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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
It's just a saying, dude. ;)
No......luck is based on Satanic prinicples, blessings are based on God's principles.

Yisrael is blessed and so are his children, they need no help from the world, they have Yah (The Lord) on their side.

Some do not need medical help, such as myself. I have not been to a doctor or dentist since I was 18, I'm 42 now and in perfect health.

I was even injured in a motorcycle accident and refused the ambulance and all other medical treatment and let God take care of my injuries, and guess what, HE DID.

God made us, and he can fix us, if injured, diseased or sick, we just need to do what he has instructed us to do, which is to obey his commandments and we will be taken care of just as he takes care of all of his creatures on earth.

If someone is seriously injured, dying, etc., we pray, and if God doesn't help, then we go to a doctor. God hasn't ever let me down, EVER !!!

I'm sure it's the same with Yisrael.

God is the ultimate physician.

I had a completely crushed foot that did not work and God restored it to it's original health. No doctor could have done this. I knew that I could have gone and had pins put into my bones in my feet, which were crushed, I decided to let God fix them, and guess what HE DID !!!

Because I listened to God I don't have to live with metal rods/pins in my foot. I thank the Lord for restoring my foot completely.

The Lord made my foot, and he can restore it, if injured, and he did.
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Veteran Member
Now for all the rest that didn't go off hog wild and start attacking without knowledge here is something that most of you already knew and were aware of.

This is an excerpt from Suite101.com…………..
Great article, thanks for posting that. I had no idea there were blood transfusion alternatives.

The Lord (Yah) he is gracious to us all.
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Veteran Member
God has created us, and he can fix us, and does all the time...

Go to this link and click "watch online". His live Sunday services are filled with healings. They repeat his (T.B. Joshua) Sunday services throughout the week.

Emmanuel TV | Home

Emmanuel TV can also be accessed by going to www.StreamingFaith.com then click on Emmanuel TV.
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Veteran Member
Then I find it kind of funny how you're so sure your kids will be just fine.
Yah/The Lord/God takes care of his own.

Matt. 6: 28
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

Luke 12: 27
27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

3 Ne. 13: 28
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin;

D&C 84: 82
82 For, consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
:eek: You're scary and in my honest opinion should never have been allowed to have children in the first place. To honestly say you would let your child die when they could be saved...vile...disgusting...I could seriously puke right now.

You don't know what love is. Period.



Well-Known Member
Now for all the rest that didn't go off hog wild and start attacking without knowledge here is something that most of you already knew and were aware of.

This is an excerpt from Suite101.com…………..

Alternatives are available but are not a substitution in many cases. (I was a witness for many years and also refused blood for many years) However I believe there were a number of attempts and questions extended for you to clairfy your position. If a transfusion was neccesary you would deny that for yourself and your kids. In my opinion this is wrong and immoral.

A mother had twins and needed a transfusion and she refused. Her kids now no longer have a mother.
Jehovah's Witness mother dies after refusing blood transfusion after giving birth to twins | Mail Online

That irresponsible to the children. Its based on not medical advice but on texts written thousands of years ago. Its not a scientific book or a history book but people are dying or would die to prove that it is one or the other to please whatever diety they interpret there in.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
No......luck is based on Satanic prinicples, blessings are based on God's principles.

Yisrael is blessed and so are his children, they need no help from the world, they have Yah (The Lord) on their side.

Some do not need medical help, such as myself. I have not been to a doctor or dentist since I was 18, I'm 42 now and in perfect health.

I was even injured in a motorcycle accident and refused the ambulance and all other medical treatment and let God take care of my injuries, and guess what, HE DID.

God made us, and he can fix us, if injured, diseased or sick, we just need to do what he has instructed us to do, which is to obey his commandments and we will be taken care of just as he takes care of all of his creatures on earth.

If someone is seriously injured, dying, etc., we pray, and if God doesn't help, then we go to a doctor. God hasn't ever let me down, EVER !!!

I'm sure it's the same with Yisrael.

God is the ultimate physician.

I had a completely crushed foot that did not work and God restored it to it's original health. No doctor could have done this. I knew that I could have gone and had pins put into my bones in my feet, which were crushed, I decided to let God fix them, and guess what HE DID !!!

Because I listened to God I don't have to live with metal rods/pins in my foot. I thank the Lord for restoring my foot completely.

The Lord made my foot, and he can restore it, if injured, and he did.


To take life SO seriously...

must be exhausting.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Great article, thanks for posting that. I had no idea there were blood transfusion alternatives.

The Lord (Yah) he is gracious to us all.

Thanks. Yah has certainly blessed me and my whole family. We really haven't had a want or a need for anything for he knows our needs and provides them.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Alternatives are available but are not a substitution in many cases.

Oh now your a doctor? LOL

Give it a rest Balance and stop your personal attacks on me and my faith. I believe the way I do and you believe the way you do. I for one can live with that very well and actually slept very, very soundly last night with it. Why don't you do the same?

(I was a witness for many years and also refused blood for many years) However I believe there were a number of attempts and questions extended for you to clairfy your position. If a transfusion was neccesary you would deny that for yourself and your kids. In my opinion this is wrong and immoral.

Oh well, whatever. Thats cool. I can live very well with the knowledge that you have a problem with my beliefs. I seem to be in very good company. ;)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, on the contrary, its exhilarating. We believe that we have been given an instruction manual to follow for our good. As long as we follow it things go better for us here in this life and at the same time we are preparing ourselves for the next.
I personally see problems with the idea that the Bible is an instruction manual, but that aside for the moment, I do think it's odd to be so vehemently certain (as you appear to be) that the Bible prohibits blood transfusions, since the Bible never deals with the subject directly and mainly deals with blood in the context of food, not surgery.

Also, I think it's odd that most groups that prohibit blood transfusions are Christian, given what Paul says in the Epistles about believers being released from or "being dead to" the Old Law... though I get the impression that your position on that issue may be different from the mainstream Christian one.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int

No, on the contrary, its exhilarating. We believe that we have been given an instruction manual to follow for our good. As long as we follow it things go better for us here in this life and at the same time we are preparing ourselves for the next.

I'm sure you'll feel VERY exhilarated when your kid gets hit by a car and needs a transfusion.

I haven't ever been to the hospital, cept when I was born. Never broken or sprained anything...yet I don't praise god. So...why do you think I've been so lucky...er...blessed? :D


Veteran Member
Thats right. I believe it in hand as the same as "fortunate" which comes from the worship of the pagan diety "Fortuna".
I totally agree.

I don't say "good luck" or "fortunately" or "unfortunately" in any of my conversations.

Luck and fortune have nothing to do with who we are or what we have.

God has created us all and by his mercy we live and breathe each day.


Veteran Member
I'm sure you'll feel VERY exhilarated when your kid gets hit by a car and needs a transfusion.
God divinely protects those who are his own.

I haven't ever been to the hospital, cept when I was born. Never broken or sprained anything...yet I don't praise god. So...why do you think I've been so lucky...er...blessed? :D
God's divine mercy.
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