aims. I don't see how that makes it 'non-thought' though.
Okay, clearly I did not make it clear before. I am not as good a Teacher as you are. So, I'll try again
It's simple, and I hope I can phrase it simple. Though usually one gets it best, after having experienced it once (practise makes perfect)
Concentration means to focus on 1 point. By doing so, your number of thoughts reduce. So far it's easy, right?
Contemplation starts when there is 1 thought left (can be love for example; can't go wrong with love). Still simple, right? Contemplation can be seen as intense concentration
Worldly example (might be easier to relate to): 10 women come to your house, wanting you, not easy to focus and have peace inside this scenario.
First step is to concentrate. Select 1 woman, and then you can focus on love, right? (of course some will take it as funny, and even frubal it 'funny' and missing the point). This example popped up just now, and seems a perfect illustration to me. I hope I made concentration and Contemplation clearer now
Of course you can 'think as much as you want' about 'making love', but I think that you agree, that "none of your thoughts" beats the 'real thing', right?
That is the same with meditation. Concentration is just the start (having 10 women in your house, focus on 1), Contemplation (having kicked out 9) makes room for deepening the love. Meditation is where you 'lose your mind', thoughts have stopped(don't they even have the saying "I will **** your brains out"?)
Meditation is a natural state which follows contemplation when love absorbs all other thoughts and just love remains. The Witness and the object you witness and "witnesssing" itself merge into just Being
Note: Mind is just a bundle of thoughts.