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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
Just wanted to put these in the right order, so had to move these to this post.

!!!! Warning Graphic Images !!!!


Amazing Healing 5 : Crippled For More Then 10 Years

Amazing Healing 6 : Cancer Of The Right Foot

"Amazing Healing 7: Cancer of the Buttock" is too graphic to post here. Google it if you want to see it.

Don't worry there is no nudity here.

Amazing Healing 8 : Cancer Of The Lips & Vagina
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Yay, more fraudulent con artists trying to use cheap parlor tricks to deceive, manipulate and swindle the foolish and gullible faithful.


Veteran Member
So he created blindness to show that we don't have to live with it? What? That's your answer?
There must be an opposition in all things. We must have this condition in this world, otherwise we cannot become like God. We would not be able to progress.

Then why not restore everything all at once, right now. Or better yet, have created things to have remained perfect in the first place?
They were created perfect in the beginning, but there was one condition that had to be kept in order for Adam and Eve to remain in their perfect state, that was they had to obey God in all things. They disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thus evil entered into the world by their choice. They wanted to experience the good and the evil, in order that they might know the good from the evil themselves.

Some people need to learn the hard way, Adam and Eve were just the first humans that needed to learn by their own experience, just as we are learning, by our own experience, the difference between good and evil, and also the affects both have on our lives. We are learning what horrible affects evil has on our lives and what great affects good has on our lives.

Would you not agree ???

Not everyone needs to learn the hard way. Many are conceived and die before they are born. These individuals need no further testing. There are also many children that are born and die very young, they need no further testing and are taken straight to the highest degree of heaven, all those that are under the age of 8, according to LDS theology.

If we needed no further testing we might be taken early in life, as long as our mission and time on earth was complete.
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Much of his skin and muscle is all cancer eaten away and his hip or leg bone is sticking out, it's pretty intense. It's not about his butt showing, it's about his butt being half eaten away, it's pretty intense.

It's less intense.

Forgive me for not wanting to read the 100+ pages of responses, but what on earth does this have to do with the original post?


Veteran Member
Forgive me for not wanting to read the 100+ pages of responses, but what on earth does this have to do with the original post?
God created all things he can fix them.

If we don't like what we see in this world, we should do all we can to fix it, and if we can't fix it, we ask God to fix.
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Veteran Member
Then why doesn't he? Flaw 101 of the hypocrisy we call christianity (and its sects.)
It requires action on our part first.

Christ will renew this earth and restore our bodies to their perfect order, for those who are Christ's at his coming, when he personally reigns on this earth. There is one condition for this to happen though...

...righteousness, which brings good and healing into the world.

Those who are not Chirst's at his coming are taken off this earth.
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Veteran Member
Can we expect God to fix everything while we just go about our lives doing whatever we want ???

I'm just as guilty...


Well-Known Member
It requires action on our part first.

Christ will renew this earth and restore our bodies to their perfect order, for those who are Christ's at his coming, when he personally reigns on this earth. There is one condition for this to happen though...

...righteousness, which brings good and healing into the world.

Those who are not Chirst's at his coming are taken off this earth.

You're getting a bit preachy.


Wonder Woman
So what of all the people who are horribly disfigured or have AIDS or even leprosy (and yes there are still many cases of leprosy in Africa) that all are Christian and all pray to be healed and aren't healed? What? Are they just not Christian enough? Do they not pray hard enough? Why is the poor African Christian not worthy enough of healing as a well-off American or Canadian Christian?

All this type of promoting of faith healing (pray and be a good little Christian and god will heal you stuff) only serves to possibly drive more people away from Christianity after they have prayed and prayed and prayed and yet they still suffer. It essentially is telling them they aren't good enough to be saved by god.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
So what of all the people who are horribly disfigured or have AIDS or even leprosy (and yes there are still many cases of leprosy in Africa) that all are Christian and all pray to be healed and aren't healed? What? Are they just not Christian enough? Do they not pray hard enough? Why is the poor African Christian not worthy enough of healing as a well-off American or Canadian Christian?

All this type of promoting of faith healing (pray and be a good little Christian and god will heal you stuff) only serves to possibly drive more people away from Christianity after they have prayed and prayed and prayed and yet they still suffer. It essentially is telling them they aren't good enough to be saved by god.

Maybe being a christian isn't the answer. Maybe they got it wrong. Maybe out of the said 22,000 different sects of christianity that the sects those people belong to are not the correct ones. Maybe, just maybe, the rain falls on the just as it does the unjust. Maybe, just maybe, Yah don't give a hill of beans for flesh. It could all be that what you are feeling about this issue is just a human emotion about how horrible and terrible it all is. Look at Yob. He had it all. Family, land, money and peace. Just read what all he lost and all that he was put through and for what? A bet? The same bet in which we all are a part of at this very moment. This is all a test as it was for Yob. The bet was between Elohim and Helel as to whether man would continue in the will of Yah even under pressure. That war,bet and test is still ongoing. The war is between righteousness and unrighteousness. The bet again is to see if man will continue in Yah's will even under pressure. The test is to see if we will prevail to the end with our faith. To serve and obey the one true El. Yah our Elohim.

To preachy? :eek:

Oh well, don't read what I post. Ignore me please. :cover:

P.S. Funny you should bring up the leprosy still being in Africa. What biblical well known read about peoples were cursed with that great plague more than anyone? ;)


Veteran Member
So what of all the people who are horribly disfigured or have AIDS or even leprosy (and yes there are still many cases of leprosy in Africa) that all are Christian and all pray to be healed and aren't healed? What? Are they just not Christian enough? Do they not pray hard enough? Why is the poor African Christian not worthy enough of healing as a well-off American or Canadian Christian?

All this type of promoting of faith healing (pray and be a good little Christian and god will heal you stuff) only serves to possibly drive more people away from Christianity after they have prayed and prayed and prayed and yet they still suffer. It essentially is telling them they aren't good enough to be saved by god.
Matt. 18: 19
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
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