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Did God Create This ???

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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I totally agree.

I don't say "good luck" or "fortunately" or "unfortunately" in any of my conversations.

Luck and fortune have nothing to do with who we are or what we have.

God has created us all and by his mercy we live and breathe each day.

Hahahahaha. :thud:

God divinely protects those who are his own.

God's divine mercy.

Please. That's enough with the ego-stroking for god. I think he's good for today. And I am not his, he is not mine.....so again, why have I been as FORTUNATE as Ben and never needed anything serious...like, say, a transfusion?


Veteran Member
why have I been as FORTUNATE as Ben and never needed anything serious...like, say, a transfusion?
Are we not all the Father and the Son's children, made by their own hand ???

Does Christ and the Father NOT want to protect us ???

If we completely rebel against God and are "ripe in iniquity" our destruction is assured, but if we repent and live under God's commandments, we then live under HIS divine merciful protection.
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Veteran Member
This is the model from the opening post. She makes 6 million a year.

Alessandra Ambrosio (Brazilian Model)







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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
I personally see problems with the idea that the Bible is an instruction manual, but that aside for the moment, I do think it's odd to be so vehemently certain (as you appear to be) that the Bible prohibits blood transfusions, since the Bible never deals with the subject directly and mainly deals with blood in the context of food, not surgery.

Also, I think it's odd that most groups that prohibit blood transfusions are Christian, given what Paul says in the Epistles about believers being released from or "being dead to" the Old Law... though I get the impression that your position on that issue may be different from the mainstream Christian one.

That is fine. No offence but I didn't come to RF to win over any converts or to get anyone to agree with Sinaiticism but rather to reach out for and look for others of same mind set and beliefs to converse and discuss the true word of Yah. I am not one to worry about what others think and feel as to my beliefs and try not to debate them. If someone disagrees with me then that is o.k. I can live with that and hope that they can. If they can’t then “Oh well”. They’ll just have to get over it. I don’t come looking to start a fight with anyone but again, do not give a hill of beans if my beliefs upset anyone. I am not here in this life to please nor appease man but to serve and obey Yah.

As far as blood transfusions go, we are told that the blood is the life there of. This is true not just for the animal kingdom, which are the ones that we are allowed to partake in as food but also the blood of man is his life as well. Blood carries all kinds of waste and toxins, pathogens and has the DNA makeup of that person. There is even some thought that those things within the blood could play a role in the makeup of the persons train of thought, psyche and how they are. It might even be said that one might choose not to take the blood, or any other part, of another human being because they are not sure from whom the blood came and would be afraid that it might have came from a crazy person with all kinds of disorders as well as even maybe being a mass murderer. Even more is that one doesn’t know what type of person it is as far as their beliefs. They could be a total reprobate. I, for one, would not want to know that I might have this type of persons blood running through my veins. What if you started taking on some of the physiological traits of said person? Not me. Not only that but we are told in scripture that if a man spills the blood of another then by his blood will it be required. Again I wouldn’t want that mans blood in me either. We even see where the woman that has an issue with her blood that she be separated. This shows that blood of another is unclean for even her own husband to touch. It even states that it is Torah that any man that defiles himself with a woman that has this issue with her blood that this same man shall be put to death. No, I am not going to go along with having anyone’s blood, and or body parts, put into my body, or anyone that I have control over‘s body.

As far as what Shaul taught, he taught the same thing the rest of the disciples taught which was the same thing that Yahshua taught. That was the Torah had not been done away with and that we were to obey the Torah. The only law’s (plural) that has been set aside for the moment is mainly that of the sacrificial laws. Yahshua became the sacrifice for all our sins past and now he is our priest perpetuating before Elohim on our behalf. This means that those that are purified in his name and follow his true teachings do not follow the sacrificial laws at this point and time. We also do not have a Temple which again was destroyed to keep the Hebrew Yisraelites from continuing in their sacrifices. Without the Temple there is no need for priest and with Yahshua being our priest, and intercessor, there again is no need for either the Temple or priest. So all the laws pertaining to the Temple and the priest as well as sacrifices are put aside for this moment in time. But all the other laws which pertain to such and such of the ways that Yah commanded us to observe and worship him as well as all those laws commanded as to the ways that we treat each other and also those laws pertaining to the ways we treat ourselves (dietary laws) are all very much still intact and are to be obeyed.

You may disagree and like I have stated, and no offence intended, that I am more than happy to live with that knowledge. I hope that you are.


RF Addict
Yay! - FFH has continued in his quest to spam RF with underweight models in his quest to convert everyone to his religious beliefs - never mind that the images of supermodels causes quite a few eating disorders among females, lowers self-esteem, and all the pictures have been professionally done, with makeup artists and photo editing to provide the best possible picture.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
That is fine. No offence but I didn't come to RF to win over any converts or to get anyone to agree with Sinaiticism but rather to reach out for and look for others of same mind set and beliefs to converse and discuss the true word of Yah. I am not one to worry about what others think and feel as to my beliefs and try not to debate them. If someone disagrees with me then that is o.k. I can live with that and hope that they can. If they can’t then “Oh well”. They’ll just have to get over it. I don’t come looking to start a fight with anyone but again, do not give a hill of beans if my beliefs upset anyone. I am not here in this life to please nor appease man but to serve and obey Yah.
If you say so. At the same time, though, you are a flawed human being, aren't you? A perfect understanding of anything is beyond us, which would mean that a perfect understanding of God's (or Yah's) will is beyond you as well.

As far as blood transfusions go, we are told that the blood is the life there of. This is true not just for the animal kingdom, which are the ones that we are allowed to partake in as food but also the blood of man is his life as well. Blood carries all kinds of waste and toxins, pathogens and has the DNA makeup of that person.
Donated blood is screened for pathogens before it's administered to a patient. Blood does carry waste and toxins, but this is true of all blood, including the blood coursing through your veins. Transfused blood wouldn't have any more of these things unless the donor had some sort of liver or kidney condition, which would be screened for as well.

There is even some thought that those things within the blood could play a role in the makeup of the persons train of thought, psyche and how they are. It might even be said that one might choose not to take the blood, or any other part, of another human being because they are not sure from whom the blood came and would be afraid that it might have came from a crazy person with all kinds of disorders as well as even maybe being a mass murderer. Even more is that one doesn’t know what type of person it is as far as their beliefs. They could be a total reprobate. I, for one, would not want to know that I might have this type of persons blood running through my veins. What if you started taking on some of the physiological traits of said person? Not me.
It seems like this part of what you said isn't based on scripture or anything like it, and it's certainly not based on science. This makes me wonder if it's based on anything at all.

In any case, though, it seems like so far, your argument is based on the idea that blood transfusions are bad on some sort of objective scale. Isn't the more appropriate question whether they're better or worse than the alternative?

Not only that but we are told in scripture that if a man spills the blood of another then by his blood will it be required. Again I wouldn’t want that mans blood in me either.
This part seems like a complete non-sequitir. Are you saying that blood bank nurses are going to have their blood spilt? It's really not clear what you're getting at.

We even see where the woman that has an issue with her blood that she be separated. This shows that blood of another is unclean for even her own husband to touch. It even states that it is Torah that any man that defiles himself with a woman that has this issue with her blood that this same man shall be put to death. No, I am not going to go along with having anyone’s blood, and or body parts, put into my body, or anyone that I have control over‘s body.
You're talking about menstruation, I assume. This prohibition on touching her blood wouldn't extend to things like first aid, would it? If your wife cut herself chopping vegetables in the kitchen, surely you'd be allowed to touch her blood in the process of putting on a bandage, wouldn't you?

As far as what Shaul taught, he taught the same thing the rest of the disciples taught which was the same thing that Yahshua taught. That was the Torah had not been done away with and that we were to obey the Torah. The only law’s (plural) that has been set aside for the moment is mainly that of the sacrificial laws.
Really. I don't know what your interpretation is of the Epistles, but they seem to me to explicitly say that, at the very least, dietary restrictions no longer apply.

Also, in the Gospels, Jesus gives examples of where the Law is made secondary to more important things: he talks about the sheep in the pit, explaining (IMO) that the Law of the Sabbath is secondary to saving the life of an animal. He talks about not attending to your sacrifice at the Temple until after you've remedied things with your brother.

If the Law of the Sabbath - written by the Hand of God Himself, according to Exodus - is secondary to saving the life of a sheep, why aren't the laws you refer to, which I would assume you consider no more important than the Law of the Sabbath, secondary to saving the life of a human being, who I would hope you consider much more valuable than a sheep?

But all the other laws which pertain to such and such of the ways that Yah commanded us to observe and worship him as well as all those laws commanded as to the ways that we treat each other and also those laws pertaining to the ways we treat ourselves (dietary laws) are all very much still intact and are to be obeyed.
Out of curiosity, how do you reconcile this view with 1 Timothy 4? Or do you?

You may disagree and like I have stated, and no offence intended, that I am more than happy to live with that knowledge. I hope that you are.
I disagree vehemently, but I'm trying hard to be respectful. Still, I don't see how your position is consistent with the Bible or with a normal approach to compassion.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
I'm sure you'll feel VERY exhilarated when your kid gets hit by a car and needs a transfusion.

I haven't ever been to the hospital, cept when I was born. Never broken or sprained anything...yet I don't praise god. So...why do you think I've been so lucky...er...blessed? :D

It is written that it rains on the just and the unjust.

And see, I would be kinda scared to go through life and not have anything happen to me. I mean, in my belief that would mean that I wasn't being tested. Or that I wasn't being corrected for things that I may have done that wasn't pleasing to Yah. It is written as well about this..............

Pro 3:12 for whom YAH loves, he reproves; even as a father reproves the son in whom he delights.

Heb 12:6 For whom Yah loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, Elohim dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Heb 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye ********, and not sons.

Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.


Veteran Member
Yay! - FFH has continued in his quest to spam RF with underweight models in his quest to convert everyone to his religious beliefs - never mind that the images of supermodels causes quite a few eating disorders among females, lowers self-esteem, and all the pictures have been professionally done, with makeup artists and photo editing to provide the best possible picture.
No, I'm posting what I think is good art.

Can you not appreciate works of art in all their varied forms ???

God created the basic facial structure and gave man the ability to enhance those features.

I've already posted a raw shot of her.

Alessandra Ambrosio




Eccl. 1: 14
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
We attend Tabernacle every Shabbat day as well as the New Moons and all appointed times and Holy days as commanded by Yah our Elohim. If you are interested I can forward you a link to our calendar.
Thanks, but that's not necessary. What day of the week do you consider "Shabbat", though? That's what I was trying to get at.


RF Addict
No, I'm posting what I think is good art.

Can you not appreciate works of art in all their varied forms ???

Yes, there are works of art that I appreciate. However, I am saying that showing up the most beautiful people to be art is to say that those that are not beautiful are not art, and that such blatant objectification of women (and men) only causes those that are not so well-endowed to have personal problems such as eating disorders and lowered self-esteem. Is "oh, this person has no doubt been blessed by God" helpful in this regard?


Veteran Member
Yes, there are works of art that I appreciate. However, I am saying that showing up the most beautiful people to be art is to say that those that are not beautiful are not art, and that such blatant objectification of women (and men) only causes those that are not so well-endowed to have personal problems such as eating disorders and lowered self-esteem. Is "oh, this person has no doubt been blessed by God" helpful in this regard?
...rather I would say, designed by God, as we all are, for a divine purpose.

We will all obtain perfect bodies when we are resurrected. Even those models do not have perfected bodies yet. They have many imperfections that they themselves are VERY conscious of.

For those who are Christ's at his coming, they will obtain perfect bodies, at the beginning of this millenium.

For those who are not Christ's at his coming, this will obtain perfect bodies, at theend of this millenium. In other words they'll have to wait another 1000 years.

Why would we want to wait for a perfect body. and have our bodies taken away from us, for a 1000 years ???

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Veteran Member
We should not fear or be angry at the Lord, but rather love him, for what he can give/offer us, if we do what he says.

1 Cor. 6: 19
19 What? know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
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