A few of Trump supporters have accusssed the women from bus tape were to blame for Trump assaulting them saying they threw themselves at him to get rich.Who the hell would volunteer to be raped?
But yet its the same as a prison reform claim to Jesus so they can get out of jail really, claiming Jesus to get the Evangelical vote. But truly He is a man if it were Hillary she wouldn't get forgiveness like Trump has from you guys because you excuse men of sexual sin but not women and you know it.
But heres some good news about Evangelical Christians,not all of them are gullible enough to buy it. They did an interview with a group of Evangelical Christians from the same Baptist church, it was all women,conservative Evangelical Christian women, :
Out of 6 only half said they were voting for Trump. @ said they didn't know and 1 said they are definitely not voting for Trump. The 1 not voting Trump was asked about forgiveness and his sexual sins that were on tv of course, why doesn't she forgive him for his sins like her other friends. You know she said? She said "Yes were a forgiving group as Christians, yes I fogive him,but that doesn't mean I dismiss his behavior just because I forgive him, his behavior makes him not a good candidate for President.
Hooray for her, at leaste not all Christians are that ignorant.