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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions

The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth
How do you think an all-knowing God can decide not to know everything?
God’s purpose for Creation was to separate Himself from the destroyer. To do this, He had to create two different people, one to serve the Creator and one to serve the destroyer; this then became the fight between good and evil. However, to separate evil from the world, the battle had to be out of the control of both God and satan, we are not puppets. Both peoples were able to choose to do good or evil. Some of satan’s people would choose to reject evil and some of God’s people would choose to reject good, and so the battle has raged since the sixth day of Creation and exacerbated when the sons of Man came into the daughters of God, resulting in Ham, half good and half evil, being born to Noah’s wife. However, God can only inspire His people to do good, while satan can only inspire his people to do evil, but we get to choose whether to act on that inspiration or not.

God’s females descended from Eve, became the quarry and were to look to their husband for protection from the whiles of the male descendants of satan’s first host, i.e., the serpent, which of course was only an allegory for his first black human host, and they were the hounds. However, wives also had free will to choose to act or not, on the advice they were receiving from their husbands.

Satan’s next host, on the death of the serpent, was Cain, half good and half evil, the result of Eve succumbing to the temptation of the serpent and Adam failing to convince her not to listen to him. We have not been privy to this until after the prince of this world was judged in 1945, John 16:11 when the final host of satan died without having produced another son, through whose senses he was able to experience the Creation and influence it. That event allowed God to choose the Branch growing out of The Rod in Isaiah 11:1b i.e., The Spirit of Truth, John 14:16,17 alias The Comforter, to judge the world of sin. John 16:8.

The integrity of Jesus is one side of the Narrow Gate through which we must pass, but, because we could never attain the righteousness of Jesus, God chose a Branch from the many descendants of the seed in Isaiah 53:10, which Jesus and His wife, the sister of James Zebedee produced before His death; this we must meet or surpass, as the other side of the Narrow Gate.

The Comforter has many aliases besides The Branch growing out of The Rod e.g. The Helper, The Spirit of Truth, The Truth, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, and last, but not least, The Holy Ghost. However, definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God. Ghost, because Jesus is the only person who has lived, died, and returned. However, not even He will know, for certain, that His Spirit is really back. And holy, because Jesus was holy. The Messiah will now call the Jews and all of Shem’s descendants from the four corners of the earth, not with great military power, but with great financial power to buy back the world for the meek. More on where this will come from later. The Spirit of The Holy Ghost.


Veteran Member
God’s purpose for Creation was to separate Himself from the destroyer. To do this, He had to create two different people, one to serve the Creator and one to serve the destroyer; this then became the fight between good and evil. However, to separate evil from the world, the battle had to be out of the control of both God and satan, we are not puppets. Both peoples were able to choose to do good or evil. Some of satan’s people would choose to reject evil and some of God’s people would choose to reject good, and so the battle has raged since the sixth day of Creation and exacerbated when the sons of Man came into the daughters of God, resulting in Ham, half good and half evil, being born to Noah’s wife. However, God can only inspire His people to do good, while satan can only inspire his people to do evil, but we get to choose whether to act on that inspiration or not.

God’s females descended from Eve, became the quarry and were to look to their husband for protection from the whiles of the male descendants of satan’s first host, i.e., the serpent, which of course was only an allegory for his first black human host, and they were the hounds. However, wives also had free will to choose to act or not, on the advice they were receiving from their husbands.

Satan’s next host, on the death of the serpent, was Cain, half good and half evil, the result of Eve succumbing to the temptation of the serpent and Adam failing to convince her not to listen to him. We have not been privy to this until after the prince of this world was judged in 1945, John 16:11 when the final host of satan died without having produced another son, through whose senses he was able to experience the Creation and influence it. That event allowed God to choose the Branch growing out of The Rod in Isaiah 11:1b i.e., The Spirit of Truth, John 14:16,17 alias The Comforter, to judge the world of sin. John 16:8.

The integrity of Jesus is one side of the Narrow Gate through which we must pass, but, because we could never attain the righteousness of Jesus, God chose a Branch from the many descendants of the seed in Isaiah 53:10, which Jesus and His wife, the sister of James Zebedee produced before His death; this we must meet or surpass, as the other side of the Narrow Gate.

The Comforter has many aliases besides The Branch growing out of The Rod e.g. The Helper, The Spirit of Truth, The Truth, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, and last, but not least, The Holy Ghost. However, definitely not the Holy Spirit, which is God. Ghost, because Jesus is the only person who has lived, died, and returned. However, not even He will know, for certain, that His Spirit is really back. And holy, because Jesus was holy. The Messiah will now call the Jews and all of Shem’s descendants from the four corners of the earth, not with great military power, but with great financial power to buy back the world for the meek. More on where this will come from later. The Spirit of The Holy Ghost.
Thanks for sharing your beliefs. As a Baha'i, I do not believe that there is a being called Satan who is external to the self. I believe that Satan or whatever is interpreted as evil, refers to the lower nature in man.

“The reality underlying this question is that the evil spirit, Satan or whatever is interpreted as evil, refers to the lower nature in man. This baser nature is symbolized in various ways. In man there are two expressions, one is the expression of nature, the other the expression of the spiritual realm…. God has never created an evil spirit; all such ideas and nomenclature are symbols expressing the mere human or earthly nature of man. It is an essential condition of the soil of earth that thorns, weeds and fruitless trees may grow from it. Relatively speaking, this is evil; it is simply the lower state and baser product of nature.”
Abdu’l-Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace, pp. 294–295.

As a Baha'i, I believe that the Comforter was person who was the return of Christ, who I believe was Baha'u'llah.
I believe that He was the Helper, The Spirit of Truth, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, and the return of the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
You know that's logically impossible. It's like saying a square can decide to be a square and a circle at the same time. In logic this is called an alalytical truth, that it's a logical impossibility. That means you don't even have to look or think twice. It's fallacious.
What about virtual reality, playing a role, simulation ...?
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Show me in virtual reality how a square can be a circle at the same time.
Just turn up the barrel distortion of your VR Goggles to maximum:


The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth
Thanks for sharing your beliefs. As a Baha'i, I do not believe that there is a being called Satan who is external to the self. I believe that Satan or whatever is interpreted as evil, refers to the lower nature in man.

“The reality underlying this question is that the evil spirit, Satan or whatever is interpreted as evil, refers to the lower nature in man. This baser nature is symbolized in various ways. In man there are two expressions, one is the expression of nature, the other the expression of the spiritual realm…. God has never created an evil spirit; all such ideas and nomenclature are symbols expressing the mere human or earthly nature of man. It is an essential condition of the soil of earth that thorns, weeds and fruitless trees may grow from it. Relatively speaking, this is evil; it is simply the lower state and baser product of nature.”
Abdu’l-Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace, pp. 294–295.

As a Baha'i, I believe that the Comforter was person who was the return of Christ, who I believe was Baha'u'llah.
I believe that He was the Helper, The Spirit of Truth, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, and the return of the Holy Spirit.
Nothing further to say on the subject Trailblazer, except possibly, how long has Bahs'i been in existence? Sounds very much like an Indian supposition of how and what the message was, that the The Rod coming forth out of the stump of Jesse brought. Remember though, that Jesus came to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles. Identified in Genesis 10:5 of the KJ approved version. By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nation. The Comforter.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
The Holy bible is Gods Word, because every word in the Bible was God berthed and His Prophets and Disciples wrote the books as they received the inspiration. Many of them didn't understand what they were writing about as much of the Bible is prophesy so the writers never got to se the prophesies fulfilled in their time.

The Bible is not a book to read like other books, it is so packed with deep theology that it needs to be studied bit by bit. We normally spend around 2 months on a single chapter at my Church, so it takes many years to go through the bible.

God said that He has not given the gift of discernment to unbelievers, so His Word is foolishness to them. Only His Elect Saints have been given the gift of understanding His Word. He said "My Sheep hear My voice". So I'm not surprised to hear you struggling to make sense of what God has said.

If God gave you the gift of discernment and faith, then everything would make sense and you wouldn't be misunderstanding what happened in the case of Lot and his daughters.
I'll share what we believe the Gods Words said about that incident, the two daughters were convinced that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was a world wide event. They believed they were the last three people left alive in the world, so they did what they thought was their only option to save humanity from becoming extinct.
So it had nothing to do with some sick and perverted incest, they weren't desperate for sexual gratification.
"the gift of discernment and faith"

Cognitive dissonance?

No thanks. I'll pass.


Be your own guru
"Does Bible contains errors and contradictions?"
"Both Answering Christianity and OFC Berkeley count 101 contradictions in the Bible, ranging from an apparent two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis, to who it was that inspired David to take a census (Satan or God?), to how many angels are seen at Jesus' tomb, and a great deal in between." Google Search 24 Jan 2023
OFC: Open Computing Facility at University of California, Berkeley.

The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth
Baha'u'llah declared His mission in 1863 AD so the Baha'i Faith has been around since then.
Dear fellow lover of God, I am just not sure that it is the God of Abraham. As you did not indicate whether the 160 y/o Baha’i faith is based on an Indian understanding of Jesus, I will, until otherwise advised, that it is. I know that many people believe that Jesus travelled in India before Jesus began his ministry so i will give you the evidence that He did not shortly. Jesus' mission was to convince just enough Jews that He was the Messiah to have them pester the Jews that He was their Messiah. However, Jesus was only The Way, and He was destined for a sacrificial death. His second mission was to call the Gentiles descended from Japheth in such a way, as to cause the Gentiles to hate the Jews for crucifying Jesus. His ensign in Isaiah 11: 10 would then adulterate just enough of the Torah to cause the Jews to reciprocate their hatred. Both would then want to kill each other; this was to deceive Positive’s nemesis, negative, that the Christians would not interfere when he finally attempted Genocide of the descendants of Shem, especially the descendants of Judah. As I am sure I have previously explained, all that exists in the nothing is Positive and negative energy; the Creator and the destroyer, which we mostly know as God and satan. From this energy, Positive created matter to form the Universe, which will continue to spread throughout the nothing. Although Positive could have destroyed negative, in so doing both would have become powerless, as does any positive energy depleted by the negative. The plan that I was inspired of, following the death of negative’s host in 1945, was that God created two races of identical morals, ethics, and intelligence: one white host human for Himself, and one black host for negative. Both of their hosts and their descendants would all have free will to obey what their respective hosts inspired them; their wives would also have free will, but only to follow or reject the advice of their husbands. Women would not be spoken too directly by either Positive or negative until such time, as the prince of this world was judged in 1945. Now that negative can no longer experience the world through a human host, God is at liberty to inspire all humans directly.

Now, why I say that Jesus never visited India, the land of Nod, was because my research, assisted by Positive, has disclosed to me, enough evidence in the Gospel of John, to prove that what Jesus was doing before he began his 3 year mission, was caring for His wife, the sister of James Zebedee, and His seed, i.e., His children, Isaiah 53:10 KJV. The same thing He was attending too after He was resurrected, besides giving encouragement to his followers. The visit to India was just thought up by someone or other for commercial gain, to fill in the gaps in His life. I have been to India twice and visited a number cathedrals and found no evidence of Jesus ever having visited India. What I did find was plenty of evidence of commercialism in all religious establishments, which is very much in keeping with the inspiration I have received, and backed up by the way women are treated, that India was the Land of Nod, the continent to which most of Cain's descendants were led, after he was exiled from Adam’s genealogical family. There is a complete explanation of this in my web, “The Papacy Can Now End” with inverted comas, if I am allowed to tell you that.


The Branch growing out of The Rod Isa 11:1b, i.e., The Holy Ghost, not the Holy Spirit.


Dear fellow lover of God, I am just not sure that it is the God of Abraham. As you did not indicate whether the 160 y/o Baha’i faith is based on an Indian understanding of Jesus, I will, until otherwise advised, that it is.
@Trailblazer, or a few others will be much more able to give you information on the Baha'i Faith, however, I can attest to it indeed being of the God of Abraham. In very, very simplistic terms, Baha'i is the 4th "voice." There was the Abraham/Moses faith and teachings that are Judaism; Jesus, Christianity; Mohammad, Islam; and Baha'u'llah, Baha'i, each "building" or "expanding" on the previous.

Baha'i originated in Persia


Veteran Member
Dear fellow lover of God, I am just not sure that it is the God of Abraham. As you did not indicate whether the 160 y/o Baha’i faith is based on an Indian understanding of Jesus, I will, until otherwise advised, that it is.
No, the Baha’i Faith is not based on an Indian understanding of Jesus. It is based upon Baha'u'llah's understanding of Jesus.
Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah received a Revelation from God through the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus did.

I got my understanding of Jesus from what Baha'u'llah wrote about Jesus and only later came to read the New Testament.
For example, referring to Jesus as the Son of Man, Baha'u'llah wrote:

“Know thou that when the Son of Man yielded up His breath to God, the whole creation wept with a great weeping. By sacrificing Himself, however, a fresh capacity was infused into all created things. Its evidences, as witnessed in all the peoples of the earth, are now manifest before thee. The deepest wisdom which the sages have uttered, the profoundest learning which any mind hath unfolded, the arts which the ablest hands have produced, the influence exerted by the most potent of rulers, are but manifestations of the quickening power released by His transcendent, His all-pervasive, and resplendent Spirit.

We testify that when He came into the world, He shed the splendor of His glory upon all created things. Through Him the leper recovered from the leprosy of perversity and ignorance. Through Him, the unchaste and wayward were healed. Through His power, born of Almighty God, the eyes of the blind were opened, and the soul of the sinner sanctified.

Leprosy may be interpreted as any veil that interveneth between man and the recognition of the Lord, his God. Whoso alloweth himself to be shut out from Him is indeed a leper, who shall not be remembered in the Kingdom of God, the Mighty, the All-Praised. We bear witness that through the power of the Word of God every leper was cleansed, every sickness was healed, every human infirmity was banished. He it is Who purified the world. Blessed is the man who, with a face beaming with light, hath turned towards Him.”

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 85-86


Veteran Member
@Trailblazer, or a few others will be much more able to give you information on the Baha'i Faith, however, I can attest to it indeed being of the God of Abraham. In very, very simplistic terms, Baha'i is the 4th "voice." There was the Abraham/Moses faith and teachings that are Judaism; Jesus, Christianity; Mohammad, Islam; and Baha'u'llah, Baha'i, each "building" or "expanding" on the previous.

Baha'i originated in Persia
Yes, thanks, that is correct. :)

The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth
No, the Baha’i Faith is not based on an Indian understanding of Jesus. It is based upon Baha'u'llah's understanding of Jesus.
Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah received a Revelation from God through the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus did.

I got my understanding of Jesus from what Baha'u'llah wrote about Jesus and only later came to read the New Testament.
For example, referring to Jesus as the Son of Man, Baha'u'llah wrote:

“Know thou that when the Son of Man yielded up His breath to God, the whole creation wept with a great weeping. By sacrificing Himself, however, a fresh capacity was infused into all created things. Its evidences, as witnessed in all the peoples of the earth, are now manifest before thee. The deepest wisdom which the sages have uttered, the profoundest learning which any mind hath unfolded, the arts which the ablest hands have produced, the influence exerted by the most potent of rulers, are but manifestations of the quickening power released by His transcendent, His all-pervasive, and resplendent Spirit.

We testify that when He came into the world, He shed the splendor of His glory upon all created things. Through Him the leper recovered from the leprosy of perversity and ignorance. Through Him, the unchaste and wayward were healed. Through His power, born of Almighty God, the eyes of the blind were opened, and the soul of the sinner sanctified.

Leprosy may be interpreted as any veil that interveneth between man and the recognition of the Lord, his God. Whoso alloweth himself to be shut out from Him is indeed a leper, who shall not be remembered in the Kingdom of God, the Mighty, the All-Praised. We bear witness that through the power of the Word of God every leper was cleansed, every sickness was healed, every human infirmity was banished. He it is Who purified the world. Blessed is the man who, with a face beaming with light, hath turned towards Him.”

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 85-86
So, Baha'i was a Persian Muslim. Then I am sorry, but I can prove beyond a doubt from the chapters of Genesis, which Muslims also accept, that Ishmael was not Abraham's son. Gen 16:15 And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.” was a deliberate attempt by Moses to hide Abraham's lack of trust, that God would give him an heir from his own bowels, when he arranged for Sarai to be taken to Abimelec where she conceived with Ishmael. What possible reason would Abimelec have for bedding a 75-year-old women when he had the pick of every 19-year-old virgin in his kingdom. At that early time, the animosity between Ham and Shem had not yet reached its zenith, so Abraham may also have thought it might provide some reconciliation between the nations. So, if Ishmael was not Abraham's son, then Muhammed has no genealogical connection to the God of Abraham and could not have been the next prophet after Jesus. The reason why Muhammed could not have been inspired by the God of Abraham, is because he was descended from Cain via Lamech, Ham and Abimelec. Whereas, Jesus, was a direct descendant from White Adam via Seth, Shem, Isaac, Judah and Jesse, which meant God could inspire Jesus but not Muhammed. As i have explained in my earlier reply, God has only ever been able to talk to the descendants of the black host of negative, through the descendants of White Adam. Negative can only speak to white Adam's descendants through the descendants of his host. Therefore, God could never have inspired Baha’i. However, please don’t be discouraged, just believe the Pauline version of Christianity for the time being, until such time as the Nazarene version, in my web, of what Jesus really taught, is acknowledged.

My inspired knowledge that Ishmael was not Abraham's son, can have enormously good repercussions or enormously bad repercussions, depending on how it is delivered to the Muslims. Therefore, i am desperately trying to find a way to prove this to you, as gently as possible. Actually, from memory, I have already given you the clues as to why Ishmael was not Abraham's son.
Please do not be offended by what I am telling you, I am only telling you what i have discovered, you have the free will to believe it or not.
The Branch growing out of the Rod, i.e., The Comforter and the Holy Ghost, but not the Holy Spirit, which is God.