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Do You Know Why You Don't Believe?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Super Universe said:
My words sound hollow? You post often? Yeah, criticising this idea or that viewpoint. Why don't you provide all of us with some of your great wisdom?

How about starting a topic on a truly evolutionary idea for once? And no, I don't consider debating how people interpret the word "mystic" or "revelation" to be an evolutionary idea. I'm am so ready to hear something out of you besides criticism. Enter the arena and quit tossing insults from the sidelines.

I personally think that Ymir gives much colour and insight and very much wisdom to every discussion he enters. (except maybe the joke/game threads :D) And I hope people view me the same.

On a side note, interpretations of words are very important to any debate. We need to be on a level playing field with regards to word meanings to get anywhere in any debate. Therefore, the terms “mystic” and “revelation” and “realisation” are highly important.

Weakness? Sigh... Who are you trying to kid? Your little remote viewing "pretty colors" meditation sessions aren't anywhere close to tapping into the God/Soul frequency.
Oh, I seriously beg to differ on this point. I agree with a few people on here who think that in actual fact it could very well be the opposite way around, that YOU aren’t nearly as close as he is. But, we are all entitled to opinion and our respective perspectives dictate those

(Anyone else notice the similarity between “respective” and “perspective”!? Intriguing… :p)

Celestine Prophecy? Hehe, can't become invisible then huh? You're not as far along as you think you are.

So, you don't know who the 11:11 are? As I said, you're not as far along as you think you are. You may very well be able to see things but you haven't figured out what you are seeing. You don't know how the universe works unless your scientists explain it to you and they're simply not good enough yet. And no, I won't give you the answer. You haven't earned it.

Oh great one, how can we ever be worthy of your answer? :p (Ok, I know, bad joke, but it had to be said! :p)

But on a serious note, for some people the perception is that things are the opposite way around! Maybe you don’t realize how far along Ymir is!

But again, that is merely opinion, I guess…

You're a friend of the family? In service to who?

I have a dim view of humans? You're damn right I do. You are considered the most important biological achievement in the universe simply because the veil separating you from God is the more dense and impenetrable than any other species.

What this means is you have almost complete free will. It also means that selfishness pervades every decision you make. You are the most selfish beings ever created. You are useless to the rest of the universe. You pollute and destroy your own world and your own kind in previously unheard of numbers. You kill life to extinction. You spread dangerous neutrons into space that others have to deal with.

“you” is referring to…..?

Sounds like you are referring to Humanity. Why do you not include yourself in this group? Are you not human? What am I missing?

Other beings see themselves as equals and join together quite readily to benefit their entire species and world. Other species surround their homes with gardens. You lie to your children and tell them "Community College is good enough for you" just so you can upgrade to a bigger SUV then dump the oil in the backyard. God may favor you the most but no one else does

I don’t understand where you draw all this from.

Why am I annoyed by you? EDIT: Hmm, seems I can't tell you what I really think of you because one of the mods is on my case. Funny, seems others can say whatever they want about me though. You have no idea how hard it is for me to back down from a fight...

And that is sometimes the most enjoyable part :p

But from my side of the screen it looks like you’re actually creating a fight here, where no-one seeks one. A debate, perhaps, but no fight. I like to think much of humanity is above fights.

Tangnefedd said:
Reading your posts, if they aren't too long and boring, you seem to be supremely arrogant in your beliefs as if you have wisdom not shared by the rest of us lesser mortals! Obviously how your brain ticks is between you and your therapist! I don't usually get personal but you peed me off a bit this morning!

I might agree with some of this. But then I stood back and thought about it (on Ymir’s advice!!! :D) and why I was getting my hackles up, but I realise that I can be a better person than to bite back.


Active Member
I personally think that Ymir gives much colour and insight and very much wisdom to every discussion he enters. (except maybe the joke/game threads :D) And I hope people view me the same.

On a side note, interpretations of words are very important to any debate. We need to be on a level playing field with regards to word meanings to get anywhere in any debate. Therefore, the terms “mystic” and “revelation” and “realisation” are highly important.

Oh, I seriously beg to differ on this point. I agree with a few people on here who think that in actual fact it could very well be the opposite way around, that YOU aren’t nearly as close as he is. But, we are all entitled to opinion and our respective perspectives dictate those

(Anyone else notice the similarity between “respective” and “perspective”!? Intriguing… :p)

Oh great one, how can we ever be worthy of your answer? :p (Ok, I know, bad joke, but it had to be said! :p)

But on a serious note, for some people the perception is that things are the opposite way around! Maybe you don’t realize how far along Ymir is!

But again, that is merely opinion, I guess…

You're a friend of the family? In service to who?

“you” is referring to…..?

Sounds like you are referring to Humanity. Why do you not include yourself in this group? Are you not human? What am I missing?

I don’t understand where you draw all this from.

And that is sometimes the most enjoyable part :p

But from my side of the screen it looks like you’re actually creating a fight here, where no-one seeks one. A debate, perhaps, but no fight. I like to think much of humanity is above fights.

I might agree with some of this. But then I stood back and thought about it (on Ymir’s advice!!! :D) and why I was getting my hackles up, but I realise that I can be a better person than to bite back.

Normally I try not to be too rude! I don't feel good that my temper got the better of me this morning!


Can't brain. Has dumb.
That's ok Tangnefedd, I wasn't trying to put you on the spot, but I realise now my wording probably wasn't the best! :p

What I really was trying to say, was that I took Ymir's advice to think about my emotions and why I am feeling a certain way, and it paid off this time because else I would have ripped right into him :p


Active Member
That's ok Tangnefedd, I wasn't trying to put you on the spot, but I realise now my wording probably wasn't the best! :p

What I really was trying to say, was that I took Ymir's advice to think about my emotions and why I am feeling a certain way, and it paid off this time because else I would have ripped right into him :p

Although I should have controlled my temper a bit better, I let the post stand because I don't feel that guilty!:D

Super Universe

Defender of God
SU you are are rather up yourself aren't you? Reading your posts, if they aren't too long and boring, you seem to be supremely arrogant in your beliefs as if you have wisdom not shared by the rest of us lesser mortals! Obviously how your brain ticks is between you and your therapist! I don't usually get personal but you peed me off a bit this morning!

And you are?

You've done what noteworthy things?

You've provided us with what wisdom?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Although I should have controlled my temper a bit better, I let the post stand because I don't feel that guilty!:D

How could you, you've never felt guilty for anything in your life. It's all about you, even when you recklessly harm another your only concern is how you are going to get out of the situation.


Through the Looking Glass
And you are?

You've done what noteworthy things?

You've provided us with what wisdom?

:rolleyes: Unlike you . . . who has come down from On High to enlighten us all with the One Truth for everyone . . . And anyone who doesn't agree with it? They are somehow are the ones with the ego problem!? You're fast becoming a caricature of yourself.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I personally think that Ymir gives much colour and insight and very much wisdom to every discussion he enters. (except maybe the joke/game threads :D) And I hope people view me the same.

On a side note, interpretations of words are very important to any debate. We need to be on a level playing field with regards to word meanings to get anywhere in any debate. Therefore, the terms “mystic” and “revelation” and “realisation” are highly important.

Oh, I seriously beg to differ on this point. I agree with a few people on here who think that in actual fact it could very well be the opposite way around, that YOU aren’t nearly as close as he is. But, we are all entitled to opinion and our respective perspectives dictate those

(Anyone else notice the similarity between “respective” and “perspective”!? Intriguing… :p)

Oh great one, how can we ever be worthy of your answer? :p (Ok, I know, bad joke, but it had to be said! :p)

But on a serious note, for some people the perception is that things are the opposite way around! Maybe you don’t realize how far along Ymir is!

But again, that is merely opinion, I guess…

You're a friend of the family? In service to who?

“you” is referring to…..?

Sounds like you are referring to Humanity. Why do you not include yourself in this group? Are you not human? What am I missing?

I don’t understand where you draw all this from.

And that is sometimes the most enjoyable part :p

But from my side of the screen it looks like you’re actually creating a fight here, where no-one seeks one. A debate, perhaps, but no fight. I like to think much of humanity is above fights.

I might agree with some of this. But then I stood back and thought about it (on Ymir’s advice!!! :D) and why I was getting my hackles up, but I realise that I can be a better person than to bite back.

The good "ol Athiest Union comes to defend one of it's own. So much for being a bunch of free thinkers. What are your dues each month?

YMIR gives color to discussions? Absolutely. YMIR gives insight and wisdom? Uh, no. None whatsoever. He knows how to do a few tricks but he does not know anything about how or why he can do them. He gives all the credit for it to himself.

I'm creating a fight? No, I posted a thread on a simple idea. No one had to enter it, it could have died a lonely death but, instead, every single athiest that replied IGNORED the original question and responded with a question instead. Then I get sarcastic responses like "Are you on medication" from children who are afraid to enter a real discussion and the whole time the MODS are changing my posts yet allowing others to direct insults at me and constantly post off topic remarks.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
S-U demands that Ymir explain things such as the nature of the universe and the energy of God.

I have a better idea S-U. How 'bout you answer the questions you left on the table?

Does "natural" = "exists in every location in the universe"? If so, why?

Where can I find "spirit" in a cell? What does it look like? What are its components?

Do you disagree that chemistry is driven by energy?

Super Universe

Defender of God
doppelgänger;979454 said:
:rolleyes: Unlike you . . . who has come down from On High to enlighten us all with the One Truth for everyone . . . And anyone who doesn't agree with it? They are somehow are the ones with the ego problem!? You're fast becoming a caricature of yourself.

I'm stuck in this place just as you are.

You don't have to agree with anything and I certainly never said I didn't have an ego.

But I'm the only one admitting to it, unlike every athiest in here.

Super Universe

Defender of God
S-U demands that Ymir explain things such as the nature of the universe and the energy of God.

I have a better idea S-U. How 'bout you answer the questions you left on the table?

Does "natural" = "exists in every location in the universe"? If so, why?

Where can I find "spirit" in a cell? What does it look like? What are its components?

Do you disagree that chemistry is driven by energy?

I don't demand anything. This is a forum, no one has any real power here. With one click it can all be gone from your view.

Now to your questions:

"Does natural = exist in every location in the universe?" I dont' know what you are trying to ask.

Where can you find spirit in a cell? You can't.

What does it look like? I don't know but some have described it as a golden fountain.

What are it's components? Energy strings that flow outward from First Source that vibrate creating all matter/energy and time.

Do I disagree that chemistry is driven by energy? No, but I assert the right to change my answer depending on a more detailed explanation of where you are trying to go with this.


Well-Known Member
I'm stuck in this place just as you are.

You don't have to agree with anything and I certainly never said I didn't have an ego.

But I'm the only one admitting to it, unlike every single other athiest in here.


gnomon said:
I do not believe in God, the spirit nor the supernatural because it's all irrelevant.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be faced through reason or the comfort of others.

It's rather simple.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

"Does natural = exist in every location in the universe?" I dont' know what you are trying to ask.

When I stated that life is natural, you responded by asking why it then isn't found on every planet. This indicated your rationale was that "natural" = "exists in every location". If that isn't your rationale, then your response is all the more nonsensical.

Where can you find spirit in a cell? You can't

Therefore, "spirit" does not exist in cells.

What does it look like? I don't know but some have described it as a golden fountain.

How would they know if it can't be found?

What are it's components? Energy strings that flow outward from First Source that vibrate creating all matter/energy and time.

How do you know, since you just stated the "spirit" in a cell cannot be found?

Do I disagree that chemistry is driven by electricity? No, but I assert the right to change my answer depending on a more detailed explanation of where you are trying to go with this.

I didn't say electricity, I said energy.

Do you have problems with short-term memory? Why am I having to re-create our previous discussions?

Super Universe

Defender of God

When I stated that life is natural, you responded by asking why it then isn't found on every planet. This indicated your rationale was that "natural" = "exists in every location". If that isn't your rationale, then your response is all the more nonsensical.

Therefore, "spirit" does not exist in cells.

How would they know if it can't be found?

How do you know, since you just stated the "spirit" in a cell cannot be found?

I didn't say electricity, I said energy.

Do you have problems with short-term memory? Why am I having to re-create our previous discussions?

Your rationale of my response is incorrect. Your logic is flawed because you haven't identified all the other possibilities.

Spirit does not exist in cells? Wrong. Your logic is flawed once again. I said "YOU" can't find it. It still exists just like gravity exists even though we can only see it's effects.

I didn't say spirit can't be found, I said YOU can't find it. And the simple reason why you can't find it is because you aren't smart enough.

I noticed my typo and changed my post to say energy. If you wish to throw out insults I can easily accomodate you and put you in your place but for some reason the MODS will only assign warnings to me.