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Did God Create This ???

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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Oh I know it is. I'm a old Jarhead and have seen it all trust me. Theres nothing like blodd, guts and gore to start off your morning on the right side of things. My wife is a police officer and she has seen it all as well. We both are fully aware of what goes on around us on a day by day basis.

Then I find it kind of funny how you're so sure your kids will be just fine.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
That's cool with me. It ain't my life on the line. I do feel really bad for your kids, though. I really do hope they're ok until they can make their own choices...and hopefully choose something other than what you have chosen. Sorry. :shrug: I just think it's a tad bit ridiculous.

And stacey you know, thats all fine and good and I can respect that. We don't look at it that way and really don't need anyones concerns or feelings on the matter but I understand where they are coming from and can relate. I totaly disagree with them but hey, thats my right.


Well-Known Member
We do not answer to you. We don't answer to no one but Yah.

Ain't that the truth? If you kill your kids and if you think thats what Yah wants and thats what you think you will eventually have to do then you will find its not him or I you answer to but rather the courts and yourself. (And your other kids)


Wonder Woman
And at this point in time as well the place in which I live I have every legal and theocratic right to do so. I have the law of both man and Yah on my side where it pertains to the decisions I make for my family as do you. Like it or not. If I sin then it is I that face that and not you. Same as for the sins you commit. I won't face the judgment for those. I, as well as my wife, have made a concious choice to adhere to the laws of Yah. Plain and simple. Do you seriously think we care what you, or anyone else, thinks or feels about this? We do not answer to you. We don't answer to no one but Yah.

Wow, that's like shouting out "I've got the legal right to kill my family through neglect and there's nothing you can do about it na na na na na na!" So nice to know I'm talking to a potential murderer here. Lovely.

You know what...at this point I really don't care if I get in trouble over this. If I do...it'll be worth it. We've read far too many articles on this forum about people like you who let their children die due to their religious beliefs for me to not go off now.

People like you should have your children taken away for their own safety. I know we are suppose to respect and tolerate others' beliefs on this forum, but I simply cannot do that in this case. I cannot tolerate or respect anyone who is so blinded by their beliefs that they would rather watch their children die than save their lives. You are a grotesque individual...cold-hearted with no real idea of what it is to really care for or love anyone else. Now go ahead and click on the icon to report this post. I really don't care.
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
And stacey you know, thats all fine and good and I can respect that. We don't look at it that way and really don't need anyones concerns or feelings on the matter but I understand where they are coming from and can relate. I totaly disagree with them but hey, thats my right.

Yup, it is totally your right. I don't say it out of concern for you and your wife at all. You guys have made the choice. But it's not fair for your kids. Those are the ones I'm concerned about.

Anyways, good luck with that.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Ain't that the truth? If you kill your kids and if you think thats what Yah wants and thats what you think you will eventually have to do then you will find its not him or I you answer to but rather the courts and yourself. (And your other kids)

:biglaugh: You really do not get it do you? If mans court says that I as a parent no longer has the right to adhere to my faith and raise my family accordingly then I will adhere to what they say because then it is out of my hands as to the decision. Then the act of abomination falls on those who made that decision and not me. I am fine with that. Until then, BACK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
What if she does understand? Do you think your right and anyone that doesnt see that is just stupid and cant understand?

I don't think anyone is stupid. I just don't believe they understand. Nor care to. Its alright though. I am at peace with it. So sorry your beating yourself up so hard over it though. Maybe you should take a break or something before you blow a gasket or something.


Well-Known Member
:biglaugh: You really do not get it do you? If mans court says that I as a parent no longer has the right to adhere to my faith and raise my family accordingly then I will adhere to what they say because then it is out of my hands as to the decision. Then the act of abomination falls on those who made that decision and not me. I am fine with that. Until then, BACK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

People who refuse medical treatment for their kids that results in their kids dying go to jail. I get that you think its ok to kill your kids if the treatment disagrees with your religious beliefs. You think your religious beliefs to be more important then the lives of your children. You will abide by the laws when it is clear to you rather than decide on your own?

You say its not my fault... Yah dude the lord said no blood... so Ben didnt allow blood, yahs will... kids died? Yahs will... sure a simple transfusion would let them live... but no... Yahs will....

You would still be a murderer devoid of morality and ethics.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
People who refuse medical treatment for their kids that results in their kids dying go to jail. I get that you think its ok to kill your kids if the treatment disagrees with your religious beliefs. You think your religious beliefs to be more important then the lives of your children. You will abide by the laws when it is clear to you rather than decide on your own?

You say its not my fault... Yah dude the lord said no blood... so Ben didnt allow blood, yahs will... kids died? Yahs will... sure a simple transfusion would let them live... but no... Yahs will....

You would still be a murderer devoid of morality and ethics.

Thats your own opinion "dude" and hey whose "morals" and whose "ethics" we discussing here? Yours? Mans? Yahs? I will stick with Yah on this one. You stick with whatever floats ya boat "dude". :D


Wonder Woman
Speaking as one who has lost children...I find you repulsive. Now, I shall retire for the night and if I return in the morning to find myself reprimanded or even banned, then so be it. I simply cannot keep my mouth shut when confronted with such blatant atrocity.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Speaking as one who has lost children...I find you repulsive. Now, I shall retire for the night and if I return in the morning to find myself reprimanded or even banned, then so be it. I simply cannot keep my mouth shut when confronted with such blantant atrocity.

Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. ;)

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Now for all the rest that didn't go off hog wild and start attacking without knowledge here is something that most of you already knew and were aware of.

This is an excerpt from Suite101.com…………..

Suite101.com - Fleur Hupston said:
These days many people avoid blood transfusions, either for religious reasons or for health reasons. "Blood transfusions can have a number of deleterious consequences" cautioned Dr. Spence, Chief of Surgery at St. Agnes HealthCare in Baltimore. He adds "Perhaps the best way to think about transfusions is as 'liquid organ transplants' ".

Individuals who want to avoid blood still, of course, want to have high quality and effective medical care. Are there effective ways to manage serious medical problems without using blood? Happily, the answer is yes.


Blood volume can be replaced without using whole blood or blood plasma in cases where large volumes of blood have been lost. Various nonblood fluids are effective volume expanders. The simplest is saline (salt) solution, which is both inexpensive and compatible with our blood. There are also fluids with special properties, such as dextran, Haemaccel, and lactated Ringer's solution. Hetastarch (HES) is a newer volume expander, and "it can be safely recommended for those [burn] patients who object to blood products." (Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation, January/February 1989)

One way to avert the risks and costs of blood transfusion is simply to avoid the procedure whenever possible. "Avoidance is usually fairly safe and well tolerated even for patients with a low hemoglobin level" states Aryeh Shander, MD, Chief of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in New Jersey. Tranexamic acid, a lysine analogue which inhibits plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis, can be used to prevent excessive blood loss in a number of clinical settings.(1)

Recombinant Erythropoietin - Kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) which stimulates bone marrow to form red cells. Now, synthetic EPO is available. "Recombinant Erythropoietin should be on everyone’s mind as the first drug of choice to treat anemia in patients who do not need to be transfused. Although recombinant erythropoietin is usually given pre-operatively, it can be used during surgery in trauma and obstetrics cases" says Dr. Shander.(1)

Blood-conservation methods such as electrocautery, which minimizes bleeding, can be used by skillful surgeons. Sometimes blood flowing into a wound can be aspirated, filtered, and directed back into circulation. Diathermy is commonplace in theatres to keep the surgical field clear and to reduce blood loss. During surgical procedures, it is now common practice to use heated water blankets to maintain body temperature.

Patients on a heart-lung machine primed with a nonblood fluid may benefit from the resulting hemodilution, fewer red cells being lost. (2)

Cooling a patient to lessen oxygen needs during surgery, Hypotensive anesthesia, Therapy to improve coagulation, desmopressin (DDAVP) to shorten bleeding time, "Laser"scalpels are some of the other alternatives employed in non-blood management. (2)

The points above have scratched the surface of the alternatives available for blood transfusions. In all cases where an individual is concerned about health and safety, careful research on blood alternatives needs to be done in advance to ensure the best outcome. In addition, there are a growing number of medical centers that recognize the benefits of bloodless medical care and are willing to provide such care to patients. Significantly, organ transplants, joint replacements, heart transplants, obstetric operations and even brain surgery are procedures that have been successfully performed on patients without the use of blood. With an increasing demand for non-blood management, no doubt research will continue in this field in the hopes of finding even better solutions in the future.
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