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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions


Veteran Member
Am I understanding you correctly that you do not believe in the Fallen Man principle, but do believe in the blood atonement od the cross?
Bahais believe in the blood sacrifice of Jesus but not in the blood atonement; we don't believe that there was anything to atone for since we don't believe in original sin.

What Baha’is believe regarding how Adam brought sin into the world and how Christ saved us from that sin is explained below:

Question.—In verse 22 of chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians it is written: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” What is the meaning of these words?

Answer.—Know that there are two natures in man: the physical nature and the spiritual nature. The physical nature is inherited from Adam, and the spiritual nature is inherited from the Reality of the Word of God, which is the spirituality of Christ. The physical nature is born of Adam, but the spiritual nature is born from the bounty of the Holy Spirit. The first is the source of all imperfection; the second is the source of all perfection.

The Christ sacrificed Himself so that men might be freed from the imperfections of the physical nature and might become possessed of the virtues of the spiritual nature. This spiritual nature, which came into existence through the bounty of the Divine Reality, is the union of all perfections and appears through the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is the divine perfections; it is light, spirituality, guidance, exaltation, high aspiration, justice, love, grace, kindness to all, philanthropy, the essence of life. It is the reflection of the splendor of the Sun of Reality.

All sin comes from the demands of nature, and these demands, which arise from the physical qualities, are not sins with respect to the animals, while for man they are sin. The animal is the source of imperfections, such as anger, sensuality, jealousy, avarice, cruelty, pride: all these defects are found in animals but do not constitute sins. But in man they are sins.

Adam is the cause of man’s physical life; but the Reality of Christ—that is to say, the Word of God—is the cause of spiritual life. It is “a quickening spirit,” meaning that all the imperfections which come from the requirements of the physical life of man are transformed into human perfections by the teachings and education of that spirit. Therefore, Christ was a quickening spirit, and the cause of life in all mankind.

Adam was the cause of physical life, and as the physical world of man is the world of imperfections, and imperfections are the equivalent of death, Paul compared the physical imperfections to death.

But the mass of the Christians believe that, as Adam ate of the forbidden tree, He sinned in that He disobeyed, and that the disastrous consequences of this disobedience have been transmitted as a heritage and have remained among His descendants. Hence Adam became the cause of the death of humanity. This explanation is unreasonable and evidently wrong, for it means that all men, even the Prophets and the Messengers of God, without committing any sin or fault, but simply because they are the posterity of Adam, have become without reason guilty sinners, and until the day of the sacrifice of Christ were held captive in hell in painful torment.

This is far from the justice of God. If Adam was a sinner, what is the sin of Abraham? What is the fault of Isaac, or of Joseph? Of what is Moses guilty?

Some Answered Questions, pp. 118-120


Go ahead. Trash it then. Let's hear your rebuttals.

You have none? Oh. That's what I thought.

Yeah, I do. You don't.

How do you NOT know that?

You reminded me of a discussion from the call-in cable show out of Austin called The Atheist Experience:

Tracie (humanist): "You either have a God who sends child rapists to rape children or you have a God who simply watches it and says, 'When you're done, I'm going to punish you' .. If I were in a situation where I could stop a person from raping a child, I would. That's the difference between me and your God."

Shane (Christian caller): "True to life, you portray that little girl as someone who is innocent. She's just as evil as you."

Matt (humanist): [click] Goodbye, you piece of ****. I was a better Christian than you when I was a Christian and I still am.

(uses the s-word):

But now you're free of the imprisonment of maddening belief, right?

You've also deftly evaded that pitfall by putting your trust in scripture. You've put your trust is a solid foundation - the words of ancients who didn't know where the rain came from or where the sun went at night.

You misspelled "you're."
Talk about a messed up world view, there's no consistency in what you claim to believe. You contradict yourself in every sentence, you cite problems with everything but you never offer your solutions. It sounds like you enjoy complaining, but your not interested any finding any resolutions.

Your world view is too confused and incoherent, to have a constructive discussion about the topics you just skim over. I can see why you struggle, with so many issues. I would like to offer some insight and counseling, if you're willing to deal with the awful truth, but I don't want to give a false sense of security. So if you're willing to approach matters with an open mind, we can have a constructive discussion.
Yes, that's what the Bible says. Does knowing that love is from God make any difference? Does the Spirit help only those who believe in Jesus or everyone that believes in love/good and practices active love?
The vast majority of people think they know what love is, because they all imagine it to be the way they want it to be. Nobody cares about the awful truth of meaning of the word.

So, I don't want to simply share my private opinion, like everyone else does. I'd rather consider how God describes love, as He is the One who created love.
According to God, you can't love unless you also hate at the same time. So love must always be accompanied by hate, as one can't exist without the other. The following verse confirms it.

Romans 12:9: Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Corinthians 13:4-8
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

A person who is not converted cannot believe in true love, they may display outward signs of love and do good works. But these are as filthy rags in Gods sight, because can see that their motive for displaying these outward signs is selfish and wicked.

The unconverted people can pretend to love you, but they can also stab you in the back t any moment if they don't get their way with you.

So in summary, Gods Children are the only ones who can love others, I mean love in the true sense and not the type that the worldly, unconverted people display. They only love themselves and everything they do for others is for selfish reasons, in order to gain something. But true love is unconditional.
How convenient for the people who believe in this god so that they never have to actually demonstrate the accuracy of their claims.

It seems to me that the reprobates are the very people God should be focusing on. That's assuming he loves us and all that.

Says who?

Prove it.

So anyway, back to my question. How do you know you're citing God's word?
God spoke through His Prophets and everything is documented and confirmed, but God hides it from the reprobate as He hates them.

God has blinded the minds of the reprobate so they can never ever understand or believe in God. Why should God save the reprobate, they are wicked to the core. God will demonstrate His righteous hatred and wrath when He casts them into the lake of fire.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
What is the purpose of debate?

In my opinion, it is to share one's personal opinions and beliefs, as well as to learn from others who believe differently.

Isn’t it to proselytize?

Not in my opinion. The reason I participate in online debates, whether about religion or the paranormal, is to share and discuss my own beliefs, opinions, or experiences while also learning from others. However, it makes no difference to me if other people in a debate believe me or not, as I've stated many times in my posts related to my spiritual beliefs or about my beliefs and experiences with the paranormal. I also make it clear that my beliefs and opinions are my own by using phrases like "I believe," "I think," and "in my opinion," as it complies with Rule 8, which prohibits preaching, proselytizing, and stating one's own beliefs and opinions as definitive facts. I'm not interested at all in convincing anyone to believe me or converting others to my spiritual beliefs.
I am providing links from Top 20 Most Damning Bible Contradictions
Correct me if any of the link's information is wrong.
All the information in the links is trash, all of it was simply twisting scriptures to say what they don't. It's the oldest trick in Satan's book. It's good enough to keep the blind blind, but it only strengthens those of us who know the truth, as it confirms that Satan never rests from His attack on Gods Word. But it's to no avail, as every one of Gods Saints can see through the lies and hypocrisy of the enemy.
This was the entire point of the discussion:

Me: Yes. Or rather, I can observe that babies are not capable of being wicked. They certainly don't deserve condemnation.

That's when you jumped in, and replied with, "Let's talk about that for a minute. First of all, do you have kids?"

We're definitely having a discussion about whether or not babies are wicked and/or deserving of condemnation.
Everyone is born with a sin nature and deserving condemnation. God has killed countless millions of babies in the past and He will do it again. You problem is, you don't understand the human condition. Many of those babies you defend will become murderers and pedophiles. You're not qualified to be any kind of judge.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Everyone is born with a sin nature and deserving condemnation. God has killed countless millions of babies in the past and He will do it again. You problem is, you don't understand the human condition. Many of those babies you defend will become murderers and pedophiles. You're not qualified to be any kind of judge.
I haven't seen any indication that you are qualified to judge either. Yet here you are.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
All the information in the links is trash, all of it was simply twisting scriptures to say what they don't. It's the oldest trick in Satan's book. It's good enough to keep the blind blind, but it only strengthens those of us who know the truth, as it confirms that Satan never rests from His attack on Gods Word. But it's to no avail, as every one of Gods Saints can see through the lies and hypocrisy of the enemy.
Then it shouldn't be any problem for you to point out in detail how all those on the list are only seeming contradictions or the twisting of scripture.

Go ahead. Dazzle us with your acumen.
Matthew 18
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them
3 and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,
6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
None of that says that babies are not wicked, so back to the drawing board for you

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
God spoke through His Prophets and everything is documented and confirmed
Then show us that it is confirmed as you claim.
, but God hides it from the reprobate as He hates them.
I'm not talking to God. I'm talking to you. If God hates sinners, then why did he give the World his only begotten Son that we be saved by grace?

Seems like the greatest act of love for sinners in the entire universe and doesn't fit with your view.
God has blinded the minds of the reprobate so they can never ever understand or believe in God.
Then the command of Mark 16:15 is meaningless and you are refuting the Bible it would seem.
Why should God save the reprobate, they are wicked to the core. God will demonstrate His righteous hatred and wrath when He casts them into the lake of fire.
God perhaps. Not you. You don't get to decide who is worthy and who is not.

And apparently, the entire New Testament disagrees with your interpretation.
Of course there are errors and contradictions in the Bible and other religious writings; -many books are pseudographical as well,.....while some is historical, plenty of mythology, heresay, metaphors, allegories abound....as in any religious book written by man, no matter if some parts of any book could be inspired,...thats up to the human authors and their openness to divine inspiration or lack thereof, as well as the readers of those texts to discern and determine. Many of the NT passages claiming OT attestation are not necessarily true or proof of Jesus messiahship, but engineered or retrograded to be read as such. Some passages are totally jerry-rigged by Paul even and twisted to fit his own 'gospel'. All is open to interpretation, translation variations and assumption :)

The Bible is not innerrant, perfect or infallible...no religious book is, but some may be more or less inspired or useful. I enjoy an elcectic path of religious studies, since 'God' cannot be put in a 'box', ever. That which is absolute, infinite, ultimate, omnipresent is everpresent in total, right here and now,.....as this very Consciousness that I AM, and that is 'God' :) - everything 'else' is a viewpoint, opinion, interpretation or translation of consciousness. 'God' is all there IS.

Wow, you used a lot of words to say nothing. Your private individual opinion is worthless to me and any other critical thinking person. I was hoping you would cite an error or contradiction but you just went of on a private tangent to nowhere. You played the man instead of the ball, you expected me to place my trust in your opinion and reject Gods Word. Pigs will fly before you catch me doing that

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow, you used a lot of words to say nothing.
I find this ironic.
Your private individual opinion is worthless to me
and any other critical thinking person.
Where there is evidence of a critical thinking person, sure.
I was hoping you would cite an error or contradiction but you just went of on a private tangent to nowhere.
Would it really make a difference in your response? You have a prior post where it did not seem too.
You played the man instead of the ball
You say that a lot. Like a mantra instead of an actual response with evidence and reasoning.
, you expected me to place my trust in your opinion and reject Gods Word.
Something else I find ironic.
Pigs will fly before you catch me doing that
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Charles ... The command is not to kill Pagans in general .. and the children .. babies and fetuses God orders to be slaughtered are not Pagans. You are misunderstanding the command of your God.

A Pagan believes in many Gods -- and every Israelite believes the Divine Pantheon -- and as such .. you think your God commanding to kill every Israelite ?! - But, that is not what your God has commanded Charles -- Your God commands those who worship those other God's be killed. The punishment is not for believing in other Gods .. the punishment is for worshiping other Gods. and Second .. not only are those who have committed this sin against God be killed .. but the children, babies and fetuses of those who have committed this sin .. these babies have not committed the sin .. have not worshiped other Gods ... or any God for that matter .. are also to be slaughered along with their Idolotrous parents.

For so many posts were you crying out and objecting to this reality due to lack of understanding but, now you have come to understand one of your God's commands, which is a step in the right direction, but, you have yet to tell us the name of this God that commands you to kill the child for the sin of the Idolotrous Parents .. so that we may know which other commands we must follow to be put right with this God.
But your problem is, that there is only One God. Yes there are 320 million false imaginary gods but only One true God, who is known by hundreds of different names by different people but He is the same God which all true Christians believe in.

I don't understand why you can't understand simple English. You seem to be heavily influenced by something which is preventing you from processing simple facts.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
The vast majority of people think they know what love is, because they all imagine it to be the way they want it to be. Nobody cares about the awful truth of meaning of the word.

So, I don't want to simply share my private opinion, like everyone else does. I'd rather consider how God describes love, as He is the One who created love.
According to God, you can't love unless you also hate at the same time. So love must always be accompanied by hate, as one can't exist without the other. The following verse confirms it.

Romans 12:9: Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Corinthians 13:4-8
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

A person who is not converted cannot believe in true love, they may display outward signs of love and do good works. But these are as filthy rags in Gods sight, because can see that their motive for displaying these outward signs is selfish and wicked.

The unconverted people can pretend to love you, but they can also stab you in the back t any moment if they don't get their way with you.

So in summary, Gods Children are the only ones who can love others, I mean love in the true sense and not the type that the worldly, unconverted people display. They only love themselves and everything they do for others is for selfish reasons, in order to gain something. But true love is unconditional.
So 1 John 4:16 is wrong in your opinion. Interesting.

Are you familiar with the word hubris?