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Evolution, maybe someone can explain?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Religious sects conjecture that humans are nothing but dirt. Dust remains dust insofar as I know. Hooroo for now.
I used to work for a funeral home. And I was told that bodies in the casket become slime as time goes on. And more.


The Lost One
Religious sects conjecture that humans are nothing but dirt. Dust remains dust insofar as I know. Hooroo for now.

Dust are by byproduct waste that can either be inorganic or organic.

If the dust come from organic sources, then usually it come breakdowns of tissues, and breakdowns of cells. Once they breakdown into fine particles, you cannot recreate cells from these dust.

But I think the Genesis reference to dust in Genesis 2:7, implied soil.

Soil are mostly made of silicon-based minerals, like silica (quartz) or silicate (feldspar, mica), and these usually come from weathering of rocks. And there are 3 main types of soils - sand, silt & clay.

The human body have no silica or silicate In any cell or tissue. Even though human bones have minerals, these minerals are not silicon-based minerals.

The problems with creationists they don’t understand that.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Slime are actually molds, living organisms that feed on decomposing tissues and vegetation. You really don’t understand the differences
The body decomposes. And other organisms will feast on the remains. Plus the decomposing bodies stink.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Dust are by byproduct waste that can either be inorganic or organic.

If the dust come from organic sources, then usually it come breakdowns of tissues, and breakdowns of cells. Once they breakdown into fine particles, you cannot recreate cells from these dust.

But I think the Genesis reference to dust in Genesis 2:7, implied soil.

Soil are mostly made of silicon-based minerals, like silica (quartz) or silicate (feldspar, mica), and these usually come from weathering of rocks. And there are 3 main types of soils - sand, silt & clay.

The human body have no silica or silicate In any cell or tissue. Even though human bones have minerals, these minerals are not silicon-based minerals.

The problems with creationists they don’t understand that.

I'm just sick of the same nonsense being repeated endlessly without any explanation as to its relevance.

I live in hope that one day someone will come along who wants to have a fair and reasonable discussion. I appreciate many of the people who post here like yourself but other than saying I agree there's not much I could add.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Slime are actually molds, living organisms that feed on decomposing tissues and vegetation. You really don’t understand the differences
Let me put it this way: there was a child buried in that cemetery, in a casket. The mother wanted to be buried with her when she would die, and she did die, so the workers had to open up the casket where the child's body was like mush (that's what they said), and then put that mush in a different casket with the mother's body. Accordingly part of the changes in the body after death are described at the following, "The Stages Of Human Decomposition | Aftermath Services.


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt the laws of thermodynamics. Nor do I doubt they apply to most if not all systems.

But I do doubt they apply to abstractions like "humanity" and I'm quite confident they don't apply to any individual living thing because of free will or the ability to make choices. I once saw a snake try to devour a frog twice its size. The frog was bemused and the snake gave up. It was a poor choice and we all knew it except the snake.
I had a friend who collected snakes, and I learned that they have poor vision, but a good sense of smell/taste. A near sighted snake will taste the air and acted on the flavor. He may not see it clearly, but reacts and will give up if needed. Their brain is programmed to be an opportunist with a fail safe.

In terms of handling his pet snakes, close to their weekly or monthly meal, one needed to wash your hands, if you touched any other animal, like a pet dog or cat. The snake will taste the air, near your hand, decide it is an opportunity to eat and grab your hand. But after a good meal with its belly lump, they are not very hungry, so you can ignore the hand washing. Snakes become docile and friendly. They may even climb up you to stay warm. Although my friend had a Burmese Python, who was very expensive. He had gotten sick and had to be hand fed for several weeks. Once that snake got better, he hated hands, period. He would try to strike your hand even through the glass of his cage. Maybe some snakes have better eyes and long memories.

Will, choice and learning is reflected in increasing the complexity of the brain's wiring; synapses and evolving memories and habits. The brain has natural learning potential and can be define as an advancing state of increasing entropy value; 2nd law driven. This 2nd law connection is connected to how neurons work. When they pump and exchange cations, they cause the state of the neuron's membrane to lower entropy due to ion segregation and concentrations. Ion would prefer bend via the 2nd law and not segregate.

The neuron by going the wrong way, is adding an extra potential with the 2nd law. Firing neurons bleeds the ions and increases entropy again. We get inevitable firing needed to make memory conscious. All our sensory systems will fire neurons in the brain and our universal urge to interact in sensory reality, is based on a 2nd law urge; increases the entropy state of the brain so it feels good.

A state variable is a mathematical representation of a system's status at a given moment, capturing all necessary information to describe the system's past, present, and future behavior. It serves as a critical component in control theory, particularly in optimal control settings, where it helps in formulating the system's dynamics and governing the decision-making processes to achieve desired outcomes.

Among the complexity of the brain wiring are divergence pathways, for multiple choices; will. Cells work the same way but are a different and lower level entropic states. One interesting group of single cells are the white blood cells, which are like little autonomous single cells, that can move with ameboid motion, and devour virus and bacteria. They contain our entire human DNA. They are like our single cellular mini-me, and almost appear conscious with a human job to do. They too are an entropic state, but more within the lower range. An organ is more complex and has a higher value. The human body is a wide collection of states from single enzymes, to organs, to the brain and then to consciousness, as well as the entire body, mind and soul.

The value of this entropic state way of looking at life, and natural 2nd law push to increase the value of all the states, is evolution has a sense of direction; from smallest to larger states. The entire control system state increases over time. Interestingly as we get older and body systems break down, this is also increasing entropy, but not in a progressive life giving way. Cancer is also a high entropy state, which can become harmful, since it upsets the control systems of other sub-states.

Just increase the entropy within life is not enough. This increase also has to maintain and advance, system control, to get evolution.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who collected snakes, and I learned that they have poor vision, but a good sense of smell/taste. A near sighted snake will taste the air and acted on the flavor. He may not see it clearly, but reacts and will give up if needed. Their brain is programmed to be an opportunist with a fail safe.

In terms of handling his pet snakes, close to their weekly or monthly meal, one needed to wash your hands, if you touched any other animal, like a pet dog or cat. The snake will taste the air, near your hand, decide it is an opportunity to eat and grab your hand. But after a good meal with its belly lump, they are not very hungry, so you can ignore the hand washing. Snakes become docile and friendly. They may even climb up you to stay warm. Although my friend had a Burmese Python, who was very expensive. He had gotten sick and had to be hand fed for several weeks. Once that snake got better, he hated hands, period. He would try to strike your hand even through the glass of his cage. Maybe some snakes have better eyes and long memories.

Will, choice and learning is reflected in increasing the complexity of the brain's wiring; synapses and evolving memories and habits. The brain has natural learning potential and can be define as an advancing state of increasing entropy value; 2nd law driven. This 2nd law connection is connected to how neurons work. When they pump and exchange cations, they cause the state of the neuron's membrane to lower entropy due to ion segregation and concentrations. Ion would prefer bend via the 2nd law and not segregate.

The neuron by going the wrong way, is adding an extra potential with the 2nd law. Firing neurons bleeds the ions and increases entropy again. We get inevitable firing needed to make memory conscious. All our sensory systems will fire neurons in the brain and our universal urge to interact in sensory reality, is based on a 2nd law urge; increases the entropy state of the brain so it feels good.

Among the complexity of the brain wiring are divergence pathways, for multiple choices; will. Cells work the same way but are a different and lower level entropic states. One interesting group of single cells are the white blood cells, which are like little autonomous single cells, that can move with ameboid motion, and devour virus and bacteria. They contain our entire human DNA. They are like our single cellular mini-me, and almost appear conscious with a human job to do. They too are an entropic state, but more within the lower range. An organ is more complex and has a higher value. The human body is a wide collection of states from single enzymes, to organs, to the brain and then to consciousness, as well as the entire body, mind and soul.

The value of this entropic state way of looking at life, and natural 2nd law push to increase the value of all the states, is evolution has a sense of direction; from smallest to larger states. The entire control system state increases over time. Interestingly as we get older and body systems break down, this is also increasing entropy, but not in a progressive life giving way. Cancer is also a high entropy state, which can become harmful, since it upsets the control systems of other sub-states.

Just increase the entropy within life is not enough. This increase also has to maintain and advance, system control, to get evolution.
Very interesting. If only the brain were a closed system.


Active Member
Hi McBell. Nothing can be PROVEN scientifically isn't that true? And then of course the opposite might be true. So I encourage you to figure out the mathematical possibility for yourself, thanks.
The fact that nothing can be proven scientifically does not mean that all hypotheses are equally probable or that they are all supported by the same amount of evidence. The scientific consensus depends on the weight of the evidence for the different hypotheses.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The fact that nothing can be proven scientifically does not mean that all hypotheses are equally probable or that they are all supported by the same amount of evidence. The scientific consensus depends on the weight of the evidence for the different hypotheses.
Let's see if you can answer this: how probable is it that visitors from outer space dropped the essential elements to start the growth of life on earth?


The Lost One
Let's see if you can answer this: how probable is it that visitors from outer space dropped the essential elements to start the growth of life on earth?

You haven’t answered one of earlier posts to you, when you brought up Nobel winner scientist who supposedly said aliens brought elements to Earth from their spaceships.

Who is this scientist? Or did you make him or her up?


The Lost One
Ok. No problem. On the other hand I will say that hypotheses are taught as truth in textbooks then can change later.

Hypthoeses are not published in any textbooks.

Only scientific theories are found in textbooks.

Scientific theories are those explanations that have been thoroughly tested, verified, and accepted as sciences.

A hypothesis, on the other hand, is a proposed explanation, that are either undergoing tests, or haven’t been tested yet; regardless, it isn’t accepted as science, until it has been rigorously tested.

Evolution is a theory, and acce as science, whereas Abiogenesis is still a hypothesis and haven’t been accepted as science, so Abiogenesis isn’t yet published in any textbooks.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Religious sects conjecture that humans are nothing but dirt. Dust remains dust insofar as I know.
I had to laugh at that, since you said it to a poster famous for telling us that fish stay fish and gorillas stay gorillas.
Look for it. Just like I was told to take a course in evolution, you can also look for the mathematical possibilities online
He has no incentive to do that unless he was sincerely interested in the video rather than curious to see what kind of a source it was or if you understood it.

I'm also not interested in seeing what you consider a source that calls evolution improbable, but I was interested to see if I could find the video to which you referred, so I searched "video of probabilities in evolutionary biology."

Several hits appeared, but as best I could tell, only one was from creationists, so it's probably the one you watched. I didn't look at it. The word creation was enough for me.
