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Do Christians really overly persecute homosexuals?


Agnostic Theist
According to Fallingblood, if you are a homosexual and a member of these forums, then you must be a narrow-minded bigot who whines too much.
And you prove my point. You took what I said and twisted it to something that it was never in the first place. But then again, you have already said you don't care what I say so it is only logical that you don't actually read any of it.


Agnostic Theist
"Basically, it is like, I may not support everything you say, but I will fight for your right to say it."

Then one would fight for my right to speak out against what I disagree with and think is harmful to others? Namely, speaking out against the belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Go ahead. I have no problem with that. I don't think it is a sin.

But it's not your right to force your opinion on others. I don't have to agree with everything you say to still support you. Christians don't have to agree that homosexuality is not a sin to still support homosexuals.


Agnostic Theist
and what exactly is "everything about homosexuality"
1 the fact that they "over exaggerate" persecution
2 are whining about inequality
3 or they are attracted to their own sex

and explain what you mean by misrepresentation
Why not actually read what I've already posted. Really, I don't have the want to even address this over and over again, especially when you are one who has misrepresented what I've said on numerous occasions. If you can't take the time to read what I've said, then I don't see why I should have to waste more time so you can just not read it again.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead. I have no problem with that. I don't think it is a sin.

But it's not your right to force your opinion on others. I don't have to agree with everything you say to still support you. Christians don't have to agree that homosexuality is not a sin to still support homosexuals.

"But it's not your right to force your opinion on others."

Could you please show me where I was forcing my opinions on others? Can you show any instance, of any of the homosexual on these forums, ever forcing their opinion on others? You talk about rights, but nobody's right to freedom of expression is being violated here.


Well-Known Member
Talk about taking things out of context, misrepresenting it and exaggerating. No one here is forcing their opinion on others and no one's right to freedom of expression is being violated. This is a discussion forum and free, open discussion goes both ways.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Bigots are free to be bigots until they vote their bigotry into law. THAT is when an opinion is ever forced on others.

I'm going to flaunt my stuff and speak my mind 'til the day I die. Don't like it?Too bad.

Fallingblood, take a minute and look at how many of us in the GLBTQ community take issue with what you've been saying. Myself included.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. However, the sin is having sex with a person of the same sex. A Christian may not support you sleeping with a person of the same sex, as they consider it a sin, but that doesn't mean they don't support you having equal rights.

Basically, it is like, I may not support everything you say, but I will fight for your right to say it.

Calling one a sinner simply due to what specific kind of loving, healthy relationship he seeks seems quite offensive to me. If anything, it is worse due to the claim that it is God Himself who disapproves of what is an integral part of that person.

Quite frankly, I don't think being a Catholic (or of any other religion) excuses homophoby. Christians have a duty to keep their religion healthy and relevant just like anyone else.


Veteran Member
Why not actually read what I've already posted. Really, I don't have the want to even address this over and over again, especially when you are one who has misrepresented what I've said on numerous occasions. If you can't take the time to read what I've said, then I don't see why I should have to waste more time so you can just not read it again.

i have and i'm still confused, you keep putting your foot in your mouth so i don't know what your ACTAUL INTENTIONS ARE

it seems as though you not really saying anything different than what the christian right says about homosexuality...what is your point?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Falling blood I'm confused. Is the point of this thread to say you support the right of fundy Christians to be bigots, but not the right of gay people to stand up to it?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
So it's not alright for them to believe that sleeping with a member of the same sex to be a sin? I mean if that is all you have, then I really don't see why the problem. I'm called a sinner over and over again. I have a god before God, which is breaking one of the ten commandments. I'm a sinner. Oh well.

Why don't they mention other so-called sins as much as they mention homosexuality. You tell me that


Agnostic Theist
Bigots are free to be bigots until they vote their bigotry into law. THAT is when an opinion is ever forced on others.

I'm going to flaunt my stuff and speak my mind 'til the day I die. Don't like it?Too bad.

Fallingblood, take a minute and look at how many of us in the GLBTQ community take issue with what you've been saying. Myself included.
I will admit that I haven't communicated in the best manner. I honestly have no problem with you being whatever you are. I support your right to be who you are, and you shouldn't be persecuted for that as long as it hurts no one. Being homosexual hurts no one. Having homosexual relations hurts no one, as long as it is between two consenting adults.

My problem is with those who exaggerate the problem. I personally believe that by doing such, it takes away from the actual problem. This is not just in regards to homosexuality. I have the same problem when any group does so. I think it takes away from the problem. At the same time though, I believe it is only a specific group that are making these exaggerated claims, a minority.

That is not to say that there isn't a very real problem. I know that many times, homosexuals are treated sub-par. They are discriminated against, and there is a population what does persecute them. They should have equal rights. I would never deny those points.


Agnostic Theist
Calling one a sinner simply due to what specific kind of loving, healthy relationship he seeks seems quite offensive to me. If anything, it is worse due to the claim that it is God Himself who disapproves of what is an integral part of that person.

Quite frankly, I don't think being a Catholic (or of any other religion) excuses homophoby. Christians have a duty to keep their religion healthy and relevant just like anyone else.
I agree that it can be offensive. But I believe they also have the right to believe that homosexuality is a sin.

In this instance, I believe that the view point of the Christian must also be examined. Many Christians believe that the actual sin is not being attracted to people of the same sex. The sin is the actual act of having sex with someone of the same sex. In the same way, lying, cheating, stealing etc are sins. It may be true that homosexuality is not a choice, but these Christians are not seeing that way. They are basing their idea on ignorance.

In this mindset, saying that homosexuality, the actual act of having sex with a person of the same sex, is a sin is equivalent to saying that someone having sex outside marriage is a sin, or lying is a sin. This mindset also claims that all sin. So the intention is not meant to be offensive. This mindset may be based off of ignorance, but I think the mindset has to be examined anyway.

Now, I'm not saying that this excuses them. They can go ahead and learn more about homosexuality, and really, they should. But I don't think they should be dismissed either.


Agnostic Theist
Falling blood I'm confused. Is the point of this thread to say you support the right of fundy Christians to be bigots, but not the right of gay people to stand up to it?
The term fundy is offensive. Now, them calling you a sinner may be offensive as well, but it doesn't give you the right to be offensive towards them. The term fundy is meant to be derogatory, so I don't see why you choose to use it accept to voice an intolerance.

I've never stated that gay people should not stand up to bigotry and hatred. I would object if they stood up by spreading bigotry and hatred, but that is their right as well (to a point).

My first point was that not all Christians persecute or even hate homosexuals. That is was a minority. My second point is that some homosexuals exaggerate the extent of the problem. I've stated my intentions a variety of times.

Now, I do accept the right of fundamentalist Christians to be bigots (to a point). I don't approve or condone their actions, but I believe they have a right to their ideas. They have the right to freedom of speech. They have the right to protest. If they try to force their bigotry on others, then that is overstepping their rights and should be fought. But to accept their rights is counter-productive and hypocritical.


Agnostic Theist
Why don't they mention other so-called sins as much as they mention homosexuality. You tell me that
As far as I know, they do. I went to a fundamentalist Christian Church and they never preached about homosexuality. There have been other members here who say the same exact thing. So really, I don't know what you're talking about.


Agnostic Theist
Fair enough. Could you give some examples of the exageration? I'm genuinely curious.
We have had a couple in this thread. The one is that a homosexual can not walk down the street without being fearful. That a homosexual can not walk out their door without being fearful. That homosexuals don't have any rights. I guess that is three, but they went hand in hand.

Another is that fundamental Christians all hate homosexuals and mirror the Westboro Baptist Church. That simply is not the case.

Relating to the previous one, the idea that fundamental Christians, as a whole, are out there conspiring against homosexuals, and other choice minorities (I honestly don't know what these minorities are, as it has never been stated, or at least I don't recall) to basically get rid of them.

I did say that they claim that there struggle is equal to the black struggle a few decades past, but I do want to publicly retract that one.

Now, I also acknowledge that it is a minority within the homosexual community that are making these sentiments.


Well-Known Member
The term fundy is offensive. Now, them calling you a sinner may be offensive as well, but it doesn't give you the right to be offensive towards them. The term fundy is meant to be derogatory, so I don't see why you choose to use it accept to voice an intolerance.

I've never stated that gay people should not stand up to bigotry and hatred. I would object if they stood up by spreading bigotry and hatred, but that is their right as well (to a point).

My first point was that not all Christians persecute or even hate homosexuals. That is was a minority. My second point is that some homosexuals exaggerate the extent of the problem. I've stated my intentions a variety of times.

Now, I do accept the right of fundamentalist Christians to be bigots (to a point). I don't approve or condone their actions, but I believe they have a right to their ideas. They have the right to freedom of speech. They have the right to protest. If they try to force their bigotry on others, then that is overstepping their rights and should be fought. But to accept their rights is counter-productive and hypocritical.

"The term fundy is offensive. Now, them calling you a sinner may be offensive as well, but it doesn't give you the right to be offensive towards them."

There you go again; that sure didn't take very long. You may not like what he has to say, but he has the right to say it.

Everyone has freedom of speech; can we move beyond that point?


Agnostic Theist
"The term fundy is offensive. Now, them calling you a sinner may be offensive as well, but it doesn't give you the right to be offensive towards them."

There you go again; that sure didn't take very long. You may not like what he has to say, but he has the right to say it.

Everyone has freedom of speech; can we move beyond that point?
There you go again; that sure didn't take very long. I never said that he didn't have the freedom of speech, so it just another baseless claim on your part. But why respond to what I say if you don't care? Because you do?


Well-Known Member
There you go again; that sure didn't take very long. I never said that he didn't have the freedom of speech, so it just another baseless claim on your part. But why respond to what I say if you don't care? Because you do?

I think you perceive double standards for homosexuals. I also don't buy your repeated, back-peddling, apologetic posts. If you were truly sincere, then you be more careful with your future wording.

I think you are letting more of yourself slip then you care to. I believe you do this because you are sloppy in thought, which is a result of your naivety and ignorance, in these matters. Until you educate yourself, you will not be able to properly make judgment calls, nor will you be able to express yourself clearly.

But you don't really care about the issue, do you? No, understanding would take real work. You see the repeated threads about religion and homosexuals, and you found that vexatious. So in your ire you made this thread, in order to grouch about it. Mr. Blood, you are a hypocrite.

"But why respond to what I say if you don't care?"

I have my reasons, if you ask nicely, I might share them with you.