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Did God Create This ???

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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member

The scriptures need no interpretation, Ephesians 3:9 clearly states that all things were created by Jesus Christ. He's no one to mess with.

It clearly states that Elohim created all things "by" in english which is a misunderstanding of the greek word that I have already posted. How many other instances in all of scripture does it state this? One instance where in all of the other books it is no where found and to only let the Ephesians in on it and no one else is quite interesting to say the least. This is not interpretation but rather translation of a word that was incorrectly translated from one language into another. Interpretation is what has been done when one sees into something that quite frankly is not there but through their own thoughts and feelings thay make it true in their own minds. To believe the english version without taking the time to study it for oneself and check it against that which it came from and do so in the correct context makes one believe in fairytales.


Guardian of Asgaard
Who causes the sperm to swim and to seek out the egg and fertilize it ??? Who causes the cells to divide and make a extremely complex human system ??? Who wrote the DNA's genetic code which tells the cells when to divide and what to divide into and become ??? From one cell both bones and flesh and all the various complex systems necessary for life are created.

So your parents wrote your genetic code, and made your bones, flesh and all your complex life sustaining internal systems ???

Christ "fearfully and wonderfully" created us in the womb.

Job 31: 15
Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?

Isaiah 44: 2
Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.

When children turn 8 they are baptized by immersion, then later hands are layed upon their heads and prayer is said over them, and the gift of Holy Ghost is confirmed upon them, as a guide through life, in order to avoid sin and know the truth of all things.

Children's brains under the age of 8 are not fully developed and cannot fully comprehend right from wrong.

Mentally impaired individuals are not baptized into the LDS faith because they are innocent, not knowing right from wrong, because their brains cannot comprehend right and wrong, and will be saved in the highest degree of heaven when they die.

Children's brains are the same until they fully develope. According to Christ children's brains have fully developed by the age of 8 and they know and can comprehend the difference between right and wrong, at that time they can make a decision whether to get baptized or not and if they decide to get baptized into the LDS faith they are later given the gift of the Holy Ghost as a guide to help them to continue to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and lies.

I have the gift of the Holy Ghost which helps me discern what is truth and what is a lie.

Evolution is a lie, the earth was created in 6000 years, with 1,000 years of rest, then Adam and Eve fell and beginning of time began as we know it.

If you want an accurate Biblical time line see this link: Jewish Calendar

6000 years of creation
1000 years of rest
Adam and Eve fell
Beginning of time began as we know it
4000 years until Christ's birth
2000 years until the present

The earth is 13,000 years old.

You really need to study some science rather than believing exactly what the bible tells you


Veteran Member
You really need to study some science rather than believing exactly what the bible tells you
You really need to study what is written in scripture, rather than blindly believing false scientific theories.
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New Member
the proff that god exist is not in the external beuty ofthing it is inthe internal makeup of things. for example the fuction of the eyes the fact that no other human has the same set of fingerprints mental process and many other thing in nature that proof that god is and has always been .
the shadow proff the light the leaf falling proff the wind, the sound proff the noise THE CREATION PROFF THE CREATOR. (we beliver need to come to God for wisdom before we attemp to defende him putting thing that will apeal to the carnal nature is not the best way to do it )
now will anyone belive that about 10 years ago there was an explotion the library of my hold town down in central america and now ten years latter out off all the books that exploted we got our first webster dictionary. lol will you belive me well is the same thing as saying that out of a cosmic explotion the human rase was form.


Veteran Member
No, you choose to ignore the bad. You see what you want to see. You believe you already have the answer and so try to concoct evidence to support it instead of looking at evidence to find an answer.
Oh yeah, ice, :cool: such great evidence of a million year old earth.

Show me the evidence. There is none, just scientific theories.

Let me ask you some things FFH. Why is it beyond the realm of possibility that god used evolution as the means to create the diversity of species?
Nothing can create itself.

Matt. 6: 27
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Luke 12: 25
And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

3 Neohi 13: 27
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Why is it not possible for god to "create" the rules of nature and science in order to produce that which god desires?
Within species he has created this, that each living thing would be able to reproduce itself after it's own kind.

To believe in the evolution of plants, animals and man, one would have to deny what is plainly written in scripture, thus denying God in the process.

Gen. 1: 11-12, 21, 24-25
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
• • •
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
• • •
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 7: 14
They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.

Why is it not possible for it to be considered that god wanted us to biologically develop in such a way?
From an animal or a microorganism.

We have developed from a single cell, is that not good enough ???? We need to look for some other explanation other than God did it ??? We're not satisfied with the instant creation of Adam, from the dust of the earth and Eve from a portion of Adam.

Through evolution and DNA code
Evolution, evolution, evolution did it, sounds so obsurd to me. It's like evolutionists have placed fingers in their ears and covered their eyes with their palms at the same time. We continue to pay scientists to prove the Bible wrong in hopes that we won't have to some day give up our way of life, what a waste.

Is it so important for you to believe that god "painted" your face personally?
It isn't a matter of belief for me, it's pure knowledge. I know Christ created all things just as I know I exist. I don't need to die and stand before Christ to know this. I already KNOW it now. My faith has become knowledge. Faith is the forerunner of pure knowledge.

Is your self esteem so low that you have to believe that god personally sculpted you to feel "special"?

Please do not anser with any bible quotes. I want you to actually THINK about all those questions. Internalize them a bit. Don't just rattle off some "feel good scripture" at me. REALLY answer them. I do not expect nor want an immediate answer...for that means you really didn't ponder on them. Go ponder for a bit then get back to us.
I've answered you with my pure thoughts, which scriptures are a part of. I don't look up scriptures, the basic scriptures are there in my head and flow freely, I then look up the key words and phrases and post them.

Scriptures are a part of my thoughts. Nobodies has trained or forced me to be what I am. My immediate family is nothing like me at all. They are all active LDS, I don't even attend church, yet I love to study religion, Chrisian religions of all kinds, that's why I came here and to sharpen my understanding of all who would love to challenge me.
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Veteran Member
It clearly states that Elohim created all things "by" in english which is a misunderstanding of the greek word that I have already posted. How many other instances in all of scripture does it state this? One instance where in all of the other books it is no where found and to only let the Ephesians in on it and no one else is quite interesting to say the least. This is not interpretation but rather translation of a word that was incorrectly translated from one language into another. Interpretation is what has been done when one sees into something that quite frankly is not there but through their own thoughts and feelings thay make it true in their own minds. To believe the english version without taking the time to study it for oneself and check it against that which it came from and do so in the correct context makes one believe in fairytales.
According to direct revelation given to Joseph Smith, this particular verse in Ephesians 6, in the King James, has been correctly translated.

By means by, nothing more or less.

Everything was created by Jesus Christ, according to Ephesians 3:9.

3 Nephi 9: 15 (Book of Mormon)
Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name.
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Wonder Woman
Oh yeah, ice, :cool: such great evidence of a million year old earth.

Show me the evidence. There is none, just scientific theories.

Nothing can create itself.

Matt. 6: 27
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Luke 12: 25
And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

3 Neohi 13: 27
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Within species he has created this, that each living thing would be able to reproduce itself after it's own kind.

To believe in the evolution of plants, animals and man, one would have to deny what is plainly written in scripture, thus denying God in the process.

Gen. 1: 11-12, 21, 24-25
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
• • •
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
• • •
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 7: 14
They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.

From an animal or a microorganism.

We have developed from a single cell, is that not good enough ???? We need to look for some other explanation other than God did it ??? We're not satisfied with the instant creation of Adam, from the dust of the earth and Eve from a portion of Adam.

Please explain the missing rib in men, verse women ????? There is no evolutionary reason for men to have one less rib than women. There is no survival advantage whatsoever for women to have one more rib than men.

Evolution, evolution, evolution did it, sounds so obsurd to me. It's like evolutionists have placed fingers in their ears and covered their eyes with their palms at the same time. We continue to pay scientists to prove the Bible wrong in hopes that we won't have to some day give up our way of life, what a waste.

It isn't a matter of belief for me, it's pure knowledge. I know Christ created all things just as I know I exist. I don't need to die and stand before Christ to know this. I already KNOW it now. My faith has become knowledge. Faith is the forerunner of pure knowledge.


I've answered you with my pure thoughts, which scriptures are a part of. I don't look up scriptures, the basic scriptures are there in my head and flow freely, I then look up the key words and phrases and post them.

Scriptures are a part of my thoughts. Nobodies has trained or forced me to be what I am. My immediate family is nothing like me at all. They are all active LDS, I don't even attend church, yet I love to study religion, Chrisian religions of all kinds, that's why I came here and to sharpen my understanding of all who would love to challenge me.


I feel the need to withdraw from this thread before I go and say something that will most assuredly get me banned (though it may indeed be worth it). No...no...mustn't...get...the...bad...broom...... :cover:
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Veteran Member
You really need to study some science rather than believing exactly what the bible tells you
Polonium 218 halo (half-life 3.05 minutes) imbedded in granite

Concentric halos in biotite mica, considered by Gentry
to be caused by polonium isotope decay (Gentry, 1992).

Polonium 210, 218 and 214 halos have all been found imbedded in granite, as early as the early 1800's, under microscopic observation.

Polonium 210 halo (half-life 138.4 days)

Polonium 218 halo (half-life 3.05 minutes)

Polonium 214 halo (half-life 164 microseconds)


Polonium halo

Polonium-210 ~~~~~~ 138.4 days
Polonium-218 ~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes
Polonium-214 ~~~~~~ 164 microseconds

Show me a rock with Thorium 230 (half-life 80,000 years), Thorium 234 (half-life 250 thousand years) or Uranium 238 (half-life 4.5 billion years) halos imbedded in them.


Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds

Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes

Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years

Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years
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Well-Known Member
Please explain the missing rib in men, verse women ????? There is no evolutionary reason for men to have one less rib than women. There is no survival advantage whatsoever for women to have one more rib than men.

But they don't. Its an urban legend. The bible never said women have more ribs nor states how many ribs adam had to begin with. All men and women, normally, have 12 ribs - as with everything there may be rare exceptions due to genetic or developmental problems.

Evolution, evolution, evolution did it, sounds so obsurd to me. It's like evolutionists have placed fingers in their ears and covered their eyes with their palms at the same time. We continue to pay scientists to prove the Bible wrong in hopes that we won't have to some day give up our way of life, what a waste.

I think anatomy is well established.

It isn't a matter of belief for me, it's pure knowledge. I know Christ created all things just as I know I exist. I don't need to die and stand before Christ to know this. I already KNOW it now. My faith has become knowledge. Faith is the forerunner of pure knowledge.

Just like you knew men are not actually missing a rib? Radiometric dating puts the earth at a little over 4 billion years old. You know its 13,000 years old. Your knowledge of the age of the earth is off by a huge error margin. No one is closing their ears to anything, they are trying to find out and to validate their beliefs.


Veteran Member
Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds

Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes

Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years

Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years

These have all been found imbedded in granite...

Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds

Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes

Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

These have not...

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years

Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years


Well-Known Member

Polonium 210, 218 and 214 halos have all been found imbedded in granite, as early as the early 1800's, under microscopic observation.

*Sigh* You are parroting young earth creation websites with no understanding and then using their conclusion to validate your belief which is grounded in fallacy.

What is Myrmekite? Who is Richard Wakefield? Why is there so much uranium in the locations we find these.... Hmmm...


Veteran Member
But they don't. Its an urban legend. The bible never said women have more ribs nor states how many ribs adam had to begin with. All men and women, normally, have 12 ribs - as with everything there may be rare exceptions due to genetic or developmental problems.
Okay, had a stupid moment, forgive me, I'll delete that part of my post.
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Veteran Member
*Sigh* You are parroting young earth creation websites with no understanding and then using their conclusion to validate your belief which is grounded in fallacy.

What is Myrmekite? Who is Richard Wakefield? Why is there so much uranium in the locations we find these.... Hmmm...
Show me a rock with these halos in them.

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years
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Veteran Member
The previous illustration was merely to point out that granite does not take millions, or even thousands of years, to create, but can be created within these very short time frames....

Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds
Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes
Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

...and not these time frames...

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years


Veteran Member

I feel the need to withdraw from this thread before I go and say something that will most assuredly get me banned (though it may indeed be worth it). No...no...mustn't...get...the...bad...broom...... :cover:
Ah, don't be mad, it's just a forum, we're just trying to figure things out, what else are ya gonna do, life is all about learning.

I'm listening, but my convictions are strong, forget about the rib thing, it was a stupid myth I had never really looked into the validity of, so you guys taught me something today. :) So I guess I am pretty gullible on a certain level about certain things. The Bible never says that Adam had one less rib, simply because he took one out, we just always assumed it was so. God can take away and restore, he must have restored (recreated) the rib in Adam, which he had taken out to create EVE. :eek:

Call me whatever you like for believing what I believe, I still believe it, unless proven otherwise.
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Wonder Woman
*regained composure*

Ok, here's the thing. You are disregarding things entirely that PROVE you are wrong. There ARE rocks that have been dated over 4 billions years old WITH radiometric dating. You just saying they don't exist doesn't make it so. I have posted this before on this forum but it just seems to be glazed right over. I will try again though.

Ancient rocks exceeding 3.5 billion years in age are found on all of Earth's continents. The oldest rocks on Earth found so far are the Acasta Gneisses in northwestern Canada near Great Slave Lake (4.03 Ga) and the Isua Supracrustal rocks in West Greenland (3.7 to 3.8 Ga), but well-studied rocks nearly as old are also found in the Minnesota River Valley and northern Michigan (3.5-3.7 billion years), in Swaziland (3.4-3.5 billion years), and in Western Australia (3.4-3.6 billion years). [See Editor's Note.] These ancient rocks have been dated by a number of radiometric dating methods and the consistency of the results give scientists confidence that the ages are correct to within a few percent. An interesting feature of these ancient rocks is that they are not from any sort of "primordial crust" but are lava flows and sediments deposited in shallow water, an indication that Earth history began well before these rocks were deposited. In Western Australia, single zircon crystals found in younger sedimentary rocks have radiometric ages of as much as 4.3 billion years, making these tiny crystals the oldest materials to be found on Earth so far. The source rocks for these zircon crystals have not yet been found. The ages measured for Earth's oldest rocks and oldest crystals show that the Earth is at least 4.3 billion years in age but do not reveal the exact age of Earth's formation. The best age for the Earth (4.54 Ga) is based on old, presumed single-stage leads coupled with the Pb ratios in troilite from iron meteorites, specifically the Canyon Diablo meteorite. In addition, mineral grains (zircon) with U-Pb ages of 4.4 Ga have recently been reported from sedimentary rocks in west-central Australia. The Moon is a more primitive planet than Earth because it has not been disturbed by plate tectonics; thus, some of its more ancient rocks are more plentiful. Only a small number of rocks were returned to Earth by the six Apollo and three Luna missions. These rocks vary greatly in age, a reflection of their different ages of formation and their subsequent histories. The oldest dated moon rocks, however, have ages between 4.4 and 4.5 billion years and provide a minimum age for the formation of our nearest planetary neighbor. Thousands of meteorites, which are fragments of asteroids that fall to Earth, have been recovered. These primitive objects provide the best ages for the time of formation of the Solar System. There are more than 70 meteorites, of different types, whose ages have been measured using radiometric dating techniques. The results show that the meteorites, and therefore the Solar System, formed between 4.53 and 4.58 billion years ago. The best age for the Earth comes not from dating individual rocks but by considering the Earth and meteorites as part of the same evolving system in which the isotopic composition of lead, specifically the ratio of lead-207 to lead-206 changes over time owing to the decay of radioactive uranium-235 and uranium-238, respectively. Scientists have used this approach to determine the time required for the isotopes in the Earth's oldest lead ores, of which there are only a few, to evolve from its primordial composition, as measured in uranium-free phases of iron meteorites, to its compositions at the time these lead ores separated from their mantle reservoirs. These calculations result in an age for the Earth and meteorites, and hence the Solar System, of 4.54 billion years with an uncertainty of less than 1 percent. To be precise, this age represents the last time that lead isotopes were homogeneous througout the inner Solar System and the time that lead and uranium was incorporated into the solid bodies of the Solar System. The age of 4.54 billion years found for the Solar System and Earth is consistent with current calculations of 11 to 13 billion years for the age of the Milky Way Galaxy (based on the stage of evolution of globular cluster stars) and the age of 10 to 15 billion years for the age of the Universe (based on the recession of distant galaxies).

Source: Geologic Time: Age of the Earth
United States Geological Society
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Veteran Member
BalanceFX said:
What is Myrmekite? Who is Richard Wakefield? Why is there so much uranium in the locations we find these.... Hmmm...
"Uranium is found in more than 200 different minerals. The minerals are usually embedded in hard rock or sandstone. Uranium is also found in phosphate rock and in lignite and monozite sands."

From a simple article: FACTSHEET: Mineral Uranium By Lizzy Bloem

Now show me one of these halos imbedded in any rock to prove the million year fromation of rock or even a hundred thousand year formation.

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years

You find just one such halo (any web link) and I'll believe the earth is more than 13,000 years old.
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