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Disproving the Bible


There is also the issues of the Quran containing verses about figures like Moses and Abraham.

And the real problem starts when these people believe ONLY their version is correct, when the characters never even existed historically speaking.

Its a level of fundamentalism that is embarrassing.

Religions hold much more value when used in moderation, not full blown fanaticism.


Veteran Member
And the real problem starts when these people believe ONLY their version is correct, when the characters never even existed historically speaking.

Its a level of fundamentalism that is embarrassing.

Religions hold much more value when used in moderation, not full blown fanaticism.

My comment was more about references people as part of stories. Referencing people that no one has heard of is meaningless. It would be like me talking about Bob leading the fairy people over the ocean of jello. Using these characters means the audiences knew about them. Point being people around Muhammad were not ignorant of who Abraham and Moses were


Point being people around Muhammad were not ignorant of who Abraham and Moses were

I understood you, I just wanted to add above ad beyond.

What is embarrassing is both of these characters have no historicity what so ever, yet are claimed to be prophets central to the theology.

To me its factual evidence of the book they have, used plagiarized material.


Veteran Member
I understood you, I just wanted to add above ad beyond.

What is embarrassing is both of these characters have no historicity what so ever, yet are claimed to be prophets central to the theology.

To me its factual evidence of the book they have, used plagiarized material.

I do not expect people to acknowledge plagiarism when they hold the very set of beliefs that is based on said plagiarism. The ideology is more important than any fact or history.


I do not expect people to acknowledge plagiarism when they hold the very set of beliefs that is based on said plagiarism. The ideology is more important than any fact or history.

The problem exist because of the literal interpretation of text, that took a great religion and removed moderation, and replaced it with severe fundamentalism some claim [Neil Degrasse Tyson] and ruined its scientific progress, it has never recovered from.

It was once the center for knowledge and learning, and that was lost many hundreds of years ago, and it has never recovered.


Wa-‘alaykum ‘as-salaam

My neurotic tendency to need to know as much as I can about everything is certainly not something I recommend.

In my opinion too much of this clouds seing or rather feeling the other side of you..

Apart from lesser known and perhaps more arguable examples, what about the Sunni/Shia divide?

Shia have by choice removed Muhammed and put his cousin Ali in his place in simple.. The Quran which has not been manipulated and which they accept as well has Muhammad in it and has direct orders to follow that messenger or prophet.

1) To the extent this describes Muhammad, it also describes Jesus (with some arguable minor differences that, I think, are less important than the problems with the above assertion)

Of course he is a prophet too and one of the 5 mightiest prophets besides Moses Ibraham and Noah.

2) If the area consisted of only illiterate people, and granting that Jibreel not only dictated the Quran to Muhammed (PBUH) but was also able to enable an illiterate to write,

There were writter for the prophet like Moaweya ebn aby Sofian and they recorded it in his life time on sheep skin and camel back bones and was collected and agreed one year after he died and concented on by his desciples. Do not forget that many of them memorized it by heart and many many still do that till today. If all copies were destroyed it can all be written down again exactly the same. As i mentioned to you, in the Quran God promises to keep it from loss or manipulation.

how was the Quran transmitted and how were ahadith recorded?

Collected by scholars many years later and checked by narator line and successors. There is a science in Islam called narator science on how they checked and classified the ahadeeth to make sure they are authentic. Not sure if you know about it and how it works.

Modern Standard Arabic, although spoken nowhere as a native language, is basically classical Arabic with additional vocabulary. This is because the classical Arabic of the Quran dominated literary Arabic almost from the earliest Arabic literature (though not quite). Also, the Arabic alphabet is (like Hebrew, Greek, Latin, etc.) a derivative of the Phoenician alphabet (hence the Hebrew and Arabic aleph and the Greek alpha). So the alphabet that the Quran was transmitted by originated long before even Christianity. So too did the writing methods used in literary Arabic (although works such as Fi al-Shi'r al-Jahili have been extensively criticized at least as much as have pre-Islamic literature, the idea that the corpus of pre-Islamic poetry entirely post-dates the Quran is untenable).

I am not sure I get you. Quran is not like poems in any way and we do speak slang arabic but also the original Quran language "arabia alfosha".

So there was a literature community that existed before the Quran (albeit a small one) and there had to be one for the Quran as well as other early Islamic literature to survive.

Not sure I get you but there was a chalenge that someone would come along and make a similar writting since 1400 years but no one has done it till today because of how sophisticated it is. I know you learned Arabic but I am a native speaker and do see something different in it with it linguistic eloquence.

3) The Sira and Sunna, even in Islamic scholarship, have been subject to extensive critique. Applying modern historical methods, there is little reason to think that much of what was deemed authoritative actually is. Put differently, why should I accept as true the sources we have on the Prophet's life?

"Modern historical methods".. I totally understand where you come from but again only science taking into consideration that 50 years from now these might be obsolete again.

You are free to chose from what is offered what you wish of course. For me I used both gifts given to me. Some science and logic which is quite clear for me in Quran and sunna and prophets life and teachings as a native speaking Arabic person who understands very well what he reads and part ecstacy as you might call it. Our world that welive in today is pushing us towards a materialistic tech. world devoid of any spiritual part which for me is not correct and is missing.

It seems like a lot of what you say runs into immediate problems if one questions the accuracy of the events and characteristics ascribed to the historical "Muhammed".

I need a reference please because I have never looked into any, just to see what is being assumed from the other view point.

In other words, I have to accept quite a bit just to evaluate the extent to which the sayings and deeds of the Prophet are evidence for God, Islam, etc.

Who defines the historical Muhammad? Why are these historians credible but not the Muslim ones?

I believe that any evidence will be limited in supporting finding the Ultimate truth in general which for me in the direction of that God because you are using evidence to confirm the creator who put these evidence there. If I told you I saw a car without a driver passing by would you believe me.. the same, for me is this sophisticaed universe with all creatures in it.

Thank you.
You are welcome.

I am not. I am sincerely looking for truth and answers, but I do not think these are to be found in Islam (or numerous other places, including many fields in the sciences). To make the leap of faith required to pray to Allah is more than I can do honestly.

Ok lets refrase it. It is not Islam.. it is the one and only creator and submitting to him. He has the answers to what you seek (I believe it is in "fekh" in Islam). I know the concept is too far as you said for now. The strange thing is that I too was thinking today of the exact phrase "leap of faith"!

For your information Islamic fikh has everything in it starting from relationships between people, between government, in war, in politics, in friendship, with wive, trading, agriculture.....etc. and it is extensive. I am not missing anything in it and I studied part of it. Nothing is neglected there. Everything about life and the answers i was seeking are there.

My field is neuroscience. While that doesn't mean I can tell you exactly how the mind emerges from the brain (or doesn't, for that matter), I know how the brain works, and the physical descriptions you refer to involve the brain. And to the extent you are correct about the nature of the brain's response to stresses, how is it not possible or more probable that religious ecstasy, revelation, or epiphany (in the classical sense; literally) isn't due to hallucinations and other responses to stress?

Wise argument.. can't say anything to the argument other than that some times you need to back up a little to grasp something you are not getting. A more full picture. You are toooo much into it. I told you I have been there somewhat and it took me many years to reach this ecstasy as you might call it.

Arguing that someone who relies on logic, rationality, etc., should not is as effective as arguing that someone who believes logic & rationality are inherently limited are wrong. In both cases, the initial perspective precludes the acceptance of the opposing perspective.

I am saying that you can not use it alone to reach your destination which is the ultimate truth you seek (because it is lacking) . This can not be found only using this. We have a verse in Quran that says that: "it is not the eye sight that is blinded but rather the hearts that reside within the chests". You are evaluating everything with reason and facts alone when I believe that this life is about both mind and a bit of spirituality or whatever you would call it. This is the right mix. You can not find what you seek with pure science and logic alone.

Iron is at the core of this planet. I think you are referring to the fact that meteorites contain iron, not that this is the source of the Earth's iron.

Have a look about the origin of Iron.. yes core is formed of Iron but how did Iron get there?

How well do you read and understand Arabic? I want to send you something in Arabic about Jeziah confirming what I said earlier?

And Arabic nouns have gender. Also, male spiders do build webs, although you are right that "species-typical" webs are constructed by females.

Spider in Arabic is musculin only but the verb "builds" when it gets a "T" becomes feminine and this was considered a mistake because he says The spider (musculin) builds with a t letter which is feminine. This must be at least interesting for anyone to notice.

This isn't a statement about a scientific truth hidden in the Quran but an explanation as to why the Quran isn't inaccurate by explaining the blatantly obvious (i.e., that a pregnant woman's body contains 2 hearts). Even if the verse is meant to be interpreted this way, it is an obvious truth known long before the Quran.

You misunderstood this. It just shows the accuracy from my point of view.

Humans have known how mountains look since they first saw mountains. This wasn't a 20th century discovery (and mountains don't hold the crust of the Earth).

Wedgy looking and are put in the ground like wegdes from the lower part and not the top.. everybody knows how they look from above.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
From your source:
"It is by mass the most common element on Earth, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust. Its abundance in rocky planets like Earth is due to its abundant production by fusion in high-mass stars, where the production of nickel-56 (which decays to the most common isotope of iron) is the last nuclear fusion reaction that is exothermic"
So where should we find that iron didn't exist on Earth until meteorites hit this planet?


I think it is clear here. The manufacturing of iron requires large stars and "Its abundance in rocky planetslike Earth is due to its abundant production byfusion in high-mass stars". How would it move from the star to form part of a planet? As mentioned the transformation from Nicket to iron is the "last reaction" before a star dies and explodes. It also requires bigger stars than the sun for this.. I believe this is very clear in the Quran and not taken out of any context. Surat Al Hadid:" ina inzalna Al Hadid".


Well-Known Member
I agree - but I would say 'less than a sliver.'

First, there cannot be more than 20 Aramaic words in the NT (as a guess, I did not confirm this) -- and half of those words are proper nouns (titles, names, places, etc) that don't really count in my opinion.

Second, and this is most important, the Gospels were not written for or by Galileans. We're dealing with a fictive context that addresses foreign issues and concerns.

Galilee: circuit, rolling energy, energy, life force.
Nazareth: place of the skull.

Brain and mind. Dealing with metaphysical concerns.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Its abundance in rocky planetslike Earth is due to its abundant production byfusion in high-mass stars".
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you aren't that familiar with stellar astrophysics (correct me if I'm wrong). The EARTH ITSELF is due to "abundant production [of] byfusion in high-mass stars". There was never a time when iron wasn't a basic component of the Earth's make up and then appeared thanks to meteorites. The production of iron in the link you used refers to the production of iron in the universe, not its existence on Earth.

How would it move from the star to form part of a planet?
The way all elements have for every single planet that exists.


Well-Known Member
You have to go back to the Hebrew Bible to make sense out of the sacrifice. In those days, the Ancient Israelites had to atone for their sins by offering as a sacrifice an unblemished animal. When you get to the NT, God decides to perform an atoning sacrifice which once and for all would be sufficient to pay the price for sins of the whole world. This is why Yeshua (Jesus) is called the ‘Lamb of God ’. Unfortunately, he had naysayers, people who doubted him and had refused to believe. That's because they didn't really know who he was. If they really knew, they probably would've believed. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, tha whosoever believeth in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” That's a universal offer, now that it has been finished. Of course, some people know and believe, others know and do not believe. Still some don't know at all.

Well, Seeker of Ka, as I aforementioned, before Jesus had lived, unblemished animal sacrifice was how the Israelites atoned for sins, and God had forgiven them. Now that Jesus had been crucified and was resurrected, God extended the offer of salvation to everyone, Jew and Gentile. Though, in Yeshua's day, as is true today, Jews generally consider faith in Yeshua to be apostasy. Not to say that there aren't Jewish believers in Yeshua....

An unblemished mind, pure mind. The carnal, animal mind/ego is the one that needs sacrificed.

The human is the animal that needs sacrificed. The beast within.

The Israelites are the 12 cranial nerves, as are the 12 disciples.

There is power in the blood and plasma, which only resides in a human's physical body. A study of blood flow from the brain and its components through the body can teach a lot. Yes, universally. All are forgiven and free to transgress because we have a physical body of flesh and blood. Being free from those trangressions that place is in a conscious state of hell is the next step of forgiveness. Change of mind and heart.


Well-Known Member
The problem exist because of the literal interpretation of text, that took a great religion and removed moderation, and replaced it with severe fundamentalism some claim [Neil Degrasse Tyson] and ruined its scientific progress, it has never recovered from.

It was once the center for knowledge and learning, and that was lost many hundreds of years ago, and it has never recovered.

Place for center of knowledge and learning... The brain.