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EVOLUTION, what a lie.


Intentionally Blank
no not magic poofing. you've assumed that without asking, have i told you that it is wrong to assume things?
That's what you said, That Allah spoke it and it was so. That's magic poofing.
ok listen, we have been created gradualy, and by gradualy i mean the same process as the child in it's mothers woumb, not the process of ToE. there are a few 'ingredients' that Allah (swt) speaks of in the quran about the human body formation and maybe the all the other worldly creatures, but they are not important, they are just mindless sheep.

the 'ingreedients' are; water, clay and blood. i think they are the only 'ingreedients'. oh and maybe sperm or something, i'm not too sure on sperm though.
Could you cite the verses in question? Thanks.

we will see about that. but yes i have been throwing a few questions that are related to atheism.
Which is something completely different from the scientific theory of evolution. If you want to argue against atheism, start a thread on it.

yeah i know. ok i will stop doing that.

there are way too many theories in my head at the moment, i don't plan on studying about evolution as much until it is actually proven or has some solid proof for one of it's claims. :D
Once again you are revealing your ignorance. Nothing is ever proven in science, not gravity, not electricity, not that the earth is round. Nothing. Science is all about evidence. Theories are accepted if the evidence supports them. ToE is accepted because the evidence supports it.

How does this sound, until you learn
(1) what ToE is
(2) what the overwhelming evidence is that caused it to be accepted as a foundation of modern Biology;
you stop running around the internet making a fool of yourself by stating that it's false, O.K.?


I want Khilafah back

are we going to continue in one thread only or are we going o go back and forth all the time, i hate answering the same question twice.

go to the other thread, i have answered you there.


Eternal Dreamer

I hope this hasn't been asked before.......

But how old do you think the Earth is,
and what do you base this on?

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Active Member
So by your repeated failure to answer my question, I assume that (1) you do not want to learn what ToE actually says (2) you still reject it (3) you don't want to admit that you're opposing a theory you don't even understand. Is that right?

Lol, not right :rolleyes:. Do I need to learn something I already know?

No, and no. I don't assume that my knowledge is 100%. On the contrary, our scientific knowledge is tiny. It is also the greatest we have. And before you make yourself look like even more of an ignoramus, I suggest you learn what a theory is. I'm tired of explaining it to ignorant creationists who have no interest in reducing their ignorance. Fascinating and irrelevant. Do you have any interest in talking about science at all? Do you reject and oppose all science, or only Biology?
Do you think I do not know what ToE offers? If you don't even know your 7th grade biology - you think you can assume that I "oppose" biology? :foot: What have I been commenting on? You must be joking.

Please stop preaching; it's against forum rules. Thank you.

I wasn't preaching, it was a statement in advance, to counter your claim of me being an "ignoramus". Please stop making false accusations :D. Thank you.

That's what you said, That Allah spoke it and it was so. That's magic poofing. Could you cite the verses in question? Thanks.

If everything from plants to animals (not the "smart" apes you call ourselves) do what they're supposed to do are they not in submission to Allah's Will? Allah makes this point in several areas of the Qur'an:

They say, "Allāh has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him, {The Holy Qur'an 2:116}

What is perceived as "magic proofing" by you, is power to Allah:

Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.

Those who do not know say, “Why does Allāh not speak to us or there come to us a sign?” Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith]. {The Holy Qu'ran 2:117-118}

"Such statements in the Qur'an of course. What better evidence is there?"

Better yet - just bring your god around for a chat. I'm sure a few questions will clear up this entire matter.:yes:

Who would ever guess that Allah spoke about Omar in the Qur'an ay? :sarcastic

You skipped right past that question to your mythology about your invisible friend.:( Why did you do that?:confused:

You accuse brother Eselam of skipping your questions after you skip mine? Why do you do that?:confused: Lol.

Peace be upon you.


Intentionally Blank
Lol, not right :rolleyes:. Do I need to learn something I already know?
Posts like this:
If you claim that we both came from a common ancestor, why haven't apes like the chimps developed human-like brains already?
indicate that you don't understand ToE. If you did, you would realize that your question doesn't make sense. Two different species can have a common ancestor and still be different, whether in intelligence, color, size or any number of other traits.

Do you think I do not know what ToE offers?
If you don't even know your 7th grade biology - you think you can assume that I "oppose" biology? :foot: What have I been commenting on? You must be joking.
If you reject ToE, you reject modern Biology. And yes, I do not think that you understand ToE.

I wasn't preaching, it was a statement in advance, to counter your claim of me being an "ignoramus". Please stop making false accusations :D. Thank you.
Repeat it and I will report you. Then we'll see whether it violates forum rules.<snip irrelevant theological discussion> If you want to discuss theology, start a thread. This one is about evolution.

What is perceived as "magic proofing" by you, is power to Allah:
And Allah's power is perceived as magic poofing, according to you.


Active Member
Posts like this: indicate that you don't understand ToE. If you did, you would realize that your question doesn't make sense. Two different species can have a common ancestor and still be different, whether in intelligence, color, size or any number of other traits.

This does not show how they have a different mental capacity to us and to why there is no other mammal similar to us in this respect.

Repeat it and I will report you. Then we'll see whether it violates forum rules.<snip irrelevant theological discussion> If you want to discuss theology, start a thread. This one is about evolution.

Is this supposed to scare me? It is not the first time that I have posted it; nobody has claimed that it violated foum rules which must mean that you are just looking to demean my comments. Tisk, sore loser. I post it because it is an acknowledgment that we humans do not know everything - for doing so would be a show of arrogance. There would be no new discoveries in that case :rolleyes:.

And Allah's power is perceived as magic poofing, according to you.

This does not make sense; you are the one that said it was "magic poofing". Even after I address your request for a quote of the verses you still ignore my point.

Peace be upon you
:sarcastic Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah&#8217;s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
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Originally Posted by Autodidact
Posts like this: indicate that you don't understand ToE. If you did, you would realize that your question doesn't make sense. Two different species can have a common ancestor and still be different, whether in intelligence, color, size or any number of other traits.
This does not show how they have a different mental capacity to us and to why there is no other mammal similar to us in this respect.
I am truly amazed by your lack of understanding.

This does not show how they have a different mental capacity to us
Because they are different. Your argument is basically, "Evolution can't be true because if it was then all primates would be humans." That is not even remotely logical or reasonable to assume.

why there is no other mammal similar to us in this respect.
Because there aren't.

Again, your argument is as sensible as saying, "Mercury has no atmosphere and therefore is not a planet. Only the Earth is a planet because it is the only orb that sustains life."

Your whole problem is that your reasoning is faulty and skewed by your desire to hold to a pre-conceived notion of Creation. Rather than looking at the evidence and coming to a rational conclusion, you assume a conclusion and try to cram the evidence to fit your pre-defined answer.

Allah is a myth that you cling to rather than embracing truth. This is the core of the conflict between your worldview and a reasonable one.
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Well-Known Member
"Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is."

Psst Hey, softly now, listen up.

That IS "magic poofing" things into existence.

And it is foolish medieval superstition.:(


Active Member
I am truly amazed by your lack of understanding.


Again, your argument is as sensible as saying, "Mercury has no atmosphere and therefore is not a planet. Only the Earth is a planet because it is the only orb that sustains life."
Sensibe to whom? In your defense, how do you know that Earth is the only one like so? In mine, if true (Earth being the only one) doesn't that give you a clue?

Rather than looking at the evidence and coming to a rational conclusion, you assume a conclusion and try to cram the evidence to fit your pre-defined answer.

? So you are not doing the same thing when it comes to verses of the Qur'an? You're like poor comedy.

Allah is a myth that you cling to rather than embracing truth. This is the core of the conflict between your worldview and a reasonable one.

That's what you'd like to belive isn't it?

Peace be upon you.


Active Member
Psst Hey, softly now, listen up.

That IS "magic poofing" things into existence.

And it is foolish medieval superstition.:(

Lol no, just not a detailed thesis on how that works. The Qur'an is a book of guidance and warning, not a research paper. You would rather cover your ears than hear anyone say that. The test is, whether you would believe Allah would be able to so it without seeing it for yourself. I would think you'd understand that.

Peace be upon you.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'm fuzzy on this...
Why is evolution counter to Allah's power?

Could Allah not have used evolution as a way of setting up creation so that it is able to maintain itself?



Active Member
I'm fuzzy on this...
Why is evolution counter to Allah's power?

Could Allah not have used evolution as a way of setting up creation so that it is able to maintain itself?


It doesn't.

But Allah specifically mentioned thrice, In the Torah, Bible and Qur'an that He created Adam (PBUH) as the first man. That doesn't sit well with Darwin fanatics.

Peace be upon you.


The Lost One
OmarKhayyam said:
Remind me never to GO to Qatar.:)

Scratch that. I don't need to be reminded.:rolleyes:


turkeyonrye said:
If we evolved from monkeys, then why aren't monkeys humans too, huh?

We're not.

We have come from a common ancestor. That's different.


Intentionally Blank
This does not show how they have a different mental capacity to us and to why there is no other mammal similar to us in this respect.
That's fascinating. Now, are you interested in finding out what it does explain?

This does not make sense; you are the one that said it was "magic poofing".
According to you, the way that Allah created us is to say so and poof, there we were, right?