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Veteran Member
Did this Pink Unicorn create and maintain the universe?
Well, I can answer that .. no .. a pink Unicorn, if it exists, must be a creature. A creature did not create .. it is part of the creation.
No more than what you think God is. If your religious tradition evolved with the idea that God was a ink unicorn THAT is what you would think your god is today. You don;t believe in a God due to compelling evidence. You and other theists believe in whatever form of God you learned about from other believers, and they adoted this idea from those before them.

There is no evidence that this universe was created. There is no evidence of it being maintained. Yet you mention these as if it is factual, or known by science. It isn't. Someone asked about fraud, and to my mind this tactic of making declarative claims in a debate is a sort of fraud. You don't bother to support your belief with evidence, you expect others to show you how your claims are false. Then you ignore or deny these explanation with more false claims.

Theological fraud.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
..and it is..
..but you can carry on claiming that everything shown to you is not reliable evidence, and then when asked what, in your opinion, is reliable evidence, you avoid the issue.

This only confirms to me that you take religion as a sport, and are merely amusing yourself.
..and that is your prerogative.
Some people have reason to take it more seriously.
They see that they have to die, and believe that they have to answer to a higher authority.
..and that life is NOT just a bit of fun.
I am not the one making claims of having evidence for some belief. That means that I do not have to say what would be evidence for that belief. You are asking others to do your homework for you. By the way, such a demand, a shifting of the burden of proof, is as close to an admission that you do not have any evidence.

If yout God is omnipotent and omniscient and even more important if he exists , then he knows not only what evidence would convince the vast majority of people, he would know what it would take to convince everyone that the exists. God showing himself to exist in such a manner would be "evidence for you God" That is the only evidence that I can think of. But it i not my claim. I am not the one saying that there is evidence, It is not my burden of proof.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What is the point of showing a person evidence, when they merely turn around and say that it is not evidence?

Seriously? Did you weren't joking when you asked this? No, you presented what you thought to be evidence. Others explained to you how it was not reliable evidence. You failed in presenting evidence.

..usually, these type of exchanges end up as "you cannot prove that God exists, so no evidence".
..which is pointless rhetoric.

That is a strawman since why your supposed evidence fails has been explained to you. And no, one is using that circular argument against you.

You seem to rely on strawman arguments quite often.

It is NOT shifting any burden of proof to ask what sort of evidence is acceptable.

Naturally, it is quite obvious why you would rather not answer that question. ;)

That is true, but that is not what we are asked. We are asked what evidence would convince us, that is not asking what sort of evidence. And almost any reliable evidence that supports the argument would do. But far too much of your supposed evidence is not reliable since you quite often assume the existence of a God in your claims. Or you could take the scientific approach. Make a testable hypothesis about God. You would need a clear and reasonable test that could possibly refute your idea. If you do that correctly then any observation that supports your idea would be evidence for your God.

But sadly I do not see theists finding proper tests for their beliefs. That is the hard part. Finding a test that is both reasonable and has not already been refuted appears to be impossible for believers.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
What is the point of showing a person evidence, when they merely turn around and say that it is not evidence?
It clearly must not be evidence if the only argument you have against the rebuttals is: "It is evidence, you just say that it is not." That's not an argument to support your claim, that's just arguing for the sake of arguing. If it truly was evidence, it would be self sufficient.


Veteran Member
I've had Christians tell me that God didn't answer my prayers for protection while I was growing up in an abusive home because I didn't have enough faith in God for him to save me or because I had unconfessed sins in my life. Remember, I was an abused child pleading to God, begging him to save me from being beaten by my adoptive mother and older brother. And years ago, I counseled with my pastor at the time, and after he had listened to me tell him about my life growing up in an abusive home, he told me that I'm a cursed soul. He said that it was obvious to him that God hated me and was punishing me for the sins of my biological parents, and apparently one of their gravest sins was having an affair, and I'm the result of that affair. I truly believed him because generational sins are biblical. It's written in the Bible that God punishes generations of families for the sins of their ancestors. He also told me that there was nothing I could do to change God's mind about me. Of course, I believed every word he said because I knew what the Bible taught about God hating Esau and how God cursed Cain. So I had no doubt that I had been cursed by God and that he despised me.
Oh my, that is so sad and just plain wrong! This stuff rots minds and causes so much undue stress and anxiety. I mean, life is hard enough without all that on top of it! My dad was told much the same, and he always believed that he was going to rot in hell all alone for eternity while the rest of us were up in heaven - why? Because some pastor told him he's a piece of crap. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Dahmer is supposedly waltzing around heaven somewhere. :rolleyes:

This is why I have a problem with organized religions. This stuff right here. This is not conducive to human flourishing.

That was very kind of you to say, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you.

I'm sorry to hear about what your dad went through and what you're going through now.
You're very welcome and thank you as well. Therapy has helped me a LOT.
I wish you all the best moving forward in your life. :)


Veteran Member
NO!! That is not the way that it works at all. You are the one claiming to have evidence. Right now it is rather clear that you don't. Attempting to shift the burden of proof is the same as saying "I don't have any evidence".
NO!! That is not the way that it works at all.
I have already presented all the evidence I have, over and over and over and over again.
You always say "that's not evidence."
Since you do not consider my evidence to be evidence, you need to tell me what would constitute evidence for you.

Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?


Veteran Member
And once again, we see that neither of you has any concept of what constitutes evidence that would inspire belief
Religion that comes by way of revelations from God through Messengers IS the evidence for God.
If it does not inspire you to believe in God it doesn't, but that does not change the fact that it is evidence, the ONLY evidence that God has ever provided.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
NO!! That is not the way that it works at all.
I have already presented all the evidence I have, over and over and over and over again.
You always say "that's not evidence."
Since you do not consider my evidence to be evidence, you need to tell me what would constitute evidence for you.

Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?
After it had been explained to you countless times that what you have does not qualify as evidence, and that was done at the start, it gets shortened to "That's not evidence". Go ahead. present some of it here and see if you get any different answers. I do believe that the logical fallacies that you used were pointed out to you quite often too. That, even though you probably did not realize it, was an explanation of what you did wrong.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You're not the only theist to do this, and I'm always curious if they are looking for attention in this way from people they don't otherwise have contact with in life.

Good point. I've also wondered why the theists want to engage with unbelievers in these threads. The obvious answer would be to convert unbelievers, but they don't really seem to be trying to do that, and don't seem to be concerned that they have the opposite effect. So what then is the appeal for them? They don't seem to be interested in what the critical thinkers know or how they know it. But there is a sense that the faithful are drawn to them for something if not to learn or teach? I also like to construct and refine arguments, identify and name fallacies, and to practice writing skills, but I don't see any of those as draws for the believers.

That's dodging the question. We are talking about the universe, the sum total of all we know. You can't explain things outside of time and space because we can't comprehend such existence.

Asking why there is a god is not dodging the question of why nature exists if one is giving that god as their answer. The question identifies the special pleading fallacy, which excludes gods from such analysis. Why? The answers are legion. One poster simply tells me that is "false equivalence" to do so with no supporting argument. Two of you have objected to the question being asked at all as if it weren't relevant to the discussion of origins.

This is a natural event - the earth forming when the sun emerges. Happens all the time, literally.... every day I suppose. This is something far weirder - something hitting the earth to form our seasons and give us a double planet system to stablize the earth's orbit.

What's weird about any of that? Theia impacted the earth, tilted its axis, and ejected matter into orbit that coalesced into a single, large moon. But I agree that an awful lot of things had to be the case for us to be having this discussion.

The word "debate" has always implied to me trying to win an argument. It's not about winning to have a discussion where you disagree.

In academia, debate (dialectic, rebuttal) is how differences in opinion are resolved. It is a cooperative effort, not a fight as you see it. Argument is one of those words that has a neutral and another meaning. Argument does not mean fight or contention in critical analysis, just as critical doesn't mean picking at somebody or something in this context.

if atheists don't like the way that God communicated it is tough luck for them.

I consider it exceptionally good fortune to have learned how to know that such claims are empty and to be ignored. I wish I could share that with you, since your beliefs seem to trouble rather than comfort you, but your defenses are impenetrable. My only ammunition is reason applied to evidence. You claim that that was your path to belief, but then show what you consider evidence of a god and how you reason. You didn't get to your present position by that path, which is why you can't leave it by that path, either.

I did, which is why I say that I count it a gift that I never lost that ability all of the time I agreed to suspend disbelief as a Christian to test out its claims. If I had, there would be no way out of that mental cocoon. I've told you what my evidence was. My evidence for God was the euphoric feeling my first pastor could generate in a church service, which I was told was the Holy Spirit. That seemed plausible. But then I was discharged from the military, went home, and found that the experience was never repeated again in about a half dozen new congregations, and became clear that I had left this "Holy Spirit" behind when I left my charismatic preacher. Evidence. Reason: that was not the Holy Spirit, which would have followed me. That was a mental state conjured up by a talented speaker. That was also evidence, and reason led me to understand that when others claim to be experiencing a god that they are experiencing a mental state and misunderstanding it.

Reason saved me from a religious life, which had no value to me if there was no actual god involved. It saved me from uncounted hours of Bible reading, praying, and attending churches, as well as untold numbers of dollars that would have gone to promoting religion. Those hours and dollars were spent exploring the world of useful books, music, and travel, such was my "tough luck" as you call it.

I don't really think God cares about the whiny babies who think that are so important that they deserve a personal message from God

I believe that as well.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Religion that comes by way of revelations from God through Messengers IS the evidence for God.
If it does not inspire you to believe in God it doesn't, but that does not change the fact that it is evidence, the ONLY evidence that God has ever provided.
No, that is a circular argument. You are making this too easy. You would need to prove that the "Messengers" were messengers of God and that there message was reliable. But you refuse to do that.

The repeating of such nonsense is why you will eventually get the response "that is not evidence". People get tired of repeating themselves hundreds of times.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, I said it is not my guess, it is my belief. I did not guess, I researched and came to believe. As a belief it cannot be proven true, but that does not mean it is false.

What you did constitutes guessing to me. Look at your last sentence - you believe it without it being proven, which as you should know by now is not the correct term. Demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt is. And if you believe something that is reasonably doubted, you've guessed.

I suggest you bone up on your logic. If you say it is false because it has not yet been proven true (demonstrated) that is an argument from ignorance.

Except I didn't make that claim. I never commit that fallacy. Nor do any of the other critical thinkers in these threads. We only see that from the faith-based thinkers.

God is not a human so God cannot communicate like a human communicates. That is why God employs a Messenger to communicate for Him

And you were commenting on my reasoning being defective.

I am not forced to reject what it says in the OT, but since it was written by men, I have no reason to believe it.

That's not a rebuttal to my claim, just a denial. Your argument has been that God cannot communicate directly to men. It still stands that if you want to claim that a messenger is the best way for a god to communicate with man, then you must reject that gods can communicate directly unless you also want to claim that messengers are superior to direct communication. They're not whenever both are readily avaible options.

even if God did speak to a few men directly in ancient times when the Bible as written, that does not mean that God did not also speak to Messengers and it does not mean that Messengers are not necessary or a good idea.

Regarding the claim that God can and might have spoken to messengers, that's irrelevant to the discussion of whether that is the best way to communicate. And regarding the second claim, messengers are never the best way to communicate when direct communication is possible. Every extra intermediary corrupts the message a bit more.

Ever heard of Moses? According to the OT the Israelites on Mt Sinai did not want to hear from God directly, it frightened them, so they wanted Moses to receive the message. I heard this from a Jewish woman I once knew.

Irrelevant. People here are asking to hear from a god directly.

In other words, critical thinkers are atheists, and only a few believers can think critically.

That's been my experience. We have many of what I call theistic humanists posting in these threads. They never make the errors that those unskilled at the method continually make. But they appear to be less than 5% of Abrahamic theists. The Dharmics and pagans do much better, but then they generally haven't been taught to disesteem reason, which is a barrier to learning to think critically.

Every theist holds an irrational belief. And of course every atheist holds a rational belief. This of course is the fallacy of black and white thinking.

Disagree. It's a statement that belief in deities is always irrational and rejecting the belief lacking sufficient evidence to believe is always rational. Evey time in each case.

The only point worth making is that YOU do not determine what reason is

I do now, but I didn't invent it and wasn't always able to determine what is reason and what is fallacy. We keep coming to this point - something you can't do you assume nobody can do.

This is not a discussion or even a debate, it is a all-out assault on believers, hiding behind a smokescreen of words, but it doesn't fool me.

The people disagreeing with you don't experience this activity that way. From my side, it's a debate, not an assault. It's dialectic, not war.

You're not the first theist to see it that way, not even the first in this thread. I can understand why you might experience it as a beating, like somebody who keeps losing at blackjack. Trump explains that he considers what's happening to him an all-out assault. Anybody playing a game that they keep losing at is likely to feel that way.


Veteran Member
God communicated to some "special" humans, somewhere, sometime. I'm sure you can see how unfair that is to all those non-special people out there.
No, I cannot see how it is unfair. God decides who is special and He appoints them to be Messengers.
You are not special so you are not getting a message from God. It is that simple.
I'm sure some almighty God might be able to figure that out as well. ;)
He has already figured that out, as noted above, and that is why nobody except the Messengers are EVER going to get a message from God.


Well-Known Member
You are correct. When it comes to prophecies, it is all about interpretation, but that does not mean that Baha'u'llah has not fulfilled the prophecies. If one is really interested one should study the prophecies in their entirety and try to match them up with what Baha'u'llah did to fulfill them. Then can they decide for themselves.

There is no prophecy that says that peace will be established by the Messiah or during His lifetime. That is a common misconception, but you won't find any Bible verses that say that. The prophecies refer to the messianic age in which we are now living, but it is to span 1000 years from the coming of the Messiah, so those prophecies will be fulfilled during the messianic age (1852 - 2852).
"As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, then that prophet will be known as one whom the LORD has truly sent." (Jer 28:9)

It's impossible for us to know. We were supposed to wait until 2852.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence that this universe was created. There is no evidence of it being maintained..
That is absurd .. if all the atomic and gravitational forces ceased, there would be no universe.
Of course, you will say that "we don't know" where these forces originate.

Well believers do know. ;)

You don't bother to support your belief with evidence, you expect others to show you how your claims are false. Then you ignore or deny these explanation with more false claims..
I claim the Qur'an to be my evidence.
If you claim it is delusional and/or fraudulent, then you should be able to show us why that is so.


Veteran Member
No, I cannot see how it is unfair. God decides who is special and He appoints them to be Messengers.
You are not special so you are not getting a message from God. It is that simple.
You don't see how it's unfair that God supposedly picks and chooses "special" individuals out of everyone on the planet that this God supposedly loves and cares about?
Sounds unfair to me, in the same way it's unfair for a parent to favour one of their children over the rest.

He has already figured that out, as noted above, and that is why nobody except the Messengers are EVER going to get a message from God.
So the claim goes.


Well-Known Member
You are making this too easy. You would need to prove that the "Messengers" were messengers of God and that there message was reliable..
That is not true.
50% of the world's population do not need anybody to prove that Messengers of God are who they say they are.

..so why is that?
Is it that these people are gullible fools, or is it that some people just like arguing for the sake of it?

It's simple .. if you do not see any reliable evidence, that is what YOU see.
It is not what believers see.
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Veteran Member
That is absurd .. if all the atomic and gravitational forces ceased, there would be no universe.
Of course, you will say that "we don't know" where these forces originate.
So? That's not evidence that the universe was created.

"We don't know" means we don't know. It doesn't mean, make something up to fill that gap in knowledge.

Well believers do know. ;)
No, you believe. Hence the name, believers.

I claim the Qur'an to be my evidence.
If you claim it is delusional and/or fraudulent, then you should be able to show us why that is so.
The existence of the Qu'ran is your evidence? How?


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant. People here are asking to hear from a god directly..
