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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
It's silly how this nonsense has gone on for 80 pages.
I'm not into spending my time gaming (Xbox, Nintendo, etc.)

Not my thing and I can't afford to ski, travel or any hobby for that matter, RF is my hobby and on top of that the company I worked for for 20 years just went bankrupt, so I've been out of work since Thanksgiving day, sort of an extended holiday I guess you would say.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I'm not into spending my time gaming (Xbox, Nintendo, etc.) Not my thing.

Playing video games is a lot more useful and productive than trying in futile desperation to hopelessly defend young earth creationism or whatever it is you're trying to do.


Veteran Member
*regained composure*

Ok, here's the thing. You are disregarding things entirely that PROVE you are wrong. There ARE rocks that have been dated over 4 billions years old WITH radiometric dating. You just saying they don't exist doesn't make it so. I have posted this before on this forum but it just seems to be glazed right over. I will try again though.

Source: Geologic Time: Age of the Earth
United States Geological Society
I'll look over it but I don't trust carbon or radiometric dating that goes into the millions. There is no way to date something in terms of millions of years.

A type of granite has been formed/created in a lab in a matter of months, not years.


Well-Known Member
"Uranium is found in more than 200 different minerals. The minerals are usually embedded in hard rock or sandstone. Uranium is also found in phosphate rock and in lignite and monozite sands."

From a simple article: FACTSHEET: Mineral Uranium By Lizzy Bloem

Now show me one of these halos imbedded in any rock to prove the million year fromation of rock or even a hundred thousand year formation.

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years

You find just one such halo (any web link) and I'll believe the earth is more than 13,000 years old.

Hehe. I just don't see the point in explaining this. Just google it and show some effort at least. This conversation seems very one sided.


Veteran Member
Hehe. I just don't see the point in explaining this. Just google it and show some effort at least. This conversation seems very one sided.
I'll look over the stuff you've referred me to.

BalanceFX said:
What is Myrmekite? Who is Richard Wakefield? Why is there so much uranium in the locations we find these
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Wonder Woman
I'll look over it but I don't trust carbon or radiometric dating that goes into the millions. There is no way to date something in terms of millions of years.

A type of granite has been formed/created in a lab in a matter of months, not years.

Why is there no way to date something in terms of millions of years? Simply because you don't believe anything has existed that long? You want to use the dating methods only as long as they support you and where they don't they are suddenly not trustworthy? Kinda messed up reasong isn't it FFH?

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
According to direct revelation given to Joseph Smith, this particular verse in Ephesians 6, in the King James, has been correctly translated.

Oh, I see. Even though Yochanan the revelator was, without a doubt, truly an inspired prophet that foretold of the end some have found it necessary to go outside of scripture and grab hold of beliefs in other, self proclaimed, prophets that bring more to the table beyond that of the end. What is more than the end? Nothing. Any who, to be a prophet one would need to make prophecies that have come to pass and not those that have already been made by others from the past that are true prophets. I have yet to see or hear of any such prophecies coming to pass from anyone since the days of Yochanan. We need no others until Yahshua returns.

This is not meant or intended to offend or belittle your man made religion and beliefs but I do not subscribe to other than the true word of Yah and the scriptures which are of old. Not the Quran of that which was established around 600 BCE nor that of the Book of Morman which started around the 19th century.

Oh by the way. Do LDS still believe that we are all from outer space and that man are gods that when we die that we will have many wives which we copulate with to create souls to fill our own worlds that we are gods over?


Veteran Member
Why is there no way to date something in terms of millions of years? Simply because you don't believe anything has existed that long? You want to use the dating methods only as long as they support you and where they don't they are suddenly not trustworthy? Kinda messed up reasong isn't it FFH?
We can't date something in terms of millons of years and affirm that it is indeed fact, when no one's been around that long to prove the theory to be correct.

On the other hand this theory can be proven.

Niagra Falls has been eroding the canyon wall (flowing) for about 12,000 years, according to geologists.

To say that the earth has been through several ice ages would still not explain the short 12,000 year erosion time span of the Niagra river canyon wall. The earth is proposed to be millions or billions of years old by evolutionists, if that were the case, then for millions or billions of years the earth had to have been frozen for all of that time, minus a total of 12,000 years.

The Niagara River is a connecting channel between two Great Lakes, Erie and Ontario.

According to park geologists, Niagara Falls has moved back 7 miles in 12,500 years from the canyon rim where it started eroding



There is a rim from which the river began eroding from, in which many believe is an indication of the starting point of creation, when the river began eroding the rim until the present day...

Could this be an accurate way to date the earth? Many will say no way, it's just the result of a 40 million year old glacier which started to melt 12,500 years ago....

First 1,000 year period of creation (starts 11,000 BC) 13,000 years ago
Earth was without form and void
Water was upon the whole face of the earth
Light created

Second 1,000 year period starts 10,000 BC (12,000 years ago)
Firmament/heavens/skies created
Waters divided between earth and the firmament/heavens/skies
Rains start falling and Rivers start flowing

Third 1,000 year period starts 9,000 BC (11,000 years ago)
Land and waters divided
Dry land appears and seas form
Plants and trees of all kinds created

Fourth 1,000 year period starts 8,000 BC (10,000 years ago)
Sun, moon and stars created
Day and night begins

Fifth 1,000 year period starts 7,000 BC
All creatures of the sea and skies created

Sixth 1,000 year period starts 6,000 BC
All creatures of the land created
Adam and Eve created

Seventh 1,000 year period starts 5,000 BC
God rested from all his labors
Adam and Eve commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

4,000 B.C. (6,000 years ago)
Adam and Eve fell

33 B.C. (2,000 years ago)
Christ dies for the world's sins

2,000 A.D.
Christ begins to prepare the earth and it's inhabitants for his 1,000 year reign

First day of creation (waters upon the face of the earth) 13,000 to 12,000 years ago
Niagra Falls 12,500 years old
Water starts flowing 12,000 years ago
Vegetation created (third day of creation) 11,000 to 10,000 years ago
Oldest living tree ~ 9,550 years old
Adam and Eve Fell (cast out of the Garden of Eden) ~ 6,000 years ago (which completed the first 7,000 year cylce.

Christ atones for the sins of the world ~ 2,000 years ago

13,000 years have passed until this point in time, and 6,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve...

Christ will soon rule and reign on earth for the next 1,000 years, completing this second 7,000 year cycle.

First 7,000 years (6,000 years of creation, 1,000 years of rest)

Second 7,000 years (6,000 years of life as we know it, 1,000 years of peace and rest, which is the millenial reign of Christ)


Wonder Woman
FFH, you already tried that play and it doesn't work to ignore ice ages and continental shifts and plate tectonics.

You're going to ignore the information from the USGS again aren't you? Because it doesn't agree with you huh? Something tells me I could literally hit you over the head with one of those rocks that are billions of years old and it still wouldn't make any difference to you.

This whole thing is just ridiculous, Why we are actually debating this with a person who dropped out of college because he didn't want to learn science because it disagreed with his beliefs?


Veteran Member
Oh, I see. Even though Yochanan the revelator was, without a doubt, truly an inspired prophet that foretold of the end some have found it necessary to go outside of scripture and grab hold of beliefs in other, self proclaimed, prophets that bring more to the table beyond that of the end. What is more than the end? Nothing. Any who, to be a prophet one would need to make prophecies that have come to pass and not those that have already been made by others from the past that are true prophets. I have yet to see or hear of any such prophecies coming to pass from anyone since the days of Yochanan. We need no others until Yahshua returns.

This is not meant or intended to offend or belittle your man made religion and beliefs but I do not subscribe to other than the true word of Yah and the scriptures which are of old. Not the Quran of that which was established around 600 BCE nor that of the Book of Morman which started around the 19th century.

Oh by the way. Do LDS still believe that we are all from outer space and that man are gods that when we die that we will have many wives which we copulate with to create souls to fill our own worlds that we are gods over?
We existed as spirits prior to coming to earth and made a choice to come to this earth with it's conditions clearly explained to us.

John 10: 34-35
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Christ was speaking of, or referring to, this scripture when he said this...

Psalms 82: 1, 6
1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
• • •
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


Veteran Member
FFH, you already tried that play and it doesn't work to ignore ice ages and continental shifts and plate tectonics.

You're going to ignore the information from the USGS again aren't you? Because it doesn't agree with you huh? Something tells me I could literally hit you over the head with one of those rocks that are billions of years old and it still wouldn't make any difference to you.

This whole thing is just ridiculous, Why we are actually debating this with a person who dropped out of college because he didn't want to learn science because it disagreed with his beliefs?
You can't prove rocks are millions of years old and I can't prove God created all things in 6,000 years, but there are good evidences for a young earth, you just have to be open to them.

For instance the Grand Canyon walls are nothing but sandstone and other sedimentary rock, which does not take millions of years to erode.

Sandstone and other sedimentary rock erodes very quickly, until the river hits solid rock or after the smaller rocks have been washed away and only the larger rocks remain, forming a more solid river bed.
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Veteran Member
Since I had a stupid moment about the missing rib, I wanted to post this article. We sometimes stupidly assume that just because God took a rib from Adam to create Eve that all men would have a missing rib, but the genetic code would be intact and their (Adam and Eve's) posterity would all have the original 24 ribs, 12 on each side, down to the present day of course.

Regenerating ribs

"The DNA instructions that are passed on from parent to child are in the form of a code, like writing — removing a rib (or finger) would not change the instructions on the code, so all the offspring will have all their ribs (or fingers)."
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Veteran Member
Oh Jesus just give it up already. Willful ignorance and self deceit is quite an embarrassing display.
Okay Lucifer, I'll just go back to posting pictures of God's hot creations then.

Isrealites always were God's chosen people. :eek:

Bar Rafaeli (Israeli model)

Yael Bar-Zohar (Israeli model)
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Veteran Member
Bar Rafaeli (Israeli model) One of Christ's near perfect creations
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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
We existed as spirits prior to coming to earth and made a choice to come to this earth with it's conditions clearly explained to us.

John 10: 34-35
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Christ was speaking of, or referring to, this scripture when he said this...

Psalms 82: 1, 6
1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
• • •
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Hogwash, Who was he speaking to and who was the verses in psalms refferring to? Those that sit in judgment like judges. See kings and judges are both considered gods as well as it was said unto Moshe' that he was as a god unto Pharoh.

Your going to have to stop dreaming into the true unadulterated word of Yah and keep it in the correct context to keep from believing in fairytales.


Guardian of Asgaard
You can't prove rocks are millions of years old and I can't prove God created all things in 6,000 years, but there are good evidences for a young earth, you just have to be open to them.

For instance the Grand Canyon walls are nothing but sandstone and other sedimentary rock, which does not take millions of years to erode.

Sandstone and other sedimentary rock erodes very quickly, until the river hits solid rock or after the smaller rocks have been washed away and only the larger rocks remain, forming a more solid river bed.

No but maybe i can, im a training Geo-technical Engineer, i've been standing in the sun for 8 hours today playing with rocks.
Put it this way FFH, have you ever been in a building more than 3 or 4 stories high? If so, its a good chance the bedrock the slab was constructed upon is well over 10 million years old. How do i know this? The rock cycle. New rocks are deposited through various means (intrusive/extrusive). These rocks are about 1 to 10 metres deep. Depending on the formation and the nature of these rocks, they can still be very secure. In Australia bedrock can be found just below the surface, but then again, our soil is so hard it feels like everything we smash with a shovel and jar our hands with is rock.

However, as part of the rock cycle, compaction is very important. The deposition and build up of sediment does not happen overnight. Pressure from above (more and more rocks pushing down) and uplift from mantle and further down due to pressure biult up by the dynamo affect (magnetism on a planetary scale) causes these rocks to compact very tightly, forming huge huge sheets of solid rock.

To provide an example, Theiss construction had to waste 3 days a 2 million dollars worth of explosives in order to blast through one of these rock wall where i live (as a side note: the geo didn't do a very adequate bore hole test :rolleyes:). Do you think a 10m x 10m piece of rock that broke a drill bit big enough to fit on the largest Hitachi digger we had took 1000 years to become like this?

No this happens over millions of years, why is it so hard to grasp for you when my future employment and our society is built upon these facts?????

Oh and i have a sandstone sitting no more than 2 feet away from me from a river. It is about 60,000 years old and has spent most of that time weathering in a rivier bed. You cannot classify sandstone the way you are. There are different grades, different conditions and millions of things to consider. Rocks do not congregate the way you want them too, much like metals. You could hit my sandstone with a hammer and it wouldnt break :)
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Veteran Member
Hogwash, Who was he speaking to and who was the verses in psalms refferring to?
Jesus was speaking to the Jews who were literally picking up rocks getting ready to stone him for saying that he was God. Read a few verses before that in the link I have provided.
Your going to have to stop dreaming into the true unadulterated word of Yah and keep it in the correct context to keep from believing in fairytales.
Read those scriptures in context. It's all there plain as day.

Those who repent of their sins and do the will of the Lord are considered gods.

Click on these links: John 10: 34-35 Psalms 82: 1, 6
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Why we are actually debating this with a person who dropped out of college because he didn't want to learn science because it disagreed with his beliefs?

Is that true, FFH?

Okay Lucifer, I'll just go back to posting pictures of God's hot creations then.

Isrealites always were God's chosen people.

Bar Rafaeli (Israeli model)

Yael Bar-Zohar (Israeli model)

Aren't you not supposed to lust? I'm pretty sure you don't look at these pictures and think ONLY of god. ;) Otherwise the pictures you chose wouldn't have them wearing skimpy clothes and sex faces.
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