Interestingly the only links I can find relating to the claims are dodgy posts on internet forums. surly by now, the claims you now import to this forum have been written about by geneticists, as it is a very real and recent discovery. I would be interested to see articles by geneticists who write of the links between Jewish priests and the tribe of Quraysh.
Those types of stuides about cultural identities, usually come out years after the discovery of a SNP and access to them is not always free. It is usually a collaborative work between historians, anthropologists and population geneticists. This SNP is not even a year old, so you may have to wait a year or two before such works will be avaialble on the internet.
In the meantime, you should realize that geneticists are mainly in the business of discovering new SNPs and Haplotypes. They make SNP and Haplotype tests available to those who want to be tested, like the ones offered by FamilytreeDNA that I linked for you. They create charts to help one interpret results of these tests and determine how closely one is related to others and when one shared a recent common ancestor.
The SNP J1c3d was discovered a few months ago. It is now commercially available to the general public and the raw data on who carries it can be viewed here:
Haplogroup J Project (Has many Jewish members):
Family Tree DNA - The Y-Haplogroup J DNA Project
The J1c3 project (Has many Arab members):
Family Tree DNA - J1c3
Members of these projects use this information on SNPs and Haplotypes to calculate who is more closely related to them and when they shared a common ancestor by using those charts and software I provided you. As you can see the Cohanim cluster is in J1c3d. Also you can see the Arabs with names of tribes are also in this subclade.
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