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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
In my opinion, it is to share one's personal opinions and beliefs, as well as to learn from others who believe differently.
That wouldn’t be classified as a debate. In RF it would be listed as a discussion.

Debating, as I understand it, is to convince someone that you have the logic behind you and is usually present to a public so that they can make a choice as to who has a better position. Presidential debates are to convince the audience, to proselytize people into their camp.

Discussions are mainly sharing of thoughts. IMV

Not in my opinion. The reason I participate in online debates, whether about religion or the paranormal, is to share and discuss my own beliefs, opinions, or experiences while also learning from others. However, it makes no difference to me if other people in a debate believe me or not, as I've stated many times in my posts related to my spiritual beliefs or about my beliefs and experiences with the paranormal. I also make it clear that my beliefs and opinions are my own by using phrases like "I believe," "I think," and "in my opinion," as it complies with Rule 8, which prohibits preaching, proselytizing, and stating one's own beliefs and opinions as definitive facts. I'm not interested at all in convincing anyone to believe me or converting others to my spiritual beliefs.

OK… I understand where you are coming from.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You did? Really? Where? And you of course explained how the people you were presenting this to fit your claim of that description and that these "proofs" were proofs and applied to them?

The burden is still yours. Especially, given that I have no knowledge of this dump of "proof" you claim.
The word "dump" is incredibly accurate. As in "The first thing that I do every morning is to take a massive dump. "


Well-Known Member
Someone has brainwashed you to believe Satanic lies, as the Bible only mentions One Triune God who exists in three persons. So there are no other Gods.
I told you there are 320 000 000 imaginary gods who don't exist, but you have a mental block preventing you from understanding the truth. I believe you have been deceived by Demonic lies, because you haven't said a single true thing yet. Everything you have said is a lie, none of it is in the Bible so it all comes out of Demonic lies.
God has too many titles to list here, when Moses asked God for His name He replied "I AM" so there get that through your head, that's one of His Names but He is also Jehovah God, Father God, The Almighty Creator God, King of Kings and I'm not wasting time with an brainwashed person, who's not interested in the truth.

These accusations of Demonic Lies Brother Charles .. tsk tsk -- first you need take log out of own eye .. prior to projecting your darkness onto others.

I gave you passages in scripture .commands from God in scripture and asked you to identify which was from your God .. and what the name of that God was .. to this you respond "Satanic Lie" .. that the scripture I provided was a "Demonic Lie" and then you preach man made trinity doctrine .. trying to supplant holy scripture .. with that created by the hand of man .. a hand influenced by this Satan in whome you trust ..as opposed to trust in the living word of Jesus.

It is not a complicated question Charles . only it seems for you giving a straight answer is very complicated. Do we follow the directive of your God and kill the child for the Sin of the Parents .. or do we follow the God of Jesus .. The Wise Father .. Hallowed be thy name .. and forbid the killing of one person for the actions of another .. Let each be punished for his own Sin.

Which command do you follow Charles .. and which Gods command do you reject ? It is Jesus who you have rejected .. Jesus a Priest forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek Hebrew's 6

Who is the "brainwashed Person" here .. who is the one rejecting The Word of Jesus ? who is the one who has things all twisted around .. doesn't know the name of his God - believing in hundreds of names for this God --- doesn't know which of the commands belong to the God who's name he now suggests might be YHWH .. but can't distinguish from Ha Satan .. Marduk or BAAL .

Do you not believe that Ha Satan .. of Job is real ? Do you deny the tester of souls is real ? Do you deny the divine power of the Tester of Souls .. as described in the Bible .. and an entity with divine powers we call what ... in your enlightened demonic definition .. Please tell us after you repent for your denial of Jesus.
More talk about me and nothing with anything to do with a defense of your posts.

And threats too. Wow!

That seems like the last resort of the defeated. Like a cowboy fleeing the posse firing blindly over his shoulder hoping to hit something, but only hitting the wind.
Yep, I see you running with your tail tucked between your legs. Still no substance and more hot air
This is how you believe God is. It is evidence only for that and not the Voice of God.

This is you speaking. Not God speaking.

By your own admission, you are human and flawed (you say wicked often).

All you post seems to be your belief about yourself with the allusion that your personal belief is given to us by God. I see well and have seen no reason to accept that what you claim for yourself by way of beating down others is "the Word of God".
Can you cite any higher authority to support your ludicrous fantasies. I mean what do you base your opinions upon. Everything I say can be verified by God, but all you have is fantasy confirmed by none other than yourself and nobody else. Bravo, your a self appointed know it all
These accusations of Demonic Lies Brother Charles .. tsk tsk -- first you need take log out of own eye .. prior to projecting your darkness onto others.

I gave you passages in scripture .commands from God in scripture and asked you to identify which was from your God .. and what the name of that God was .. to this you respond "Satanic Lie" .. that the scripture I provided was a "Demonic Lie" and then you preach man made trinity doctrine .. trying to supplant holy scripture .. with that created by the hand of man .. a hand influenced by this Satan in whome you trust ..as opposed to trust in the living word of Jesus.

It is not a complicated question Charles . only it seems for you giving a straight answer is very complicated. Do we follow the directive of your God and kill the child for the Sin of the Parents .. or do we follow the God of Jesus .. The Wise Father .. Hallowed be thy name .. and forbid the killing of one person for the actions of another .. Let each be punished for his own Sin.

Which command do you follow Charles .. and which Gods command do you reject ? It is Jesus who you have rejected .. Jesus a Priest forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek Hebrew's 6

Who is the "brainwashed Person" here .. who is the one rejecting The Word of Jesus ? who is the one who has things all twisted around .. doesn't know the name of his God - believing in hundreds of names for this God --- doesn't know which of the commands belong to the God who's name he now suggests might be YHWH .. but can't distinguish from Ha Satan .. Marduk or BAAL .

Do you not believe that Ha Satan .. of Job is real ? Do you deny the tester of souls is real ? Do you deny the divine power of the Tester of Souls .. as described in the Bible .. and an entity with divine powers we call what ... in your enlightened demonic definition .. Please tell us after you repent for your denial of Jesus.
I already rejected your Bible as false. Why are you still referring to what I consider worse than filthy trash. I have an entirely different Bible an a different God and that makes our differences irreconcilable


My own religion
I already rejected your Bible as false. Why are you still referring to what I consider worse than filthy trash. I have an entirely different Bible an a different God and that makes our differences irreconcilable

All those people around, who hold false beliefs, yet they are in the world, because you keep answering them and yet you are special in the world.
I really don't believe that any of us are special in that sense.


Veteran Member
Well… you stated that what she said was fact when you believed it was an opinion. Yet you stated something as fact when it also could be viewed as an opinion.
She stated as fact something about myself, which is not a fact and has not be demonstrated to me as a fact. Just a claim/belief. I reject that claim\belief due to lack of evidence.

As to my second question, how would the use of a double standard be considered "wicked," in your opinion?


Veteran Member
What does it mean to fall in Christianity?

The fall of man, the fall of Adam, or simply the Fall, is a term used in Christianity to describe the transition of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience. The doctrine of the Fall comes from a biblical interpretation of Genesis, chapters 1–3.
Fall of man - Wikipedia
Thank you for the information.
It is terrible to believe that all of humanity fell from grace just because of Adam and Eve disobeyed God, but if Christians did not believe in that doctrine they could not also believe that Jesus was needed to save us by dying on the cross to atone for our sins. Can't have one doctrine without the other. See how that works? The entire basis of Christianity hinges on the Fall of man and the need for a Savior to atone for our sins.
Yes, I think it is terrible to believe that all of humanity fell from grace just because two characters in a story supposedly disobeyed God.
I think that's immoral and unjust. And apparently it's the basis for a worldview that declares everyone to be wicked from the moment their born - something that doesn't comport with any reality I'm aware of.
Even if there was an Adam and Eve who disobeyed God by eating that fruit from the tree, why would the descendants of Adam and Eve also be guilty? There is no justice in that. Are the parents guilty because their offspring committed a murder? No, not in any court of law.
Baha'is do not believe that Adam and Eve ever existed, we believe the garden story was an allegory, and one possible meaning is as follows:
I'm with you there.

I believe we were all made in the image of God and as such we all have the potential to be good. As we lean and grow and we differentiate ourselves by the choices we make and how we live our lives.
This is a better view of humanity, in my opinion.
Babies are born innocent and as they grow and develop into children and adults they can become good or bad, although most people lie on a continuum. It is not good to be self-centered because that implies we do not care about other people, but it is natural for a baby who gets all his needs met from his parents to be self-centered and that does not make the baby bad.


Veteran Member
Talk about a messed up world view, there's no consistency in what you claim to believe. You contradict yourself in every sentence, you cite problems with everything but you never offer your solutions. It sounds like you enjoy complaining, but your not interested any finding any resolutions.

Your world view is too confused and incoherent, to have a constructive discussion about the topics you just skim over. I can see why you struggle, with so many issues. I would like to offer some insight and counseling, if you're willing to deal with the awful truth, but I don't want to give a false sense of security. So if you're willing to approach matters with an open mind, we can have a constructive discussion.
You addressed absolutely nothing that poster said. Nothing at all.


Veteran Member
God spoke through His Prophets and everything is documented and confirmed, but God hides it from the reprobate as He hates them.
Prove it. These are just more claims. And doesn't address what was said to you. Which was, "It seems to me that the reprobates are the very people God should be focusing on. That's assuming he loves us and all that."

God has blinded the minds of the reprobate so they can never ever understand or believe in God.
If God has blinded people, then it's not their fault that they're "reprobate." It's God's fault. What kind of a terrible God would do such a thing to the creations he supposedly cares for?
Why should God save the reprobate, they are wicked to the core.
Why wouldn't he? Did Jesus only hang out with perfect people not in need of saving? I don't think so.
God will demonstrate His righteous hatred and wrath when He casts them into the lake of fire.
Sounds terrible. Why do you worship such a petty, hateful, wrathful, stupid god?

All that and you still didn't answer my question:

"So anyway, back to my question. How do you know you're citing God's word?""
Babies are born innocent and as they grow and develop into children and adults they can become good or bad, although most people lie on a continuum. It is not good to be self-centered because that implies we do not care about other people, but it is natural for a baby who gets all his needs met from his parents to be self-centered and that does not make the baby bad.

Fundamental to Catholicism is when an infant or child 7 years or younger dies. The body is prepared differently than for adults.

Since the child has has no time to sin, the soul becomes a little angel and goes directly to heaven.

I forget the details, but I think that the child also becomes some kind of intermediary between the physical world and the spiritual world.

Here’s a dramatization of los Funerales del Angelitos, led by a musical group of professoras, using the magical powers of video technology.

Dramatización Arrullo​




Veteran Member
Everyone is born with a sin nature and deserving condemnation.
Prove it.

Babies don't have the cognitive or physical abilities to do "wicked" things.
God has killed countless millions of babies in the past and He will do it again. You problem is, you don't understand the human condition.
I'd venture to say I understand it better than you do and probably better than ancient goat herders did, having studied psychology for many years.
Many of those babies you defend will become murderers and pedophiles. You're not qualified to be any kind of judge.
Wow. We should just kill all the babies, then, just in case. :rolleyes:

Babies aren't capable of understanding murder or pedophilia, never mind carrying them out.
I'm definitely qualified to point that out. If you think they are, then you'll need to demonstrate it.