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Do you believe the Bible is God's word?


Veteran Member
I am sure it does, and I envy you. Unfortunately, my indoctrination into evangelical Christianity began at a young age. And while growing up, I was literally surrounded by evangelical, conservative Christians from within my adoptive family and the communities where I lived. I'm including one of my previous posts in which I discussed some of the experiences I had with these Christians while growing up (with an additional link to read). As an adult, I've been surrounded by them at the churches I've attended, as well as where I've lived with my husband and children. I was also a well-trained evangelist, street preacher, and evangelistic team leader for several years, so I had a lot more time to spend with these Christians. I think it's fair for me to say that I'm quite familiar with these Christians, having spent the majority of my life surrounded by them. These are some of the reasons I am so passionate about helping others break free from Christian indoctrination. I truly believe that being a Christian can be detrimental to one's mental health and emotional well-being.

I’ve an uncle who was red guard.
I suspect he did some terrible things,
and his still fanatical Maoism is probably a result of that.

But nobody I’m related to is Christian.
Theres some Buddhism but “religion” as in
America, zero.


The Bible is seen by many as divinely inspired, guiding us through teachings and stories that convey moral truths and God's character. For instance, 2 Timothy 3:16 states, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The Bible is seen by many as divinely inspired, guiding us through teachings and stories that convey moral truths and God's character. For instance, 2 Timothy 3:16 states, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

Yes, many Christians see the Bible as divinely inspired. I know that many also believe that the Bible is divinely inspired because it includes actual locations that exist today. Greek mythology, on the other hand, predates the Bible and refers to several other gods and goddesses in addition to actual locations in Greece. Like the Bible, which cites several factual locations, Greek mythology also cites several factual places in Greece, including Athens, Crete, Delphi, Thebes, and Mount Olympus. However, I've never met a Christian who believes Zeus, Hera, Ares, and Athena (as well as the other gods and goddesses) are real deities, despite the fact that there are references to actual sites in Greece that they could visit today, just as there are actual sites referenced in the Bible that they could visit today. I've met Christians who tried to use archaeological discoveries of biblical locations to claim that the Bible is true, but the same can be said of Greek mythology. Do archaeological discoveries in modern Greece prove that Greek mythology is also true? I don't think so. Do you?

6 Famous Greek Mythology Locations

Greek Mythological Sites You Can Still Visit Today

Where should I go to see sites from Greek mythology?


Veteran Member
I've never met a Christian who believes Zeus, Hera, Ares, and Athena (as well as the other gods and goddesses) are real deities, despite the fact that there are references to actual sites in Greece that they could visit today, just as there are actual sites referenced in the Bible that they could visit today. I've met Christians who tried to use archaeological discoveries of biblical locations to claim that the Bible is true, but the same can be said of Greek mythology. Do archaeological discoveries in modern Greece prove that Greek mythology is also true? I don't think so. Do you?
Very good points.



Veteran Member
Yes, many Christians see the Bible as divinely inspired.
There is no way to know if the Bible is divinely inspired or not. I say that about all scriptures, including the Baha'i scriptures.
As such, all we can do is BELIEVE that certain scriptures are divinely inspired, we can never know that as a fact.
I know that many also believe that the Bible is divinely inspired because it includes actual locations that exist today.
That certainly would not be proof that the Bible is divinely inspired. Of all things, why would THAT be proof?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I did and so have a few others. His intention was to hurt @Sgt. Pepper for criticizing his religion. How can we know that? By his lack of remorse or contrition. When one unintentionally hurts the feeling of another and discovers that, they are concerned and apologetic, explaining what they meant and that it was misunderstood. That didn't happen here.

It reveals to me that the religion is losing relevance in the West, but I don't expect you to seriously consider that idea anymore than that your fellow Christian intended to hurt somebody. You find your religion and your co-proselytizer blameless. Others don't.

I would like to say that seeing this negativity from Christians inspired me to write this in another thread: "So much for 1 Peter 3:15-16, huh? When I was a Christian evangelist and street preacher, I had to remind other Christians of these verses whenever they treated others (non-Christians and fellow Christians alike) with contempt. I reminded them about how they are called to be ambassadors for Christ, how they are to be the salt and light of the world, and the biblical commands to "love your neighbor as yourself" and "treat others the way you would like to be treated." It was evident by their continual misbehavior that they didn't love their enemies as they were commanded to do so. They did not turn the other cheek. Nevertheless, they lacked the humility to admit that their rude behavior was severely tainting their Christian witness and damaging their personal reputation. I remember thinking how badly they tainted the name of Jesus by their stubbornly obnoxious and hypocritical judgmental behavior towards non-Christians, as well as other Christians who followed different doctrinal beliefs and biblical interpretations. To be honest, I've witnessed the same kind of obnoxious behavior and self-righteousness among Christians on this forum, and what I've seen makes me feel relieved that I'm no longer a Christian." It has certainly reinforced my decision to never be one again. I'm sure that what we've read so far has also turned people away from Christianity. That's polar opposite of what Christians are commanded to do.

The sacrifice of a man on a cross was called the greatest act of love ever.

According to Romans 10:8–13, whoever declares with their mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believes in their heart that God raised him from the dead will be saved. Not only that, but they are justified by the belief in their heart and the profession of their faith in Jesus, and they will not be put to shame. In fact, verse 13 plainly states, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Furthermore, Ephesians 2:8–9 states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." However, there is an apparent loophole in this seemingly hopeful promise, such as the implication that a person could lose their salvation and be eternally damned if they don't follow God's will.

I'm speaking of Matthew 7:21, which states, "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven," and the parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31–46). In this parable, the "sheep" were rewarded with eternal life for their good works of feeding the hungry, giving water to people who are thirsty, inviting in a stranger, clothing the needy, and visiting the sick or people in prison. However, Jesus lambasted the "goats" for failing to feed the hungry, quench the thirst of the thirsty, welcome strangers, clothe the needy, or pay visits to the ill or those in prison. Jesus cursed them and sent them to eternal damnation. As implied, the "goats" lacked the good works to be rewarded with eternal life, in spite of the fact that they were Christians who accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. Herein lies another inconsistent message in the Bible, in my opinion, as Romans 10:8–13 states that a person will be saved if they declare with their mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Ephesians 2:8–9 also states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves; it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." In my opinion, if someone gives you something as a gift but arbitrarily takes the gift away because you don't follow their rules, then it isn't a gift. I don't consider something a gift if the one who gave it to me could ruthlessly take it away if I don't obey them.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
There is no way to know if the Bible is divinely inspired or not. I say that about all scriptures, including the Baha'i scriptures.
As such, all we can do is BELIEVE that certain scriptures are divinely inspired, we can never know that as a fact.

I think it's foolish for Christians to argue that the Bible is divinely inspired when they can't even agree on what it actually says. All I hear are excuses.

That certainly would not be proof that the Bible is divinely inspired. Of all things, why would THAT be proof?

I agree with you, but I personally know and have heard other Christians state that this is true.


First, that's a clear statement that Adam and Even had no knowledge of good and evil, hence had no way of knowing that anything eg disobedience was wrong. They were in that state because God had denied them that knowledge. It means that at the time each of them ate the fruit, they were incapable of intending to do wrong, hence incapable of sin.
Although, they did not know good and evil in an experiential sense, I don’t doubt they fully understood God’s one clear command. They chose to listen to and believe the serpent rather than their Creator who loved and cared for them. That was the sin. Their reaction afterwards shows they knew they did wrong.
You haven't explained to me why the sin offering had to be Jesus, or why it had to be a horrible death, or why God couldn't achieve whatever [he] wanted to achieve with one snap of those omnipotent fingers.
Just the idea of you thinking God could snap His fingers and forgive sin shows that you don’t comprehend the gravity of sin, it’s implications or eternal justice. You may read the linked articles which explain “why”, Jesus (fully human/fully God) had to pay the penalty, if you like…

“However, our sin against God is much worse than not being a perfect person. C.S. Lewis says, “Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms..”

Nor have you explained how sin can be inherited, when Ezekiel 18, and not least 18:20, states unambiguously that sin cannot be inherited.
True, individual sins cannot be inherited, each person is only responsible for their own sins according to…

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. Ezekiel 18:20

Nevertheless, since Adam and Eve are the parents of the human race we are all born with a fallen human nature and the tendency to sin. As the scriptures say…

…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,..Romans 3:23


Veteran Member
Although, they did not know good and evil in an experiential sense, I don’t doubt they fully understood God’s one clear command. They chose to listen to and believe the serpent rather than their Creator who loved and cared for them. That was the sin. Their reaction afterwards shows they knew they did wrong.

Just the idea of you thinking God could snap His fingers and forgive sin shows that you don’t comprehend the gravity of sin, it’s implications or eternal justice. You may read the linked articles which explain “why”, Jesus (fully human/fully God) had to pay the penalty, if you like…

“However, our sin against God is much worse than not being a perfect person. C.S. Lewis says, “Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms..”

True, individual sins cannot be inherited, each person is only responsible for their own sins according to…

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. Ezekiel 18:20

Nevertheless, since Adam and Eve are the parents of the human race we are all born with a fallen human nature and the tendency to sin. As the scriptures say…

…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,..Romans 3:23
No, you do not understand that this “ gravity” of “ sin” is
a human invention for social control.

IF this infinite creator of all is actually concerned with
what these minute specks ( people): do, it’s petty and weird.
Fantastically petty.

He makes the rules and choses to be offended by someone who says g.. d..

So he dcides to torture a piece of himself to pay himself for being offended.

And you don’t understand how absurd that is?


Veteran Member
IF this infinite creator of all is actually concerned with
what these minute specks ( people): do, it’s petty and weird.
Fantastically petty.

He makes the rules and choses to be offended by someone who says g.. d..

So he dcides to torture a piece of himself to pay himself for being offended.

And you don’t understand how absurd that is?
It would indeed be absurd if it was actually true.


No, you do not understand that this “ gravity” of “ sin” is
a human invention for social control.

IF this infinite creator of all is actually concerned with
what these minute specks ( people): do, it’s petty and weird.
Fantastically petty.

He makes the rules and choses to be offended by someone who says g.. d..

So he dcides to torture a piece of himself to pay himself for being offended.

And you don’t understand how absurd that is?
How can you say sin is just a human invention for social control??? It seems so obvious that sin is a real thing impacting our lives and world in such harmful and negative ways. I know you’ve experienced first hand the harm and evil of human violence and sin. Why should God’s concern be petty if we were created to share in His love, beauty and joy? Of course He’d be concerned.

The scriptures say nothing about God inflicting torture. Humans were responsible for that aspect and the cross as a form of execution.
Jesus deliberately and voluntarily went to the cross to provide victory over sin for anyone and an eternal life of freedom from sin and its destructive consequences.
That is the opposite of control… FREEDOM.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Jesus deliberately and voluntarily went to the cross to provide victory over sin for anyone and an eternal life of freedom from sin and its destructive consequences.
That is true, Jesus deliberately and voluntarily went to the cross to provide victory over sin, but how is that a 'victory over sin' if people still sin?

The Bible verse "go and sin no more" appears in John 8:11:

John 8:11
Verse"Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more"

In this verse, Jesus tells a woman to "go and sin no more" after she is accused of adultery. Jesus intervenes in the scene to show his role as both judge and savior. He tells the woman's accusers that the one without sin should throw the first stone, and they leave. Jesus then tells the woman that he does not condemn her, and that she should "go and sin no more".

Jesus also told someone to "sin no more" in John 5:14, after healing an invalid by the Pool of Bethesda. Jesus found the man again and told him to stop sinning, or something worse might happen.

Christians are constantly sinning, such as when they have sex outside of wedlock. In fact, most of the men I have encountered on dating sites who have wanted me to have casual sex were Christians. One Christian man even said that he knew it was a sin but he couldn't help himself.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
No, you do not understand that this “ gravity” of “ sin” is
a human invention for social control.

IF this infinite creator of all is actually concerned with
what these minute specks ( people): do, it’s petty and weird.
Fantastically petty.

He makes the rules and choses to be offended by someone who says g.. d..

So he dcides to torture a piece of himself to pay himself for being offended.

And you don’t understand how absurd that is?

It would indeed be absurd if it was actually true.

What kind of sacrifice was his death, considering he was apparently resurrected? I don't think it's much of a sacrifice if he didn't remain dead. I understand that Christians normally oppose and recoil at the concept of human sacrifice, but their religion is centered on Jesus' crucifixion and sacrificial death, whom most Christians believe is both fully God and fully human. I wonder if many of them consider this, or if it doesn't concern them because it's their religion.


Veteran Member
That certainly would not be proof that the Bible is divinely inspired. Of all things, why would THAT be proof?
Real people named and real places named proves those people and places really existed
In other words, the Bible is Not based on myth places and people


Veteran Member
What kind of sacrifice was his death, considering he was apparently resurrected? I don't think it's much of a sacrifice if he didn't remain dead. I understand that Christians normally oppose and recoil at the concept of human sacrifice, but their religion is centered on Jesus' crucifixion and sacrificial death, whom most Christians believe is both fully God and fully human. I wonder if many of them consider this, or if it doesn't concern them because it's their faith.
Unlike us, Jesus could have walked away at any time
Jesus did Not consider himself to be his own God
God is from both everlasting to everlasting - Psalm 90:2 - meaning: God is immortal and can Not die
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him - Revelation 3:12
Remember: dead Jesus did Not resurrect himself - Acts 3:15


Veteran Member
What kind of sacrifice was his death, considering he was apparently resurrected? I don't think it's much of a sacrifice if he didn't remain dead.
That is what I always ask. What was the sacrifice if he didn't remain dead?
Christians flubbed it up when they added the resurrection story to the NT, thus nullifying the cross sacrifice.

Do you know that there were no appearances of a resurrected Jesus in our earliest gospel? I suspect that was added later.


Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Unlike us, Jesus could have walked away at any time
Jesus did Not consider himself to be his own God
God is from both everlasting to everlasting - Psalm 90:2 - meaning: God is immortal and can Not die
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him - Revelation 3:12
Remember: dead Jesus did Not resurrect himself - Acts 3:15

I understand that this is your belief as a Jehovah's Witness, but stating it as if it were true doesn't make it so. Christians who disagree with you do the same.


Veteran Member
That is true, Jesus deliberately and voluntarily went to the cross to provide victory over sin, but how is that a 'victory over sin' if people still sin?

Christians are constantly sinning, such as when they have sex outside of wedlock. In fact, most of the men I have encountered on dating sites who have wanted me to have casual sex were Christians. One Christian man even said that he knew it was a sin but he couldn't help himself.
Because of inherited adamic sin from fallen-father Adam we can't stop sinning is why God sent pre-human sinless heavenly Jesus to Earth for us
Adam started out sinless under ideal edenic conditions and proved un-faithful
Jesus started out sinless and under very adverse conditions proved faithful ( and so can we )

Deliberate sinners are part of the MANY who prove false to Jesus - Matthew 7:21-23 - that does Not make them a Christian