You won't have such consent. The reason being that you have given none of the Hindus here any reason to believe that you have any interest other than to selectively quote-mine and twist Hindu scriptures and force them into your pre-existing Ahmadiyaa worldview. You can do whatever you like, but don't expect consent, even from a liberal Hindu like me.
By consent I mean consent in creating one concise scripture. I already know what it will be. It will be a selectively quote-mined compilation of a few passages which, when one squints hard enough, can be read into the Ahmadiyaa theology, with 99% of everything else omitted, being dismissed as "corruption."
Hinduism Scripture- The Compressed One
I wish that the ordinary man should be facilitated to read and finish the Hinduism Scripture in a reasonable time frame , and people get spiritual guidance direct from the scripture itself, rather than from a third person.
Life being so busy, ordinary people cannot afford to read such a voluminous Hinduism scripture, they will rather be thankful if such a concise/condensed/compressed scripture is produced which could be finished if not in 30 days or a month, then at least once in a year. Quran could be finished in thirty days , if read a part in 30/45 minutes a day, just for information, please.
The planning is like:
1. Rigveda, is proposed to be kept as it is.
2. Sam Veda which is a liturgical text whose 1,875 verses are primary derived from the
Rigveda and only 65 new mantras/verses are there in Samaveda, so it should be compressed to 65 verses only and a footnote written on the verses in the Rigveda indicating that.
3.I am reading Yajurveda as you one knows and now I at Chapter 15 Verse 32 or at page # 189 of total 500+ pages. I have found out that about some 50 or more verses are just repetition of the previous verses ones. These could be compressed for an ordinary man and only references provided in the original one.
I get a clue from post #18 , in another thread, that only a few verses on war/battles in Yajurveda should be mentioned in the compressed Yajurveda, though they form about 10% of Yajurveda, and the rest should be compressed. and only references retained, as this is against the contemporary Hinduism, who hold Ahimsa as a basic creed of Hinduism. Right?
4.I get a clue from post
#12 that the original, if there was/is one, should have the holy Sanskrit text side by side the translation to solve any ambiguity if the need be.
That would require a two-fold compression, yet not impossible, if the friends in Hinduism help us, as I don't know any Sanskrit as of now myself.
Anybody, please
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