What changes did Jesus action produce? Pretty easy question for someone who believes?
Before Him the law was retroactive.
First the offense ....then reaction.
An eye for an eye.
The so called 'golden rule' was already there.
Everyone, including the gentiles, knew it.
But it was considered heathen law....gentile law.
When questioned which law is greatest....He said..."Love God"
Chalk one up for the Carpenter.
When questioned again...which law is second greatest...
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
From that hour forward the pharisees sought to have Him dead.
He had quoted everything but Moses.
How can you be the messiah?....if you don't quote Moses?
For this topic...how can you be the Savior?
You can't save your fellow man by dying for him.
He will just die...later on.
Salvation of the spirit is the actual target.
You do this by what you say to your fellow man.
His parables are sufficient. Keep His word in mind and heart....
and you will keep your mind and heart.
The kingdom of God is not of this world.
But to walk among angels...Whose grace do you follow?