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Explain this logically christians....


Outstanding Member
Kathryn said:
Play along with me here for a minute.

Do you really want God intervening in all choices we make? Do you really want all risk taken away? Wouldn't that just turn us all into happy robots?

Our freedom to choose involves risk. No risk, no gain.

Yay for happy robots. I wanna be one.

Do you believe in paradise? In the paradise there is supposed to be no evil. What happens to free will there if there is no evil?


Outstanding Member
was it designed for drunkeness or relaxation? who drinks too much and looses control of ones self?

It was designed for every use possible. When God creates somethings he already know how it will be used.

is god forcing you to go to bed apart from your choice? or do you say im goin to sleep? does god lay u down when u dont want to?

God created our bodies , either indirectly or directly, and our body is forcing us to sleep. In other words, God is forcing us to sleep. ;)

he did, but adam sinned, knowing the penalty and he inherited sin from the tree, then he having sin in his blood, changing his nature had a child after sinning. blame adam for not bein perfectly created... blame yourself for taking upon your own guilt, by your choice of disobedience to the law bringing your own guilt apart from adam, by the choices you made = accountability.

My name is not Adam. I can not pay for what i have not done.

by one mans obedience (jesus) we are given spiritual life. who besides jesus according to the bible is 100% obedient, by their actions? noone. point not good biblically.

Just curious. What happened to people living between Adam and Moses?


godless wonder
it was not gods will for the drunk driver to hit the family. however, it was the drunk drivers free will wich lead him to getting drunk and choosing to drive. God does not mess with our free will. he gives us the freedom of choice... in fact gods will is for the man not to be drunk, because the consequences of drunkeness mixed with driving are dangerous... blame the drunk drivers will not god's will. and i am sorry to hear that.
How about this? The victim's car is SLOWED by a stoplight that god manipulated to stay red longer. Now the VICTIM uses free will to run the stop light or ignore it. At least in this scenario the victim made a choice.
The victim here had no "free will" to choose to avoid the accident. It's the the same with all INNOCENT victims of death by another.


godless wonder
free will:
freedom of choice. acting out what you want. not forced, but desired
So according to this god gives you a "choice" of life with him or "death" with eternal torment.
Hmmmm, don't know too many people who want to be tormented or be dead (of course people suffering from illness might choose death, but that's another thread) or would enjoy it.

My point is that this is a "forced" decision. It's constrained by lack of option. An ultimatum. It's either live or die.

A better definition of freedom of choice and free will would be like: what country would you like to live in? What ingredients would like in your salad? Should I buy a jacket or sweater?
Get it?


godless wonder
maybe this will help :

bible beleivers and god: mankind deserves the worst not the best

the heart of mankind: mankind deserves the best and never the worst

bible or god:
Jer 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked

mankind: follow your heart, be proud of it.

Psa 10:3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth.
Psa 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. Psa 10:5 His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight

and I am just as wicked as all of mankind.... all i did was beleive god, and he promises peace and the best to come to beleivers, freely given and not earned. christians are not self righteous, but humbly accepting that fact and veiwing our logic based on that, or our god's word.
Scripture isn't proof that "god" said or commanded this.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Play along with me here for a minute.

Do you really want God intervening in all choices we make? Do you really want all risk taken away? Wouldn't that just turn us all into happy robots?
I know you don't like it when people answer your questions with questions, but I'm doing it anyway :)p) with the same question I asked search the scriptures:

Is there free will in Heaven?

I ask this because I think the answer sheds some light on this issue:

- if it's "yes", then a perfect life without suffering is possible even with free will.

- if it's "no", then in the long run, God doesn't really care about our free will at all.

But to answer your question more directly, I don't think it has to be a question of "all". For instance, I mentioned the problem that we use the same tube to eat as to breathe, which makes it a lot easier for us to accidentally kill ourselves. Would we become "happy robots" simply by having separate tubes connecting our mouth and our nose to our stomach and lungs respectively? I don't think we would. There's a ton of suffering in this world that can't be attributed to some sort of fear of avoiding the "happy robot" circumstance.

And as I alluded to before, doesn't God keep us from some harmful choices anyhow? God set up the physical laws of the universe so that I can kill a person by stabbing him with a knife, but not by poking him with my finger. He arranged things so that if I drink too much alcohol, my senses will be impaired, but if I drink the same amount of water or milk, my senses will be fine. Since God has prevented us from doing most conceivable harmful things, I think it's doesn't fit the facts at hand to say that God's got a problem with preventing us from doing harmful things.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
was it designed for drunkeness or relaxation?
I don't know - the yeast are the ones who made it, and they're not telling me.

is god forcing you to go to bed apart from your choice? or do you say im goin to sleep? does god lay u down when u dont want to?
God has created the bargain that says "if you stay up all night, you will be completely useless tomorrow."

And yes, if I try to not sleep at all, eventually "God" intervenes and forces me to sleep.

he did, but adam sinned, knowing the penalty and he inherited sin from the tree, then he having sin in his blood, changing his nature had a child after sinning.
Then Adam was not perfect. A creation that sins is not a perfect creation.

blame adam for not bein perfectly created... blame yourself for taking upon your own guilt, by your choice of disobedience to the law bringing your own guilt apart from adam, by the choices you made = accountability.
Why would I blame Adam? We're all "pots", each appointed by the "potter" to our set task. When something goes wrong with a pot, do you blame the pot or the potter who made it?

getting drunk, you can get sick, could harm u or others...
Ah... so you think we can infer God's will from the natural world?

I don't think this is a road you want to start down.

law and penalty for breaking stop alot of people. not god.
Neither does logical consistency, apparently.

yes, the devil willingly disobeyed god as an angel, and is condemned for doing so. as well as other angels... but the offer of reconciliation is only to mankind.
I'm not sure you answered what I was trying to get at:

Say you die and find yourself in Heaven. Will you still have free will?


Industrial Strength Linguist
But a purpose is being served by permitting evil - it's just that you don't grasp it . Please se #574

OK, going to #574:

Some people will look for infinite reasons and excuses to blame God for all human ills totally ignoring the fact that it has been established from the start that man was given 6 days (6000 years) in which to do their own thing Ex.20v9.
I do not agree. Believers tend not to look for excuses to blame God. Rather, they bend over backwards to rationalize God's behavior or lack thereof. Nonbelievers, of course, have nobody to blame, although they do find it hard to buy the rationalizations of believers. The idea that God would set any time limit on humanity makes it sound as if an omniscient being is conducting an experiment to discover something it doesn't already know. So what you say here sounds preposterous.

This period was given to man to show just how we would cope with life seeing it was our choice to do so Gen.3v6.
The ancients who created and reworked the Genesis story over time had a concept of God that was less than perfect. Their God could simultaneously know everything and need to find stuff out that it did not know. That may have sounded a little crazy back then, but they were working with a more impoverished understanding of the universe. Their version of God had more human flaws than the modern version tends to have. Nowadays, the Christian God is thought to be a little less clueless as to the choices his creations would make. We have the pagan Plato to thank for the idea of a perfect being. ;)

To say that God has done nothing in all that time is quite untrue. 2000 years ago he made possible for people to be saved from their own ignorance and mistake thus vastly improving their human lot - but the majority do not want to know and continue to act vile and blame God for it. Sadly this will continue until man's allotted time is up showing that man can not live correctly without God.
Alternatively--Sadly, people will continue to believe in such an implausible being until the human race comes to an end. It is in our nature to cling to such beliefs, even though we ought to know better. Perhaps it is more empowering to us to believe that all of reality is ultimately there to serve our needs. The belief that the universe is indifferent to our survival can be very frightening.

Popping out of #574...

God is showing man the results of disobeying His Word, His Commandments. If God were to step in every time we are about to do something wrong would we ever learn not to be the cause of it?
Indeed, yes. We would have to be awful stupid to disobey him if he stepped in every time. The fact that he doesn't step in like that does lead people to think that they can get away with a lot, doesn't it? So it would make great sense for God to intervene, if he wanted us to learn that bad behavior would have consequences. If he existed, why wouldn't he do that?

God wants man to think before we do something that could hurt ourself or others. God already knows what hurts man but we are the ones's that must learn that by repenting and shunning further wrongdoing.
Right, but God could teach us the lesson far more quickly if he didn't play coy with us. The direct approach would be infinitely better. Can you think of a good reason why he doesn't step in more often?


Well-Known Member
Nah, I think it's more like a bunch of clerics out to make you feel guilty all the time so you'll keep their pews and collection plates full.

This scam has been going on for thousands of years. Don't you think it's time to put an end to it?
friend , I don't go to church :)


Industrial Strength Linguist
Play along with me here for a minute.

Do you really want God intervening in all choices we make? Do you really want all risk taken away? Wouldn't that just turn us all into happy robots?

Our freedom to choose involves risk. No risk, no gain.
I'm playing, but you must play, too. So then we obviously lose that freedom for all of eternity once we achieve our immortal existence after physical death. Our physical lives are brief in comparison to eternity. In the end, we are "happy robots" for a lot longer than the less happy non-robots that we are now. Will we look back on our mortal lives with longing?


Well-Known Member

Quote from NIV:

Exodus 20:8-11

[8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. ]

So now we are gonna work for 6000 years, and rest 1000 years?

If you make a big mistake in your life, how about me turning you and your next generations my slaves for the next 1000 thousand years? Would you think it is fair? Seriously, wake up. It was not our choice. Neither you nor me ate the fruit, so we can not pay for what was not done by us AND before we were even born.

You missed the point entirely......
Al right - lets go back to the 7 day week. Ex.20v9 : 6 days shall you labour and do all your own work.v10 but the 7th day is the sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work.
Is that easier to understand ? If you don't keep it holy you break the 4th command of God and sin - therefore you are still eating the same fruit Adam and Eve did. :eek:


Outstanding Member
Al right - lets go back to the 7 day week. Ex.20v9 : 6 days shall you labour and do all your own work.v10 but the 7th day is the sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work.
Is that easier to understand ? If you don't keep it holy you break the 4th command of God and sin - therefore you are still eating the same fruit Adam and Eve did. :eek:

I have never worked in the 7th day of the week. What are you talking about? :areyoucra


godless wonder
Al right - lets go back to the 7 day week. Ex.20v9 : 6 days shall you labour and do all your own work.v10 but the 7th day is the sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work.
Is that easier to understand ? If you don't keep it holy you break the 4th command of God and sin - therefore you are still eating the same fruit Adam and Eve did. :eek:
Well then is church service, which is usually held on Sundays a violation since this would be considered a "work day" for preachers, priests etc?


To some of you folks' glee, this will be smokeybear's last post on this thread.

The following is a little off-topic to start but will merge with the Ninerbuff's original query.

Logic works only in a closed system. Since reality is not a closed system, logic has limited use.

For example:

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spent his academic career studying the Great Depression -- how it happened and how it could have been prevented. He gave a speech in 2002 outlining the procedure for stopping a deflationary collapse like the Great Depression. The speech was applauded by economists all over the world.

One could presume that creating inflation to stop a deflationary spiral to be logically sound. The Federal Reserve is currently flooding the financial system with newly printed money to try to keep interest rates low thereby stimulating borrowing and spending. They are following Ben Bernanke's well-planned procedure to stop deflation and create jobs. Not only is the plan failing, but the money-printing is causing commodities and energy prices to soar. thereby extracting money from the rest of the economy.

Businesses are feeling the pinch because, while their overhead costs are rising, they find it difficult to raise prices into falling demand. The more the Fed prints, the worse the situation becomes.

What seemed a sound logical solution is actually counter-productive. This is because nature is not a closed system. Quite the contrary, natural forces are extremely unpredictable.

To paraphrase famous economist John Kenneth Galbraith, "Any good farmer knows more about economics than any economist." Since modern man left nature to live in climate-controlled cities, he overlooked his inadequacy in dealing with the wild impulses of the cosmos.

Another example is science's attempt to find the essential particle by dividing atoms into smaller and smaller particles with accelerators. Billions are spent on these machines that have no hope of ever finding the essential stuff. Their efforts come out of an ignorance of infinity. There is no end to small just as there is no end to big.

Therefore, it is not logical to use logic to deal with unseen natural forces. Logic and its inherent reason is, however, mostly adequate to deal with known, controllable things -- like fuel injection.

The original post on this thread stated that the person in question turned to faith in God after suffering a tragedy. This is a microcosm of what will occur as our economic system collapses.

Suffering is part of life. The good times experienced in the inflationary cycle have shrouded our memory of how life is naturally. Suffering reminds man that he is not all-powerful and opens his heart to seeking the real nature of reality. That is why we are here.

The failure of man to know and control natural forces coupled with increased suffering will send many to spirituality for answers. The person in the original post was doing what comes naturally, not logically.

It is easy to say what you would do "if,", quite another when your whole world collapses in front of you. This is part of the ignorance of left-brain logic. It expects and tries to inject continuity into a reality that has none.

Just ask Ben Bernanke.

Last edited:


Outstanding Member
To some of you folks' glee, this will be smokeybear's last post on this thread.

The following is a little off-topic to start but will merge with the Ninerbuff's original query.

Logic works only in a closed system. Since reality is not a closed system, logic has limited use.

For example:

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spent his academic career studying the Great Depression -- how it happened and how it could have been prevented. He gave a speech in 2002 outlining the procedure for stopping a deflationary collapse like the Great Depression. The speech was applauded by economists all over the world.

One could presume that creating inflation to stop a deflationary spiral to be logically sound. The Federal Reserve is currently flooding the financial system with newly printed money to try to keep interest rates low thereby stimulating borrowing and spending. They are following Ben Bernanke's well-planned procedure to stop deflation and create jobs. Not only is the plan failing, but the money-printing is causing commodities and energy prices to soar. thereby extracting money from the rest of the economy.

Businesses are feeling the pinch because, while their overhead costs are rising, they find it difficult to raise prices into falling demand. The more the Fed prints, the worse the situation becomes.

What seemed a sound logical solution is actually counter-productive. This is because nature is not a closed system. Quite the contrary, natural forces are extremely unpredictable.

To paraphrase famous economist John Kenneth Galbraith, "Any good farmer knows more about economics than any economist." Since modern man left nature to live in climate-controlled cities, he overlooked his inadequacy in dealing with the wild impulses of the cosmos.

Another example is science's attempt to find the essential particle by dividing atoms into smaller and smaller particles with accelerators. Billions are spent on these machines that have no hope of ever finding the essential stuff. Their efforts come out of an ignorance of infinity. There is no end to small just as there is no end to big.

Therefore, it is not logical to use logic to deal with unseen natural forces. Logic and its inherent reason is, however, mostly adequate to deal with known, controllable things -- like fuel injection.

The original post on this thread stated that the person in question turned to faith in God after suffering a tragedy. This is a microcosm of what will occur as our economic system collapses.

Suffering is part of life. The good times experienced in the inflationary cycle have shrouded our memory of how life is naturally. Suffering reminds man that he is not all-powerful and opens his heart to seeking the real nature of reality. That is why we are here.

The failure of man to know and control natural forces coupled with increased suffering will send many to spirituality for answers. The person in the original post was doing what comes naturally, not logically.

It is easy to say what you would do "if,", quite another when your whole world collapses in front of you. This is part of the ignorance of left-brain logic. It expects and tries to inject continuity into a reality that has none.

Just ask Ben Bernanke.


Your last post and you lost the point entirely. ;)


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yay for happy robots. I wanna be one.

Do you believe in paradise? In the paradise there is supposed to be no evil. What happens to free will there if there is no evil?

From my limited human perspective, I cannot fully grasp the concept of living in a state of perfection.