Canonical numbers are the sets of numbers that are used to create our balanced, harmonic universe. They are embedded into the geometry of the universe. The "surface" numbers, those which are the most obvious, come in two sets that interact. The first, nearly unnoticeable, is the "twos" or doubling, with 12 being the most important. Then there are the "threes", starting with the cubed three, or 27. This number is then doubled in a progression, 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864 and beyond. These most obvious numbers are embedded in geometry, the solar system, etc. They are found in the platonic solids (example, the total number of angles in the cube is 2160) and the same number is found in the diameter of the moon(2160 miles). Also in the nautical miles of the Earth's circumference (216, 000) And again in an age of precession of the equinoxes (2160 years). These numbers are found in holy texts, beliefs and rituals, showing the ancients had at least some knowledge of the holy canon.
Then it gets deeper and more complicated, with special numbers like the square roots of 2, 3 and 5, phi, pi, and the trinity of 33-153-273. These numbers begin to show how they relate to life. If you want more, I will go on.