Why is there no way to date something in terms of millions of years? Simply because you don't believe anything has existed that long? You want to use the dating methods only as long as they support you and where they don't they are suddenly not trustworthy? Kinda messed up reasong isn't it FFH?
We can't date something in terms of millons of years and affirm that it is indeed fact, when no one's been around that long to prove the theory to be correct.
On the other hand this theory can be proven.
Niagra Falls has been eroding the canyon wall (flowing) for about 12,000 years, according to geologists.
To say that the earth has been through several ice ages would still not explain the short 12,000 year erosion time span of the Niagra river canyon wall. The earth is proposed to be millions or billions of years old by evolutionists, if that were the case, then for millions or billions of years the earth had to have been frozen for
all of that time,
minus a total of 12,000 years.
The Niagara River is a connecting channel between two Great Lakes, Erie and Ontario.
According to park geologists, Niagara Falls has moved back 7 miles in 12,500 years from the canyon rim where it started eroding
There is a rim from which the river began eroding from, in which many believe is an indication of the starting point of creation, when the river began eroding the rim until the present day...
Could this be an accurate way to date the earth? Many will say no way, it's just the result of a 40 million year old glacier which started to melt 12,500 years ago....
First 1,000 year period of creation (starts 11,000 BC) 13,000 years ago
Earth was without form and void
Water was upon the whole face of the earth
Light created
Second 1,000 year period starts 10,000 BC (12,000 years ago)
Firmament/heavens/skies created
Waters divided between earth and the firmament/heavens/skies
Rains start falling and Rivers start flowing
Third 1,000 year period starts 9,000 BC (11,000 years ago)
Land and waters divided
Dry land appears and seas form
Plants and trees of all kinds created
Fourth 1,000 year period starts 8,000 BC (10,000 years ago)
Sun, moon and stars created
Day and night begins
Fifth 1,000 year period starts 7,000 BC
All creatures of the sea and skies created
Sixth 1,000 year period starts 6,000 BC
All creatures of the land created
Adam and Eve created
Seventh 1,000 year period starts 5,000 BC
God rested from all his labors
Adam and Eve commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
4,000 B.C. (6,000 years ago)
Adam and Eve fell
33 B.C. (2,000 years ago)
Christ dies for the world's sins
2,000 A.D.
Christ begins to prepare the earth and it's inhabitants for his 1,000 year reign
First day of creation (waters upon the face of the earth) 13,000 to 12,000 years ago
Niagra Falls 12,500 years old
Water starts flowing 12,000 years ago
Vegetation created (third day of creation) 11,000 to 10,000 years ago
Oldest living tree ~ 9,550 years old
Adam and Eve Fell (cast out of the Garden of Eden) ~ 6,000 years ago (which completed the first 7,000 year cylce.
Christ atones for the sins of the world ~ 2,000 years ago
13,000 years have passed until this point in time, and 6,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve...
Christ will soon rule and reign on earth for the next 1,000 years, completing this second 7,000 year cycle.
First 7,000 years (6,000 years of creation, 1,000 years of rest)
Second 7,000 years (6,000 years of life as we know it, 1,000 years of peace and rest, which is the millenial reign of Christ)