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Did Jesus say he was God???


Veteran Member
Come back when you want to discuss in an adult way child.
A God of love does not kill those He creates and loves.


Didn't God love Adam and Eve, and inform them they would die if they disobeyed? So who brought death upon themselves? Since Adam chose to disobey he died. God can Not lie so he meant what he said to A&E.

Did those demonic angels of (Genesis 6:2; Jude 6) love God? Or were they being violent to God's creation? If God would not destroy the wicked, would the wicked love those that love God?

Doesn't Scripture say God loves the humble meek but not the haughty proud?
Jacob God loved, but what about Esau? please see Romans 9:13.

How could the meek inherit the earth if the wicked are not removed before they could destroy the meek? please see Psalm 37:11,29,38


Football Fan
Didn't God love Adam and Eve, and inform them they would die if they disobeyed? So who brought death upon themselves? Since Adam chose to disobey he died. God can Not lie so he meant what he said to A&E.

Did those demonic angels of (Genesis 6:2; Jude 6) love God? Or were they being violent to God's creation? If God would not destroy the wicked, would the wicked love those that love God?

Doesn't Scripture say God loves the humble meek but not the haughty proud?
Jacob God loved, but what about Esau? please see Romans 9:13.

How could the meek inherit the earth if the wicked are not removed before they could destroy the meek? please see Psalm 37:11,29,38

I agree, and the fact that humans are naturally inquisitive and always searching and striving for more, that is the reason why the fall of man happened when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

God does not destroy the evil yet so that we may go towards the light that shines through the darkness of our world. He has given Jesus as an example to us to follow so that we might not tread on the path of Satan/evil. Satan and his demonic angels are in opposition to God, they hate Him. And since we are made in His image, Satan and his demons hate us. Satan doesn't want us to have the reward of eternal life and heaven, so he tries his best to distort our thinking, to distract us from the true purpose of our lives; which is to live for the glory of God.


Veteran Member
Not only does Satan not want any to have the reward or benefit of eternal life and heaven, Satan does not want the meek to have the reward of eternal life to inherit the earth as Jesus promised at Matthew 5:5 when he referred to Psalm 37:11,29,38 that there are also meek or righteous ones to live here forever on earth to God's praise and glory as Ephesians 1:12 says along with verse 10 that all things will be gathered in Christ both heaven and earth. Hebrews 13:15.


Well-Known Member
Not only does Satan not want any to have the reward or benefit of eternal life and heaven, Satan does not want the meek to have the reward of eternal life to inherit the earth as Jesus promised at Matthew 5:5 when he referred to Psalm 37:11,29,38 that there are also meek or righteous ones to live here forever on earth to God's praise and glory as Ephesians 1:12 says along with verse 10 that all things will be gathered in Christ both heaven and earth. Hebrews 13:15.

Actually satan was a child of god who could do nothing unless told to do so by god. Read Job. It's only latter that christians morphed his character into the demon you know today.


Veteran Member
Doesn't spirit creation also have free will as human creation?

So yes, Satan started out as a perfect spirit or perfect angelic creation but used his free will to disobey God.

According to Job (2:4-6) wasn't it Satan, not God, that presented the challenge that we would Not love God of our own free will?

Genesis (3:15) was recorded long before the Christian era. In talking to the serpent it is his head that would be bruised. Satan would receive his death stroke by the head bruising. Whereas Satan would only bruise Jesus in the heel in that Jesus would recover but Satan would not. Hebrews 2:14 B.

Revelation (12:9,12) also reveals that the devil has a limited time to cause 'woe' to earth.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
It is said "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"John 1:1. And in John 1.14. "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" Obviously, the word is Jesus Christ (unless you know another "word" who manifested in flesh) and the word was God. Thomas the doubter also said to Jesus when he saw Him after the resurrection: "MY LORD AND MY GOD"

JOHN 20:19-31.

Literal readers have to buy into all the miracles of the Bible to believe that Jesus, the water walker, is God.

Time to wake up and grow up to manly thinking and drop the childish thinking.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Show evidence of this.

How can God become an idol? Can he turn himself into wood or stone? I can see how an idol could be established if someone worshipped the physical body of Jesus instead of the Spirit of GOd within that body but that body was dead and buried. It is the spirit that gives life and resurrected body.

This is a fairy tale with no evidence to support it.

Jesus never claimed to be God's son; He claimed to be God.

Gods can die ? Wow.

Even chimera Gods like Jesus?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Didn't God love Adam and Eve, and inform them they would die if they disobeyed? So who brought death upon themselves? Since Adam chose to disobey he died. God can Not lie so he meant what he said to A&E.

Did those demonic angels of (Genesis 6:2; Jude 6) love God? Or were they being violent to God's creation? If God would not destroy the wicked, would the wicked love those that love God?

Doesn't Scripture say God loves the humble meek but not the haughty proud?
Jacob God loved, but what about Esau? please see Romans 9:13.

How could the meek inherit the earth if the wicked are not removed before they could destroy the meek? please see Psalm 37:11,29,38

If God creates us all, then why create the haughty and wicked?

For fun or to give us someone to hate?

He creates our natures, good or evil and we have no choice but to follow this nature.
by your words, God is an idiot who creates what He does not want or wants to hate.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I agree, and the fact that humans are naturally inquisitive and always searching and striving for more, that is the reason why the fall of man happened when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

God does not destroy the evil yet so that we may go towards the light that shines through the darkness of our world. He has given Jesus as an example to us to follow so that we might not tread on the path of Satan/evil. Satan and his demonic angels are in opposition to God, they hate Him. And since we are made in His image, Satan and his demons hate us. Satan doesn't want us to have the reward of eternal life and heaven, so he tries his best to distort our thinking, to distract us from the true purpose of our lives; which is to live for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Grow up and stop riding a scapegoat into heaven. Man is to walk into it not ride an immoral sacrifice of an innocent man.



Veteran Member
If God creates us all, then why create the haughty and wicked?

For fun or to give us someone to hate?

He creates our natures, good or evil and we have no choice but to follow this nature.
by your words, God is an idiot who creates what He does not want or wants to hate.


According to Deuteronomy (32:5) did God corrupt people, or did they do that to themselves? ____ At Deut (30:19) a choice was set before the people to choose of their own voluntary free will.-
Lev 1:3; Willing will- Exodus chapter 35.


Veteran Member
I love you but if you do something I don't like you're dead... I'm not sure you and I have the same definition of love. With that attitiude I really hope you don't have kids.

1st Samuel (15:22) to obey is better than sacrifice.

Obey what? What does God hate according to Proverbs 6:16-19? Would you want your children to love what God hates there, or be like Jesus and love what God loves?

Disobedience from perfect Adam was not by mistake. We can sin because of human imperfection. And there is a difference between a deliberate, premeditated, and on-purpose sin. Perfect angels and perfect humans that have gone bad, so to speak, never repent or even feel remorse.

From birth we know a child's leanings will be toward imperfection.
With perfection it was not meant to be that way.

Grown children (adults) are responsible for their own actions, and in a court of law some crimes are considered so heinous that those crimes are worthy of capital punishment. It is those types of crimes where and execution is the carrying out of justice. Man's judgment is imperfect, whereas God's judgment, or the carrying out of justice for the sake of the righteous, is because without divine justice the wicked would eventually not only destroy themselves they would also end up wiping the upright off the face of the earth. According to Proverbs (2:21,22) there will be justice for the upright and the wicked will not remain.

Would anyone like it the other way around?


Jesus in me
Are you sure? don't you have Jesus on your cross? that's a body.

Christianity is a fairy tale, because it is christianity that has to prove Jesus not me or Judaism, facts are facts, if you claim my history you have to prove it not me, and until you do, it is your story that is a fairy tale.

Jesus claimed to be G-d? so then according to you there are 2 G-Ds.

I am sure. I do not have Jesus on a cross. Jesus is in Heaven waiting to return at the end of the world. However the fact that God entered a body does not mean that the body can be worshipped but we can worship God as He exists in the body.

You are right; facts are facts. The facts that are in the New Testament are just as valid as the facts in the Old Testament and even more so because they are authenticated by God.

Where is there any supporting evidence for your story? I have seen none.

Absolutely not. God's existence in Jesus is not a separate existence from His omnipresent existence but merely an expression of it.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
According to Deuteronomy (32:5) did God corrupt people, or did they do that to themselves? ____ At Deut (30:19) a choice was set before the people to choose of their own voluntary free will.-
Lev 1:3; Willing will- Exodus chapter 35.

Free will?

My way or burn is not free will. It is a threat.

Freedom is something we take. It cannot be given.



Jesus in me
Some how I doubt your ability to do so.....:sarcastic

So with this line of reasoning we can conclude that (everyone) with the "Holy Spirit" is Holy?

There were plenty in your scripture (blessed with/of the Holy Spirit)

Luke 2:25
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

This is a valid argument. You could say why then aren't Simeon and Mary God as well since the Holy Spirit comes upon them?

lets look at this verse again:
Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
When the Holy Ghost is on Mary, Simeon or anyone else there is no "therefore they are the Son of God."


I also wish to discuss you idea that God can't send Himself.

  • Main Entry: 1send
  • Pronunciation: \ˈsend\
  • Function: verb
  • Inflected Form(s): sent \ˈsent\; send·ing
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sendan; akin to Old High German sendan to send, Old English sith road, journey, Old Irish sét path, way
  • Date: before 12th century
transitive verb 1 : to cause to go: as a : to propel or throw in a particular direction b : deliver <sent a blow to the chin> c : drive <sent the ball between the goalposts>
2 : to cause to happen

We agree that God is the sender (He who causes to go). Obviously some entity has to be sent (ball, spirit, angel, curse). It is also true that the entity does not have to be physical ie being dense like a ball but can be more ethereal as in light. The problem now lies in the fact that God is everywhere so there is no need for Him to send Himself to another place. In fact that is not what is happening. All living souls have a spirt that is joined (Greek Para as in Parakletos) to the body. Otherwise the spirit is disembodied. The sending of God's spirit into Jesus is that same joining with the body that occurs with us. In Genesis this sending of the spirit is repersented by this phrase:
Ge 2:7 And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
This is also the word that is used for spirit (Greek: Pnouma) which means breath.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
1st Samuel (15:22) to obey is better than sacrifice.

Obey what? What does God hate according to Proverbs 6:16-19? Would you want your children to love what God hates there, or be like Jesus and love what God loves?

Disobedience from perfect Adam was not by mistake. We can sin because of human imperfection. And there is a difference between a deliberate, premeditated, and on-purpose sin. Perfect angels and perfect humans that have gone bad, so to speak, never repent or even feel remorse.

From birth we know a child's leanings will be toward imperfection.
With perfection it was not meant to be that way.

Grown children (adults) are responsible for their own actions, and in a court of law some crimes are considered so heinous that those crimes are worthy of capital punishment. It is those types of crimes where and execution is the carrying out of justice. Man's judgment is imperfect, whereas God's judgment, or the carrying out of justice for the sake of the righteous, is because without divine justice the wicked would eventually not only destroy themselves they would also end up wiping the upright off the face of the earth. According to Proverbs (2:21,22) there will be justice for the upright and the wicked will not remain.

Would anyone like it the other way around?

Good justice from God is my way or burn forever. A rather stupid form of justice from a God who does not mind using genocide against those He created and loves.
We are punished for being exactly what God created.

Not a good way to deal with perfect people.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God can do whatever He wishes to do.

Jesus is not a separate god that you should refer to Him as the god Jesus but is the One God Yahweh in the flesh.

The wishful thinking of those who fear death.
An absentee God who will grant all our wishes. LOL.



Active Member
God can do whatever He wishes to do.

Jesus is not a separate god that you should refer to Him as the god Jesus but is the One God Yahweh in the flesh.

Said who? where else have you seen or have you ever noticed in the scriptures that G-D of Israelites revealed Him self in a flesh?


Veteran Member
Free will?

My way or burn is not free will. It is a threat.

Freedom is something we take. It cannot be given.


During the dark ages the clergy did use scare tactics on the flock, and the flock not having Scripture to read for themselves could not know but what they were told by their religious leaders.

Is hellfire really burning? There are three words: hades and sheol translated as hell or grave, and Gehenna translated as hellfire. What is Gehenna? Gehenna was a garbage dump where things were destroyed. Things were not kept burning forever. So Gehenna (hellfire) is a fitting symbol of destruction and not eternal burning. Would you roast a bad dog forever for what he did? Of course not! So why would a God of love roast or burn anyone?

2nd Thessalonians (1:9) equates punishment with everlasting destruction and not burning. Psalm (92:7) says the wicked will be destroyed, not continue living. Wasn't righteous Noah and family left and the wicked destroyed?

True, we are to obey God because that is in our best interest to reap best from sowing best. We do not have to guess, or go by trial and error to find out what works best. Psalm (119:105) likens the Bible as a light to guide our steps and paths in the right direction.

If there would not be divine intervention then eventually the wicked would not only kill off each other, they would also destroy the upright. God will not let that happen as Abraham discerned at Genesis (18:23-32).

Is there anything wrong with Jesus Sermon on the Mount? In what way would you improve upon it?

Jesus said the truth will set you free. Religious truth will set you free (John 17:17) from false religious ideas such as burning forever.