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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I've never slurped at his boots. The closest I've ever come to that is to bow down before my TV whenever I see him, and repeatedly declare, "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"
In all seriousness, you are a better person than Trump.


Not of this world
In all seriousness, you are a better person than Trump.
I just realize I'm not worthy of sitting in my recliner when Trump speaks.
His second coming will be announced in November, and he will take his rightful place of power next January 15th.


Veteran Member
Do you mean that public opinion and media bias are the arbiters of truth when you don't agree with a judge and jury?
It depends on the public and which media. Obviously reputable media is superior and reliable, as is rational citizens.

And the jury did get the OJ verdict wrong. But I understand why they did. I also understand why many citizens overlook Trump’s corrupt and criminal pattern of behavior. Followers defer their agency to the cult leader. Over 1000 blindly believed lies about election fraud and attacked the Capitol in a bid to help Trump stay in power. Not smart people.


Well-Known Member
It makes him a rapist.

He was found liable for sexual abuse (and for defaming E. Jean Carroll about said sexual abuse).

"In New York, someone can only be convicted of rape if they can prove vaginal penetration by a penis. In Carroll’s testimony, which mirrored what she had described privately for decades and publicly for the first time in 2019, she said Trump used both his fingers and his penis in the assault. But during the trial, the jury had only concluded that Trump had “deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll’s vagina with his fingers, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm,” Kaplan’s decision from last year reads.

That the jurors did not find that Carroll had proven rape, Kaplan explained, “does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.’” “Indeed,” he continued, “as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

Federally, rape is defined as “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” This broader explanation, while still dependent on penetration, would include assaults using fingers. "

Holy "He said - She Said" obviously nothing that would hold up in proper trial -- a disgusting perversion of Justice .. raped by Trumps finger .. but not his Penis .. but she says both Finger and Penis .. but didn't hold her down for the penis penetration ... perverted justice indeed.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Nor did OJ get convicted of double murder as if that means he’s innocent.

Trump avoided a trial due to statute of limitations, and OJ got off due to a poorly run prosecution. Both are liable for their crimes in civil court. And both still getting into criminal trouble that they are being held accountable for.
I find that to be a severe conflict of interest and a serious flaw in the justice system.

Neither party looks interested at all in fixing it.


Veteran Member
Nikki saying Trump has dementia .. and all kinds of other nasty things competitors in a primary are going to say about each other.
And next week she will end her campaign and endorse Donald J. Dementia. She hopes to be put in charge of the Capitol security so his embarrassing comment will become a prediction.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don't support biden or his family members.
Let's stick to the topic, shall we? (Hint: I'm not the topic.)
They don't have a topic because they know they are losing the argument, so it almost alway results in personal attacks instead as evidenced by the many posts reflecting that already.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Nikki saying Trump has dementia .. and all kinds of other nasty things competitors in a primary are going to say about each other.
That was more of an observation than name calling.

In case you forgot Trump lied about offering Nancy Pelosi 10,000 troops for January 6. Trump's own acting Secretary of Defense denied that he ever made such an offer. Oaky so we have a lie and Nancy Pelosi to start. In that rather long rant of his Trump conflated Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. That is bad enough. But to make it worse Nikki had resigned on her own terms in October of 2018. She had not been in the Trump administration for well over a year. And to make it even worse yet, if Trump had offered Haley ten thousand troops what was she to do with them? She was the ambassador to the UN She had nothing to do with any branch of the military.

And then of course she mentioned all of his other gross failures. These are not mere Gaffes, like Biden has, these were serious errors that were completely nonsensical. Saying that he appears to be suffering from dementia is not "nasty". It is actually a kindness. The only other conclusion is that Trump is an utter moron.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Trum[p] even predicted that so many would blindly follow him no matter what he did, with the example he gave about shooting someone in the face on 5th Avenue and they'd still forgive him. And so many of them are Christian? Sounds more like pretend "Christianity" to me.

Sure does, doesn't it?
I have long said (and been roundly criticized for saying it) that my own observations lead me to suppose that a very great number of "believers" do not truly believe in their heart of hearts, but rather "believe that they believe."

My analogy has always been the burner on my stove. I believe if that burner is glowing red, it would be a very, very bad idea for me to put my hand on it -- and short of terrible physical violence nobody is going to get me to do it. That's how strong my belief is. But all too often -- and you can see it easily, if you just look -- when professed belief gets in the way of something the "believer" wants in the moment, the belief can easily be set aside. Trump says he's a Christian -- which I suppose must mean he believes in the Christian heaven and hell -- but I certainly cannot see a single behaviour that makes me accept that. And Christians who provide aid and comfort to someone who has done what Trump has done, I honestly think, cannot really believe what they suppose they believe. They will put their hand on the burner. And they don't appear to fear it -- which means they don't believe it.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Ah yes! Barfing! That's another activity I will enjoy watching.
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?


Admiral Obvious
Nor did OJ get convicted of double murder as if that means he’s innocent.

Trump avoided a trial due to statute of limitations, and OJ got off due to a poorly run prosecution. Both are liable for their crimes in civil court. And both still getting into criminal trouble that they are being held accountable for.
I suspect you presented far to many facts in to short a time.