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Define Christianity


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
There is a thread on why does Christianity get so much hate Why do christianity get so much hate? This along with my Trinity thread Why So Much Trinity Bashing?

...has made me wonder how are people defining Christianity, since there are many on here who don't seem to take as an authority anything other than the Bible, but the Bible has no definition of or recognition of any religion called 'Christianity' or even a concept of 'religion'. So how would you define it?

For me, I'd go to the 3 creeds and if further questions were asked, Church councils.

What do you mean by Christianity?
It is hard to come up with a definition that will please everyone.

As a starting point, Christianity is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the Life and Teachings of Jesus.

I personally don't see belief in the Creeds or trinity as essential as its not something Jesus explicitly taught about. In that regard, I would see groups such as the Jehovah Witnesses as Christian.

I don't know exactly where the Church of the Latter Day Saints stands but they seem Christian too along with most mainstream movements post-reformation including the Catholic and Anglican Churches.

There will be exceptions of course.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
That's fair.

I just wonder if someone says, as in the linked threads,

'Why is Christianity so hated?'
'I hate Christianity because...'

What do both of these parties mean by Christianity?

It might be better stated in terms of certain Christians rather than a whole.
It might. But it is not. Christianity is not well categorized and does not make a lot of effort to properly establish boundaries.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That's Roman Christianity. Original Christianity predates that and had a different theology. For example, the original Christians did not observe the Trinitarian baptismal formula of the Roman Church.
There were many competing expressions of Jesus-belief in the early days: the Nazarenes/Ebionites, the Marcionites, Gnostics, etc. Proto-Orthodoxy also existed in the early days, but simply didn't become dominant until several hundred years later. But yeah, you had Tertullian in the second century already arguing for what would eventually become known as Trinitarianism.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
That's Roman Christianity. Original Christianity predates that and had a different theology. For example, the original Christians did not observe the Trinitarian baptismal formula of the Roman Church.
Original Christians , explain please.

Let's who are those people , name them.


Well-Known Member
...how are people defining Christianity, since there are many on here who don't seem to take as an authority anything other than the Bible, but the Bible has no definition of or recognition of any religion called 'Christianity' or even a concept of 'religion'. So how would you define it?
Bible defines a Christian as a disciple of Jesus, which is a person who remains in the word of Jesus.

…The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Acts 11:26
Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had believed him, “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31-32


Veteran Member
Define Christianity

Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?

My cherry picking from page-1 :

There is a thread on why does Christianity get so much hate Why do christianity get so much hate? This along with my Trinity thread Why So Much Trinity Bashing?

...has made me wonder how are people defining Christianity, since there are many on here who don't seem to take as an authority anything other than the Bible, but the Bible has no definition of or recognition of any religion called 'Christianity' or even a concept of 'religion'. So how would you define it?
Christianity, not Christians. How would you define the religion, what are its beliefs, its doctrines, its rules?
You can get an idea of what it means by looking at the original language that describes it. Antioch was Hellenic, just as Paul was globalist in his ambition.

And when he had found [Paul], he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
I define it by the Nicene Creed. That's the baseline, for me.

That's Roman Christianity. Original Christianity predates that and had a different theology. For example, the original Christians did not observe the Trinitarian baptismal formula of the Roman Church.
Excellent question.
There isn't a clear, obvious, uncontroversial answer, and that is a considerable problem.
It's Orthodox, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, Presbyterian...

If you have an issue with this creed, you are pretty much outside the faith as a whole.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Define Christianity

Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?

My cherry picking from page-1 :
Why do you think Christianity is a misnomer? Yes, Paul started it but it doesn't need to be called Paulism, just as Islam doesn't need to be called Muhammadism.
There is a thread on why does Christianity get so much hate Why do christianity get so much hate? This along with my Trinity thread Why So Much Trinity Bashing?

...has made me wonder how are people defining Christianity, since there are many on here who don't seem to take as an authority anything other than the Bible, but the Bible has no definition of or recognition of any religion called 'Christianity' or even a concept of 'religion'. So how would you define it?

For me, I'd go to the 3 creeds and if further questions were asked, Church councils.

What do you mean by Christianity?

For me, Christianity is not just a religion, but a way of life. It is an encounter with the love of God, revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a journey of transformation, where we are called to become more like Him, to love as He loves, and to serve as He serves.

The Bible, of course, is the sacred scripture that guides us on this journey, but it is not the only source of our understanding. As you mentioned, the creeds and the teachings of the Church councils help to illuminate the mysteries of our faith.

But, I must say, Christianity is not just about doctrine or dogma. It is about the lived experience of the Gospel. It is about the countless acts of mercy, compassion, and love that are performed by Christians around the world every day. It is about the hope that we share, the joy that we proclaim, and the peace that we bring to a world in need.


Well-Known Member
Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?
Not only that, a false definition of Christianity is used by the law society.

Christian. Pertaining to Jesus Christ or the religion founded by him; professing Christianity. As a noun, it signifies one who accepts and professes to live by the doctrines and prinCiples of the Christian religion; it does not include Mohammedans, Jews, pagans, or infidels. One who believes or professes or is assumed to believe in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him.
Black's 5th edition

This is relevant to the names of persons, since they were described as having Christian names.

Christian name. The baptismal name as distinct from the surname. The name which is given one after his birth or at baptism, or is afterward assumed by him in addition to his family name. Such name may consist of a single letter.
Black's 5th edition


Veteran Member
Define Christianity

paarsurrey said:
Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?

Not only that, a false definition of Christianity is used by the law society.

Christian. Pertaining to Jesus Christ or the religion founded by him; professing Christianity. As a noun, it signifies one who accepts and professes to live by the doctrines and prinCiples of the Christian religion; it does not include Mohammedans, Jews, pagans, or infidels. One who believes or professes or is assumed to believe in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him.
Black's 5th edition

This is relevant to the names of persons, since they were described as having Christian names.

Christian name. The baptismal name as distinct from the surname. The name which is given one after his birth or at baptism, or is afterward assumed by him in addition to his family name. Such name may consist of a single letter.
Black's 5th edition
Except for the first line of your (@Ebionite ) post , which I have given in the bold above^, I could not exactly get to understand the significance, kindly elaborate one's point again, I am not a "law" person, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Define Christianity

paarsurrey said:
Christianity is a misnomer it is a Pauline invention to convert the simple minded followers of (Jesus)Yeshua to DRG , (dying rising) god of Hellenism and Paganism, please, right?

Except for the first line of your (@Ebionite ) post , which I have given in the bold above^, I could not exactly get to understand the significance, kindly elaborate one's point again, I am not a "law" person, please, right?


Interactions with the state usually involve identification. If there is an error in that process then the state may not recognise someone's rights. The use of names is of course part of the process of identification.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
For me, Christianity is not just a religion, but a way of life. It is an encounter with the love of God, revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a journey of transformation, where we are called to become more like Him, to love as He loves, and to serve as He serves.

The Bible, of course, is the sacred scripture that guides us on this journey, but it is not the only source of our understanding. As you mentioned, the creeds and the teachings of the Church councils help to illuminate the mysteries of our faith.

But, I must say, Christianity is not just about doctrine or dogma. It is about the lived experience of the Gospel. It is about the countless acts of mercy, compassion, and love that are performed by Christians around the world every day. It is about the hope that we share, the joy that we proclaim, and the peace that we bring to a world in need.
As a non-Christian, I can say that what you've said here gives absolutely nothing to distinguish Christianity from other religions, with the possible exception of your mention of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
It is another avenue paved by God, among others, which are eventually to be synthesized and fused together in the future, I would think. The same God made multiple religions , just as a painter does not paint a single painting.


Veteran Member
Christianity is based on this Bible verse: John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I wish that Christianity was based upon John 3:16, but sadly, it is based upon the following four doctrines:

1) Jesus is God
2) Jesus is the only way to God
3) Jesus rose from the dead
4) Jesus is going to return to earth


Active Member
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity. It is the world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion followers, known as Christians.
Core Beliefs:
  1. The Holy Trinity: One God in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.
  2. The Bible: The sacred scripture, comprising the Old and New Testaments.
  3. Salvation: Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to attain eternal life and forgiveness of sins.
  4. The Life of Jesus: Born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, died, and resurrected on the third day.
  5. The Church: The community of believers, with various denominations and traditions.
Key Practices:
  1. Worship: Prayer, singing, and communion in churches and homes.
  2. Baptism: Symbolic initiation into the faith.
  3. Eucharist (Communion): Remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper.
  4. Charity: Serving others, following Jesus' teachings.
  1. Catholicism
  2. Eastern Orthodoxy
  3. Protestantism (e.g., Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism)
  4. Evangelicalism
  5. Pentecostalism

The Hammer

Premium Member
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity. It is the world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion followers, known as Christians.
Core Beliefs:
  1. The Holy Trinity: One God in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.
  2. The Bible: The sacred scripture, comprising the Old and New Testaments.
  3. Salvation: Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to attain eternal life and forgiveness of sins.
  4. The Life of Jesus: Born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, died, and resurrected on the third day.
  5. The Church: The community of believers, with various denominations and traditions.
Key Practices:
  1. Worship: Prayer, singing, and communion in churches and homes.
  2. Baptism: Symbolic initiation into the faith.
  3. Eucharist (Communion): Remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper.
  4. Charity: Serving others, following Jesus' teachings.
  1. Catholicism
  2. Eastern Orthodoxy
  3. Protestantism (e.g., Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism)
  4. Evangelicalism
  5. Pentecostalism

Thanks ChatGPT