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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Muslims, Jews, and even some Christians either find Paul's story questionable or ignorable. We all have our beliefs to share and discuss here on RF, and occasionally debate respectively.
P.S. We have already or are in the process of discussing "cultural" Christians. Of course there are cultural Jews also. So these ones who call themselves Jews or Christians may find their own 'stories' more than questionable. But deniable.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Please let us know when this dialogue with yourself bares fruit.
You probably meant "bears" fruit. The dialogue hopefully should be/could be with my dear paarsurrey. So hopefully there will be/can be an answer as to some questions. :) You'll probably see if the dialogue bears fruit if it does, of course. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What on earth makes you think that you know what I believe? Not only is it ludicrously arrogant, its laughable wrong.
Evidently you misread what I wrote. I did not say I know or think I know what you believe. I was asking a question of you. :) Here it is again: "do you believe there are those burning and suffering in hell"...that was a question, I did not tell you what I think you believe.


Then we need to use decent terminology, right? Not like Pauline deviant, etc. And when we make accusations we need to back them up other than saying that's what "I think."
"I think" is all required by forum rules, I believe. And there's no reason why someone cannot consider Paul a deviant. There's actually quite a number of Christians who believe he may have been the anti-Christ, and the way his Epistles shaped the church over and beyond what Jesus taught, and the way the majority come to his defense, it has been known to cross my mind that they may have something there. BTW, look up Red Letter Christians. They don't hold to Paul's being anything bad that I'm aware of, but they do have a refreshing look at Jesus being neglected. Granted, I haven't stayed up-to-date on their ministry. It's been years since I checked into their mission statement. But it's good to look to the peripheral of our faith vision, if not way beyond as I do from time to time. And terminology is often very regional/cultural as well as fascinating to learn about. The Bible is filled with terminology viewed differently today. The number of translations attest to that as fact.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Evidently you misread what I wrote. I did not say I know or think I know what you believe. I was asking a question of you.

This ...

You don't have to know anything about paarsurrey. but do you believe there are those burning and suffering in hell and maybe you agree with the description of how the Bible is described by at least one person here who just keeps going without explanation.

is a claim, not a question.


P.S. We have already or are in the process of discussing "cultural" Christians. Of course there are cultural Jews also. So these ones who call themselves Jews or Christians may find their own 'stories' more than questionable. But deniable.
And there's only One Judge among us. I advise to Learn so as to increase Love. That is our shared mission, correct?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
"I think" is all required by forum rules, I believe. And there's no reason why someone cannot consider Paul a deviant. There's actually quite a number of Christians who believe he may have been the anti-Christ, and the way his Epistles shaped the church over and beyond what Jesus taught, and the way the majority come to his defense, it has been known to cross my mind that they may have something there. BTW, look up Red Letter Christians. They don't hold to Paul's being anything bad that I'm aware of, but they do have a refreshing look at Jesus being neglected. Granted, I haven't stayed up-to-date on their ministry. It's been years since I checked into their mission statement. But it's good to look to the peripheral of our faith vision, if not way beyond as I do from time to time. And terminology is often very regional/cultural as well as fascinating to learn about. The Bible is filled with terminology viewed differently today. The number of translations attest to that as fact.
Yes, there are many reasons why someone would consider Paul a deviant. There are Jews and so-called Christians who also don't really believe what's written anyway. What that means (to me) is that they don't believe the foundation of their religious teachings. The Bible's message is virtually the same no matter translation. You may or may not namaste to me but I don't need/require or ask that.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And there's only One Judge among us. I advise to Learn so as to increase Love. That is our shared mission, correct?
How can it be shared mission when in fact there are so many different views as to judge, mission, what happens if and when, etc. There is, I agree, one True Judge that will determine the outcome of all.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And there's only One Judge among us. I advise to Learn so as to increase Love. That is our shared mission, correct?
Who or what is this one judge you're talking about that you "advise to Learn" about?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
"I think" is all required by forum rules, I believe. And there's no reason why someone cannot consider Paul a deviant. There's actually quite a number of Christians who believe he may have been the anti-Christ, and the way his Epistles shaped the church over and beyond what Jesus taught, and the way the majority come to his defense, it has been known to cross my mind that they may have something there. BTW, look up Red Letter Christians. They don't hold to Paul's being anything bad that I'm aware of, but they do have a refreshing look at Jesus being neglected. Granted, I haven't stayed up-to-date on their ministry. It's been years since I checked into their mission statement. But it's good to look to the peripheral of our faith vision, if not way beyond as I do from time to time. And terminology is often very regional/cultural as well as fascinating to learn about. The Bible is filled with terminology viewed differently today. The number of translations attest to that as fact.
Perhaps for you to consider that about Paul. Yes, not everybody agrees. And therefore the Judging I THINK and BELIEVE is yes, left up to God. Few can, will, or do agree what or who is God. :) But thanks for your comment. :) Oh. And some do not believe there IS a God. For those who do believe there is a God, yes, they might agree the Judging is left up to Him. Have a good evening. :)


Yes, there are many reasons why someone would consider Paul a deviant. There are Jews and so-called Christians who also don't really believe what's written anyway. What that means (to me) is that they don't believe the foundation of their religious teachings. The Bible's message is virtually the same no matter translation. You may or may not namaste to me but I don't need/require or ask that.
Do you know what Namaste means when used as a salutation? Does my using it offend you in anyway?


How can it be shared mission when in fact there are so many different views as to judge, mission, what happens if and when, etc. There is, I agree, one True Judge that will determine the outcome of all.
What are the two great commandments? To Love. First God and then each other. That's the shared mission.


Who or what is this one judge you're talking about that you "advise to Learn" about?
You've misread my comment. There is One Judge among us ● period. End of sentence. My advice is that you learn -- about anything and everything that will increase your love -- of God and your fellow man.


Admiral Obvious
Others might feel some viewpoints are more than a bit disgusting. How about you?
Which has nothing to do with your acting like Trump in the mocking of someone who is asking questions in sincerity.

Are you not one of those who constantly complain when that is done to you?
Makes it appear you were merely crying wolf...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You've misread my comment. There is One Judge among us ● period. End of sentence. My advice is that you learn -- about anything and everything that will increase your love -- of God and your fellow man.
Either a person believes Jesus or she does not. Right? It's an either/or consideration. And again -- different folks have different strokes about who or what God is. You may believe there is one Judge, I may believe that even though we may not agree as to who, what, and how the Judge judges. So? You have your beliefs and others don't necessarily believe the same way. Some don't believe there is a Judge. You say there is one Judge. That's your viewpoint. Since not everyone knows or believes who or what you believe that Judge is, that's it, period, end of thought. :) Take care.


Perhaps for you to consider that about Paul. Yes, not everybody agrees. And therefore the Judging I THINK and BELIEVE is yes, left up to God. Few can, will, or do agree what or who is God. :) But thanks for your comment. :) Oh. And some do not believe there IS a God. For those who do believe there is a God, yes, they might agree the Judging is left up to Him. Have a good evening. :)
Not everyone is meant to agree. There is no commandment regarding a particular "what or who is God." Jesus was a Jew, who for the most part preached to other Jews. However, there are two very telling instances given in the NT Scriptures.

1) The woman at the well. A Samaritan, therefore not "acceptable" to worship in the Jewish temple. And what did Jesus say to her? John 4: 23But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. 24God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” He does not tell her she needs the temple, or even that she needs to believe in him. She just needs to worship in spirit and truth--truth as she knows, apparently.

2) Then there's the story of the Roman Centurion. Did Jesus ask him to rebuke Jupiter? No. Did he ask him what God he worshipped? No. He simply took notice of the man's pure faith: Matt 8: 10When Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those following Him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11I say to you that many will come from the east and the west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. Take note of that last line--MANY will come and share.

And a last note directed especially to Christians: Jesus stated in Matt 20:15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Not everyone is meant to agree. There is no commandment regarding a particular "what or who is God."
Oh? How do you know that, are you sure there is "no commandment" about a particular "what or who" God is?