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Death penalty: Are you for or against it?

Are you for or against the death penalty?

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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Then why not rehabilitate said psychopath instead of killing him? Help him to understand harming others is not in his best interests, and so he won't do it again... ;)
I was just pointing out that people have choices. But when you make the choice to transgress in such serious ways, that's it for you.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
This is exactly why it is right and proper for the State (government) to take your life as punishment for taking the life of others. Like you, if you harm or try to harm me or my family I could put "two-in-your-chest" and never lose a minute's sleep. Unfortunately this may make me a murderer no matter how justified my actions may be. However, if the law (government) doesn't require the maximum payment for this crime, then I probably would show up with the bill myself. There are seven billion of us on this planet, we can do without a few.
That's my attitude, as well. Lol. I guess we're just old-school about this.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Against. In any case. I am even against life sentences. Or any kind of irreversible sentences.

Probably due to my northern European mindset that favors correction over (emotional) retaliation.


- viole

P.S. Sure you are Catholic?
Oh, don't get me started on the "Northern European mindset". I don't have very nice things to say about modern Scandinavians.

Catholics are allowed to support the death penalty. It doesn't hold the same moral weight as, say, abortion.


yawn <ignore> yawn
A "Cafeteria Catholic" is someone who gets all self righteous about RCC teachings as long as it suits, but tosses them like a used Kleenex when it doesn't.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Because in both cases you are talking about the premeditated killing of a human who is not a threat.

Where do you get that from? I'm saying that if someone premeditatively murders someone else, the murderer should be executed. The murderer stole a life and should forfeit his. Who is the person that's not a threat?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You seem to doubt eternal justice from God. And to be ready to take lives that belong to God only. As your pope would remind you.


- viole
It's just sending them on to meet their Maker. :D Besides, they would know the time of the meeting, so they should take that time to prepare for it. ;)

The Bible doesn't say anything about opposing the death penalty. Even Jesus didn't speak against it. For pretty much the Church's entire existence, she has supported capital punishment. So you can't use the religion card with me on this.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Where do you get that from? I'm saying that if someone premeditatively murders someone else, the murderer should be executed. The murderer stole a life and should forfeit his.

Your reason for choosing to kill someone is vengeance. The person being executed had their reason for killing as well.
I think the USA would be better if none of us chose that ever. I won't do it and I will oppose my government doing it as well.
I don't lose any sleep over it. I expect that more innocents die in kite flying tragedies than the chair.

But when I weigh the pros and cons of CP I find that the cons outweigh the pros. Just like every other time I do the moral calculations over humans choosing death for other humans.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Mostly reasonable. Excepting cases such as a child being abused by her parents for years taking it out to escape a hellish life.
That brings up a good point. I actually love Lorena Bobbitt and I think cases like hers should be excused. John Bobbitt is an abusive POS and he deserved it. I can't hold it against any abused person for lashing out at their abuser. They said they found no evidence that she was raped by him, but he has continuously gotten in trouble with the law since and proven to be a scumbag batterer and criminal. What has Lorena done since? She's now happily married with a child and runs a charity for victims of domestic violence.


Oldest Heretic
I thought the Pope Francisspoke out aginst the death penalty when in the USA in the last few days.
but then perhaps he is not Catholic enough for you.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Your reason for choosing to kill someone is vengeance.

Punishment. Crime and punishment.

And remind me just why vengeance is wrong in a case like this? Let the person go on his way with lollipops and ice cream?

The person being executed had their reason for killing as well.

You're sitting on a park bench at lunchtime in the sunshine, minding your own business, and some random stranger puts a gun to your head and pulls the trigger because he had his reasons. That's OK?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Guys. Imagine yourselves on death row. You killed X amount of people and the government says you deserve to be killed too.

Do you agree to their reasoning? Do you feel you have the right to ammend your life with whomever or whatever you believe in? Say family? God? Do you feel anyone else has the right to rid you of the only thing you have for yourself? Your body. Your mind. Your heart.

We all suffer consequences for our actions. In regards to killing others, that is not a correctional punishment like jail time or court fees. You (gov) are taking a life. I can only think of a couple of reasons why killing is natural: to defend oneself as the only option. To survive (meaning the body trumps thinking of morality).

Other than that, if you feel you deserve to die because you killed someone else, wait for that karma to come to you. Maybe your life had struggles and later you have a chance to make retribution.

Punishment for crimes should be correctional and temporary. No person has the right to limit the freedom of another. No one has the right to kill another.

Life is what we have left. Why rob someone of that based on your morals?

If I committed a crime worthy of death, I would be a man and accept it. I would make my amends with God before the sentence is carried out and try to meet God with a repentant heart. We're all going to die someday, anyway. Like Tracy Chapman said in a song - all you have is your soul. The body decays or gets burnt up to ashes, so that's not what's important.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I thought the Pope Francisspoke out aginst the death penalty when in the USA in the last few days.
but then perhaps he is not Catholic enough for you.
Like I said, Catholicism doesn't teach that you must oppose the death penalty. There is no authoritative moral statement that says that.


Well-Known Member
Your reason for choosing to kill someone is vengeance. The person being executed had their reason for killing as well.
I think the USA would be better if none of us chose that ever. I won't do it and I will oppose my government doing it as well.
I don't lose any sleep over it. I expect that more innocents die in kite flying tragedies than the chair.

But when I weigh the pros and cons of CP I find that the cons outweigh the pros. Just like every other time I do the moral calculations over humans choosing death for other humans.

Just curious, what are your pros and cons?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You would so quickly give up on a person?
You want me to start rattling off the deeds of psychopathic serial killers and zoosadists? You want to see some arrest reports and court documents? Want me to link to some true crime sites that report current disgusting crimes? I can posts links for you, if you can stomach it.
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Veteran Member
psychoslice said:
I am sorry friend, but I cannot agree with you, we all do what we do, and that is very complicated, people who do these things, such as murder only do it because that is how their programmed and conditioned to do
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Tlaloc: While some people may have violent dispositions, they still hold responsibility for their actions. To argue that someone who commits pre-meditated murder in order to take insurance money, or plans weeks in advance to shoot up a school are just automatons predetermined to do what they do is nothing more than sophistic.

And the implications of your argument don't help your point, as if a certain person is but a preconditioned automation playing out a program, then said killer's life has no moral value because said person isn't really sentient. Any apparent agency they display is illusory. It would be the moral equivalent of killing an insect or a computer game character.

I'm sorry you think that way, and I feel that what you display yourself is illusionary, your not seeing that we are all One in Consciousness, and that those who you prefer to be kill and murdered are One in you also, in fact they are part of you, that part needs healing, not killed like you said, like an insect, this thinking is nothing more than ignorance and fear based on your own conditioning.