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Does the universe need intelligence to order it?


Thou art That
No, you have misrepresented Zen yet again by pretending it links to this latest set of new-age ideas you have dumped into the discussion without explanation. Are you seriously suggesting we have all got to buy and read this new-age book by Ken Keyes in order to continue the discussion?

Not at all. All you have to do is use your brain and learn to read. Try it. It may be a whole new experience for you.

READ! The link follows in my comment itself. If you don't understand, ask!

I will answer your questions when you can demonstrate exactly how I have misrepresented Zen in any way, and where these new age ideas are you are foaming at the mouth about. Until then, trix for the likes of you.

I am still waiting to hear about your personal experience of Zen temples and all the meditation you have done.

I eat when hungry, and sleep when tired, more than you can ever expect to accomplish. :p


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Wrong, though I have cited that source before. I am referring to 'Handbook To Higher Consciousness', by Ken Keyes, to whioch I already provided a link, a couple posts back.
Who the fark is Ken Keyes when he is home, LOL?

The self-help dude? Seriously?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I will answer your questions when you can demonstrate exactly how I have misrepresented Zen in any way,

I have demonstrated time and time again in this thread how you have misrepresented Buddhist teachings and will continue to do so.

You might be slightly more credible if you had actually practised in Buddhist traditions, but your refusal to describe any personal experience strongly suggests that you haven't, and that it's all stuff you have read in books. So a very superficial understanding at best.
As I said before, there is a great deal of arrogance behind this constant need to misrepresent an established tradition.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
So come on GNG, tell us about your experience of meditation, tell us about your spiritual experiences.
Stop hiding behind the relentless jargon and cliches, be real and honest for a change. Come on, you know you can do it.


Thou art That
But you don't, you follow all sorts of new-age teachers like this Ken Keyes bloke. You pretend that Buddhism validates your idiosyncratic views but it doesn't. You clearly have a very limited understanding of Buddhism anyway

WTF do you know? You don't even acknowledge Buddha nature. Have you read Ken Keyes? NO! Do you know what he is saying? NO! So STFU!

I said I follow the Buddha: no preferences:

The Third Patriarch of Zen
Verses on the Faith Mind

Hsin Hsin Ming by Seng-T'san

The Great Way is not difficult

for those who have no preferences.

When love and hate are both absent

everything becomes clear and undisguised.

Make the smallest distinction, however,

and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.

If you wish to see the truth

then hold no opinions for or against anything.

To set up what you like against what you dislike

is the disease of the mind.

When the deep meaning of things is not understood,

the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail.

The Way is perfect like vast space

where nothing is lacking and nothing in excess.

Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject

that we do not see the true nature of things.

You don't acknowledge Buddha nature; you've not studied Zen; you don't know how to think; you don't know Jack *hi*. So how would you know if anything is being misrepresented or not?

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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think that we have finally seen the true message emerge and it is, "STFU and listen".

Sure makes me want to snuggle up to my pillow and wait with baited breath.
This isn't a discussion. It's a lecture from on high.


Thou art That
How is that even relevant to the discussion? Please talk from personal experience for a change, we can all parrot something in a book, so what?
You keep chucking in Zen cliches, but have you even done zazen on a regular basis? Please tell us.

You don't know if I am parroting anything. All you need to know is what the comment means, then you can have a discussion. But for you to do that, you need to use your head.

Now go to your room!


Thou art That
I think that we have finally seen the true message emerge and it is, "STFU and listen".

Sure makes me want to snuggle up to my pillow and wait with baited breath.
This isn't a discussion. It's a lecture from on high.

That's 'bated', and not 'baited':

bated: "To moderate or restrain (a variation of "abate"): to bate one's enthusiasm, and, "to lessen or diminish," and "with bated breath - in a state of suspenseful anticipation."

"Bated breath" has been around a long time. Here's the first cite in the Oxford English Dictionary: "1596 Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice i. iii. 125 'With bated breath, and whispring humblenesse.'"

I rarely employ the STFU, nor the milder 'GTYR'; only in extreme cases of utter and willful stupidity.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
That's 'bated', and not 'baited':

bated: "To moderate or restrain (a variation of "abate"): to bate one's enthusiasm, and, "to lessen or diminish," and "with bated breath - in a state of suspenseful anticipation."

"Bated breath" has been around a long time. Here's the first cite in the Oxford English Dictionary: "1596 Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice i. iii. 125 'With bated breath, and whispring humblenesse.'"

I rarely employ the STFU, nor the milder 'GTYR'; only in extreme cases of utter and willful stupidity.
It's late and I'm typing in the dark. Sue me.