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Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris!


Industrial Strength Linguist
Has Dick Cheney changed, or is he still the same person he was back when he was VP, in the context of what he supports & believes in politically?

I don't think so. His endorsement of Harris was solely a rejection of Donald Trump, not abandonment of conservative values.

Does it not occur to Democrat voters that perhaps this support by Dick Cheney of Kamala Harris means that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for what Dick Cheney supports & believes in politically?

Maybe Democrats ought to take this into account - either Dick Cheney has changed in the context of what he supports & believes in politically, or a vote for Kamala Harris is virtually a vote for Dick Cheney.

That is utterly absurd. Everyone knows that Cheney rejects Donald Trump, just as his daughter and a lot of other prominent Republicans do. They feel that Trump has hijacked their party, so they just want to be rid of him, even if it means endorsing the Democratic candidate. Everyone knows that, and I'm sure that you do, as well. You are just sore because a lot of prominent Republicans have been abandoning Trump.

Dick Cheney's support for Kamala Harris is consistent with the notion that he's a DC swamp OG, Kamala Harris is a card-carrying member of the DC swamp, and the reason Dick Cheney is supporting Kamala Harris has to do with maintaining and preserving the DC swamp & nothing to do with party affiliations.

It's also consistent with the fact that Donald Trump is the worst swamp creature in the DC swamp and that Harris is just the lesser evil.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Has Dick Cheney changed, or is he still the same person he was back when he was VP, in the context of what he supports & believes in politically?

Both he and Liz are still conservative Republicans but they also show they have a conscience.

Dick Cheney's support for Kamala Harris is consistent with the notion that he's a DC swamp OG, Kamala Harris is a card-carrying member of the DC swamp, and the reason Dick Cheney is supporting Kamala Harris has to do with maintaining and preserving the DC swamp & nothing to do with party affiliations.

If you want to really see "the swamp" up close, then look in the mirror.:p

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Some researchers believe that the U.S. lost maybe as many as 200,000 extra people because of they being convinced that the vaccines didn't work, and then Trump following up by endorsing hydroxychloroquine and bleach as supposed alternative cures. Even today we see many vaccine deniers even though the research overwhelming say that they do help in preventing deaths.
I'll tell you right now I regret getting my vaccination because it's mostly political and not entirely medical.


Industrial Strength Linguist
I'll tell you right now I regret getting my vaccination because it's mostly political and not entirely medical.

Unfortunately, Republicans have made vaccinations mostly political. That's why RFK Jr. endorsed Donald Trump when his attempt to bleed votes away from Harris actually ended up bleeding votes away from Trump. The anti-vaxxers have joined your crew, so now you have to wave their flag as the ship goes down in a new wave of COVID sweeping the nation.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Unfortunately, Republicans have made vaccinations mostly political. That's why RFK Jr. endorsed Donald Trump when his attempt to bleed votes away from Harris actually ended up bleeding votes away from Trump. The anti-vaxxers have joined your crew, so now you have to wave their flag as the ship goes down in a new wave of COVID sweeping the nation.
Hey as long as people have a choice to either take it or not it's fine by me. But I'm not going to get into a detailed argument about covid and vaccinations because it's all been done before to the point of nauseum.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Hey as long as people have a choice to either take it or not it's fine by me. But I'm not going to get into a detailed argument about covid and vaccinations because it's all been done before to the point of nauseum.

You were the one who called it a political rather than medical choice. The problem is that Donald Trump turned it into a political choice even after medical officials in his administration had done the job of pushing for rapid vaccine development in a time of medical crisis. The relevance in this discussion is over the effect he had on the medical crisis. So many more lives could have been saved, if he had only listened to his medical advisors and not tried to second guess and openly oppose them on how best to fight the disease. He himself nearly died from the illness, although his administration hid that fact from the public at the time in 2020. This is just one reason why he should never be let back into the White House.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's important to highlight the fact that almost half of the country is crawling on its belly, licking the boots of a treasonous, felonious, adulterous rapist? That is pretty wierd and sad, right?
Well the half that you're talking about doesn't seem to be experiencing in reality what you quite described here.

I would say they just want a better life than what they have now and they know it's not coming from the other side.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
It was Trump's attempted coup in 2020.
- Insurrection.
- Fake electors in many states.
- Several dozen bogus lawsuits challenging the election.
- Continued lies about the election being stolen.
- Threats to Secretaries Of State to manufacture needed votes.

The Patriot Act is merely bad law...an over-reach by government.
Trump tried to over-turn government itself.

I don't like Dick. But this isn't about Dick Cheney
being a paragon of devotion to constitutional
liberty...it's about the man Trump chose as his
VP....who served with Trump....who knows Trump
better than nearly anyone else....who is a fellow
Republican....who upheld the Constitution when
Trump ordered him to commit an illegal act...when
Trump's minions wanted to hang Cheney for this...
...who now prefers the Democratic candidate to Trump.
This is unprecedented. It is to Cheney's credit that
he opposes a dangerous treasonous felonious rapist
becoming President.

It is about Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney gave his endorsement. And I think that Kamala should not be so happy about receiving that endorsement.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say it is unprecedented. He's not the first Republican to endorse a Democrat. That's not special.

As for Dick Cheney's actions in office, I don't regard those as trivial. The sense I get is that people are happy to not have the influence of people such as Dick Cheney on the next administration. Spying on Americans, torture, and shadow government nonsense are exactly the things, I'm glad to say bye-bye to.

On the one hand, I understand your excitement at someone expressing his opposition to Trump, because for many Kamala supporters... hate for Trump is all they really have. They don't have good reasons to support Kamala.
But on the other hand, I think this endorsement isn't good for Kamala. She probably shouldn't have been so eager to accept it.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
Um, here's a question that Trump brought up right at the end of the debate: "Why didn't she do it?" Meaning she's had almost 4 years in office, so why didn't she do all the things she was talking about during the debate.

Well, what did Pence accomplish? What will the VPs signature on a Bill passed by Congress do? Who, among the President & VP is "the decider" as Bush said to Cheney? Anybody remember the Tom Lehrer song about Nixon's VP: "Whatever become of Hubert? Has anyone heard a thing?"

Point being, there is only one President -- and for the past 4 years, Harris has not been it!

Cheney was Bush's VP, and didn't sign the Patriot Act, passed by the House 357 to 66 adn by the Senate 98 to 1. Cheney's vote wasn't even needed in the Senate.

It's actually a really strong criticism of Kamala to point out what she didn't do and isn't doing, right now. She has responsibility for the border, given to her by Biden, she went to Eastern Europe to talk with everyone (except Putin, of course, the one person she almost certainly should've talked to) and the Ukraine War started 3 days later, and even right now, there are things she could do as the VP in the current administration that she not even going to try to do.

But this thread is really about the effect of the Cheney endorsement of Kamala, and, in terms of that narrow question, I don't think it helped her. It may have hurt her. Cheney was a big part of the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, et al.


Industrial Strength Linguist
It's actually a really strong criticism of Kamala to point out what she didn't do and isn't doing, right now. She has responsibility for the border, given to her by Biden, she went to Eastern Europe to talk with everyone (except Putin, of course, the one person she almost certainly should've talked to) and the Ukraine War started 3 days later, and even right now, there are things she could do as the VP in the current administration that she not even going to try to do.

Wait. Biden never assigned her responsibility for the border. She was sent to Latin America to talk with leadership in the three countries where the immigrants were coming from. But I was dismayed to learn that Putin invaded Ukraine because of her failure to meet with him three days before he launched his massive invasion. She really blew that one! o_O

Vice Presidents do have the awesome power to break ties in the Senate. You forgot to mention that she failed to use that power to stop Biden from securing passage of the infrastructure bill over the attempted blockade by Republicans. Massive amounts of money went to red states, so now Republicans have no alternative but to tell constituents that they brought home the bacon for their district, failing to mention that they actually voted against it.

But this thread is really about the effect of the Cheney endorsement of Kamala, and, in terms of that narrow question, I don't think it helped her. It may have hurt her. Cheney was a big part of the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, et al.

So why would a lifelong strong conservative Republican like that not support the Republican nominee for President? Ponder that.