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Do You Believe In God, Why? Don't You Believe In God, Why?


All laws require a lawgiver. God is against sin because sins involve confusion.

I believe that Jesus is God, because of the love that he had for his creation in dying for our sins. We all sin. We are not perfect. Jesus dying for us was like a lawyer taking the place of a criminal who committed a crime.

Who told you this? How do you know Jesus died for your sins?


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Wouldn't a transitional organism by definition have intermediate organs?

And those organs would be fully functional. They would just be intermediate in form and function between those of the ancestors and those of the progeny.

Nobody predicts the existence of a non-working half-heart. But, for example, the heart of many invertebrates is simply a widening of the aorta with some muscles to pump.


Well-Known Member
Who told you this? How do you know Jesus died for your sins?

I believe that Jesus is God because the Bible talks about seeking God and it makes sense that God gave everyone a desire to know Him more and more. People try filling their void with so many different things. It makes sense that we all have a God shaped hole.

I believe Jesus died for my sins because I am not perfect. Like everyone else, I make mistakes. Jesus dying for our sins makes sense because in human law there are consequences for people sinning and we all do things we aren't supposed to do. Confusion goes against the character or a self existing holy God.


Well-Known Member
The term 'singularity' simply means that the laws describing the situation have some aspect that is undefined. It isn't an object. It isn't an event. It isn't in a place. It is a description of where we have to do more work to see what is going on.

Most likely, the 'singularity' that shows up in General relativity will disappear with a quantum theory of gravity.

A singularity is undefined and a self existing God is not.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Marijuana exists because God cursed the ground after people sinned. A judge can't just change the laws to exempt someone from a legal punishment because the law doesn't work that way.

Christianity is historical. It has a timeless message. The Bible does relate to us today. All the authors wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He doesn't make mistakes, and He is always timely and eternal, It was written by 66 different authors, all with the same message. What are the chances of that? They all had the same themes of redemption, seeking God, making God a part of your life, the Messiah. The Bible applies to people in all cultures, all generations, all races, and all situations, circumstances, and social stratas. The Bible is about real people, places, and things-archaeologists are revealing more and more about the accuracy of the Bible. The Bible is the most studied and researched book in the history of mankind, and what it says has been shown to be true again and again. The commandments of the Bible are the absolutes of God-His opinions on sin, judgement, righteousness, obedience, forgiveness, and holiness have not changed and will not change.

Regarding the claims of the Bible being unsubstantiated and some Bible stories being myths, it's possible stories like Adam and Eve are allegories. I don't have a fully formed opinion on whether Genesis is an allegory because it's not important. That doesn't disprove the Bible. Whether Genesis is an allegory doesn't detract from the message. When you begin to discount or dismiss the Word of God, you'll find that there's no end to discounting it or dismissing its value. On what basis can you say that some of the Bible is true but other parts aren't? On what basis can you say that you believe some of the miracles but not all of the miracles? On what basis can you say that the love of God is good to believe but the justice and righteousness of God aren't good to believe?

God cursed the ground and produced marijuana? Bible contemporary?, inspired by the holy spirit? consistent message?


I believe that Jesus is God

Can you give me a quote in the Bible where Jesus said am God worship me?

because the Bible talks about seeking God
Who did Jesus seek in the gospels? what were his quotes and actions regarding seeking God?

and it makes sense that God gave everyone a desire to know Him more and more. People try filling their void with so many different things. It makes sense that we all have a God shaped hole.

I believe Jesus died for my sins
Where does this say in the Bible? Did Jesus tell us that he will die for all our sins?

because I am not perfect. Like everyone else, I make mistakes. Jesus dying for our sins makes sense because in human law there are consequences for people sinning and we all do things we aren't supposed to do. Confusion goes against the character or a self existing holy God.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
A singularity is undefined and a self existing God is not.

Singularity is a description. For example, the convergence of longitude lines at the north and south poles is a singularity in the latitude/longitude coordinate system.

If you are heating ice and measure the specific heat of the ice, it will have a singularity during the time the ice is actually melting: the temperature does not go up even though heat is added, so the ratio of heat to temperature change is undefined.

Why you think a conscious self-existing entity can actually exist is beyond me.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If there is no God, why is there a sense of right and wrong and a creation all around us? The creation declares the majesty of God. A building reveals that there was a builder.
These are silly questions, that have already been dealt with in this very thread.
A sense of right and wrong was naturally selected because it was adaptive, and right and wrong varies between cultures.
The 'creation all around us' is simple physics. It's the natural result of the physical laws and constants born of the inflation.

The creation declares the reality of physics and chemistry. They explain things better than goddidit. Comparing physics or chemistry to human ingenuity is a false equivalence. They're two completely different mechanisms.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you think that the evidence that Sodom and Gommorah was found is a fabrication? I don't think the people who said it had much to gain They were already archaeologists.
They said it anyway, to instill fear and conformity.

Where is the archaeological evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and, if there be archeological evidence, how does that support the fantastical tales generated about it?


Well-Known Member
They said it anyway, to instill fear and conformity.

Where is the archaeological evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and, if there be archeological evidence, how does that support the fantastical tales generated about it?

Because what they found had sulfur in the area.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Canonical numbers are the sets of numbers that are used to create our balanced, harmonic universe. They are embedded into the geometry of the universe. The "surface" numbers, those which are the most obvious, come in two sets that interact. The first, nearly unnoticeable, is the "twos" or doubling, with 12 being the most important. Then there are the "threes", starting with the cubed three, or 27. This number is then doubled in a progression, 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864 and beyond. These most obvious numbers are embedded in geometry, the solar system, etc. They are found in the platonic solids (example, the total number of angles in the cube is 2160) and the same number is found in the diameter of the moon(2160 miles). Also in the nautical miles of the Earth's circumference (216, 000) And again in an age of precession of the equinoxes (2160 years). These numbers are found in holy texts, beliefs and rituals, showing the ancients had at least some knowledge of the holy canon.

Then it gets deeper and more complicated, with special numbers like the square roots of 2, 3 and 5, phi, pi, and the trinity of 33-153-273. These numbers begin to show how they relate to life. If you want more, I will go on.

Just to be clear. The primes less than 10 are 2,3,5,7. Any number you want can be approximated by a ratio or product of these numbers. So, 216=6*6*6=2*2*2*3*3*3.

You should look into continued fractions if you want some fun numbers to play with. So, the continued fraction for phi gives the Fibonacci sequence,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ....
Each new one on the list is the sum of the previous two.

That for pi gives both 22/7 and 355/113 as good approximations. The second can be remembered by taking 113355 and splitting it up and dividing the second part by the first.

If you are interested in the square root of two, try 17/12, 41/29, and 99/70 for fun. These are very good approximations to the square root of 2. If you are determined, you can find them everywhere.


Veteran Member
Can a judge simply forgive someone who committed a crime? God creating laws doesn't mean that the situation of us deserving judgement is God's responsibility.

1. judges aren't the ones who make the laws. we have this thing called "seperation of powers", precisely because otherwise you get nasty situations.

2. if you make laws of which you know that subjects will be unable to live upto them, then yes, you are responsible for the "crimes" the subjects commit. It's like making a law in a third world country that says one deserves life in jail unless one makes a million dollars by the age of 20 while also making it illegal to get an education. This would inevitably lead to 99% of people going to jail for life. As the hitch said: "created sick and commanded to be well".

A judge is not responsible for someone getting in trouble just because they enforce laws.

He is, if he also made the laws and made them in such a way that they are impossible to live upto.

The same applies to the lawmakers who made the laws.

Your god is both lawmaker AND judge. In a society, we call such a thing a dictatorship - and it's not a good thing.

If a judge or lawyer offered to take the punishment of a criminal it would spare the criminal and also satisfy the law's demands of justice.

It would most certainly not.
Imagine a supreme court judge letting a serial killer go free and "sacrificing himself" instead and doing the jail time instead of the killer. Do you think the American people would praise the judge and be pleased that the serial killer is set free? I say the people would all this scandalous and declare the judge to be a lunatic.

Instead of "accepting" thing "sacrifice", I think it's incredibly more likely that the judge be forced to retire, perhaps in a mental hospital, and replaced by someone who will put the actual killer in prison anyway.

God could become a mortal being if he wanted to.

But he didn't.